Taoist Master: I have a strange world

Chapter 152: Promoted to the sixth rank of Immortal Official!

Chapter 152: Promoted to the sixth rank of Immortal Official!

Network data, electric current, ultraviolet light.

These things only appeared in modern times.

There is only one Taoist cultivator in modern times, Zhang Ling, so if he uses these things to practice, he is innovating and developing new methods of practice.

As for whether these things are good or bad for spiritual practice, we can only leave it to be verified in the future.

But Zhang Ling feels that it is still very possible to use electric current to refine gods.

If Zhang Ling was practicing an ordinary method, he would never dare to use electric current to refine gods.

But what he practices is the "Three Days of Righteous Dharma". In theory, the Yuan Shen can control the energy of the three days.

Three days is all-inclusive.

This kind of everything includes thunder.

Zhang Ling walked toward the mountain alone. He was wearing a Taoist robe. The Taoist priests in the Taoist temple on the mountain did not stop him. Instead, they looked at Zhang Ling with eyes full of curiosity.

Zhang Ling is a little strange, because even if he has some reputation, it should be a reputation among high-level Taoists. How can he know a Taoist priest when he meets him?

"Fellow Taoist, is Taoist Master Zhang Ling whose dharma name is Daoming?"

The Wanfa Zongtan altar is used for preaching on weekdays.

"Because Taoist friend has a Taoist appearance, which is exactly what Zuzhenzhen said." The Taoist priest said with some amazement: "I have been practicing for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen a fellow Taoist with such an outstanding appearance."

Moreover, the examination is conducted by three divisions, that is, the transmission division, the recommendation division, and the supervision division are all assessed together.

However, Zhang Ling did not consider this for the time being until the strength of his soul increased.

With this thought, Zhang Ling entered the temple and went to the 'Wanfa Zong Altar' under the leadership of a Taoist priest.

According to the current situation, Zhang Ling is destined to become a large consumer of electricity.

"Yes, how do you know me?"

Long-term practice has allowed Zhang Ling's skin and facial features to reach a flawless and harmonious state, and his eyes are sparkling, which makes him look extraordinary at first glance.

"The most pure person..."

Therefore, after Zhang Ling Yuanshen becomes stronger, it is not impossible to use electric current to refine an electric current Yuanshen.

In the future, Zhang Ling made some more sacrifices to make the green-skin gourd more tolerant, and it was able to charge tens of thousands of kilowatt-hours at a time.

After passing the assessment, the official promotion will be tomorrow.


Zhang Ling went to have his morning classes.

Zhang Ling, wearing a Taoist robe, took a ride and went straight to Longhu Mountain.

According to Taoist physiognomy, Zhang Ling's appearance is also an outstanding Taoist appearance.

Zhang Ling was a little surprised. He didn't expect to meet the Pure One here.

What surprised Zhang Ling was that the other party mentioned Zhichun Zhenren.

There is an endless supply, isn’t it the best means and materials for refining gods?

When Zhang Ling returned to the Taoist temple, the sky lit up slightly.

It takes tens of thousands of degrees to fully charge a green gourd at one time.

If you fail the assessment, there will be no promotion tomorrow.

"Is the Pure One in the observation?" Zhang Ling asked.

It was like taking the initiative to help Zhang Ling become famous among Taoists, so this assessment took place in just a few days.

After filling the green leather gourd with electricity, Zhang Ling loaded some goods in the warehouse and then left the warehouse.

At critical times, it is also used for practice and teaching.

According to what my uncle said, the role of Zhichun Zhenren was involved in this promotion, and the other party said hello.

On the way, Zhang Ling did not forget to take out his mobile phone and directly charged millions of electricity bills to the electricity account where the warehouse was located.

"Yes, Zhichun Zhenren came to our temple yesterday and talked about you when he was giving us a lecture." The Taoist priest replied.

Zhang Ling looked down.

After finishing his morning class, Zhang Ling simply packed up, took his Yiying magic weapon, and went to Longhu Mountain to participate in the 'promotion assessment'.

It is even easier to obtain than the Sun Essence and the Moon Essence.

His current appearance is indeed extraordinary.

Electricity bills worth millions may not last long.

Modern electricity is everywhere.

At the same time, Zhang Ling couldn't help but have a suspicion in his mind: "Could it be that Zhichunren came here because of me?"

What we are going to conduct today is the assessment.

After Zhang Ling came down the mountain, the sun was still shining brightly. Zhang Ling's footsteps were brisk and he went straight to the mountain.

Now, if Zhang Ling wants to pass the examination for promotion, he must also pass the examination for the third division here.

Soon, Zhang Ling came to the altar of Wanfa Sect and saw a lecture platform, on which sat Zhang Zhichun, who was wearing a red Taoist robe, and another Taoist who was wearing a purple Taoist robe.

At the moment, Zhang Zhichun was preaching to a kind of Taoist priest.

"Zhichun Zhenren is one of the three masters in this assessment?"

Seeing this posture, Zhang Ling immediately reacted.

He understood why Zhang Zhichun came here and sat on the lecture platform.

This time, there was a clear intention to stand up for him.

"Master, Dao Ming, Taoist friend of Qingxin Guan, is here."

The Taoist priest who led Zhang Ling said something, which immediately attracted the attention of other Taoist priests, causing them to turn their heads to look at Zhang Ling.

At this look, everyone, regardless of their age, had a look of surprise on their faces.

Because Zhang Ling's appearance is outstanding and extraordinary, he can stand out among others at a glance.


Master Zhichun even stood up, waved to Zhang Ling with a smile on his face, and at the same time said to the Taoist wearing a purple robe beside him: "This is Daoming."

"Excellent talent." The purple-robed Taoist couldn't help but nod in praise.

Zhang Ling also went up to see the Li Jishou, greeted them one by one, and introduced himself.

At the same time, he also got to know these Taoist priests.

In addition to the pure master, the two people around him, one is a descendant of the Celestial Master and is now the leader of Longhu Mountain.

There is another person with a good status. He is the inheritor of the same lineage and is also a high-level member of the local Taoist Association.

But no matter who the other party is, they all have good intentions and praise for Zhang Ling.

Zhichunzhen said: "I have discussed with Dao Ming and know his level."

"The next assessment will be conducted by you, and I will just watch from the side."

Zhang Zhichun had previously complimented fellow Taoist Zhang Ling, but now he did not compliment fellow Taoist Zhang Ling.

Because the occasion is different.

In the eyes of others, Zhang Ling is just a little Taoist priest in a small Taoist temple.

There were some high-ranking people present.

If Master Zhichun continues to address fellow Taoist Zhang Ling, it will inevitably cause resentment among other Taoists.

After all, Zhichun Zhenren, who has a good status, is called a Taoist friend. How can other high Taoists evaluate Zhang Ling?

However, although I cannot call you Taoist friend, Zhichunren has expressed his position.

His words meant that he could no longer assess Zhang Ling, and that he already recognized Zhang Ling.

Soon, Zhang Ling faced the test.

Several high-ranking officials asked Zhang Ling various questions.

There are scripture assessments based on the Taoist scriptures, and there is Taoist knowledge outside the Taoist scriptures.

Various questions, one after another, are never repeated. This shows that the people who asked this question are of high level.

Zhang Ling responded one by one and could answer almost every question.

As his cultivation improved, Zhang Ling's memory also improved, reaching the point where he could never forget anything he read.

Therefore, his accumulation is also very profound and he is able to face these problems freely.

It took two full hours.

The Taoist priests who were watching and witnessing could not help but be stunned.

Because the details Zhang Ling showed were beyond their imagination.

As a result, at the end, the high priests had no questions to ask.

They looked at each other and found that the other party was the same as themselves, almost recognizing Zhang Ling extremely.

"As expected of the person who is praised so highly by Master Zhichun, he is indeed qualified and can be promoted."

The Taoist priest in purple robe opened his mouth and immediately nailed it down.

Other Taoists also nodded in approval.

Zhang Ling expressed his gratitude.

In this way, Zhang Ling successfully passed the review.

I just have to wait until early tomorrow morning for the promotion ceremony to be held at the Ten Thousand Fa Sect Altar in the Tianshi Mansion.

Zhang Ling was assigned a residence to wait for his promotion tomorrow.

After Zhang Ling finished his Taoist homework at his residence, he casually strolled around the Tianshi Mansion.

This place is known as the ancestral home of Taoism and has a very strong Taoist atmosphere.

While Zhang Ling was walking around here, his attention was elsewhere.


As soon as Zhang Ling used his magic power, his eyes suddenly opened wide, and his eyes became slightly enlarged.

As his level improved, Zhang Ling's secret technique also improved, and now he can see more.

Zhang Ling looked above the Tianshi Mansion and could see a French net similar to that of another world.

It is the power of golden-red incense mixed with the power of luck and law, forming a major node that spreads across the world.

"The real world also has a power similar to the French Open, which can suppress the alienation caused by the dirty air."

"It's just that there is no aura in the real world, so people can't practice it."

Zhang Ling looked thoughtful at this invisible force in the real world.

If possible, he wanted to replicate this power in another world, so Zhang Ling was studying how this power was born.

"According to what God Qingyun Mountain said, a large part of the French Open in this other world relies on the power of the earth."

"Maybe that's why the celestial dynasty from another world is able to filter all the energies of heaven and earth."

"But in reality, this invisible power of law only suppresses alienation and filth. It may not have the ability to filter out filth... but modern times don't have such filth."

"Then...if in another world, I use my own Taoist decree as the foundation, plus complete laws and regulations, to establish my own Taoist court, can I replicate this power and even surpass the heavenly law net to filter and suppress the filth and make the other world clear and clear? Where is the day?"

These thoughts flashed through Zhang Ling's mind.

There is a prerequisite for the realization of these ideas.

That is, Zhang Ling's ultimatum needs to be strong enough.

His ultimatum is recognized from modern times and is recognized by the Taoist system.

For now, this kind of recognition is only at the level of 'positive ninth grade', and its power is still limited.

Zhang Ling couldn't help but think, what if his Taoist ultimatum could reach a higher level?

What if it reaches the first level?

When the time comes and there is enough incense, to what extent will the power brought by the Dao Ultimatum be improved?

This is worth looking forward to Zhang Ling.

"If you are promoted tomorrow, the Dao Ultimatum will be changed and you can be promoted again."

"At that time, we will know what kind of new power the Dao Ultimatum will bring!"

With this expectation, Zhang Ling returned to his residence and waited for his promotion to arrive the next day.


The next day, early in the morning.

After Zhang Ling finished his morning classes, he dressed neatly and came to the Wanfa Sect Altar.

Everything is ready here.

"Zhang Ling, a disciple of Qingxin Guan, whose Dharma name is Daoming, is a auxiliary of Taiping, Xianqing, Shenxiao, law enforcement, Immortal Palace, and a weather official in Xitai. His birth date... was born in a prosperous age. He sincerely devoted himself to the Tao, and he was appointed to serve in order to promote Taoism and promote material welfare. People, please pray to the Heavenly Master to report the transfer title on your behalf and collect it..."

Zhang Ling looked serious, standing on the altar of Wanfa Zong, and expressed his memorial expression.

In front of him, there was a purple-robed heavenly master who was personally writing for him, recording these one by one.

What is written is also called a transmission contract.

Then the practice began.

With the help of other high Taoists, a Dharma altar was set up and the contract was established, with the ring-part certificates as evidence.

This part of the ring coupon is the transfer contract split into two.

"Daoming, where is the ultimatum?"

After going through this series of actions, the purple-robed Heavenly Master seriously asked Zhang Ling.

Zhang Ling immediately presented his ultimatum.

That part of the ring coupon was directly pasted on Zhang Ling's Taoist certificate by the purple-robed Heavenly Master, occupying a new page, and also represented Zhang Ling's change in identity.

The other half is burned during the practice, which represents reaching the heaven.

Later, Zhang Ling's magic weapon was also put away.

These magic weapons have also been blessed by rituals, which can be regarded as an upgrade in quality.

Zhang Ling could clearly see from the sidelines that after this ceremony, a kind of power reattached to his magic weapon and Taoist ultimatum.

After this series of processes passed, Zhichun Zhenren also stepped forward and imprinted his own seal on Zhang Ling's ultimatum together with the purple-robed Celestial Master.

In addition, the purple-robed Heavenly Master also said seriously:

"Today, Zhang Ling is awarded the title of 'Tai Shang San Wu Du Gong Sutra', and is given the sixth rank title of 'Shang Qing Mu Bu Shangshu, the Minister of the Shenxiao Palace, and the Deputy Director of the North and South Academy of Dispatch Nine Heavenly Soldiers and Horses'!"

Zhang Ling stood aside and seriously and solemnly took back his Taoist ultimatum and other magical instruments, which also represented acceptance of the ultimatum.

Moreover, Zhang Ling also opened his mouth, chanting the Three Refuges and the Nine Precepts.

The Three Refuges also represent the Three Purities, which are the Supreme Supreme Dao Yuanshi Tianzun, the Thirty-Six Parts Zun Sutra Record Treasure Tianzun, and the Xuanzhong Dafa Master Daode Tianzun, referred to as the "Tao, Sutra, and Master" Three Treasures.

In addition, there are nine precepts.

These nine precepts are the rules of conduct for Taoist priests.

They are: reciting the true precepts, first true precepts, and upholding the true precepts...

The two nine precepts stipulate that we must be kind to save all living beings, and we must not be angry and bully others, and we must not kill indiscriminately, etc.

Zhang Ling proclaimed the nine precepts loudly, with a clear conscience and clear thoughts.

What he did in the other world were actions to save the people, and those actions were also following the Nine Precepts.

Therefore, Zhang Ling had a clear conscience and loudly proclaimed the Nine Commandments with great determination.

"it is good!"

Zhang Zhichun heard the firmness in Zhang Ling's tone and praised him.

Afterwards, the three masters took Zhang Ling and made vows towards the ancestor, a total of twelve wishes.

Just these twelve wishes can also be seen in the behavior of Taoist disciples.

After making the vow, this promotion is over.

Zhang Ling's Taoist certificate has also changed. He was directly promoted from the original ninth-grade Taoist immortal official to the sixth-grade immortal official.

The brand-new immortal position is "the master of the Shenxiao Palace, the minister of the wood department, and the minister of the wood department, who also knows that the two houses of the north and the south send out the nine-day military affairs."

(End of this chapter)

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