Chapter 226 Unify the Continent


As soon as the third generation Ai's voice came out, the faces of the fourth generation Ai and Sakyi immediately showed a look of indignation.

But the two of them were choked by fate and could not speak at all.

It was Yahiko who spoke first, asking Konan to stop, and then asked: "Surrender, are you serious?"

"Seriously!" The Third Raikage dispersed the Thunder Chakra on his body, then raised his hands with a look of helplessness on his face.

"To be honest, the credibility of your Yunyin Village in our organization is not high!" Yahiko said coldly: "So are you sincerely surrendering?"

"I am!" The Third Raikage's tone was already gritted.

"Why?" Yahiko asked, "Why do you want to surrender?"


"Then we don't need to surrender. At worst, we will fight to the end!" Fourth Generation Ai said sharply: "I believe that none of Yunyin's good men are afraid of death!"

"Yes!" Yahiko nodded: "I'm very curious about this. Don't you, the five great ninja villages, want to unify the ninja world?"

So the two finally turned their heads, and Sandai Ai also saw the expressions of his son and his subordinates.

The fourth generation Ai was silent.

"There must be a meaning in fighting!" Sandai Ai shook his head and asked: "Who are you loyal to? Or do you have irresolvable hatred with the Ning organization? Or is the Ning organization an evil organization? Defeating Yun Will Hidden Village massacre the city and destroy the country?"

"Eh?" Yondaimei didn't understand: "It's enough to fight. Why do you ask?"

"Then you still..."

Third, it is useless even if you surrender, you will still be massacred, such as the massacres in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties
But who is Yunyin Village loyal to?

"Ah..." the fourth generation Ai was silent.

What this means is that they only used the latest generation of young people to defeat the more than 20 years of heritage of their entire village!

He was immediately furious: "What are your expressions? Do you think I surrendered for you?"

Having said this, it doesn’t matter if my son doesn’t understand it anymore. Let’s teach him slowly when he gets to the war criminals management center.

"Of course, I've never dreamed of it!" Sandaimei nodded immediately.

First, be loyal to a certain force, such as the 100,000 soldiers and civilians in the late Southern Song Dynasty.

We’ve come this far, why not vote?

The relationship between Kumoyin Village and the Kingdom of Thunder is just a cooperative employment relationship. The Raikage and the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Thunder are equal in status.

Looking at the two people who were still dumbfounded, the third generation Ai had to add in detail: "The gap between our Yunyin Village and Ning's organization is too big. The three of us are already the highest combat power in Yunyin Village. However, in the face of The command of the legions of the Ning Organization turned out to be completely powerless to resist, and there are three such troops in the Ning Organization!"

In ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, a city would rather die in battle than surrender. There are probably just a few reasons.

Not only did he find that he couldn't defeat him, he also thought that the Samsara Eye and the Detonating Talisman Plane were actually more suitable for use on the battlefield!

Of course there is the most important one.

Does Yunyin Village have any grudge against the Ning Organization?

The fourth generation Ai looked confused: "Isn't it?"

He also has thunder escape armor for defense, what do those Kumogakure ninjas have?
Nothing at all!

"Then why don't you treat the prisoners preferentially?" Yahiko asked: "I see that if any of your five major ninja villages catches an enemy, they will be tortured immediately. In severe cases, their memories will be read. No matter what kind of ninja village it is, in the end, The prisoner will definitely not survive!”

Is the Ning organization an evil organization that will massacre villages and cities?
No, the intelligence system of Kumogakure Village is still fine, and they know the situation of the invaded Kusagakure Village, Takigakure Village, the Kingdom of Frost, and the Kingdom of Iron.

"By the way, is what you wrote in the book true?" Sandaai asked, "Do you really treat prisoners preferentially?"

No, the Ning organization has only been established a few years ago, and this is the first time it has emerged.

Only those in power who had committed serious crimes were tried. The common people and low-level ninjas were not only fine, but they were also given money and land by the Ning organization and settled down well.

"Yes, we fought bravely and died, and then what?" Sandaai asked.

"What's more, this is not all of them!" Sandaimei sighed again: "The Sannin who made great contributions during the Second Ninja War, Hatake Sakumo, didn't even go to war!"

"What's the problem? It's a big problem!" Yahiko was speechless: "If you treat prisoners like this, then who would dare to surrender on the battlefield? If they can't surrender, won't they fight to the death even if they are defeated?"

Second, there is irresolvable hatred with the opponent, such as the martyrs who could withstand various tortures during the Anti-Japanese War.

Sandaai was silent for a long time, and then sighed: "I just can't see hope!"

Can't beat it!
It's not that they are evenly matched and can barely beat each other, but that the gap is huge and there is no hope at all.

The fourth generation Ai and Saki also turned their heads hard, trying to see the third generation Ai's expression.

Whether it was the pair of reincarnation eyes or the 100 million small planes in the sky, Sandaai felt despair.

"You don't have such a big face!" Sandai Ai said angrily: "I can even sacrifice myself, so what's the big deal if I sacrifice a son!"

Judging from these three points, there is no psychological barrier for Yunyin Village to surrender to the Ning organization.

"Is there any problem?" Sandaai asked, spreading his hands.

In other words, they can't beat three against three, the same goes for three thousand against three thousand, or thirty thousand against thirty thousand. It's just the difference between losing miserably and losing extremely miserably.

We are not afraid of death. We cannot surrender just because we are being controlled. If this is the case, then we would rather die!
Nagato simply let go of them. He was a skilled and courageous person, and if he could catch them once, he could catch them again.

"Then if you want to unify the five major countries, you have to kill all the people in the other four ninja villages!"

"Eh?" Sandai Ai was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

It seems like this is the truth?

Yeah, why didn't anyone think of it before?
I'm willing to surrender, isn't it because I know that the Ning organization treats prisoners preferentially?
If our Cloud Hidden Village also treated prisoners preferentially. . .

"We have investigated and found that there are a total of 3000 to 5000 rebellious ninjas in the entire ninja world!" Yahiko continued: "And this number should actually be increasing year by year. It is just because there are always rebellious ninjas dying that the total number of rebellious ninjas has increased. It has always been maintained in a dynamic equilibrium!"

"These people would rather be rebels than join a big country, because none of the five big countries are willing to treat prisoners preferentially!"

"If any big country treats prisoners preferentially, then after they get these rebellious ninjas, they can quickly pull out a legion, and this legion can also become a banner, calling on all those in other countries who are dissatisfied with the village to join."

"If your Yunyin Village is responsible for this, then why is it so difficult to dominate the world?"

Sandaimei slapped his thigh and said heartbrokenly: "That's right! Isn't that the truth? Why didn't I think of it!"

At this moment, he was even more convinced of Ning Organization.

Look at people's minds, they have thought of things that even the five major countries have not thought of.

What's even more horrifying is that this preferential treatment for prisoners is just an insignificant one among the many clauses. "It's not as simple as you say!" Sakye was unhappy because he was the commander-in-chief at the border and his job was to prevent stray ninjas from entering the country.

Now you suddenly say that this approach is wrong?
Doesn’t that deny his work over the past few decades?

"If we open the door, not only wandering ninjas will come in, but spies will come in too!"

"As long as you give them adequate treatment, spies can't be influenced!" Yahiko spread his hands: "And spies are a double-edged sword. The enemy can use them, but we can't use them either!"

"Knocking them all out without using them is nothing more than lack of confidence in your abilities!"

The third generation Ai and the fourth generation Ai looked at each other, so this is it!
Yes, if a shadow is confident enough and courageous enough, it will naturally be able to influence even spies. It may not be impossible to make this spy be used by me.

Looking at the blank eyes of several people, Yahiko smiled, could he be fooled so easily?

It's normal. The ninja world has been fighting for thousands of years, but because of its heavy reliance on ninjutsu, everyone is studying more powerful ninjutsu, but no military strategy has been summarized.

As for strategists like the Nara clan, they were not taken seriously in the past because of their weak individual strength. They only began to rise slowly during the Ninja Village era.

No, it didn't really rise even during the Ninja Village era. It wasn't until the Uchiha clan was destroyed and the Hyuga clan began to be a coward that there was any sign of emerging.

This situation only exists on the basis of the unity of the three clans of pigs, deer and butterflies.

If this were a world with Chinese culture as its core, the Nara clan would have been treated as treasures long ago. How could they have fallen to this level?
What he said to the three Yunyin was not nonsense, but telling them.

Not only do we crush you in strength, we can also crush you in wisdom.

So surrender is your only option!

"Three of you, please cooperate and come one by one!" Yahiko said with a smile: "We are going to seal the chakra of the three of them!".

"As expected of the Ning organization, they do things above board!" The third generation Ai Wuyu saw this scene on the tree, but when he experienced it in person, he still had a strange feeling.

If you change to Yunyin Village and want to seal other people's chakra, then you have to find a secret room and come quietly?
But they told me so clearly, and because of their behavior, I trusted Ning Organization more.

It’s true that people’s organizations can achieve things!
"Come on, start with me!" Sandaai stood up.

"Be careful of fraud!" The fourth generation Ai and Sakyi hurriedly stopped them, but were persuaded to retreat by the third generation Ai's eyes.

I surrendered, and it was natural for me to be killed. Am I still afraid of being deceived?
He used to think that his son was quite useful to his subordinates, obedient and smart.

Now it seems that I was obedient, but a little stupid.

Being smart is not really smart, it's just cleverness without any structure.

By the way, I couldn't think this far before. What on earth is going on?

Inexplicably, he thought of that book: "Ning Organization Popular Education Handbook".

Perhaps this book broadened his horizons and expanded his structure?

From now on, it will be listed as a must-read book for the Yeyue clan!
After a while, seals fell on him.

Ye Yuueai felt it. Not only could she no longer sense the original chakra, she couldn't even extract new chakra.

At this moment, he completely became a mortal.

Seeing Nagato begin to do the same to his son and his subordinates, Sandaai asked curiously: "What will you do with us? I mean all of us in Kumogakure Village!"

"Seal all chakras, and after three months to one year of education, work will be assigned based on learning progress and expertise!" Yahiko said: "The learning time for high-level students will be longer, and it may take three to five years!"

This is because low-level ninjas, even jonins, are nothing more than tools in the hands of the ninja village.

Tools do not have thoughts of their own, so just instill Organization Ning’s thoughts directly into them.

But not the top brass.

The higher-ups not only know some basic techniques of controlling people, but they also have great prestige in a ninja village.

If they are released early, they can use their own resources to quickly gain high positions, and if they want to cause trouble, they can also pull out a group of subordinates.

But if the study time is extended to three to five years, not to mention the transformation effect, at least after three to five years of isolation, their influence in the village will be weakened to almost nothing.

It is impossible to recruit people anymore. His subordinates and even his family members have new jobs, and maybe even a new family.

Everyone has their own life. They go to work and get off work to take care of their children. They live a good life day by day. Who wants to follow the old leader to cause trouble?

If it does happen, that would be a good thing.

For those who cannot be reformed in three to five years, there is really no way to reform them and they can only be shot.

With the cooperation of the third generation Raikage, first the fourth generation Raikage, Saki accepted the seal calmly, and then the third generation Raikage fired a signal flare, calling the eight-tailed Kirabi and the second-tailed Yukito.

After the two were also sealed, there was no shadow-level powerhouse on the front line.

At this time, the Third Raikage appeared again, first gathered everyone, and then told them about the surrender.

The Kumogakure ninjas were naturally not happy, but because they had summoned everyone and not even a sentry, all 60,000 Guining troops had entered the fortress.

At this point, the situation is over.

After killing hundreds of diehards who were unwilling to surrender, the situation in Yunyin Village was finally settled.

Afterwards, the Kingdom of Thunder opened its doors, and the 60,000 Guining Army marched north in six directions.

Kill the nobles, divide the fields, and establish grassroots political power.

Suppress bandits, build bridges, pave roads, and rescue people.

Then he broke into the capital of the Kingdom of Thunder without any obstacles and captured the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Thunder alive.

At this point, all the great powers on the Ninja Continent were destroyed and returned to the rule of the Ning Organization.

There are only two small countries in the far north left on this continent, and they are still outside the control of the Ning organization.

A country called Ghost Country is a country where witches have sealed away ghosts.

A country called Snow Country is the country where Fenghua Xiaoxue lives.

These two countries are actually huge in area, but they are vast, sparsely populated, and have few decent armed forces. Ning Yuan ordered Minato to lead a force of two thousand people there, which was enough to capture them.

What about the wind and waves, the ice escape of the Snow Country, and can fight Kakashi back and forth, but when he meets Minato, he is just a food delivery person.

The monsters in the Kingdom of Ghosts were a problem, and Ning Yuan originally wanted to go there by himself.

However, after Orochimaru heard about it, he became interested in monsters that could live forever, so he took his scientists and forbidden arts experts to study with the army.

On December 46, Konoha 12, Miroku, the miko of the Demon Country, announced that the Demon Country would join the Ning organization.

On December 46, Konoha 12, the Daimyo of the Snow Country, Kazehana Hayayuki, announced that she would give up her position as Daimyo, and Ning would organize to take over the Snow Country.

At this point, the Ninja World Continent, after thousands of years of division and endless war, has finally become unified again!
(End of this chapter)

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