Godly Immortality: Start with the Butcher and add some Immortality!

Chapter 293: The army is in chaos and running rampant! 【Please subscribe】

Chapter 293: The army is in chaos and running rampant! 【Please subscribe】

"Want to run? Catch him!"

"Made, no lives left, only heads!"

"Quick, quick, quick, call the brothers to stop us!"

Amidst the chaos!
Hundreds of Zang-Refining Realm masters were running around in the mine tunnels like crazy with grinning faces. Bone whistles similar to those of the Mu family were also blowing constantly, beckoning their companions inside the mine tunnels to chase and intercept them.

Li Yulan spent so much money!
One head can bring huge benefits!

Who can really bear not to take action?

For a moment, Wei Hong was almost in despair.

Several members of the Wan Du Sect looked at each other, and could not help but show a little worry. Nie Sanniang was the first to lose her composure, and said through the inner force: "What should we do? The situation is chaotic under the heavy reward, and there is nothing we can do. There are so many.”

"Yes, even though Brother Zhao is great, I'm afraid something will happen!"

Even if they act as their substitutes, they can’t help but feel creepy!

Not many people in Shen Jianyuan know him!
Everyone only knew that Li Yulan of the Kunshan faction wanted to offer a reward to a guy named Zhao Zilong, but they didn't know what he looked like. In addition, he had changed his appearance, so even Jiang Yuankui would not be able to recognize him easily.

"Even if you are not blocked by anyone, the danger in the mine tunnel is not small. What if you run into some dangerous place in a panic?"

"Li Yulan, this old witch, is by no means easy to deal with. This person's methods, character, and strength are all excellent. He has really matured with age!"

"But this feud is not over yet, let's wait and see!"

Although they wanted to help, they really didn't know how to help in this chaotic time.

There is a large amount of food, meat and elixirs in his storage bag, enough to keep him from going out for a while. Let's wait for a while before talking about any grudges.

A lot of fighting will probably break out in the entire mine tunnel next, and Wei Hong must find a safe place as soon as possible to avoid this storm.


In the mine tunnel

Everyone looked sad!

at the same time!

If he were chased by hundreds or even thousands of Zang-Refining Realm masters, he would have no chance of escaping even if his legs were broken.

He also quickly changed his appearance, transforming into a skinny warrior, and took out a gray outfit from his storage bag to replace it, so he was completely different from before.

There was a lot of chaos, chaos and noise!
Wei Hong suppressed his nervousness and calmly ran through the mine tunnels, easily finding various unexpected routes and easily avoiding the warriors who tried to intercept him.

Jiang Yuankui sighed and turned around helplessly!

"Leave it to fate!"

Wei Hong sneered and raised his hand to release the nine ghost boys.

"Oops, once he is blocked in the mine tunnel, he will immediately become the target of public criticism, and his death will be quite miserable!"

But in chaos!

Anyone left alone will definitely be questioned.

They surrounded him to protect him and ran forward with him. Once he reached an area where danger could not be judged, Wei Hong would let them explore the way.

Under such double insurance!

Relying on his familiarity with the terrain, Wei Hong easily evaded most people's tracking, and they couldn't even see his shadow.

However, there are quite a lot of means for tracking in the world. Wei Hong naturally did not dare to take it lightly. Only by quickly finding a safe area that no one dared to set foot could he be considered truly safe.

Such as underground rivers, cave stone forests, or the activity areas of blue-striped fire ants!
These three places are taboo places in the mine tunnels, and most people would never dare to enter.

But Wei Hong wants to go to these three places, and others may not think of it!

After all, he is just a newcomer to Shen Jianyuan. How can he be as smart as a local veteran who has been working in the mines for many years? The opponent didn't know how many opponents they had chased and intercepted. Even in the intricate mine tunnels, Wei Hong often encountered those blocking key routes.

If there were not nine ghost boys exploring the way, he would have to run into the trap!
"The condition of the underground river is unknown. There may be unknown python-like beasts under the water. It is not a good hiding place!"

"The road leading to the cave stone forest and the territory of the blue-striped fire ants has been blocked. At this time, we can only force our way through!"

After some calm analysis, Wei Hong did not hesitate to turn a corner in front and head straight to a mine tunnel in the southwest.

The ghost boy has already discovered that there are three people blocking the way ahead!
When they heard the sound of footsteps, the three of them had already assumed a fighting stance. They were a middle-aged fat man, a middle-aged strong man, and a short dwarf.

The dwarf is the strongest among the three, and he actually has the strength in the late stage of Zang Refining Realm!
The other two people also have the strength of the early stage of the Zang Refining Realm. Although they are not as good as Xia Houfeng, their aura is also very fierce. At first glance, they look like desperadoes who have been fighting for a long time.


Wei Hong sprinted through the mine tunnel like a cheetah.

In addition, he was alone. No matter how stupid the three people on the other side were, they could guess that he was the person who was wanted with a bounty on his head, so they all laughed ferociously.

"Good guy, I didn't expect to get into a traffic jam!"

"Haha, want to go there? Have you asked me?"

The three of them raised their hands and struck out with a ferocious smile.

The rumbling internal force swept over, and they wanted to force Wei Hong to stop, but the smiles on their faces froze in the next moment, because a force appeared from nowhere and violently strangled the three of them. Throat and limbs!

Wei Hong casually waved his sleeves!
The fierce internal energy exerted by the three of them was easily resolved by him.

The next moment, he was approaching fiercely, and before the three of them could react, his palm mark had already hit the opponent's head viciously.

"Puff puff!"

The three men groaned and fell to the ground and died suddenly!

When they were about to die, they all stared wide-eyed, obviously not expecting that they, who were masters of the Zang-Refining Realm, would die here inexplicably.

But it’s no wonder they are!
The ghost boy's actions are mysterious and traceless.

As long as the difference in strength is not too big, once they are restrained, it will be impossible to break away easily. Unless the three of them know the ghosts very well, they can take countermeasures in the shortest possible time.

But when masters exchange moves, they end in an instant!

When they were attacked while being restrained, they were naturally killed by Wei Hong's move. The fierce and surging palm prints carried the internal force and crushed them. The brains of the three of them were shocked into paste.


Wei Hong smiled with satisfaction!
He slowly touched the corpses of the three of them, then listened to the approaching footsteps behind them, then stood up and disappeared into the mine tunnel.

After walking a few miles deeper, the mine tunnel ahead gradually became narrower and more complicated, and you could even occasionally see many collapsed caves!

"To the left is the cave stone forest, to the right is the place where blue-striped fire ants infest..."

Wei Hong stopped at a fork in the road, with a trace of confusion on his face!
He did not make a choice immediately. This place was already deep in the mine tunnels. Thousands of mine tunnels were complicated and no one would find it in a short time.

And he has never set foot in the two forbidden areas ahead!

To be on the safe side, he let the ghost boy explore the way forward!
(End of this chapter)

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