After being reborn, I also want to fall in love

Chapter 190 There are too many temptations in society

Chapter 190 There are too many temptations in society

After Sheng Shu completely let herself go last night, she had a great time playing with the little toys.

I almost ruined myself.

It might be an exaggeration to say it was bad, but I was definitely a little dehydrated and a little swollen.

If you go downstairs to the faculty and staff and take a look at the balcony that belongs to Sheng Shu's house, you can see the sheets fluttering in the wind, which Sheng Shu washed overnight.

This thing is just like quitting smoking. Once you fail and relapse, your craving for cigarettes will be even greater than before you quit.

Similarly, Sheng Shu, who had been restrained for such a long time, was completely ignited by Chen Shuo's masterpiece, and angrily decided to have a head-on confrontation with her physical limit.

But if a human is made of flesh, how can it be compared to a small toy powered by batteries?
As long as there is no power outage, it will keep vibrating and jumping.

"Secretary Sheng, are you okay?"

Chen Shuo quickly supported Sheng Shu, lowered his head and asked with concern: "Did you not get a good rest last night? I see that your black circle is heavy and your complexion is also very bad."

Qiu Zhiqiang: "."

But it was useless for him to overstep his authority because everyone knew that the director behind that garden party was Chen Shuo.

"Don't worry, Principal Zhang. I just want to try my best to weaken the so-called appearance and the so-called appearance anxiety."

"I am a handsome guy myself, and I have been deeply hurt by judging people by their appearance. When many people look at my face, they think I am only superficial and have no substance. To be honest, I have endured this world of judging people for a long time."

I was wondering what Sheng Shu had to do to herself to look like she was suffering from kidney failure all day long?
Chen Shuo raised his head and said humbly: "Principal Zhang, I am thinking about the details of the second campus star competition. I want to try my best to weaken the comparison and single pursuit of appearance in this competition, and how to combine the style of each contestant and his alma mater. Integrate them into one and let them truly compete as players from their own universities, rather than for the so-called campus star title."

Fortunately, Qiu Zhiqiang was in high spirits and kept talking like a machine gun. He was also very fair in allocating credit. He only said that the Youth League Committee tried its best to assist and guide, but did not overstep his authority.

Could it be that my masterpiece had such a great impact on Sheng Shu?

Qiu Zhiqiang hurriedly said: "You still need to exercise in moderation at night. If you go too far, it will be counterproductive."

"Xiao Chen, why don't you say anything?" After hearing Qiu Zhiqiang's report, Vice Principal Zhang looked at Chen Shuo with a smile.

When reporting to Vice President Zhang, Chen Shuo was still thinking about this issue and seemed a little absent-minded.

"Nowadays, the Internet media has become a trend, and many of our children have become very exaggerated. If Chen Shuo, you can give a higher level of meaning to this campus star competition, I will make you a promise now. When the finals are over, I will be there in person to give a speech. ."

There are secrets, absolutely there are secrets.

Chen Shuo thought to himself, your night exercise and the night exercise mentioned by Sheng Shu have the same meaning.

Looking at Sheng Shu's leaving figure and her slightly unnatural walking posture, Chen Shuo became more and more sure that this little girl was probably not just Liu Beiwen, the boss.

"I, I'm fine."

Chen Shuo couldn't wait to put on his vest again and enter Sheng Shu's heart.

The only 985 vice president with real power in this province agreed to participate in an activity organized by a student group. What an honor it was. Then I could write something special about it.

Qiu Zhiqiang, who was on the side, was also very concerned about the principal's secretary, and immediately said: "Yes, Secretary Sheng, although as Principal Hu's secretary, you must work rigorously and not make mistakes on weekdays, and you must be under great psychological pressure, but you must also pay attention to rest. Principal Hu is I can’t live without you even a day.”

After hearing this, Principal Zhang was filled with praise: "Okay, very good. I strongly support this idea."

Sheng Shu hurriedly broke away from Chen Shuo's arms. After standing firm, she quickly arranged her hair and clothes and waved her hands: "Don't worry, maybe you overexercised last night and your body was a little exhausted."

Is there such a good thing?
Chen Shuo also didn't expect that he would get such a shocking promise from Vice Principal Zhang just by talking nonsense.

Vice Principal Zhang pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and used the documents on the truth table to cover up his true thoughts: "Xiao Chen, well, it's not your fault that you are handsome."

Chen Shuo was deeply moved: "Principal Zhang, you understand handsome guys like us so well. In fact, I know that you must have had the same troubles as me when you were young, but you are not as superficial as me. You just endure this misunderstanding silently. Silently and step by step, we have proved with facts that we handsome guys can also do something great!"

Qiu Zhiqiang: "."

Damn it, why is he a better flatterer than me?

You are so shameless. A big boss like Principal Zhang, who has reached the level of vice president of a prestigious school, can you be deceived by your hypocritical words?

"Xiao Chen, since I can empathize with you, it means that I have actually experienced what you are facing now." Vice Principal Zhang smiled wisely.

Qiu Zhiqiang: "??"

Vice-President Zhang lit up a cigarette and said with a long look: "When I was admitted to university at the age of seventeen, my score was enough to choose Qingbei or Jinghua University. I originally thought Jinghua University was a good place to go, but I didn't expect that the girls there still only judge people by their appearance. ."

Chen Shuo asked with envy: "You must have been pursued by many girls at that time. They just like the young and good-looking ones."

Qiu Zhiqiang smiled.

Vice Principal Zhang waved his hand: "The past is in the past. Now I am sitting in this office, just slap those people in the face and tell them that I rely on my strength every step I take."

"Appearance is not worth mentioning."

Qiu Zhiqiang stopped laughing.

But Chen Shuo was still complaining to Principal Zhang about how much trouble he had with being good-looking.

Vice Principal Zhang always comforted Chen Shuo with a wise smile and told Chen Shuo that he had encountered these things when he was young and that things would get better as time settles.

The original half-hour report work was delayed by Chen Shuo to more than an hour.

After walking out of the vice principal's office, Qiu Zhiqiang didn't speak for a long time.

When he walked out of the administration building, Qiu Zhiqiang glanced at Chen Shuo next to him and said with great emotion: "Xiao Chen, I originally thought you were a talented young man, but you still lacked a lot of worldliness. Now I know, you are an all-rounder." ."

Chen Shuo smiled: "Secretary Qiu, I speak from the bottom of my heart. Don't you think Principal Zhang is handsome?"

"Of course I do. When I first saw Principal Zhang, I was shocked in my heart. Why can there be such a handsome leader in the world!"

"Then why didn't you say it before me just now?"

"I am giving opportunities to young people. I can't say all the good things. Xiao Chen, I don't want to take all the credit from my own students." "6."

After reporting to Vice President Zhang and receiving support, the preparations for the second Campus Star Competition will officially begin.

This time, look nationwide.

It will be an unprecedented event. Beautiful girls from colleges and universities all over the country, as well as handsome boys with no sense of existence, will gather at the University of Minnesota. The scene is exciting just thinking about it.

After this competition is over, the e-commerce section of MiMi APP can be launched online, and Chen Shuo decided to carry out the first round of financing for MiMi APP at that time.

The best strategy is to wait until everyone has the habit of mobile payment, and then take advantage of the trend to launch the e-commerce sector, step by step and steadily.

So, now we can form the preparation team for the competition.

Team leader: Chen Shuo (in command)

Deputy team leader: Jian Jia, Yu Mo, He Yongyuan! (Be specific)
Team members: several

Since he had to use the power of the school, Chen Shuo felt that he would not be able to bypass the student union.

In fact, Qiu Zhiqiang had already mentioned to Chen Shuo a long time ago whether he should hold a higher position in the student union, but Chen Shuo gave up after thinking about it.

He was only a freshman, and he was already the director of the Department of Literature and Art, not the director of the department, but the director of the entire Ming Dynasty Student Union.

If you go further up, you'll be the president of the student union.

Thinking about it, forget it. I don't have much free time to worry about those sesame and mung bean matters. As long as I have a title, I can use the power of the student union in a logical way.

So I won’t compete with Jin Canyan for the official title.

MiMi Studio

Chen Shuo summoned the people who will be responsible for the second campus star competition and specially invited Jin Canyan and Zhuo Lingling to attend the meeting.

Everyone brainstormed and spoke freely.

Chen Shuo crossed his legs, put on his vest and sent a message to Sheng Shu.

Big sister: “Little sister, I haven’t given you my review of last night’s epic article yet!”

Sheng Shu: "Didi, sister, I really have nothing to say. If I continue watching, I will definitely die of dehydration."

Eldest sister: "Sister, you are not very good at concentration, but I am still worried. You don't have a boyfriend. What should you do if you feel it coming?"

Sheng Shu: "Sister, don't worry, it's just a matter of moving your fingers."

6. It’s really just a matter of moving your fingers.

I just don’t know how many fingers I need to move.

It's fun, chatting with Sheng Shu is really fun.

Big sister: "My sister suggested that you can play with some small toys, which will make you feel better~"

Sheng Shu: "!! My sister also has research in this area. I like toys so much."

Swish swish.

Chen Shuo was dazzled by the sight and was full of praise for Sheng Shu's collection.

To be honest, a girl like Sheng Shu looks dignified and elegant, graduated from a prestigious school, studied under everyone, and has a glamorous career.

The contrast between these and her hobbies should not be too strong.

Chen Shuo smiled, very happily.

Below, Jian Jia and Yu Mo looked at each other.

"Do you think Mr. Shuo smiles very lewdly?"

"Yes, yes, it's exactly the same as the smile he had when he watched us pour champagne on the girls at the bar."


Chen Shuo raised his head and coughed: "Where did the conversation go?"

He Yongyuan stood up proactively: "Mr. Shuo, when we talk about the ratio of each competition area, our initial idea is to divide the competition areas according to the location of colleges and universities. There are four competition areas in the southeast, northwest and northwest. 25 players will be competed in each area, and then tomorrow Massive gathering, battle of hundreds of people!”

Isn't the gimmick coming? Yuanyuan's performance during this period is really good.

"This is a great idea."

Chen Shuo stood up and said, "The next topic."

Moving his butt, Chen Shuo glanced at Zhuo Lingling in the crowd intentionally or unintentionally.

Mi Tao Ling always followed Chen Shuo with her eyes, and when she noticed that he was looking at her, she immediately took the initiative.

Zhuo Lingling: "Why is Mr. Shuo looking at me?"

Chen Shuo: "Has it been a long time since I opened the back door for you?"

Chen Shuo: "I'll open the back door for you in the same place tonight. You haven't made progress fast enough recently. As your guide, I'm very anxious."

The evil fire was aroused by Sheng Shu, so I had to find someone to quell the fire.

Zhuo Lingling's number of fans has not increased recently. Judging from the situation, she has encountered some bottlenecks. Chen Shuo is going to use his professional knowledge to help her make a lot of money tonight.

I have a lot of knowledge, so I hope she can bear it.

(End of this chapter)

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