The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 447: Snapping your fingers for the first time

Chapter 447: Snapping your fingers for the first time (Happy New Year, second update!)

"I can't change you to hold the timeline, because there is really no better way."

Li Ming said.

"But I can use the power of six infinite stones to create a new body for you."

"In this way, your body holds the timeline to maintain stability, and then your consciousness can enter the new body and return to your own timeline."

Loki was very moved, but he had a doubt: "But after my consciousness leaves, what should I do if no one controls my original body?"

"Don't forget that you still have TVA. You can hand over your body authority to the new Time Variation Administration. Then Mobius, Tamley, B-15, and OB can predict the development of the timeline and do things in advance. Come and respond." Li Ming used the words he had prepared long ago.

"In case there is something that TVA cannot handle, you can still take over the authority."

This is equivalent to treating Loki's original body as a shared database that TVA can access at any time.

The God of Stories became the God of Stories server.

But let Loki choose, should he take the false name of the God of Stories, or should he change his body and return to his own timeline?

There is no doubt what Loki will choose.

Li Ming paused time, made a fist with his left hand, and all six infinity stones on the glove lit up.

But these are all minor issues. Didn't Loki even care about them?

Loki nodded and agreed, and asked hurriedly: "What should we do?"

The key point of the problem is whether Li Ming can create a new body so that Loki can perfectly transfer his consciousness without affecting the body holding the timeline.

Then both of them used time to escape to this point in time.

The next moment, Li Ming felt that his spirit was infinitely elevated, and his thinking extended to the entire universe, as if he had entered the backend of the game's developer, able to change things in the universe at will.

Li Ming mobilized all his energy to prepare for the next backlash, and then snapped his fingers with his left hand.

He has collected the Infinity Stones for a long time, but he can only use five of them together at most, and has never used the power of six Infinity Stones.

"Wait!" Loki suddenly thought of something and hurriedly interrupted Li Ming.

"Let's go back to before the time loom exploded," Li Ming said.

Now that Li Ming has analyzed three gems, and his physical fitness far exceeds that of Thanos. In addition, the exclusive abilities of the three gems have improved his ability to contain source power. Li Ming feels that it is time to experience the joy of snapping his fingers.

If Li Ming only talked about Tamli, Loki might still have some concerns, but after adding people like Mobius, Loki was relieved.

Before the Infinity Stones have been analyzed and the development level has reached a high level, using the Infinity Stones will have huge backlash, so Li Ming has never used the diamond-filled gloves.


He felt that he did not freeze like Thanos, and still maintained a certain ability to move.

Then with a thought in his mind, Loki felt that his soul was leaving his body, and then put into a new body that appeared out of thin air.

Of course, at the same time, source power is also being consumed massively.

In fact, this is also an attempt by Li Ming.

Because it involves the multiverse timeline, neither cloning technology nor the Reality Stones can do it, and the power of the six Infinity Stones is necessary.

Of course, what Li Ming didn't say is that no one in TVA understands time better than Tamley, and with Li Ming's clone employees, it's self-evident who actually has the final say in the new Time Variation Administration.

"Can this body have some added abilities?" Loki held out a finger, "Not many, just one."

Li Ming nodded, he could still satisfy his small needs.

However, after listening to Loki's thoughts, his face looked a little strange, and he helped Loki join in with a good look on his face.

Not only did he create a new body, he also modified Loki's original body to ensure that it could meet the needs of the server.

After everything was ready, Li Ming took off the Infinity Gauntlet.

"Phew!" He breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Yuanli had to bear the backlash of the gem, it still put a huge burden on his body. But the good news is that Li Ming was not injured.

Of course, most of the source power of the infinite gems was consumed in that moment.

However, the development rates of the three infinite gems increased by 1%! .

Loki experienced it, and sure enough, his consciousness could freely shuttle between the two bodies. He disappeared into his new body and lifted the pause in time.

When Tamli was about to put on the protective suit again, Loki stopped him.

"I come!"

Sylvie and others were very surprised, but Loki, who knew that time was running out, had already reached the protective gate.

"Loki, what are you going to do?" Sylvie asked anxiously.

Loki looked back and said affectionately: "I finally figured out what kind of god I want to be, for you and for everyone."

Then Loki raised his hand and used magic to open the protective door. Under the impact of the torrent of time, the clothes he wore in Asgard were slowly revealed, and the double-horned helmet slowly grew on his head.

He manually opened the time loom and released all the chaotic time branches. Then he held all the timelines in his hands and climbed step by step to the throne in the ruins of the castle of the left behind at the end of time.

Everyone was shocked, and Sylvie was the first to guess what Loki was thinking.

"He gave us a chance."

"The opportunity to choose freedom comes at the cost of not being able to come back." Sylvie choked up, and everyone fell into sadness.

At this time, Loki had grabbed all the timelines and sat on the throne. He put them all together. After the green energy surged in his hand, the chaotic timelines actually formed the shape of a towering tree. !

And because of the spread of Loki's energy, all timelines were dyed green.

A hot topic from the past life suddenly popped up in Li Ming's mind - do you know why the time stone is green?

After sorting out the timeline, Loki retained part of his consciousness in his original body to ensure that there would be no trouble for the time being, and then entered the new body.

"How do you feel?" Li Ming asked.

"very good!"

Loki showed a big smile.

On the other side, after the crisis passed, the Time Variation Administration also began to rebuild. More than half of the employees chose to return to the timeline after viewing their memories.

Tamley stayed and relied on his understanding of time and the leadership skills specially taught by Mr. Penguin. With the support of Mobius and others, he quickly became the new leader of TVA.

B-15, OB, and Casey all stayed, but Mobius wanted to go to the timeline and experience the motorboat he longed for.

By the way, in the timeline, Mobius is a motorboat salesman and has two sons.

But Tamri secretly opened the back door, and Mobius's memory was not erased, because he also had people he didn't want to forget.

"I'm not used to Loki's absence." Sylvie followed him and acknowledged the door, then she turned and left.

"Where are you going?" Mobius asked.

"I don't know." Sylvie shook her head.

But then a voice suddenly sounded.

"I thought someone was thinking about me?"

Sylvie and Mobius looked up, and Loki and Li Ming appeared in front of them.

"Another prank," Loki said with a smile.

"Loki!" Sylvie rushed over and hugged Loki.

"Since you have nowhere to go, why not come with me?" Loki asked.

Sylvie nodded directly without thinking: "Okay."

"But where are we going?"

Loki smiled: "In Li's words...meeting the parents."

(End of this chapter)

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