Chapter 287 Reality Gem

The second he disappeared from Brother Sol's eyes, Li Ming arrived at this place.

It would cost Li Ming a lot of energy to directly open a portal so far away, but it would be very convenient with the help of space gems.

"It's so big."

Li Ming exclaimed.

The Void Land is not a planet, but the head of a member of the Celestial God Group who was chopped off in ancient times.

But the members of the Celestial Group are already very large, and the head of this unknown member of the Celestial Group is equivalent to an asteroid.

Li Ming came to get the Reality Stone. After Thor defeated the Dark Elf five years ago, he felt that the storage of two Infinity Stones in Asgard at the same time was too eye-catching, so he gave the Reality Stone to the collector Di Fan for safekeeping.

Collector Di Fan and Saka Star's Gao Tianzun are both awesome and coaxing characters in the comics, but in the movie world, both of them have been infinitely weakened to the point where they are powerless.

Although it is still an ancient life, it is still a pervert and a joke.

Of course, it's mainly for the movie-watching experience, otherwise Thor wouldn't be able to escape from Sakaar if he was given two lives.

So Li Ming reasoned with Di Fan and inadvertently revealed the Infinity Gauntlet that already had two gems. Di Fan immediately said that it is our duty to maintain the stability of the universe.

He was not worried at all about what harm Li Ming's collection of infinite gems would do to the universe. Di Fan had lived too long. He had seen countless careerists, and there were always heroes from the universe who would stop them.

Fortunately, Li Ming didn't know what he was thinking, otherwise he would definitely tell Di Fan.

I am the hero of the universe!
  The Reality Stone exists as an ether particle, a flowing mass of red particles.

Like the Cosmic Cube outside the Space Stone, the Eye of Agamotto outside the Time Stone, and the Infinity Gauntlet, these are all different ways of using the stones created by previous owners of the stones.

Using the Power Stone, Li Ming destroyed the ether particles and successfully obtained the Reality Stone.

The Reality Stone and the Scarlet Witch's Chaos Magic have very similar functions. They can both modify reality. Which one is stronger depends on the user.

Anyway, the Reality Stone is more powerful in Li Ming's hands than in Thanos' hands.

Because of his power application skills, he can be used perfectly on Infinity Stones.

"Li...Your Excellency Li Ming, is this another world? It's amazing!"

A familiar figure next to Li Ming looked at the scene outside the spacecraft and said excitedly to Li Ming.

He is thin, walks with a limp, and holds a black umbrella in his hand. He is clearly Li Ming's most capable subordinate.

  People from the DC world appear in the Marvel universe, naturally created by Li Ming through the Reality Stone.

This is also an experiment for Li Ming.

"Oswald, do you feel anything is wrong with you?" Li Ming asked.

Penguin nodded, felt his body, and suddenly froze.

"Li, Your Excellency Li Ming, I feel full of power, a bit... strange."

Li Ming clenched his fist and used the space gem to teleport the two of them to an asteroid, and then he pointed to a huge rock in front of him.

"Break it."


Penguin's eyes widened. His attention was diverted and he didn't even notice why he could breathe in space and could hear Li Ming's voice.

"Follow your heart." Penguin had no choice but to obey his orders. He closed his eyes and followed his inner impulse. Suddenly, a white light flashed across his body, and a set of ancient Greek-style armor was put on him.

Sirius Bronze Saint Cloth.

The Penguin didn't know much about fighting skills, so he punched him directly, and the boulder shattered instantly. The power of the punch remained unabated, and a huge ravine was created on the ground in front of him, which extended for more than ten meters.

Li Ming's eyes flashed. He called up the detector data that had been placed in advance. After thinking for a moment, he said, "Thank you, Oswald."

The Penguin was still looking at his fists in surprise. He quickly responded after hearing Li Ming's words, and then a red light flashed and the Penguin disappeared.

But the damage he caused still exists, and the detector's records show that what just happened was not an illusion, but that a person was really present at the scene, and even the footprints left by the Penguin were clear.

So the result of the test is that the Reality Stone can really create things out of thin air, and even create people out of thin air, and it can also give the created objects different abilities.

Just now, Li Ming modified the Penguin's strength into a Saint, but in terms of actual performance, it was still far from the lowest Bronze Saint.

Of course, Li Ming's increased energy output can improve the specific strength of the created object. This application method is the experience Li Ming gained from divine power.

It's exactly the same as how Billy can transform into Thunder Shazam by shouting "Shazam".

Moreover, Li Ming also modified the ecology of this asteroid to bring oxygen to the originally barren place. This is also the reason why the Penguin can breathe freely.

But this also makes Li Ming even more unable to understand Thanos' behavior. Facts have proved that Thanos with six diamonds can double the resources of the universe, but he just has a soft spot for destroying half of the population.

The Reality Stone made Li Ming very satisfied. He had always wanted to have the ability like the Scarlet Witch, but Sithorne was too stingy and there was no response no matter how he called.

Now that he has the Reality Stone, who is Sithorne?
  Not familiar.

Of course, if Sithorn can respond to him, Li Ming will still be happy to make friends with Sithorn.

After all, the Infinity Stones before analysis are just Marvel Universe experience cards.

Now Li Ming has three gems left to collect: time, heart, and soul.

At this point in time, these three gems are not easy to obtain.

With Li Ming's current strength, he can indeed defeat Karma Taj, but the most important thing about Doctor Strange is that he knows all kinds of weird spells. It is easy to defeat him, but if Strange hides the gems, it will be difficult for Li Ming to find them.

The Mind Stone is on top of Vision's head. Vision and Wanda are inseparable. If Li Ming goes to grab the Stone, Wanda will explode in seconds. There is no need for him to take the risk.

The way to obtain soul gems is special, and Li Ming doesn't have anyone he loves, so just finding someone to throw them away won't work.

As for why Li Ming knew this?
  Of course he has already tried it.

However, Li Ming is not in a hurry, because the analysis queue is already full, and even if he gets it now, he cannot analyze it quickly.

So Li Ming stayed in this universe for a year, while studying [Analysis], using infinite gems to improve the application of source power, and practicing supreme strange magic.

It's not that he doesn't want to stay longer, but the abyss reminds him that parallel time and space is just a derivative of the exclusive world, and it is not actually Li Ming's exclusive world. Staying for more than a year will consume the origin of the world.

How could Li Ming do a loss-making business?

And he has gained a lot this year. Not only has his spell level increased significantly, but he is also very proficient in the use of infinite gems.

Not long after returning to the Supreme Strange World, Li Ming summoned all the important members of the New Avengers including Supreme Strange, Tony, and Steve.

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  (End of this chapter)

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