The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 283 The New Avengers is established!

Chapter 283 The New Avengers is established!
  Of course, the discussion about what Doctor Strange means is just a way to lighten the atmosphere, and no one will actually ask Supreme Strange.

The projection also ended at this time. Tony's last words were related to privacy and were not released publicly.

In the end, Li Ming deleted the story about Captain America returning the shield but leaving it in the 70s, and even Tony didn't know about it.

Although it would be good for Steve to go back to the 70s to make up for his regrets, Li Ming didn't want one less member of the Avengers to cause trouble like "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier", so he simply didn't let them know about it. This is good.

After everyone's emotions calmed down a little, Tony stood in the middle again.

Seeing that he obviously had something to say, everyone fell silent.

"Everyone, this is the beginning and end of the Thanos crisis. If Li Ming and future Thor hadn't come from the multiverse, we would now be in a situation where half of the universe's population has disappeared."

Tony's words made everyone look at Li Ming with gratitude. They had all witnessed the tragic scene with their own eyes, and knew that being able to sit here safely now was all thanks to Li Ming.

In fact, the main force that defeated Thanos was Supreme Strange, but Supreme Strange did not want to be too high-profile. After all, Thanos only destroyed half of the universe. Long before Thanos, he had destroyed the entire universe.

In the future, Sol has already gone back, so all the gratitude of everyone at the scene fell on Li Ming.

Li Mingshou felt at ease with this. He deserved it. He had saved this universe twice.

And this is one of the reasons why Li Ming gave the movie amplification to this group of heroes.

The favorability level is directly maxed out.

"But the multiverse cannot save us forever. To protect the earth and even this universe, we still need to work together."

"Just like the final battle with Thanos."

Tony's words made everyone nod. The Thanos crisis can be solved without everyone's help.

"So I propose to rebuild the Avengers and expand the membership. Asgard, Karma, Wakanda, everyone will join in, and the defense forces will be gathered together to deal with possible crises in the future. "

Tony finished speaking loudly, and Thor was the first to agree.

Black Panther T'Challa also nodded in agreement, and Supreme Strange would certainly not refuse.

At this time Steve also stood up.

"I agree."

His words attracted a lot of attention, and everyone knew that Steve and Tony had fallen out.

But everyone can see from Tony's ability to invite Steve to the wedding that Tony chose to let go.

Now that Steve has expressed his willingness to return, everyone is naturally very happy.

Iron Man and Captain America are the two pillars of the Avengers, and nothing can be done without either one.

"Will there be a crisis like Thanos in the future?" Rhodes asked with lingering fear.

Only Li Ming can answer this question.

"There are many ambitious people in the universe, and Thanos is very principled. There will only be more crises in the future."

The last trace of luck in everyone's hearts was extinguished.

"We once defended the world. Although we have experienced storms, we are still protecting the world no matter where we are, because our family, friends, and everything we care about are all here."

"We have seen the pain caused by the crisis of Thanos. We are very lucky to have Li Ming's help this time, but the universe is full of crises and we shoulder a heavy burden. In order to protect everything, we must trust each other and work together."

Steve spoke in his usual speech style, but he also spoke into everyone's hearts.

Here are the heroes who have fought hard for the earth, and what Captain America is talking about is exactly what they want.

Moreover, Captain America also has great prestige among this group of superheroes. He took the lead in returning to the Avengers and gave everyone a reassurance that they joined the reorganized Avengers.

Even Hank Pym, who usually has the least dealings with the Avengers, said that his Pym particle research results can be shared within the Avengers, and he can even assist in research if necessary.

Although Hank takes his research results very seriously, he was the original Ant-Man when he was young, and he was also a very experienced superhero.

Now that Hank is older, his wife who has been missing for thirty years has returned, and his daughter has found a home, Hank is not as stubborn as before.

After all, he can still tell the difference between what is important and what is important. If the earth is faced with another crisis like Thanos, the good life he finally won will be destroyed.

Moreover, after joining the Avengers, not only himself, Scott, and his daughter Hope, but also people like Captain America were watching to ensure that the Pym particles would not be leaked.

Li Ming smiled at this. After the reorganization, the Avengers became an extremely large organization.

It is no longer the small group it used to be. It now includes many superheroes, magical forces, and countries, so it also needs a complete system to manage it.

The first thing is to have a leader who is responsible for external communication and controlling the overall situation.

Nick Fury raised his hand to offer help, but was met with unanimous opposition.

Even though Nick Fury was once the leader of S.H.I.E.L.D., his director was actually an undercover agent. Although the undercover director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was very powerful, no one dared to believe him.

Tony's personality is not suitable for this leader, and neither is Steve. He is still a fugitive, and Steve doesn't want to deal with the authorities.

Li Ming didn't want to be a leader, and he couldn't be a hands-off shopkeeper in this position.

"How is Natasha?" War Machine Rhodes suddenly said, "In the original timeline, Natasha was in charge of the reunion after Thanos snapped his fingers. It seems like she did a good job."

"I agree." Tony was the first to speak.

"I agree." Steve agreed.

Moreover, Natasha is a top agent. She is very familiar with dealing with various forces and has no problem with her abilities.

Others had no objections. Natasha's voluntary sacrifice for the universe was still fresh in their minds. With such a person as the person in charge of the new Avengers, everyone was relieved.

Although Natasha was a little flattered by everyone's expectations, she still agreed.

"Then how to deal with the relationship between New Avengers and the outside world? Especially the official side." Rhodes asked again.

"General Ross, who advocates hunting down the Avengers, has become Secretary of State."

He is an official person, so it is easy to take this into consideration.

And now Steve, Falcon, including Black Widow, the leader of the new Avengers, are still officially wanted criminals.

Steve and others frowned, this was indeed a big trouble.

"The purpose of the Avengers is to protect the world, as long as the authorities don't interfere."

Tony had already figured it out.

"We don't even need official support. After all, during so many crises, have the officials been of any help?"

Everyone nodded.

Indeed, officials have always been invisible during the incident, and then came out to make a sense of presence afterwards, so it would be good if they did not hold back.

For example, Thaddeus Ross, the most powerful opponent of superheroes, the Red Hulk in the comics has become the biggest enemy of superheroes in the official field in the movie universe. Now he has been promoted from senior general to secretary of state. Will also be elected president.

He waves the banner of law and officialdom to oppose superheroes everywhere, but in fact he just wants to control superhumans and increase his own power.

"Ross? I have many ways to deal with him, both simple and difficult." Li Ming suddenly spoke.

"What's the easiest?"

Rhodes reacted the fastest. He had been annoyed by Rose for a long time.

"Kill him."

Rhodes' smile froze on his face. He didn't expect Li Ming's method to be so direct.

"Heh... uh... maybe we can try a more difficult method."

"Although Ross is extreme, his crimes are not punishable by death, and... that's not the case here."

Tony also persuaded with a wry smile.

This approach is very Gotham, but not Marvel.

Li Ming said this on purpose to let the Avengers know that he is not a pure hero like Team America, which would actually benefit him in the future.

"Then let him step down." Li Ming shrugged, "Or just show very strong strength so that the officials dare not intervene."

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  (End of this chapter)

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