The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 276 Tony Stark’s Wedding

Chapter 276 Tony Stark’s Wedding
  Tony was eventually captured from the laboratory by Pepper Potts.

During the past three months, he spent most of his time in the laboratory, and Pepper Potts was also busy——

Get ready for the wedding.

Yes, her wedding to Tony.

In fact, as early as 2016, in order to wipe the media's butt at the press conference, Tony had already said in public that the two were about to get married.

But now two years have passed and they finally held their wedding.

Of course, the timing couldn't be better for Tony.

After all, he could imagine that in the original timeline, half of their relatives and friends were wiped out by the snap of their fingers, and they definitely had no intention of holding a wedding.

But Tony invited many people to this wedding because he wanted to take the opportunity of the wedding to rebuild the earth's defense force.

Except for Li Ming, Happy, Thor, Rhodes, Natasha, Banner, Peter and other familiar people.

There are also people who have fought together such as Nick Fury, Hawkeye, and the Wakanda team led by Black Panther T'Challa.

Loki, Ant-Man and Scott were also invited.

There was no way Hank Pym would come to Stark's wedding, but Tony told him that if he came, he would know who stole his Pym particle.

Hank Pym has always been worried about the theft of his research results, but there was no evidence of the theft at the time. It was not until more than ten years later that he discovered that Howard Stark was trying to copy his results, and he subconsciously believed that Howard had stolen it. Pym particles.

This also directly led to his resignation from S.H.I.E.L.D.

However, he recently recovered his wife who had been missing for thirty years from the quantum realm and was in a good mood.

So after the persuasion of his wife and daughter, Dr. Pim came.

There's even - Steve Rogers, and Falcon on the run.

Compared with the safety of the world, Tony once again chose to put aside his hatred.

Of course, the Winter Soldier didn't receive the invitation.

Although Tony's wedding was not announced to the outside world and was held on an island, it was still very lively with so many guests.

The last time Li Ming saw such a luxurious lineup was at Tony's funeral, but this time it happened at Tony's wedding.

This made Li Ming very happy. After all, he was also a Marvel fan in his previous life.

Of course, it won’t be the case after Avengers 4.


Supreme put on a suit for the first time in a long time and brought Kristen to the wedding. Kristen saw the familiar Wanda in the crowd and quickly said hello.


Wanda responded politely, but looked at Vision, who was in normal human form next to her, with confusion. Vision shook his head, indicating that he didn't recognize him either.

"Oh, we don't know each other in this universe." Kristen slapped her forehead, and then introduced, "I am Kristen Palmer, and this is Stephen Strange."

"We went to live in the parallel universe for a few months some time ago, and I met you there." Christine explained.

Only then did Wanda understand.

"This is Vision, right? It's our first time meeting you."

Then Kristen greeted Vision again, and they started chatting. During this period, Kristen's understanding of Wanda's life let them know that Kristen was indeed telling the truth.

But this made Wanda and the two very confused.

WandaVision is almost inseparable. There is no reason why Kristen is familiar with Wanda but has never met Vision?
  However, their confusion was not raised because their attention was soon attracted by Banner.

Since the Battle of Sokovia in 2015, when Hulk accidentally entered the Quinjet and flew into space, no one on Earth has seen Banner.

Unexpectedly, three years later, I would meet an old friend at Tony's wedding.

Steve went over first and gave Banner a hug to welcome him back.

Hawkeye Clint Barton also patted Banner on the arm.

Natasha looked at him with a bright smile, but did not step forward. The relationship between them was a bit awkward. Li Ming followed Saul and got to know other members of the Avengers.

During this time, he often went to New Asgard on the coast of Norway. After all, the seaside scenery was indeed better than Kama Taj.

Soon the main hosts, Tony and Pepper, appeared on the stage, and the wedding process officially began.

Tony, who had always been casual, acted extremely serious today, and Pepper was even more so.

It took more than ten years for them to go from being ambiguous at the beginning to officially falling in love. They even broke up in the middle, then reconciled, and now they have officially entered the palace of marriage.

The guests were very happy and blessed for them. This emotion reached its peak after Tony and Pepper said "I do" and kissed on the spot.

Sentimental people like Happy and Aunt May even cried.

Of course, except for Hank Pym, he is still thinking about it. If Howard Stark didn't steal his experimental results, who else could it be?

While he was struggling, he saw Steve sitting in the front row.

If only people were like Captain America and had noble moral character, it would be great.

Hank Pym thought so.

In his day, Captain America was a superstar, and Hank Pym wasn't interested in Iron Man, but he was very fond of Steve.

After the formal wedding process, it’s party time.

It was rare for this large group of people to get together, so naturally they had a lot to talk about.

Hawkeye shared his happy life with his family in retirement. Captain America and Falcon also talked about how difficult it was for them to live under Ross' pursuit, and they sympathized with Banner.

Nick Fury said that the most difficult thing is me. You are all gone and I have become a polished commander.

The most lively atmosphere was Thor, who happily told the story of how he and Hulk fought in a ring on Sakaar and then knocked Hulk down to show that he was still the strongest Avenger.

Peter Parker saw so many Avengers, and he suddenly regretted rejecting Tony's invitation.

But the mood came and went quickly. He ran around the party, holding a notebook and looking for the Avengers to collect stamps one by one.

"Strange, why are you a little... distant from this child?"

Christine asked when she saw Supreme Strange signing Peter's autograph very stiffly.

Supreme Strange explained: "The Strange Theory of Universe 616 says that this child is a troublemaker."

"How much trouble can it be? He is only fifteen or sixteen years old." Kristen was very puzzled.

It’s only when you’re fifteen or sixteen that you get into trouble.

Supreme Strange thought.

After the party was over, Tony arranged to send away the ordinary guests, leaving only the Avengers, various heroes, and a new face.


When the time came, Li Ming finally released her from Temple No. 2.

Everyone knew something was going on.

Tony called everyone together: "We have recently faced a crisis that affected the entire universe and was closely related to everyone. Fortunately, Li from the parallel universe came to help and changed everything."

Li Ming stood next to Tony and nodded to everyone.

No one would suspect Tony of lying about this kind of thing.

And Thor and Banner also said that this was true, which further enhanced their convincingness.

Nebula's identity was also revealed to everyone present. As the adopted daughter of Thanos, she told everyone in detail about Thanos' plan - to collect infinity stones and destroy half of the population of the universe.

However, language alone has little expressive power, so Li Ming and Tony also prepared a more vivid way.

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  (End of this chapter)

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