The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 270 First experience with power gems

Chapter 270 First experience with power gems

After Supreme Strange got the Infinity Gauntlet, he handed it directly to Li Ming.

"I think you need this."

Strange has a very quick mind, and Li Ming has always been eager to improve his strength. He comes to him to learn magic whenever he has time.

He guessed that Li Ming would definitely be interested in the Infinity Stones, so he helped him snatch the Infinity Gauntlet from Thanos.

There would be no universe without Li Ming, and Supreme Qiyi knew that it was dangerous for Li Ming to go to different universes to uphold justice, so he also tried every means to improve Li Ming's strength.

"Thanks, Strange."

Li Ming took the Infinity Gauntlet and took off the Mark 85 directly. After thinking about it for a few moments, he put his left hand in and the glove automatically shrunk to a suitable size.


The power gem on the glove lit up, and Li Ming suddenly felt that he had endless strength and could control all the energy around him.

He moved his mind, and he controlled a cluster of lightning escaping from Thunder Thor, transforming into a thunder puppy in the air.

Li Ming has the knowledge of the application of source power, so he is very comfortable in controlling the power gem.

Then Li Ming used the energy in the gem again to transform the thunder puppy into a purple thunder spear, which contained much more power than when he had ten times the power.

At this time, Thanos was still fighting the two Thors hand to hand. It has to be said that Thanos, as a meat-suited warrior, had an absurdly high physique. Even without the Infinity Gauntlet, he could still fight the two Thors by himself.

Although the thunder gods also caused damage to him, it basically did not affect his combat effectiveness. However, his wielding of the double-edged sword seriously injured the two thunder gods.

After all, he can beat the Hulk with his bare hands.

Thanos slashed at the Meowth Hammer, cutting Mjolnir into pieces again. However, Thor used the power of thunder to attract the pieces to each other and towards Thanos. The door was smashed down, leaving a wound on Thanos' face.

But Thor was also choked by Thanos. Fortunately, Thunder Thor saved him from being like Loki.

Thunder Thor's eyes glowed. He raised his Storm Ax and struck Thanos's sword with thunder, and he was in a stalemate with Thanos.

But Thor couldn't match Thanos' strength and was kicked away by him.

"Need help?" Li Ming asked.

"hold on."

Thunder Thor rushed forward again, but was knocked back after a while.

"It's needed now."

Li Ming hooked his fingers, the power gem lit up, and the purple thunder spear in front of him flew out, hitting the double-edged sword in Thanos' hand.

The sword couldn't bear the energy and broke into two halves, and Thanos was also blasted away.

Thunder Thor seized the opportunity, rushed over and took advantage of Thanos's stiffness, and chopped off Thanos' head with an axe.

To beat Thanos, you have to hit him in the head, and Thor himself has certified it.


Seeing that Thanos died in front of him again, Thunder Thor raised the Storm Ax and shouted cathartly. Although he was in another universe, he finally saved the fate of Loki and others, which made Thunder Thor very excited.

This scene that he had repeated countless times in his dreams finally became a reality.

Lightning scattered from the Storm Axe, hitting the interior of Temple 2, destroying many walls.

Li Ming frowned slightly, and went over to give Thunder Thor a blood orchid healing serum, which made the space Viking calm down.

Thanos is dead, and Temple Two is leaderless. It has long been regarded as a trophy by Li Ming. If Thunder Thor messes up like this, Li Ming will have to fix it. Blood Orchid Healing Serum is the result of Red Queen’s research, focusing mainly on treatment, and the results are very good.

Saul also had a share.

Of course, Li Ming also collected the blood of Thunder Thor, as well as the corpses of Thanos and his men. They were all wrapped in metal by Li Ming's magic.
  These are all his bloodline and villain reserves.

"Li, is it over? Is there anything else that needs to be finished?" Supreme Strange came over and asked.

The two Thors were a little restrained when they saw him at this time. They felt that Supreme Strange and their father Odin was even stronger.

Thunder Thor compared the Doctor Strange in his own universe and found that there were several Thanos missing in the middle.

In this universe, Thor has never seen Strange. He and Loki once went to Earth to find his father, but at that time Supreme Strange happened to go to Universe 616 with Li Ming, and he only saw Wang.

So in this universe, Thor was surprised for a while and then returned to normal quickly. He knew that there is a Supreme Mage on the earth, who protects the earth from being invaded by multiple dimensions. Now he just feels that the name is well-deserved, and the Supreme Mage should have such strength.

The main universe is strange: "Meow meow meow?"

"There are many Thanos' vanguards on this spaceship. If they are let go, many planets will be destroyed." Li Ming answered.

"Let me destroy the spaceship." Thunder Thor grasped the storm ax tightly and was eager to try.

Li Ming quickly stopped him: "I want this spaceship. It's a good weapon to go to other worlds."

No one objected to this, but Thunder Thor was a little confused: "But how do you drive it away?"

"They are all loyal to Thanos, and most of them are mindless Vanguards. They will not obey your orders."

He was right. Although Temple II was large, most of it was a biological army created by Thanos using genetic technology, similar to Li Ming's biological army.

The remaining people are completely loyal to Thanos and have numerous crimes on their bodies. Even if they are willing to surrender because Thanos is dead, Li Ming would not be consistent with his status as a superhero if he accepts them.

However, Li Ming didn't think about accepting these people. He just needed to know how to fly the spacecraft and where the technological database was.

"I don't need them to fly the spaceship."

Li Ming raised his hand and summoned thousands of robots. The robot army quickly spread out, and soon he learned the operation method and database location of Temple 2 from some weaklings.

As for the remnants of Thanos above, Li Ming clenched his fists, and the power gems on the Infinity Gauntlet glowed brilliantly.

"The next scene will be cruel. Do you need to avoid it?" Li Ming asked with his lips curled up.

All three shook their heads.

So Li Ming closed his eyes, and his mental power spread with the energy of the Power Stone, covering all aspects of the more than 4,000-meter-long battleship. Except for Ebony Maw, all Thanos' men inside were marked. A faint purple light.

Then he opened his eyes. At this time, Li Ming's eyes were filled with gem energy, and his pupils were also rendered into deep purple.

Li Ming thought, and all the marked Thanos men were instantly turned into powder. This was destruction from the atomic level, and they left nothing behind.

Immediately afterwards, the robot army quickly took over all parts of the spacecraft and stabilized the out-of-control Temple 2.

It feels good to have power.

Looking at the Infinity Gauntlet in his hand, Li Ming thought this in his heart, and then under the approving eyes of Supreme Strange and others, he put away the Infinity Gauntlet without nostalgia.

Thunder Thor and the other three nodded. They felt that Li Ming was worthy of being a superhero and was not addicted to power.

But what Li Ming was thinking was that although this power gem was good, it was just an experience card and could not be used outside of Marvel.

It's better to use it for analysis. After analysis, it will be permanent.

  (End of this chapter)

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