The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 250 Let the official take the blame

Chapter 250 Let the official take the blame

Borderlands Day 50.

"It's strange. How did the gangsters become so powerful?"

Penguin said in confusion.

"Yeah, the recent advance has been so slow. In the Upper East City, the Fish Gang actually pushed back." Gordon also frowned.

"It seems that they no longer send people over to dig for gold, but instead provide material support." Li Ming settled the matter in one sentence.

Everyone nodded, it must be the fault of the hateful officials and capitalists.

In a hidden location on the other side of Gotham, Nyssa Ogu secretly established a laboratory.

"Failure, next one."

The black woman with glasses skillfully crossed out a name in the book, and the assistants brought the next person over.

"How's it going? Bombardier?" Nyssa Ogu asked.

"The chip still needs to be improved. Now it can make people follow commands, but the actions will be very abnormal and easy to see."

Bombardier, who had been Dr. Hugo's assistant, replied.

"how long will it take?"

"Two to three months, mainly because the research data of Dr. Hugo on my body is not complete."

Nisha Ogu can still accept it for two or three months.

"Leave it to you, Bombardier. Once the mind control chip is successful, I will give you what you want."

"of course."

Bombardier answered with a smile, but what Nisha Ogu didn't notice was that there was a pair of contact lenses under Bombardier's glasses.

Borderlands Day 72.

"This is Gotham Voice Broadcasting. Hello, fellow Gotham people wandering around. I'm your friend Penguin."

"I...we are all very happy to know that you are living well outside with the help of Gotham Group and Wayne Group."

"But I'm sorry to inform you that your return home may have to be postponed. Yesterday, the Fish Gang cooperated with multiple gangs to rob and destroy our supply warehouses and secret arms factories at the same time."

"Now the shelter can only implement material rationing. Although we have recovered half of Gotham's land, we can only switch from offense to defense."

Penguin sounded very angry.

"This is an unforgivable, heinous, and despicable act of informing. We have guessed who told the gangs the location of the secret warehouse, but there is no evidence." Penguin paused and said viciously, "We will find it of!"

"Don't stress too much, Oswald. Take care of yourself and you'll get better."

After finishing the broadcast, Friday promptly spoke to Penguin, which immediately restored his mood a lot.

Penguin always feels that Friday is getting closer to him.

At various gathering points outside Gotham, the people who were always paying attention to the trends in Gotham were disappointed and immediately worried about the safety of everyone in Gotham.

In their hearts, Li Ming and others are fighting for them. Now they and others are safe outside, but Gotham is full of dangers.

But really speaking, without the assistance of Gotham Group and Wayne Group to the people, their lives would not be very easy.

The official assistance was relatively large in the initial period, but became less and less later on, and more of them had to rely on themselves to support themselves.

That is to say, they are lucky. There are two conscientious large companies in Gotham, otherwise many people would have had accidents.

This made them even more grateful to Li Ming. The King of Gotham was fighting inside and always caring about the outside.

Borderlands Day 120.

It has been four months since Gotham was closed. Most of the territory is still occupied by gangs, and the supplies at the shelter have been exhausted. The people of Gotham and the outside world voluntarily donated food and medical supplies, but they were stopped by the army besieging Gotham. The official did not allow any supplies to enter Gotham, which made the people more dissatisfied with the official.

Borderlands Day 150.

The shelter was almost out of ammunition and food, so Li Ming could only lead his team out to rob the gang of supplies to support the war.

However, their shortcomings of insufficient manpower became more and more obvious. They often occupied a place, and after they evacuated, they were snatched back by the gangs, and the two sides fell into fierce battles.

The local families in Gotham began to panic. The time to regain Gotham was far away, and their land was devaluing every day.

Borderlands Day 180.

Gotham's external broadcasts are interrupted, and the outside world can no longer understand the internal situation in Gotham.

Borderlands Day 261.

"This is Gotham Voice Radio, hello Gotham, I'm Li Ming."

The people of Gotham who were waiting anxiously outside had been paying attention to the radio every day since the broadcast was interrupted, but there had been no news.

Finally, after 81 days of broadcast interruption, they heard the voice of His Excellency Li Ming again.

"81 days ago, the shelter was blown up." Li Ming's voice was heavy and powerful, "But fortunately we have the habit of relocating in time, and there were no casualties. However, the only antenna was damaged."

He first explained the reason for the communication interruption.

After learning that the shelter had been bombed, the people of Gotham were immediately on tenterhooks. Most of them had relatives and friends still inside.

They were relieved when they heard Li Ming say there were no casualties.

"After more than two months of hard fighting, we finally fixed the broadcast, but during the battle, we discovered something unbelievable."

"The person who blew up the asylum was not a gangster, but the security chief responsible for Gotham affairs, Theresa Walker!"

"She pretended to send Eduardo Dorrance to lead the special forces into Gotham to help us clean up the gangs. In fact, she wanted to subvert the asylum and make the outside world think that Gotham has been completely occupied, so that the officials can carry out a full-scale bombing plan!"

Li Ming's words caused an uproar, and countless Gotham people spontaneously held demonstrations and stormed the official office.

Although the official has repeatedly denied what Li Ming said, the public has been more willing to believe what Li Ming said as the officials have repeatedly disappointed the officials and Li Ming who fought hard for Gotham.

And then Gotham Radio continued to disclose evidence, which made it impossible for the officials to deny it. They could only change their story and say that Theresa Walker had been fired and wanted.

However, when things have developed to this point, there is no need for Li Ming to continue to take the blame, and some people are already saying that Theresa Walker is just a scapegoat thrown out by the official government.

After this series of events, more and more people have discovered that it seems that the official side is not on their side.

"Eduardo is gone. He can't move anymore. Someone must be helping him." Gordon said with a frown.

"We should be used to it, right?"

Li Ming was also a little puzzled. Although it was true that Gordon was the king of singles, Eduardo was also an elite member of the special forces.

But Gordon was injured, and Eduardo, who was in his prime, was beaten to the ground by Gordon.

Although Li Ming had already prepared that Gordon would be fine, he didn't expect that Eduardo would use the backup plan prepared for Gordon.

He is now a hero in Gotham, and if there is a hero, there must be a villain.

The official image of the villain has been initially established, but the official will not take the initiative to expose its flaws again, and will most likely take the initiative to advance the process of regaining Gotham.

So he had to find people with official status to "help" the officials do some dark work.

 Thank you for staying with you until your heart stops.
    assassin, night shadow

  Yi Cheng, four big monthly votes support! ! !


  (End of this chapter)

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