All the villains can hear my voice

Chapter 137 The Prime Minister of Taichang Temple presented the elixir of immortality to the emperor

After hearing the message, she sympathized and wanted to laugh, because she read the plot and said, "That excrement was not painted by General Renshi. Go find Hei Laodu, the Minister of Civil Affairs!" 】

However, Chuanwen was confused for a moment, [Is Old Wu having Mercury retrograde recently? Why are you so unlucky? 】

Marquis Changxing had a dark look on his face. Alas, it was not because he met his granddaughter that he was so unlucky. Otherwise, it would be so comfortable to take a short break, drink tea and write poems at home.

Another gossip is that that day, the Minister of Finance and Lin Jinjun had a quarrel while drinking, and it turned into scolding each other. He scolded him for being suspicious, petty, and despicable, while he scolded him for being jealous and sick. ! The two refused to give in to the other, and ended up fighting!

Then two days later, Lin Jinjun packed a small baggage, said goodbye to his family, and went out to travel.

【Yunyou? 】

Chuanwen wondered, [Lao Lin won’t take back his position as minister of Honglu Temple? 】

She felt that a narrow-minded person like Lao Lin would not accept his fate like this.

Then I laughed when I read the plot, [It turns out that Lao Lin went out to find the elixir of life, hoping to use the elixir to regain the emperor's favor! 】

[However, the elixirs in the novels written by my brother are all fantasy. The reality is that if you take the elixirs prepared by the alchemists for a long time, the result will be metal poisoning. By then, Lao Lin will have murdered the emperor.]

Chuanwen felt a little silent when he thought about that scene. He was silent for a while and then forgot about it. [Anyway, no matter what, I wish you good luck! 】

Marquis Changxing was stunned for a moment, looking at his granddaughter who was forgetting everything and enjoying the happiness of the moment. Don't just wish her good luck! Come and see if Lin Jinjun can find the elixir of immortality, and see if the emperor and his old man will be okay in the future!

But after thinking about it, my granddaughter's artifact seemed to have no predictive function, and she couldn't help but feel depressed.

Although Chuan Wen didn't care about anything, as long as he had food and drink, he could see that Marquis Changxing was a little absent-minded these days, so he couldn't help but wonder, but after looking through the plot, he didn't find anything happening at home, so he just said [ strangeness? 】Just don’t care.

Marquis Changxing was in a complicated mood. He found that it was not a good thing to hear his granddaughter's voice sometimes. It was a bit torturous.

On New Year's Eve, when the emperor held a banquet to enjoy with his ministers, the Prime Minister of Taichang Temple took out a brocade box and said that it contained a gourd of elixir of immortality. After hearing this, the Marquis of Changxing almost felt weak in his legs and his whole body Everyone raised the alarm.

The emperor was very happy, but he still restrained himself. Mingjun would not be addicted to elixirs!

However, the eyes looking at Taichang Temple Prime Minister were full of admiration, even though this beloved minister was a bit unfamiliar (Taichang Temple Prime Minister's official position was too low, and he stood relatively far back in the previous court, so he usually had few opportunities to approach the emperor. , so the emperor has no impression of this person), but I remember you, and I will give you a promotion when I find an opportunity!

"I don't want immortality either. As long as our Jin Dynasty can be strong and prosperous in my lifetime, I will be satisfied."

Although the emperor said so, he asked someone to add a glass of wine to Taichang Temple. Prime Minister Taichang Temple was flattered. During the entire banquet, the emperor did not add wine to anyone alone!

Thinking about it, I got excited. I stood up and praised the emperor's civil and military skills. The emperor couldn't tell that he was flattering, but in this season and the atmosphere, didn't he need someone to flatter him and praise the country he governed? Okay, hey, this is how you feel motivated!

The other ministers secretly rolled their eyes when they saw a junior official from the eighth rank standing in the limelight. The people at the Yushitai were ready to attack him on his first performance after the new year. He even offered some elixir of immortality to the emperor. Do you want to trick the monarch into indulging in alchemy instead of doing his job? Didn’t you see what happened to their second prince who was addicted to alchemy?

The Prime Minister of Taichang Temple was excited because he was appreciated by the emperor. He didn't notice the other people here secretly rolling their eyes at him. He excitedly introduced the origin of the elixir of immortality and the difficulty of refining it.

This elixir of immortality was refined by Taoist Taiqing of Qingfeng Temple. Everyone knows that Qingfeng Temple has a long history in the previous dynasty and is recognized as the most efficacious Taoist temple. At the end of the previous dynasty, he was also the Taoist priest of Qingfeng Temple. It was calculated that the national destiny of the previous dynasty was approaching, and the new dragon spirit appeared in Linzhang County, Dingzhou. The founding emperor of the Jin Dynasty, Emperor Wu of Jin, was born in Linzhang County, Dingzhou. Therefore, people in the Jin Dynasty believe in the Qingfeng Temple. Emperors have continued to repair the Qingfeng Temple. Now, the Qingfeng Temple is the largest Taoist temple in the Jin Dynasty, with an endless stream of pilgrims and believers every year.

There are three concubines in Qingfeng Temple, Taiqing, Taixiao and Taichen. These three are of high seniority and prestige, and they are very knowledgeable about Taoism. The emperor has benefited a lot from chatting with them every time.

The Prime Minister of Taichang Temple said that this elixir was refined by Taoist Taoist Taiqing. The emperor was confused at first. He remembered that among the three Taoist priests, the one who was somewhat interested in elixirs was Taoist Taoist Taixiao. Why did he become Taoist Taoist Taiqing? It has been refined for a long time.

Asked Taichang Si Cheng, he didn't know very well, but he smelled the gossip when Taichang Si Cheng presented the elixir and started to read the plot.

[Because Taoist priest Taixiao was scared away by the emperor before, and there were not enough resources outside, he wanted to make elixirs, so he had to send the prescription to his senior Taoist priest Taiqing and ask him to help him refine it.]


He even forgot that the message was also there.

For this palace banquet, he asked the ministers to bring their families. The banquet was held in the suite of Linhua Palace. The men were in the outer room and the women in the inner room. The queen hosted the reception.

Only Lin Jinjun, the former minister of Honglu Temple, heard the previous rumor about the emperor scaring away Taoist Priest Taixiao, so when they heard the rumor that the emperor had scared away Taoist Taixiao, the ministers were a little confused.

However, the emperor's eyes lit up a little while his eyes darkened, and he paid more attention to those elixirs. In this way, those elixirs that Taoist Taixiao and Taoist Taiqing worked together to refine must not be vulgar.

Although he was very happy, the emperor did not want to continue this topic, lest the news spread out the details of how he scared Taoxiao Taoist away. He coughed, let everyone eat and drink, and also cared about the life of the minister of the Ministry of Industry. Change the subject.

The minister of the Ministry of Industry who was named was stunned, and secretly complained in his heart, Emperor, you don't have martial ethics, you can't just pull out the old minister to attract fire just to prevent the rumors from exposing you!

When the minister of the Ministry of Industry replied, his expression was as usual, but his heart was full of righteousness. The old minister was willing to die for the emperor!

However, Chuanwen was not attracted by the words Minister of the Ministry of Industry, but continued to read about Qingfengguan, because she saw a big news:

[Taoist Priest Taiqing is dead! ! 】

Cough cough cough! ! !

The emperor who had just picked up the wine glass and took a sip was choked.

The accompanying eunuch quickly poured water for the emperor, while the ministers were stunned, especially the Prime Minister of Taichang Temple. His father-in-law didn't tell him this!

Inside, some of the female relatives could hear Chuanwen's voice, while others couldn't. Some people were talking, some looked slightly stunned, and some were picking up food. There was nothing unusual about them.

In particular, the Queen had long been used to being surprised when she delivered messages to people. She just paused for a moment and then looked as usual, chatting with the old lady of Changxinghou next to her.

The old lady of Changxinghou was also a human spirit, so she cooperated in chatting with the queen.

He was concentrating on reading the gossip and didn't notice the slight stunned look of some people, who were reading the gossip while eating food slowly.

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