After reading the heart milk ball, the cannon fodder family went crazy

Chapter 101 The murderer who killed him 3 years ago

The Su family all looked at Su Dahe nervously, fearing that they would hear bad news.

"Mom and dad, don't worry, I am confident that I will pass the exam." Su Dahe said confidently.

Although he has not entered the academy for three years, he has never given up studying during these three years. And the content he was tested on today happened to be what he was good at.

I can’t say where I will rank, but I’m sure I’ll pass.

The family suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and Su Youmin said happily: "It's getting late, and the third child is tired. We will have dinner in the county today."

When they heard that they were going to have dinner in the county, Su Shaoan's children were so excited that they almost jumped up. Several adults were also beaming with joy.

Except for Su Dajiang, who was on duty at the county government and occasionally ate in the county, no one else, including Su Youmin, had ever eaten in the county.

The Su family was talking excitedly about where they were going to eat when Su Dahe was suddenly bumped into and staggered.

Everyone looked up and recognized at a glance that the person who hit Su Dahe was Fu Heng, the youngest son of Fu Manman's eldest brother.

Three years ago, Su Dahe and Fu Heng studied in the same academy, and later became under the same teacher.

Strictly speaking, they are still brothers in the same discipline, but they have not dealt with each other since they were young.

This time the Fu family moved back to the village. Fu Heng did not follow them back, but lived in the county to study.

Fu Heng looked at Su Dahe contemptuously, "I didn't expect you to dare to take the exam after being disabled for three years. If you had told me earlier, I would have chosen you when I bet on who would come in last in the college exam. Although the odds are low. , but if you can win, I can still share some of the money you win with you."

Hearing Fu Heng curse Su Dahe like this, the Su family became very popular. Su Dahai rolled up his sleeves and wanted to teach him a lesson, but Su Dahe stopped him.

"Brother, don't be impulsive."

After stopping Su Dahai, Su Dahe turned to look at Fu Heng.

"Fu Heng, anyone can tell big words. If you have the ability, you are waiting to be put on the list. You can speak based on your strength."

This is the entrance to the college entrance examination. If guards are attracted, it may affect the college entrance examination results.

He had been waiting for three years for this opportunity, but he couldn't let Fu Heng be affected.

[It turns out he is Fu Heng]

[If Fumanman hadn’t given him luck, it would have been great if he had that wooden fish head and could write his own name]

In the book, Fu Heng's talent can only be described as stupid as a pig. He finally became a high-ranking official because of Fu Man Man's luck.

Because of his good luck, Fu Heng did all kinds of bad things except not dare to seek power and usurp the throne.

Corruption and bribery, killing the loyal and good, preying on the common people, and holding the emperor to order the princes.

It can be said that Fuheng was half responsible for the war that broke out later.

Su Zhaozhao still remembers Fu Manman's exact words when he found out about it.

She said: "There is no black and white, right or wrong in the court, only positions. From Fuheng's point of view, there is nothing wrong with doing these things. Even if he doesn't do it, someone else will do it. Since someone has to do it, why? Can’t it be done by Fuheng?”

Originally, Su Zhaozhao didn't feel much when she was reading the book, but after experiencing famine and war in her previous life, now she just wanted to have Fuheng and Fumanman together.

Su Dahe looked at Fu Heng calmly. He remembered that Fu Heng was really stupid when he was a child. He would believe others who lied to him about eating shit.

But starting from the year when Fumanman fell into the water, he seemed to have enlightened himself and became smarter day by day. Later, he was admitted by the dean of the academy under special circumstances.

Fu Heng straightened his clothes and said with a arrogant expression: "Based on strength? Okay, do you think you, Su Dahe, are still the genius student from three years ago? I will let you know in seven days what a change of fate means. Su Dahe, you just He is worthy of being my defeated general!"

[My third uncle will be better than you Xibei in another hundred years]

Su Zhaozhao was almost going crazy. He wanted to take out a forty-meter-long sword and teach him how to be a good person.

[If you hadn't been jealous that my third uncle was smarter and more talented than you, and deliberately pushed my third uncle down, causing his leg to be broken, my third uncle would have been admitted as a scholar long ago] Su Dahai trembled all over. He also suspected Fu Heng of harming him, but he could never find substantial evidence.

The rest of the Su family knew about this for the first time. They were shocked at first, and then they all stared at Fu Heng angrily.

Fu Heng suddenly felt a chill on his back. When he saw the Su family members looking at each other with careless eyes, he couldn't help but take two steps back.

"Why are you looking at me like this? I'm not wrong!"

"If you don't want others to know, you have to do it yourself. Do you think if I tell you what happened back then, will your college examination results still count?" Su Dahe said calmly.

Fu Heng's expression changed, and he remembered what happened three years ago in his mind.

Three years before the college entrance examination, he saw Su Dahe standing on the roadside and subconsciously pushed him out.

Because of this incident, he was so frightened that he had a high fever all night and failed to catch up with the college examination that year.

Fu Henghai pretended to be calm and said: "I, a great and future scholar, am too lazy to talk to a commoner like you."

After saying that, Fuheng turned around and left quickly.

As soon as he left, Su Youmin thought of what Su Dahe said just now and quickly asked: "Lao San, what did you mean by what you just said?"

Could it be that Fu Heng did other things besides causing Su Dahe's leg to be crushed?

"It was not an accident that my leg was broken when it was run over by a carriage three years ago. It was Fu Heng who pushed me." Su Dahe said calmly.

Hearing this, Su Youmin said angrily: "It is indeed him! Let's go tell the county magistrate and cancel his college examination results!"

Su Dahe was surprised that Su Youmin knew that Fuheng was harming him. When he saw that Su Youmin was really planning to go to the county government, he quickly stopped him.

"Dad, it has been three years since it happened, and I have no evidence to prove that he did it. If we talk about it now, it will have no effect, and it may also affect my college entrance examination results."

"Then let him go like this?" Su Youmin gritted his teeth.

If it weren't for Fuheng, Su Dahe would have been a scholar long ago with his talent and learning.

"Keep the green hills here, so you don't have to worry about running out of firewood. I will ask Fuheng for this matter sooner or later, but now is not the time."

After hearing this, Su Youmin calmed down and agreed with Su Dahe's decision.

After dinner, Su Youmin saw that it was getting late, so he simply waited for Su Dajiang to get off duty, and then waited for him to finish eating before the whole family went home together.

Two days later, the textile factory was completed, and Su Youmin found a good day to start work.

On the day when construction started, Su Dahai took out the firecrackers he had bought early and set them off for a long time.

Amidst the sound of firecrackers, Su Meihua led a group of female workers to officially start weaving.

Two days later, seeing that everything was in order on Su Meihua's side, Mrs. Su was completely relieved and turned to worry about Su Dahe's college entrance examination results.

As the announcement of the results approached, the whole family became anxious.

On the day when the results were released, Su Dahai, Su Dahe, and Su Shaoping went to the county seat early in the morning to look at the results.

When it was almost noon, Su Youmin suddenly became anxious when he saw that none of the three people came back.

"Damn it, I'm really panicking. Why don't I go to the county and have a look."

Mrs. Su was already panicking, but she became even more panicked when she heard this.

"I'll go with you too."

Su Youmin nodded, and just as he and Mrs. Su were about to go out, they suddenly heard gongs and drums beating outside.

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