Datang: Abducting the eldest princess at the beginning

Chapter 133 133 Returns triumphantly!

Chapter 133 133. Triumphant return!

There are three field hospitals in Shanzhou. The first one is the largest inn in Shanzhou City, Shancheng Inn.

There are many rooms, but the herbs used for healing, as well as the silk and cotton used for wrapping, have to be transported outside.

Relatively speaking, the resources are less.

This is where minor injuries are treated.

Generally, people who are not seriously injured are sent here.

In other words, if Jiang Chen is here, there shouldn't be any problems.

Li Lizhi was the first to rush here, also hoping that Jiang Chen would be okay!


"Be gentle, be gentle!"

"Are you a veterinarian?"

"It's too harsh."

Oh my God!

"Sister Niu, are you happy?"

The tall Sister Niu is in charge of the planned production county of agricultural and sideline products in one of the three towns in Shanzhou.

In the county town, she is an expert at treating cattle, pigs, and sheep.

Sister Niu slapped the old soldier away who thought she was too heavy, and said magnanimously: "You are lucky that I can cure you."

"How can the doctor have time to treat you?"

The veterans looked at the soldiers lying or sitting here, they were all living people.

However, the doctors who treat them are not people-treaters, they are all veterinarians.

That's right!

They were lucky enough not to have their arms or legs broken, and they didn't have to apply ointment to a large area, so they had to leave it to fate.

"I'm sorry, sis."

“I will do whatever you ask me to do.


"Take it easy!"

Sister Niu rolled her eyes, how long has it been? Just now she said she could do whatever she wanted, but now it hurts.

In fact, she didn't do it intentionally, it was just habitual.

If a cow is sick and you want to move it, it is impossible and you can only hold it down with your hands.

That's why she's so powerful.

Li Lizhi glanced at the veteran, and then at the soldiers who were still screaming.

She walked among them with a happy smile on her face.

Jiang Chen is one of them.

However, he did nothing!

In fact, if Jiang Chen is here, he can just find anyone.

She didn't need to ask, she just needed to find it alone.

However, she didn't ask anything!

Searching everywhere, she couldn't find it at all.

At this moment, her smile disappeared and was replaced by an urge to cry!

However, she couldn't cry until she saw Jiang Chen.

But today, she really didn't want to cry.

"Where is General Jiang?"

After all, Li Lizhi couldn't hold back and asked.

When she asked, the two fell silent.

Everyone lowered their heads and held back tears.


Seeing this scene, Li Lizhi covered her mouth with her hands and her eyes widened.

Tears welled up in her eyes, but she still held it back, frowning slightly.

Li Lizhi turned around and escaped from the area.

Even Leng Yue found it difficult to keep up with her speed.

"Miss, General Jiang will be fine."

On the way, Li Lizhi passed a place where heart-wrenching cries were often heard - there were white-haired people sending black-haired people away.

She glared at him hatefully and ran away.


"Not here!"

"He won't come!"

She had the feeling of taking a step back to open up the world.

It is almost impossible for Jiang Chen to be injured. Even if you are missing arms or legs, it is still good!

Although his hands and feet were cut off and his appearance was beyond recognition, he was still breathing, which was better than lying here!

Outside the cloth shop, Li Li put her hands on her legs, panting.

When she saw Li Jing walking out, a smile appeared on her face.

This means that, as Jiang Chen said, his siege plan has been successful, and there are no more Xianbei people in this world.

In other words, Jiang Chen is here?

She cried. He was really going to have his hands and feet broken and his face disfigured. Whether he could survive or not depended on his fate.


I obviously promised not to cry and agreed to the second request, but in the end I regretted it and felt heartbroken!

Li Jing followed the sound and immediately recognized who it was.

He looked around and walked over very generously.

"Come on, come with me and have a look!"

After saying that, Li Jing left.

He had too much to do, and his army was very busy.

Following closely behind, there were Hou Junji, Li Daozong and others who all greeted Li Li.

But their titles are all the same, not princess, but niece!

As soon as she entered the door, Li Lizhi saw Jiang Chen.

Four imperial doctors, her father, the county guard, and a group of generals were all gathered here.

Besides Jiang Chen, who else?

She walked to him nervously, wanting to see him, but she was a little scared.

Through the gap, she saw a scene that shocked her

This was the first time she had seen someone beaten like this.

The armor on other people can be repaired!

However, the armor on his body had been shattered into pieces on the ground.

She could clearly see that the holes in the leather jacket had been turned inside out.

There are not many iron scales left on the body.

And it looked like it was soaked in blood.

No need to look at anything else, just look at these?

She already understood what was happening.

She was very scared, afraid that when she got closer, she would find that Jiang Chen's hands and feet were missing.


Li Lizhi took a deep breath and made a decision.

No matter what, I will take good care of him for the rest of his life.

Whether he likes it or not, he deserves this, it is what Datang owes him.

Thinking of this, Li Lizhi speeded up.

"Dad, is he okay?"

Li Shimin turned around and saw his daughter, still wearing sacrificial clothes.

“Your prayers worked!”

Li Shimin's words surprised Li Lizhi.

She quickly ran over and checked Jiang Chen's body. Fortunately, his limbs were still there.

However, he was wrapped so tightly that only his eyes, nose, and mouth could be seen.

From the oozing blood, you can see how serious his injuries were.

It must be scarred and scarred!

Perhaps, his face was also ruined!

Li Lizhi smiled slightly, walked to Jiang Chen and sat down, then looked at him and said:

"Even if you are disfigured, I will still like you."

"Scars are the most fascinating!"

"I just like you now!"

Li Shimin's face showed a hint of joy.

In this regard, she is somewhat similar to her mother.

When the emperor was rescued from Yanmen Pass, his body was already covered with scars.

Avalokitesvara also told him the same thing.

Thinking about it this way, he missed Empress Changsun a little.

Li Shimin put a hand on Li Lizhi's shoulder: "You can make up your own mind. As a father, you should take the first step."

The soldiers were exhausted, and it was no use keeping a group of old men here.

With Li Lizhi and several doctors here, they felt at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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