Chapter 182 Make another mapo tofu!
"Why, can't it?"

Su Qingyin smiled and said, "I put it in your mouth with my own hands!"

"Okay, okay, you go out and play with Xiaonan first. I'll finish cooking the remaining dishes, and then we can eat."

Su Qingyin nodded: "There's no need to cook too much. There are only three of us and we can't eat that much."

"Well, just stir-fry another dish and make a soup. How about rice as the staple food?"

When he made the nine-turn large intestine, he deliberately reserved some soup and did not drain it completely.

You can pour it on rice after a while, and it tastes quite good.

Next, make another mapo tofu dish.

This is an authentic Sichuan dish and a great side dish.

This kind of side dish is a must when eating rice.

Once the soup is poured on it, you have to eat another bowl of rice.

Ye Chen used soft tofu, which tasted smoother after a while.

You can also use old tofu, but the taste will be slightly different.

Ye Chen took out a small piece of pork from the refrigerator, defrosted it and cut it into fine pieces.

In fact, it is better to use beef, it is more fragrant and also has butter.

But there is no fresh beef at home, and I have to buy some more tomorrow.

Chop all the ginger and pickled pepper into pieces and set aside.

Chop a fresh garlic sprout and use it for garnish later.

Heat the oil in a pot. After heating the pot, Ye Chen adds chili peppers and green peppercorns to the pot.

Stir-fry over low heat until the chilies are fragrant.

Take it out on a cutting board and pat it into chili noodles.

Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add a spoonful of salt, and put the cut tofu in.

Boil it first to remove the beany smell of tofu.

Ye Chen took out the tofu and drained it.

Then add a small amount of oil to the pot, sauté the ginger slices until fragrant, and pour in the minced pork that was cut previously.

Stir-fry the water over low heat and stir out the oil at the same time.

After the minced meat is stir-fried, the aroma comes out.

After the minced meat is sautéed, add the bean paste, and then add the chili and ginger. Stir-fry for a few times, then add the chili noodles. Ye Chen adds a small amount to the pot.

Ye Chen added a small amount of water to the pot, turned up the heat to bring the water to a boil, and then started seasoning.

Sprinkle a small amount of salt, MSG, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, and pour the tofu in.

Turn to low heat and cook the tofu until it becomes fragrant.

Finally, add some water starch to thicken it.

Ye Chen used the standard three-step thickening method and needed to thicken it three times in total.

The mapo tofu made in this way is smooth and tender, and the color is very beautiful.

After taking it out of the pot, add the prepared garlic sprouts.

The two greedy cats were attracted by the scent and ran to the kitchen to take a look.

No, to be precise, it should be three greedy cats.

The aroma of Mapo Tofu steamed up and quickly spread in every room.

Even Wangcai ran over in a hurry.

Meow, what's the delicious food the Twoleg is going to do with me on his back? So fragrant!
"Wangcai, do you also want to eat Mapo Tofu?"


"Why are you guys coming in again? Didn't I let you play outside? There's a lot of oil fumes here."

Su Qingyin stuck out her tongue in embarrassment: "Hey, who told you to cook so fragrantly that it makes Xiaonan and I both hungry, right Xiaonan?"

"Yes!" Ye Xiaonan took a deep breath: "It smells so good!"

"So, do you still have to blame me?" Ye Chen looked aggrieved.

"Yes, it's your fault!"

"Then I'll deliberately make the food taste a little more unpalatable next time."

"That's not okay!" Su Qingyin pinched his waist: "If you dare to deliberately cook something unpalatable, I will punish you by not being able to eat on the table!" Ye Chen couldn't help but sigh, expressing that he was feeling miserable!
I'm not married yet, so I'm punishing myself by not being able to eat at the table.

Will this happen again?

If I offend her, will I have to kneel on the washboard?

Therefore, men should not fall in love easily!

While talking, Ye Chen had already put Mapo Tofu on the plate.

The bright red Mapo Tofu is served on a white porcelain plate, and the color is very beautiful.

White tofu, red soup, and green garlic sprouts, the three colors combined together form a kind of harmony, like a beautiful symphony.

Not only do they not conflict with each other, but they merge with each other.

The tofu is white, tender and delicate, cut into small pieces and arranged neatly on the plate, exuding a light bean aroma.

Every piece of tofu is soaked in the bright red spicy sauce and looks full of life.

The tofu is covered with a layer of steaming hot spicy sauce. The juice is thick and has a slight red oil. Just looking at it will make your mouth water.

Only red and white would be too monotonous, but Ye Chen added a layer of minced garlic.

Green represents vitality, making this dish more colorful.

"You can eat it after a while. The mapo tofu is still very hot."

Mapo tofu is a dish that only tastes best when eaten hot.

Light and heat won't do it, you have to burn it.

The hot tofu enters the mouth, and the taste buds on the tip of the tongue are instantly activated.

No matter how hungry you are, you can still eat two large bowls of rice in a row!
But it should not be too hot. Food that is too hot is not good for your throat.

Make another soup and you can start eating.

"Qingyin, please put the rice out to dry first."


"Mom, I'm here to help you too." Ye Xiaonan volunteered.

"Then I'll hold the bowl and Xiaonan will be responsible for serving the rice. Be careful not to burn your hands." Su Qingyin found the rice spoon and handed it to her hand.

In this hot weather, there should be no appetite.

But seeing the beautiful color of Mapo Tofu, my originally dormant appetite was suddenly aroused.

Finally, make a fresh vegetable hibiscus soup.

Just hearing the name sounds good, and the taste is naturally not bad either.

Ye Chen prepared all the ingredients first.

Use spinach, eggs, mushrooms and carrots.

With the knife raised and lowered, cut the carrots into small pieces and the mushrooms into appropriate sizes.

He added hot water to the pot and blanch the spinach.

It removes the oxalic acid and pesticide residues on it and also removes the astringency.

Heat oil in a pan, add mushrooms and carrots to the pan and stir-fry evenly.

Add appropriate amount of water and bring to boil.

Then add the spinach, beat two eggs, and pour them in along the edge of the pot, so that the egg drops will float on top of the soup, as if wearing a golden coat, which is really beautiful.

Since it's a soup, you don't need to add a lot of seasonings.

Ye Chen only added a little salt and a little light soy sauce, which was enough.

Soon, the two dishes and one soup were all ready.

"You little greedy cats, wash your hands and eat!"

Several people washed their hands and sat at the dining table.

"How about trying Mapo Tofu?"

If she hadn't told her, Su Qingyin would have been unable to hold on any longer.

Just this mapo tofu dish, with its bright red soup and rich and mellow aroma, who wouldn’t be confused after seeing this!

She picked up a piece of tofu with her chopsticks, but it shattered in half in the air.

"What do you mean, you don't want me to eat this tofu." Su Qingyin said aggrievedly.

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(End of this chapter)

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