To accompany my daughter, I worked as a chef in the kindergarten

Chapter 121 Pan-fried buns full of the taste of mother!

Chapter 121 Pan-fried buns full of the taste of mother!

"Would you like to try it too? These pan-fried buns are delicious."

"Still eating?"

The woman frowned: "The first meal I had when I married into your family was pan-fried buns. I have been eating pan-fried buns with you for so long. Now that you are the big boss, you still let me eat pan-fried buns?"

"Let me tell you, the old lady has been dead for so long, and you still talk about fried buns all day long, you..."

"Get out of here." Sun Teng's voice was low but firm.

"You, what did you say?" The woman's eyes widened and she looked at him in disbelief.

After so many years of marriage, he told himself to get out for the first time.

"I told you to get out."

Sun Teng raised his head, his eyes red.

"Okay, okay, I'll help you build a fortune from scratch, now that you have money, you want me to get out? Sun Teng, you are really nothing!"

The woman's face was filled with anger and she turned around and left.

Sun Teng sighed and talked to himself.

"Boss, tell me, will this person change?"

Ye Chen said nothing.

He knew very well that the man in front of him just wanted someone to complain to.

I just want to talk and don't need an answer.

"She came with me when I was having the most difficult time. Why is she like this now that my life is better?"

Sun Teng is a person with a good temper.

But that doesn't mean he won't be angry.

Everyone has negative scales, which will make them angry.

Mother is Sun Teng's reverse scale.

He is a child of a single-parent family.

His mother raised him by selling pan-fried buns on the street.

That was the smell in his memory.

No matter how many delicacies he has eaten, he can never compare to that cage of fried buns.

He also loves his wife very much.

They met when they were broke.

The woman did not dislike Sun Teng and stayed with him to support him all the way.

Starting a business is hard. In the most difficult times, you have to borrow money for food.

But she didn't complain.

Stay by his side silently.

Until he succeeds.

Sun Teng was very grateful to her.

During that most difficult time, he didn't know how he would have spent it without a woman.

Finally one day, he became what people call a rich man and a big boss.

It is said that a rich man marries a wife, keeps a mistress, and raises a mistress.

But Sun Teng is a different kind.

So many women came forward to offer him their favors, but he rejected them one by one.

His mother taught him since he was a child that he must have a conscience.

The most painful days were spent by women with him.

Now that you have money, kick her away.

Is that still a person?

Even if you want a daughter,

Even if a woman cannot give birth to a child,

He never blamed her.

But since becoming rich, women have changed.

Became vain and bitter.

Even if Sun Teng eats a pan-fried bun and wants to miss his mother's feelings, women will point fingers.

Sun Teng has been suffering silently.

Only about his mother, he did not allow others to make irresponsible remarks.


Sun Teng sighed and actually shed a tear.

"Boss, everyone says that life will be better when you are rich, but why do I feel that although I was miserable when I was poor, I was much happier than now?"

Men don't shed tears easily, but they are not sad yet.

Ye Chen glanced at him, this must be the so-called pain of a middle-aged man.

Those who look bright and beautiful often have their own sufferings.

My mother passed away, my wife didn't understand, and I didn't have any children.

I really don’t know what the meaning of life is.

But what can I do?

A few innocuous words of comfort? To put it bluntly, the relationship between the two of them is just that of a boss and a customer.

Where can I say these words?

If it weren't for Xiao Nan, his life might be even more miserable than his.

Everyone's life must ultimately be lived by oneself.

Difficulties in life must be solved by oneself.

He put the fried buns on the plate and scooped out a bowl of fish porridge.

"The fried fish is wrapped. This bowl of fish fillet porridge is a new product. I'd like to give it to you to try."

Ye Xiaonan raised her little face and handed over a tissue: "Uncle, don't be sad, try daddy's fish fillet porridge, it's delicious!"

Sun Teng stopped crying and took the tissue. His eye circles were still red.

"Thank you, little girl."

He wiped his tears.

"Boss, your daughter is really cute."

"of course."

Ye Chen picked up Xiaonan and kissed her on the forehead.

"She is a treasure given to me by God."

Ye Xiaonan chuckled: "Then am I not an angel?"

"Yes, you are my little angel!"

Watching the heartwarming scene of the two interacting, Sun Teng's sadness was diluted a lot.

He also smiled: "Boss, I'm not polite about this bowl of fish fillet porridge."

"Of course, I was just buying you a drink."

Sun Teng sat down and couldn't wait to take a bite of the fried buns.

Yes, that’s what it tastes like!

After being fried at high temperatures, the pork skin jelly turns into juice and is wrapped around the fresh meat filling.

When you take a bite, rich juice gushes out.

Just like what my mother did back then!

He couldn't help but think of his mother's face.

It seemed as if he could see her smiling at him, and that smile was the same as before.

That's great, Mom.

My son is doing well now. You can rest assured in heaven.

Looking at the bowl of fish fillet porridge, there were a few thick balls of fish fillets floating on the crystal clear rice porridge.

The sweet rice fragrance emanated, and he seemed to be on a rice field at this moment.

The surface of the porridge is covered with a light mist, as peaceful as an ink painting.

White hot steam rises, drifting into the distance along with the fragrance.

Stir the porridge soup with a spoon, exuding a light fragrance, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Sun Teng scooped up a spoonful of porridge and blew it to cool down.

The smooth warmth spreads in your mouth, making you feel instantly comfortable and satisfied.

Try another dollop of fish fillet.

As soon as you enter your mouth, you will feel a fresh fragrance, as if there is a fish jumping in your mouth.

You can tell the fish is very fresh.

It's definitely freshly killed, not some frozen fish.

It is really rare for a stall to serve fresh fish.

The tender fish fillet paired with the rich flavor of the porridge melts in your mouth.

The delicious taste spreads in your mouth, as if your entire mouth is enjoying this delicious food.


So delicious!

Just this simple bowl of fish fillet porridge, in Sun Teng's opinion, tastes better than Buddha Jumping Over the Wall!

Because this bowl of porridge is full of the smoke of human beings.

Paired with fish fillet porridge, a plate of pan-fried fish was eaten.

There were two plates of pan-fried fish and a bowl of fish fillet porridge, which was quite filling.

Sun Teng touched his belly. He hadn't felt so comfortable after eating for a long time.

He got up and went to pay.

"Boss, your craftsmanship is really good. How much does it cost in total?"

"Fresh pan-fried dishes cost two yuan each, a total of twenty-four yuan."

Two yuan each?

It's so conscientious. It's also filled with fresh meat and pork skin jelly, which is much more substantial than what's sold outside.

Even though the cost is much higher, the price is still cheaper than outside.

It's really very conscientious.

"Where's the fish fillet porridge?"

"I said I'd treat you to something to eat."

"That's not possible. How much is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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