To accompany my daughter, I worked as a chef in the kindergarten

Chapter 111 Braised Pork, Kindergarten Promotional Video

Chapter 111 Braised Pork, Kindergarten Promotional Video

The fish fillets have been sold out, and there is not much left of the chicken feet and egg fried rice.

Ye Chen chose to close the stall and left a piece of chicken feet with Su Qingyin as usual.

On the way back, she and Ye Xiaonan sat in the back seat, happily gnawing on the chicken feet in each hand.

"Xiao Nan, eat slowly and be careful not to choke."

Ye Xiaonan nodded obediently and slowed down his eating of chicken feet.

"Sister Qingyin, why do you eat so fast?"

She took out the last piece of chicken feet from the packing box: "Because my sister is an adult and won't choke."

As soon as she finished speaking, a piece of chili pepper got stuck in her throat and she coughed violently.

Ye Chen smiled helplessly and handed her a bottle of water: "Drink some water."

Su Qingyin took a big gulp of water and patted the mountain peak: "Phew, we're saved!"

As soon as he got home, Wangcai rushed to deal with it and picked up Ye Chen's trousers.

Ye Xiaonan hugged it and said, "Wangcai, do you miss me?"

Wangcai was not honest in her arms and looked very anxious.

Ye Chen suddenly thought of something, walked into the hut and saw that the small basin was empty.

It turns out that I forgot to prepare food for Wangcai, seeing that he was in a hurry.

Ye Chen immediately prepared the food, and Wangcai immediately jumped off Xiao Nan and ran over to eat.

"Xiao Nan, it's been a hard day, why don't you go to bed early?"

Ye Xiaonan nodded, she was indeed a little sleepy.

"Daddy, can we tell you a bedtime story later?"

"Okay, but you have to wash up first. After washing up, daddy will put you to sleep."

Ye Xiaonan nodded obediently, put on her pajamas after washing, and lay on the bed.

After Ye Chen put her to sleep, he took stock of today's income and went to sleep.

The next day, he got up early and bought some meat, all of which were the freshest pork belly, and planned to make braised pork for the little ones.

Today is also the first day of trying to shoot videos. I must make a tough dish to attract children.

"Ye Chen, this is my first time making a short video." Su Qingyin was a little nervous.

"It's okay." Ye Chen smiled: "Just watch and shoot. I'll edit it in the end."

"Do you still know how to edit?"

"Well, I learned a little bit when I was bored."

He exchanged his points for editing skills, and his current level is almost the same as those of photography bloggers, if not more.

They registered an account called Chunmiao Kindergarten and passed the relevant certification, which means they will receive traffic support.

Let's take a few short videos to see first. Maybe we can also live broadcast cooking later. Anyway, Qin Miaosi said that the salary will be increased based on performance.

After adjusting the angle, with Su Qingyin filming from the side, Ye Chen started cooking.

As a classic dish, braised pork has many different ways of cooking it in various regions. Today, Ye Chen made a sweet braised pork dish that caters to the tastes of children.

Ye Chen explained while operating.

He raised the meat and faced the camera: "Look, everyone, the meat used to make braised pork must be pork belly, and it is best to have three layers of pork belly."

As his fingers slide, the three layers of distinction on this piece of pork belly are very obvious. I brought a big basin with onion and ginger water and put the pork belly in it.

"The green onion and ginger water is used to remove the fishy smell. This is fresh meat that I just bought. It is reasonable to say that there is no need to remove the fishy smell. However, children's taste buds are relatively sensitive, so this step cannot be omitted."

Fill the pot with water, add various seasonings, put the pork belly in and cook.

"This step is to cook the pork belly, which also has the effect of removing the fishy smell." Ye Chen found a big spoon and kept fishing out the blood foam inside: "These blood foam are the dirt in the pork belly, which is the fishy smell. source."

"Cook it for about half an hour. You can easily break the skin with chopsticks. The meat is considered cooked and can be taken out for the next part."

While talking, Ye Chen poked the pork belly with chopsticks and took it out.

The kitchen knife slashed quickly, clicking, cutting the pork belly into medium-sized pieces of meat.

If setting up a stall, Ye Chen would cut the meat into large pieces so that it would be enjoyable to eat.

But this is for the little guys. If the meat is too big, it will be inconvenient for them to eat, so he cuts it slightly smaller.

"The most important step in making pork belly is to fry the sugar. To make the pork belly delicious, you must watch and learn this step carefully."

Ye Chen tried his best to be as detailed as possible. He planned to post two videos, one was shorter, showing the children eating braised pork, and the other was longer, showing the whole process of making braised pork by himself.

Parents can rest assured if they see it with their own eyes.

Add base oil to the pot, add a lot of sugar, and a little water.

"When frying the sugar color, use high heat at the beginning. When the sugar turns slightly yellow, you can turn down the heat. If you use high heat the whole time, the color of the sugar will be fried, which will not look good."

As Ye Chen spoke, he kept stirring the pot and spoon.

Su Qingyin took a close-up shot of the whole process of frying sugar.

As the water evaporates, the sugar will gradually melt and create bubbles, and the color will gradually become darker.

Under the stirring of the pot and spoon, the original white sugar gradually turned into light yellow, then light red, and finally turned into maroon. This color of sugar is considered to be completed.

In fact, you can also add oranges or dates to bring a different flavor to the braised pork.

That's a creative dish. Ye Chen makes old-fashioned braised pork.

After a while, the braised pork will be dyed a beautiful maroon red color while the juice is dripping.

"Look, it's almost as good as this."

Ye Chen scooped up a spoonful of sugar, and it slowly fell down. A lot of it was still hanging on the edge of the pot, which showed that it had a certain consistency.

Then put the previously cut meat slices into the pot.

"Stir-fry the pork belly. The meat has just been cooked and will have more moisture. This step is also to stir-fry the moisture out, otherwise the taste will not be good after a while."

"Wow, Papa Ye, it smells so good!" Su Qingyin couldn't help but sniff.

The moment the pork belly went down, it exuded a rich meaty aroma, and the outer skin was also covered with a light maroon color, which looked very tempting.

Add an appropriate amount of soy sauce and let it blend with the previous sugary flavor, so that the salty and sweet taste comes out.

Then add various seasonings and stir-fry evenly, add an appropriate amount of water to cover the pork belly, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to low heat and simmer for 30 minutes until the pork belly becomes soft and tasty.

Just collect the juice at the end.

"Teacher Su, how was the picture?" Ye Chen took the phone and found that the picture she took was quite good. At least there was no obvious shaking, which was already rare for a novice.

"That's right. I'll take pictures of the little ones eating later and upload them to the platform. It will definitely attract a lot of kids!"

No. 202, Garden Community.

(End of this chapter)

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