Enlisting for the second time, starting from the strongest

Chapter 202: Go to the East China Sea Feilong assessment!

Chapter 202: Go to the East China Sea Feilong assessment!

Happy times are always short-lived.

As the sound of firecrackers gradually becomes sparse, the New Year atmosphere gradually fades away.

The camp in the brigade once again returned to its former tense and orderly state, as if the Chinese New Year was just a normal episode.

The training ground is already getting more and more lively.

This batch of new recruits who have been sent to the veteran company have also improved their military qualities in the training of the veterans, and are trying to catch up with the veterans.

"Those taking the East China Sea Feilong assessment are gathering downstairs!"

After lunch, everyone was preparing to rest in the company, when suddenly the whistle and shout of the watchman came from downstairs.

"finally come!"

Wang Chen's eyes showed excitement and excitement.

His heartbeat began to beat faster, and every beat seemed to be telling his inner desire and excitement.

In addition to Wang Chen's mentality, Qian Ze also had the same mentality.

"Squad leader Wang, come on, platoon leader Qian Ze!"

The veterans of the first class cheered towards the two.

There are restrictions on the number of people who want to participate in the East China Sea Feilong assessment.

Generally speaking, there is one quota for each class in a school.

You can choose not to participate, because some class members have no interest in Donghai Feilong, or they feel that they will not be able to pass the assessment if they participate, so they do not participate.

The spot in class one was given to Wang Chen, but no one in class two was willing to participate, so Qian Ze took the spot in class two.

After the two of them picked up their personal belongings and stood downstairs, there were seven people in the nine classes who were willing to take the assessment.

The other three companies of the first battalion are similar. There are 35 people in the entire first battalion taking the assessment.

The same is true for the second battalion, which also has 35 people.

The other two battalions, the third and fourth battalions, were more of a logistics unit, but had many more people participating. The average number of people in each battalion was about 50.

Calculated, the number of personnel in the entire special operations brigade who participated in the Donghai Feilong assessment was 170.

A total of 170 people were divided into four buses for transportation. They got on the bus in an orderly manner according to the order of the company. The bus slowly drove north out of the city.

Inside the Donghai Feilong training base

Large camouflage tents were set up one after another, with twenty beds in each tent.

There are twenty tents like this.

"Why are there so many tents prepared this year? I remember that only ten tents were enough in previous years."

A veteran wearing a blue armband with the appearance of "East China Sea Flying Dragon" complained while cleaning up the garbage in the tent.

"Who knows? It's probably because of 'that incident'. It looks like there will be a lot of people joining our reserve team this year."

When the veteran said "that thing", there was a trace of regret on his face.

"Okay, okay! Don't open any pots and pick up the pots. Finish it quickly. I guess there will be something for us to do later."

"Yes, hurry up and do it."

The two veterans nodded, and the speed of their hands suddenly increased.

On the bus, Wang Chen closed his eyes and rested, while Qian Ze beside him seemed a little excited.

"Old Wang? Don't sleep. Tell me how difficult the East China Sea Feilong test is. It's my first time to take part!" "When I was a first-class soldier, I heard that the test here is very difficult. There are more than a thousand soldiers in the army. Among the elite, only twenty people need to be selected."

"Is it true? Tell me about it."

As Qian Ze spoke, he poked Wang Chen with his elbow, who was resting with his eyes closed.

Perhaps because Qian Ze was a little annoyed by chirping on the side, Wang Chen finally said:

"It's a bit difficult. I don't know what will be tested in this assessment. Anyway, the subjects change every year."

"Anyway, running with weight and shooting, the most basic ones can defeat half of the people."

"It's boring. You don't know the specific subjects, so do you know when we will get there?"

Seeing that Wang Chen's words were very general, Qian Ze asked.

Several veterans around him also pricked up their ears. Most of them were participating in the East China Sea Flying Dragon assessment for the first time. Wang Chen had experience participating in the East China Sea Flying Dragon, so they all wanted to learn from it.

"It's still very early. There is a special training base over there at Donghai Feilong. It will take us at least five or six hours to get there."

"So if you have the time, it's better to get some sleep first, because you will be greeted by endless tests to defeat people later."

"The elimination rate is as high as 98%"

Upon hearing this, several veterans suddenly showed solemn expressions on their faces.

Even Qian Ze was a little panicked and seemed a little restless.

"Oh, just rest assured, old Qian. Your running speed is not slow either. There will be no problem if you work hard."

"Although this assessment requires everyone from the entire army to participate, everyone can rest assured that there are some better talents in other brigades, but they are definitely not as good as our brigade."

"There are almost more than a thousand people who participated in the assessment, but among the twenty people who actually advanced, fifteen are from our brigade."

"Just show your usual results, don't be too nervous."

Wang Chen patted Qian Ze on the shoulder and said.

It's funny to say that first Qian Ze pestered him to tell him about the precautions of the East China Sea Flying Dragon, but after he finished speaking, Qian Ze became autistic again.

"I know, I'm just a little panicked. Don't worry about me. I'll just take it easy."

"The worst case scenario is that even if you fail, you can just take the test again in August this year."

Qian Ze seemed to be talking to himself to encourage himself, and after a while he returned to his normal appearance.

The bus bumped along the winding mountain road, and the carriage was dark. The soldiers leaned on their seats slightly tiredly, each with their eyes closed tightly, and their faces were full of exhaustion from the long journey.

Suddenly, a dazzling light came through the car window and shone on the faces of the soldiers.

The bus stopped, and the interior of the carriage suddenly became brighter. The soldiers were awakened by the light, rubbing their eyes to adapt to the sudden change.

They looked out through the car window and saw a brand new training base unfolding in front of them. Rows of neatly organized barracks came into view, and bright red flags fluttered in the air, making them particularly eye-catching.

The nervousness in Qian Ze's eyes disappeared, replaced by excitement and curiosity.

After getting out of the car in an orderly manner, he looked at the unfamiliar environment in front of him.

"You are from the special operations brigade, right? As expected, you have the largest number of people and the most sparse style. Don't rush to get your luggage. Everyone, stand here and gather!"

A captain with a blue armband greeted the soldiers of the special operations brigade who had just gotten off the bus.

At the same time, the same few veterans with blue armbands with the four characters "East China Sea Flying Dragon" written on them also helped organize the team.

It was obvious that the veterans of the Special Operations Brigade were used to being lazy, so it took a lot of time just to organize the team.

(End of this chapter)

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