Sprint: This champion is a bit weird

Chapter 166 Satisfaction and Complacency

Chapter 166 Satisfaction and Complacency

Rain in the desert comes and goes quickly.

After a few thunders, it rained for a while, and the dark clouds dispersed.

This sudden burst of rain could not extinguish the enthusiasm of the audience at Asbel Stadium.

Especially for the audience from the Middle East, the arrival of this rain has more symbolic meaning.

After Yun Shu's rain stopped, the Chinese boy who had just been called "Red Lightning" by the people in the Middle East strolled on the track wearing a five-star red flag, circling the stadium to celebrate and interact with the audience.

Everywhere he went, his fans and supporters would respond with enthusiastic cheers, and he would respond with a bright smile.

On the big screen in the stadium, the results of the finals have been displayed for several minutes.

Men's 200m - Final

Wind speed: +0.7m/s

1——China——Wen Hao——19.88 AR

2——Neon——Susu Shenwu——20.10 SB

3——China——Yang Yaozu——20.40 PB

4——Neon——Gaoping Shenshi——20.43

5 – Saudi Arabia – Hamdan al-Bish – 20.83

In the mixed interview area, while Wenhao was celebrating while wearing a national flag, Shingo Suetsugu consciously accepted an interview with Neon NHK TV station.

It's just that in this interview, Suetsugu Shingo showed a completely different state from the past.

He once became a national-level track and field star after dominating the Asian sprint field and winning the 2003-meter bronze medal at the World Championships in Paris in 200.

After frequently accepting interviews with the media, he has gradually developed the habit of smiling when facing the camera, and wants to show his good side to the people as much as possible.

This time, he no longer smiled habitually, but appeared very calmly in the live interview footage of NHK TV station.

"Matsutsu-kun, it's a pity that I didn't win the gold medal this time." The reporter used this sentence as the opening remarks of this interview.

If it were in the past, he would have faced it with an awkward smile and given a formulaic response.

Because in the past few years, he has been here.

For example, in last year's World Championships trials, after Sutsugo Shingo crossed the finish line with an absolute advantage, what was vaguely heard in the live broadcast was not the "Wow" cheers from the audience, but the "Oh" sighs - Sutsutsu, you Why wasn't the record broken?

Neon's track and field audience has become accustomed to his excellence, and their expectations for Sutsugo Shingo can only symbolize higher, faster, and stronger records.

Even in life, Sutsugo Shingo could hear from time to time the slightest hint of concern and expectation from his relatives and friends, which was not malicious, but made him feel more uneasy:

"Matsutsu-kun, it's a pity that we didn't break the record this time."

"Motsu-san, what a pity. I wanted to see you break the 20-second mark."

It seems everything has become a habit.

People are expected to run under 10 seconds or under 20 seconds. If you hear this too often, you will be very frustrated when you really can't do it in the competition.

And if the record cannot be broken, then even victory cannot make the audience happy, and encouraging cheers will naturally be out of the question.

In addition to the excessive expectations of those around him and the audience, Sutsu Shingo also has to face pressure from the media.

As the much-anticipated Sutsugo Shingo, who became famous early and achieved zero sprint medals for Neon and even Asia, sometimes even if he wins the championship, as long as the results are not as expected, various media will jump out to build momentum.

"Final Stall" - The Yomiuri Shimbun, which has great neon influence, once used such a title in a newspaper.

A result that was enough to easily defeat all Asian sprinters was easily defined as a "stall". How could this be so bitter?

There was a period of time when Suetsugu Shingo thought about committing suicide with a knife and fork while eating, and he also stood on the overpass while dangling and wanted to jump off.

In the eyes of some friends, there was no trace of life in his eyes. What stood on the field was just an empty shell named Suetsugu Shingo, with no soul inside. Until the end of July this year, a Chinese teenager named "Wen Hao" set off a storm in the Asian sports world.

At the same time, Sutsu Shengo's mentality gradually changed.

"Are you sorry? This time, I didn't feel that way." After two seconds of silence, Suetsugu Shingo gave this answer calmly to the camera.


The reporter from NHK TV station was very surprised by Shingo Sutsutsu's answer, because this was not the first time he interviewed Shingo Sutsutsu after a bad game.

But this is the first time for such an answer.

Suetsugu Shingo ignored the reporter's surprise and continued to speak calmly to the camera:

"20 seconds 10, even in my career and even in the history of neon track and field, it can be ranked second. Although it is not enough to win the championship, I am very satisfied with my performance in this game."

After saying these words, Sutsu Shengo breathed a sigh of relief.

This feeling of being suppressed for a long time, even depressed for a while, and now finally having the courage to express my inner feelings is really refreshing.

Sutsu Shengo felt like he was alive again at this moment.

In the past, he was the "Moxujun" and "Moxusang" who were looked forward to endlessly by the people, the media, relatives and friends, the "fastest man in Asia's 200 meters", and the "fastest non-black man".

And the one standing here now is Sutsu Shingo.

"Ah" the NHK reporter was stunned for a moment, and after responding carelessly twice, he finally remembered his interview mission.

"Although we lost to the Chinese in both the 100m and 200m events, I believe Sutsujun must be confident in the relay event, right? After all, our Neon Relay Team has been world-class for almost ten years. The strength is strong, and we have remained undefeated against the Chinese relay team.”

When the NHK reporter asked this question, he had already turned completely sideways and winked at Suetsugu Shingo from a perspective that could not be captured by the camera. The meaning was self-evident.

But Sutsu Shingo seemed to have not seen the reporter's hint and answered completely according to his own thoughts.

"The Neon Relay team has been training hard. In order to improve, the team members have made unimaginable efforts. They lived up to expectations and set a new Asian record at this year's Athens Athletics World Cup."

"But I feel that I should not and cannot say this on behalf of the players and coaches here."

"The strength of the Chinese team members has improved significantly this year, especially with a world-class player like Wen Hao on the team. It will not be easy to defeat them."

"What I can say on behalf of the players and coaches is that in the relay final tomorrow night, no matter what, we will show our best level and tacit understanding and go all out to meet the challenge of the Chinese team. This is my answer."

After saying this, Suetsugu Shingo bowed deeply to the camera, and then left without looking back.

Soon after, Wen Hao also accepted an interview, but it was not a separate live interview. Instead, he was arranged by CCTV to be with the members of the relay team. It was said that it would be broadcast as material before the live broadcast of the relay finals tomorrow.

"Yes, the Neon Team is indeed our biggest competitor, and they do hold the Asian record. But I think, as long as we cooperate with each other a little more tacitly during the game, the possibility of defeating them is still very high."

"Actually, if I analyze it carefully, when I was studying the video, I found that the Neon team is currently using the upward push technique. This technique is indeed better than the push down technique when it works well, but once a mistake is made, it is difficult to make up for it. Come back. So whether you lose or win depends on your performance on the spot. Maybe the Neon team will lose the bat tomorrow?"

"I don't feel any pressure anyway, because my third opponent is Shinshi Takahira. His strength is not as good as mine, and I am confident that I can beat him. My task is to hand over the baton to Haozi. With his strength, even if he is three behind Mi can also be recovered! Of course, the three of us will definitely not let this happen, hahaha."

(End of this chapter)

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