My uncles are all big guys

Chapter 86 Don’t ask about the realm, it will hurt your heart!

Chapter 86 Don’t ask about the realm, it will hurt your heart! (Please subscribe)
  "Master, how do you think our junior brother is doing now?"

In a small basin surrounded by mountains, Jiale helped Master Yixiu cut medicinal materials. When he saw the rising sun, he couldn't help but think of his junior brother Wang Xiao, who had not been back for four years.

After Simu came back, he regretted agreeing to Wang Xiao's travel.

Wang Xiao is only 12 years old. At this age, being alone outside makes many things inconvenient.

For this reason, the day Simu came back, he took his guests and set out, thinking that he would get to Uncle Jiu as soon as possible. If Wang Xiao hadn't set off yet, he would go out for training a few years later.

It ended up being late.

By the time he left, Wang Xiao had been gone for more than half a month.

Simu blamed herself for this and was depressed for a long time.

Jiale saw this and felt sorry for the master but also a little worried about Wang Xiao.

He was worried that if something happened to Wang Xiao, his eyes would not be able to withstand the blow and he would blame himself for something.

Later, at Uncle Jiu's place, I found out that Wang Xiao not only had no problem, but had gained quite a reputation, and I felt proud again.

He boasted that he was far-sighted, otherwise Wang Xiao would not have gained such a great reputation if he had not been allowed to go out to practice.

Originally, everyone thought that Wang Xiao would come back after being away for a while, and it would not be more than a year or two at the most.

As a result, after leaving, he didn't come back for four years.

This made Si Mu, who had been so happy and proud in the first two years, start to sigh every day again.

He keeps talking about raising a white-eyed wolf every day, and even during holidays, he doesn’t know how to look at him as his master.

Master Ikkyu, who had cut the herbs cut by Jia Le and spread them on the dustpan, replied: "I don't know where to go. I haven't been out in the past few years."

Jiale smiled bitterly, he was also dizzy, and he actually asked Master Yixiu.

In the past few years, the other party has never traveled far away except to the market outside the mountain. How could anyone know about Wang Xiao's situation?
  "Master, Brother Jiale is ready to eat!"

Jingjing, who was wearing a coarse floral dress and still wearing her beautiful braids, came over to greet the two of them for dinner.

"Oh, okay, let's go after finishing this."

Master Yixiu nodded, and Jia Le looked at Jingjing with a naive smile.

Four years later, Jia Le still hasn’t won Jing Jing’s heart.

It's not that Jia Le didn't try hard to please her, it's that Jing Jing has no plans to get married.

Jingjing was abandoned since she was a child. She was raised by her adoptive parents. Before her death, her adoptive parents told her life experience, which made Jingjing feel uncomfortable in her heart.

She wanted to find her biological parents and ask them why they abandoned her.

Before completing this goal, she did not want to constrain her actions because of marriage.

As a girl who grew up in the village, Jingjing knew that once she got married, she would have children.

With a child involved, not to mention looking for biological parents, it is a rare opportunity to have time to go to the street and go to the market.

"You guys come in quickly, there's a demonic energy coming, it's very strong."

The three of them had packed up the medicinal materials and were just about to enter the house to eat. Master Ikkyu sensed that a demonic aura was approaching quickly, and quickly shouted to invite the two of them into the house.


However, as soon as he finished speaking, a deafening roar sounded from the sky.

The powerful demonic energy and sound waves made Master Yixiu look solemn. Jingjing, who had no cultivation, and Jia Le, who had average strength, turned pale.

"You idiot, you're shouting about something when you have nothing to do, and you're scaring the chickens so much that they won't lay eggs, you're a fool!"

Before the tiger's roar could stop, a shout followed by a slap sounded.


Then a giant tiger carried a young boy on its back and fell into the yard.

"Master Yixiu, senior brother, Miss Jingjing, long time no see!"

Wang Xiao, who jumped off the tiger's back, waved to the stunned three people and said hello.

"Are you...A Xiao?"

Although Wang Xiao has changed a lot in the past four years, it is not too big. It's just that his black robes embroidered with purple patterns are too eye-catching, and the shock of the big demon tiger makes the three of them unable to react for a while.

Master Yixiu looked at Wang Xiao who was walking over. It took him a long time to react, and a surprised smile appeared on his face.

"Amitabha, it's you, Ah Xiao. You really scared the poor monk just now. I thought a big demon was coming."

As he said that, he glanced at the big tiger who had found a comfortable place and was lying on the ground basking in the sun.

"Junior brother, you are finally back."

Jia Le also reacted and rushed forward to hug Wang Xiao in surprise.

"You're back, isn't Master at home?"

Smiling and patting Jiale on the back, Wang Xiao asked about the condition of his fourth eye.

"Master has gone to take guests. He should be back in the next two days. If he knows that you are back, he will definitely be very happy." Looking at the brothers hugging each other, Master Yixiu had a flash of doubt in his eyes.

There was no mana fluctuation on Wang Xiao's body, and his aura was like that of an ordinary person.

Wang Xiao has become an ordinary person. Master Yixiu will naturally not think so. The only possibility is that Wang Xiao's strength has reached the point where he has returned to his original nature. As long as he does not actively show it, it is difficult for outsiders to detect his identity as a practitioner.

Thinking of this, Master Yixiu took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart and asked Wang Xiao: "Axiao, I don't know what you are currently..."

Before he finished speaking, Master Ikkyu hesitated again. Would it be impolite to ask someone else's cultivation level rashly?

Wang Xiao understood what Master Yixiu meant, let go of Jiale and replied with a smile: "Master, your guess is correct. Just yesterday, I entered the realm of real people."


Wang Xiao's words were like a sunny day and a drought, and Master Yixiu couldn't digest them for a long time.

Wang Xiao is only 16 years old this year.

A 16-year-old Taoist real person, with the Buddha on top, this is probably the only example in the entire spiritual world.

[From Master Ikkyu, enlightenment +2 years]

"What, real person!"

Jia Le's eyes widened and he kept clasping his ears, thinking that he was having auditory hallucinations because he was too happy.


Master Yixiu proclaimed the Buddha's name, suppressed the turmoil in his heart, and affirmed to Jiale who still couldn't believe it: "Yes, Master Wang Xiao has reached the realm of a real person!"

After confirming Wang Xiao's realm, Master Yixiu also changed Wang Xiao's title.

This has nothing to do with intimacy, but respect for a true Taoist.

Wang Xiao felt very awkward and said to Master Yixiu: "You'd better not call me Zhenren. I'm not used to it. Just call me Ah Xiao as before."

When Master Ikkyu heard this, his original expression of respect turned into cordial kindness and he smiled.

"Actually, I feel awkward too."

"Axiao, you probably haven't eaten yet. Jingjing just happened to have cooked the rice. Let's chat while eating."

With that said, he enthusiastically pulled Wang Xiao towards the house.

"Thank you for your hard work, Miss Jingjing."

Wang Xiao said hello to Jingjing, but when he saw the other person's face, he frowned.

Only then did he realize that Jingjing seemed to be similar to Ren Zhuzhu.

Jingjing, who felt a little embarrassed by Wang Xiao's gaze, reached out and touched her face.

"Is there something dirty on my face?"

"No." Wang Xiao shook his head, "Miss Jingjing, your face seems to be very similar to a friend I know."

Jingjing's heart trembled slightly and she asked Wang Xiao nervously.

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"Girl, I'm two years younger than you. She should be around seventeen or eighteen."

"The name is Ren Zhuzhu. I came here from her home today."

Wang Xiao said, raising his hand and waving it in the air, red ripples flashed, and Ren Zhuzhu's appearance appeared on the ripples.

"Wow, she really looks like Jingjing. If she changes her clothes, she will be almost the same as when Jingjing was brought back by the master."

Jia Le looked at the video, then looked at Jingjing, and found that the two were really similar.

Master Yixiu also nodded silently.

Apart from her clothing and temperament, the girl in the image was exactly the same as when he first met Jingjing.


After looking at the image for a long time, Jingjing looked at Master Ikkyu with slightly red eyes. She wanted the person closest to her to give her a positive answer.

Master Yixiu nodded seriously, "It is indeed very similar."

Master Yixiu looked at Wang Xiao and asked Jingjing the question in his mind: "Ah Xiao, I wonder if you know the other person's family."

"He is the richest man in a town in Shanyin County, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. He has only one daughter in the family and no sons."

Wang Xiao looked at Jingjing who was looking forward to it: "I only stayed at her house for one day and one night. Something happened at their house. I helped to deal with it without asking any specific questions."

"If Miss Jingjing believes in me, I can help you with your calculations!"

"I believe you."

Jingjing pulled off a few hairs and handed them to Wang Xiao nervously.

Wang Xiao took it, raised his hand to draw a talisman, blended his hair into the talisman, took out a few copper coins and threw them in. The talisman flashed and gave the result of the hexagram.

(End of this chapter)

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