Naruto: Sasuke loves to visit forums

Chapter 141 Kakashi’s persistence

Chapter 141 Kakashi’s persistence

People don’t want to come back. Do you know why?

Jiraiya cursed in his heart.

Regarding Kakashi, an outstanding junior, Jiraiya has always paid close attention to him.

Although, I really didn’t remember the name Uchiha Obito clearly.

But two of Kakashi's teammates in the same class died one after another, and the second girl committed suicide by hitting Kakashi's Chidori.

Jiraiya still had a rough idea of ​​the general process of these things.

Although, I'm not careful enough.

It was true that he forgot to tell Sasuke not to talk nonsense, which led to the current situation.

However, I still have basic judgment.

First, they refused to come back.

Second, you, Kakashi, failed to take good care of the remaining girl in the trio.

Third, that person is obviously very powerful.

Then the conclusion is very clear.

If Kakashi insists on going to meet rashly, if the other party still has grudges in his heart, once they fight, the outcome will most likely be disastrous.

"That's my own business. I'm willing to pay back everything I owe him."

Kakashi's tone suddenly dropped.

After being doused with cold water by Jiraiya Kabutou, Kakashi finally came to his senses.

The scene when Nohara Lin died also flashed through his mind.

The mood instantly changed from the joy and excitement of knowing that Uchiha Obito was still alive, to the heaviness and guilt of betraying his friend's trust.

After saying these words, Kakashi turned around and turned to leave.


Jiraiya shouted loudly:

"Don't be anxious, okay?!"

Jiraiya comforted him while cursing in his mind.

Being locked up in Konoha's Hokage Building every day is already frustrating enough.

Tsunade's progress has also been delayed.

Now, why the hell do I need to provide psychological counseling to these boys!

In his position, he seeks his government.

Jiraiya took a deep breath and persuaded himself.

Leaving aside the past, if I can't protect myself, I will follow Kakashi on a whim to find that kid to go crazy.

But now, Jiraiya had to consider the importance of Kakashi to the Hidden Leaf Village.

and the potential impact this action may have.

"Hey, what about that? Even if you want to find him, where are you going to look for him?"

Jiraiya steadied Kakashi while searching for excuses:

"Yes! That's right, where are you going to find him? You have no information! What he is proficient in is the rare space ninjutsu in the world. You can go wherever you want. There is no way you can find him!

"If people want to see you, they have come to see you a long time ago. How can they wait until today?!"

Jiraiya felt that he was really smart for finding such a good incision.

He slapped the table, walked around from behind the desk, walked directly in front of Kakashi, and pulled him.

Then he pulled a few stools from the side, motioned for everyone to sit down, and spoke slowly.

"No matter what you say, you have to listen to Sasuke talk more first, right? My current understanding of Uchiha Obito is indeed the same as yours, there is no difference. Everyone currently has a dark eye on this person. .

"Let's take out the existing information and slowly analyze it first, and then make a long-term plan, right? Even if you want to find him, things will be much easier to handle if Konoha's intelligence network helps you, right?"

Jiraiya said it bitterly, his mouth was dry and his tongue was dry.

Seeing Lord Hokage like this, Kakashi felt somewhat sorry in his heart.

He had no choice but to turn his gaze to Sasuke aside and said:

"That's all we can do for now."

Sasuke waited for a long time, saw Kakashi looking at him, and said quickly:

“That mysterious person, I mean, Uchiha Obito, previously used the Sharingan to control the fourth generation Mizukage Goju Yagura.

"For a long time, he has been controlling the puppet Mizukage behind the scenes, maintaining the rule of the Blood Mist in the Kirigakure Ninja Village."

Hearing this, Kakashi couldn't help but feel shocked.

In front of the Konoha Ninja Tomb, Kakashi just heard that Sasuke met a man named Uchiha Obito in the Kingdom of Water, and he had the Mangekyō Sharingan.

After confirming the other person's figure and mask, Kakashi determined that the person was his friend who had been dead for many years.

Then, he hurriedly pulled Sasuke, leaving Sakura and Naruto behind, and rushed to the Hokage Building.

At this time, after hearing further details, Kakashi's heart was filled with complicated emotions.

"So, Obito has always been full of hatred for Kirigakure Ninja Village?"

So, how would Obito feel when facing himself who killed Lin with his own hands?

Kakashi's expression couldn't help but dim.

"His ability should be the so-called special ability after the awakening of the Mangekyou Sharingan. It is a different space called 'Godly Power'. During battle, he can enter and exit at will, and then avoid all attacks."

Sasuke recalled the specific scene of the battle with Uchiha Obito that day in the Mizukage Hall.

"In addition, he can also capture other people into the divine power space. It should be possible to do it as long as he comes into contact with the other party.

"There was nothing in that space, except for a few cubes standing everywhere. If Obito hadn't brought food in, anyone caught in that space would sooner or later starve to death.

"During the execution of the mission in Kirigakure Ninja Village, I was captured by him."

"Why would he arrest you?"

Kakashi was surprised.

Both surprised and worried for his subordinates, he couldn't help but ask.

"The specific situation at that time was that Shikamaru Nara, Kimimaro and I, as the advance team of Konoha's diplomatic corps, went to contact the elite Jonin of Kirigakure Ninja Village. Now, Terumi, who should be the fifth generation Mizukage-sama. Ming et al.

"After reaching an agreement, we decided to assist them in launching a coup against the puppet regime ruled by Obito."

Uchiha Sasuke explained.

"At the beginning, Obito did not take part in the battle. It was not until I appeared that he immediately took action and captured me in the Kamui Space.

"Later I heard Shikamaru recount that after I was captured, he did not intervene in the process of the fourth Mizukage being released from the genjutsu."

"I think, at first, it might have something to do with me being of the same Uchiha clan."

Sasuke recalled the specific scene at that time while talking about his speculation.

"Then did he clearly inform you of the purpose of arresting you?" Sasuke recalled the specific scene in Kamui Space.

At that time, I was first frightened by netizens. A group of people lined up to say it was over, and they told me to surrender to Obito.

After being hungry for several days, Obito came in with a meat bun.

I remembered.

"He means to interrogate me."

Sasuke replied.

"But I didn't ask anything special. I just asked what our purpose was in going to Kirigakure Ninja Village."

"Then what did you say?"

Kakashi asked.

"I said, I'm going to kill you."

Sasuke told the truth.


On the side, Jiraiya, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but laugh: "This kid's personality depends on me."

Kakashi was also a little bit dumbfounded.

In principle, what Sasuke told Obito was indeed the truth.

If you want to establish a long-term and healthy diplomatic relationship with the Kirigakure Ninja Village, you need to first get rid of the people who are behind the Fourth Mizukage.

In turn, things are easy to understand from Obito's perspective.

Whether he is a ninja of Konoha or a member of the Uchiha clan, it is very reasonable for Obito to be interested in Sasuke and the purpose behind him.

"Then, if that's the case, how come he was willing to let you out later?"

Kakashi continued to ask.

"Let me explain this."

That night in the Valley of the End, the master and the apprentice mainly talked about this matter.

Regarding the causes and consequences here, Jiraiya can be said to be relatively clear.

"Look at it this way, it is Uchiha Itachi who is behind the scenes. As for Obito, he still has feelings for the village in his heart!"

Kakashi said excitedly with a happy face.

Not long ago, Kakashi was beaten by Itachi Uchiha.

On the other side, in his heart, he was full of infinite fantasies about Uchiha Obito.

In addition, the external information was not clear enough, and in a hurry, Kakashi came to such a conclusion.

A simple but reasonable story, Kakashi successfully pieced it together at this moment.

“After learning the news of Lin’s death, Obito was filled with sadness and anger, and successfully opened the Mangekyō Sharingan.

"In order to avenge Nohara Rin, Obito went to the Kirigakure Ninja Village alone. After going through many difficulties and dangers, he controlled the Fourth Mizukage and used the Blood Mist as a means to launch fierce revenge on the Kirigakure Ninja Village."

"After discovering that Sasuke and others came to the Kirigakure Ninja Village, Obito took Sasuke back to the Kamui space to be on the safe side, hoping to know Konoha's attitude. Since Sasuke was a little rude, Obito just let you eat it Some suffering doesn’t really hurt you.”

"Moreover, when Uchiha Itachi tried to harm the Hidden Leaf Village, Obito released Sasuke in time and successfully prevented the tragedy from happening."

"Now that the revenge against the Kirigakure Ninja Village is over, Obito may be ready to go home!"

Hatake Kakashi paused and then said: "Of course, this is just a speculation among many possibilities."

How he hoped that this speculation was true.

"If the speculation is true, then because of Sasuke's words, Obito is not sure whether he will be accepted by the village. So he is still hesitant now.

"But in any case, the act of releasing Sasuke should be understood as a kindness to Konoha."

Hatake Kakashi said cautiously.

After hearing this, both Uchiha Sasuke and Jiraiya felt it made sense.

Sasuke even felt a little guilty, feeling that he had not communicated well with Obito, which caused the other party to be reluctant to come back.

"No, in the divine space, I also saw a white swirling weirdo named A Fei."

Sasuke suddenly remembered this and quickly added.

"Speaking of which, I saw a similar weirdo in the Hokage's house that night. But that person was not in the shape of a swirl, but white on one side and black on the other."

After Sasuke's reminder, Jiraiya also remembered another thing.

"That may be the friends he has met in the outside world over the years. He alone may not be able to control the Fourth Mizukage so easily without anyone noticing.

"This information does not disprove the inference of the above story."

Kakashi thought for a moment and responded.

"By the way, he has another ideal, what is it? Sasuke, tell me. He may not be ready to come back."

Seeing that Kakashi was still not calm, Jiraiya reminded him.

"Oh, that's right. In the Kamui space, Uchiha Obito, he"

Sasuke hesitated for a moment, and finally decided not to mention the truth about the annihilation of the Uchiha clan.

"He told me some dark and cruel things about the ninja world. He also said that he wanted to create a world with only winners, only peace, and only love.

"But he didn't say exactly how to do it."

Sasuke recalled the conversation at that time and couldn't help but add.

"Honestly, I think he's a little crazy."

On the other side, Kakashi's eyes were already red.

It was all me who hurt you, Obito.

Thinking of this, Kakashi raised his head again and said firmly:

"Jiraiya-sama, I don't have to look for him.

But from today on, I will not take on any missions that require me to stay away from Konoha Ninja Village! I believe that Obito will definitely appear again, and when the time comes, I will be able to persuade him to come back. "

Everything is my own fault.

Didn't take good care of Lin.

As long as Obito is willing to accept the reality that Lin is dead, he can pick up his life again.

If necessary, you can sacrifice your life to the other party.


Kakashi repeated it again.

It was as if he was speaking to himself, but also as if he was speaking to Uchiha Obito in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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