Zhu Yuanzhang can see my dreams

Chapter 147 147 The biggest secret in Zhu Yuanzhang’s heart

Chapter 147 147 The biggest secret in Zhu Yuanzhang’s heart

Zhu Biao was very happy.

From ancient times to the present, Wang Buli clearly knows that there are a lot of people who want to lie down and collect money for generations, and have people support them, like Tianlong people.

Both Lao Zhu and the nobles under him thought so.

I have tied my head to the waistband of my pants all my life and have achieved this incredible wealth. Isn't it normal for future generations to be rich and wealthy for generations to come?

It's a pity that the laws of this world are very strange.

Countless history has proven that such an idea is unworkable.

But human nature has always been like this, there is no way.

It is impossible for Lao Zhu to change his thinking, and the same is true for Zhu Biao.

They all felt that they could control the entire country and let the old Zhu family lead the Ming Dynasty to prosperity.

The main tax in ancient countries was to collect taxes from the land, and the few people who could pay taxes were always the majority but poor.

The wave of people who do not need to pay taxes occupy a large amount of the means of production.

In the end, people like Li Zicheng, who was forced to live no longer, finally rose up to overthrow Lao Zhu's family and start a business.

After all the people who should be sent away have been sent away, they are finally clean.

Wang Buli finally calmed down and continued to work on the prison.

Zhong Niu and other police officers went out to patrol the streets early in the morning, and by the way, they also went to the towns outside to look for witnesses in the evidence chain.

After hammering, see if the people in the inspection department have restrained themselves, and then make a follow-up plan.

Wang Buli looked at the roster of jailers, and Tian Liugen was talking to the side.

In fact, the official name of the prison leader is Tilao, and his jailers are called jailers, but only eight of them are on staff, and the remaining dozens of jailers are temporary workers.

This is also because Jiangning County is a capital county, and Lao Zhu usually arrests people.

The prison was overcrowded and there were not enough jailers at all.

Now the inspection school has not been transformed into a royal guard, and there is no such thing as a prison.

Those arrested by Lao Zhu's order were either placed in the prison of Jiangning County or Shangyuan County.

The prisoners involved in the counterfeit money case whose heads were beheaded a few days ago are all locked up in the Jiangning County jail, which is overcrowded.

Later, there were not even enough executioners, so they had to borrow them from Shangyuan County.

The prison in Jiangning County has two gates, and there are two wardens on duty at each gate on weekdays.

The remaining four people patrolled the prison with temporary workers, and eight people worked in shifts every five days, taking turns.

When meals are distributed twice a day in the morning and evening, the prisoners' status is checked to see if any have been killed by the prisoners and to confirm their status.

At night, the prison chief sealed and locked both prison doors before he could go home from get off work. Temporary workers kept watch.

If a fire breaks out inside, it will most likely burn to death.

There was no fire escape at all.

Officially, these wardens do not work night shifts.

Wang Buli listened to him chattering about the work of Laotian Liugen.

He usually accepts newly arrived prisoners and arranges them evenly in the prison cell by drawing lots. If someone has been "educated" in the prison cell and wants to spend money.

Tian Liugen would not come forward in person, but would ask the prison chief to find out and provide a clean small single room and the like, waiting for interrogation by the Ministry of Punishment.

They collect and distribute food, coal, and medicine to prisoners, and give them coats and trousers in winter and fans in summer. It is unknown how many of these things received from above will be used by prisoners.

Tian Liugen also supervises the jailer and jailers on weekdays.

They are not allowed to engage in illegal activities such as privately depriving prisoners of their belongings, lynching prisoners, molesting female prisoners, and accepting bribes to help prisoners deliver news.

Of course, if he nodded, that would be a different story.

The most important thing is that if the prisoner is sick or injured during the interrogation, he must be responsible for recording it and inviting a doctor.

If a prisoner dies in prison, he must be examined by the censor before his family can be contacted to handle the funeral arrangements.

Before the Autumn Judgment, he still had to make preparations to execute the prisoners, prevent them from committing suicide, etc.

But according to Lao Zhu's temper, he wants to kill people so that the autumn battle will not be delayed!

When Tian Tianligen reported that day, he complained that this series of daily tasks seemed ordinary, but in fact, he had to pay attention to everything, otherwise it would be difficult to implement.

For example, the prison's expenses included meals for patients, which were worth twenty-four taels of silver per month.

But I don’t know when the clerk of the household “tampered with it as a separate medicine guide, causing the money to be mixed up, and the money was full.” Therefore, the emperor has been caring for the sick prisoners for many years, and he, the prison official, has to donate his own salary, which is difficult to do. Continue.

Hearing this, Wang Buli drew a line here.

This is not necessarily in the name of the scribe, but the method of Deng Laifa, the official of the household.

He would have to make good use of Chief Guo here.

From now on, this money will have to be discussed with the warehouse manager who distributes grain under the management of the Ministry of Punishment, and will be sent directly to the prison chief without the need for a middleman.

In this way, the household's income path is cut off.

However, after so many years, he had made so much money in a month, and his family could move from outside the city to the city, so it was time to call it a day.

Once further investigation is carried out, his whole family will have to go to jail in Jiangning County.

Of course, apart from hearing Tian Liugen complaining, Wang Buli would not do anything for the sick, he would just deal with it.

Who will seek justice for the prisoners in the cell?

If you stutter, you will starve to death. Even if it is rotten food, you have to eat it.

There is no such thing as human rights.

As for Tian Liugen, who was the prisoner, he was also careless and lazy.

For example, he would not personally participate in the daily meal service, but would hand it over to the warden.

Prisoners no longer have direct contact with prisoners, and they lose the opportunity to supervise jailers. As a result, jailers are lazy and fearless, and new prisoners are depressed and have no way to sue.

All kinds of disadvantages arise from this.

Because the affairs are complicated and cumbersome, the jail officer has to face the most punishments.

Prisoners hanged themselves in prison, gathered for gambling, and committed violence and lawlessness.

Problems such as bribery and excessive confinement by prison guards, abuse of prisoners, withholding of food and clothing, illegal visits by family members, passing of news, and excessive imprisonment of prisoners are all listed as "public crimes" in prison.

Once the above crimes occur, fines are inevitable.

In addition to these daily tasks, Tian Liugen also faces complex problems that arise unexpectedly.

The most serious of them is jailbreak and even large-scale chaos.

Once a prison break occurs, he will be dismissed from his post and even have to go to the border to guard the border.

Of course, the profession of jailer is also a hereditary profession that is held by descendants. The familiarity with prisons and prisoners is much better than that of his prison guard.

Especially when important criminals are imprisoned in prison, Tian Liugen is even more frightened as a jailer.

Just like the mastermind of the last counterfeit banknote case, Yang Man, the magistrate of Jurong County, was afraid that he would commit suicide in prison.

Tian Liugen even brought a bedroll to live next door to Yang's single room, and instructed the jailers not to sleep at night and to keep an eye on him to prevent prisoners from hitting the wall and dying.

Once Yang Man commits suicide, the future of the jailers will be gone and they will have to be punished.

"Fourth Master, what we, the prison chief, do is not happy at all, except to strictly guard against major emergencies such as rebellion.

It would also be very troublesome for me if there was a sudden large temporary expense in the prison. "

Because of Lao Zhu's naughty temper, he was very strict about finances, and there were no rules for reimbursing expenses.

There is no flexible money within the Ministry of Punishment, so how can there be any spare money to support the prison guards below, so all expenses have to be prepared by themselves.

One of the most important temporary expenses of the prison is the repair of the cell.

In particular, the prison in Jiangning County has the lowest terrain, and the summer in Nanjing is long, so a wooden bed must be used as a corridor to enter the prison gate.

If there is a heavy rain, no house in the county government office will be leaking, and the prison will be half-deep in water.

The kitchen stove in the prison was flooded and it was impossible to cook.

And the water has no way out yet.

In the first three years, canals were dug to divert water, the collapsed city walls were rebuilt, and prison cells were cleaned on a large scale. A prison break even occurred that time.

This is why Tian Liugen was able to move from jailer to prison chief.

"Fourth Master, the weather is hot, and we have to pay attention to the temporary overcrowding of prisoners. The prison is narrow and has inconvenient ventilation, which may cause the epidemic to spread.

We also need to raise funds to add windows, toilet pits and other facilities to the cells to keep them clean. "

After hearing this, Wang Buli raised his head. He never expected that Tian Liugen would have such a good idea about hygiene.

As expected of someone who has managed a prison for three years, he is experienced.

The first thing Wang Buli planned was to clean up the prison first.

There are a lot of rats and mosquitoes in the province, there are many people in the prison, the ventilation is poor, and it is very easy to get diseases.

The virus will be carried outside by the human body. Once people in the county government are infected, even if Wang Buli's own physical fitness is good, he will not be able to withstand repeated attacks by the virus.

"Before it rains, we arrange for the prisoners to clean the cells for a living. After cleaning, all the prisoners have to take a shower.

After rubbing it hard, there will be many chaps on the body. Shave the hair as soon as possible to avoid harboring lice easily. "


Tian Liugen was shocked by Wang Buli's words. Kun punishment was an extremely serious punishment.

It was more popular from the Xia Dynasty to the Eastern Han Dynasty. For example, Ma Su was beheaded, and Chen Shou's father, who joined the army as Ma Su, was also executed. When Lao Zhu dealt with his biological son Lao Shi, he was also under this kind of criminal law, which was not very harmful, but extremely humiliating.

But Lao Shi didn't care at all, he still went his own way and focused on coolness.

Coupled with the popular view that Confucianism is influenced by parents, the reaction to this matter was extremely strong.

"Fourth Master, even though you are a prince-in-law, you cannot set up a lynching."

"Well, I'll write this first. Then we'll see what the Minister of Punishment wants. There must be some room for bargaining."

After listening to Wang Buli's words, Ti Laotian Liugen didn't dare to argue.

In the past, Wang Buli's status as an official was not as good as his.

But he was doing well in the county government, he was a confidant of the county magistrate, and he was good at solving crimes, so everyone supported him.

Nowadays, when someone opens his mouth, he is the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment. That is not what we little shrimps can compare with. We can mention the position of Minister in the memorial!

When Tian Liugen thought about it, after getting married, even the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment had to pay homage to Wang Buli first.

If you have such a big partner, will you still need to pay yourself to work for the court in the future?

Without seeing the Ministry of Punishment come up, he rewarded him with 500 guan as funding, which was a disguised form of friendship with Wang Buli, the consort.

Tian Liugen's idea is simple.

In fact, the only unclear thing is that he doesn't know how long Wang Buli can stay in the position of Dian Shi.

"Will the Ministry of Punishment issue funds for repairs?"

"No, the fourth master also knows that the emperor's politics are strict, so there are many official prisoners in the prison."

Wang Buli thought for a while, he had to find a way to raise office funds.

If Lao Zhu doesn't give money, he can only collect it from the prisoners.

Wang Buli also wrote on the paper that these high-ranking officials have strong financial strength and are in prison. They must want their living environment to be improved, so they have to spend money.

Knock out the money they have embezzled.

Although it may not be enough to do a big project, it is still possible to make some small repairs and repairs.

Some office funds are better than none!

“Tian Tilao, we can’t always pay for this kind of money ourselves, we also have to raise funds from the public.

If those officials who were lucky enough not to be killed want to live more comfortably, can their families not show their support? "

Hearing this, Tian Liugen wanted to slap his thigh.

I didn't have enough contact with Wang Buli before, so I knew how to manage my own three-acre land.

If you had listened to Fourth Master's idea earlier, why would you use your own money to work for the court?

Although he could get it back, he felt awkward and scared.

Do a fundraiser!

This way of making money is not something that ordinary people can think of.

If others take the initiative to donate money to you, it is not because of corruption.

Even if he is the emperor, he can't say anything.

"Fourth Master, I regret it."

Tian Liugen couldn't help but let out a long sigh: "Why didn't we eat more with Fourth Master before?"

"Hey, if I didn't become a historian, I wouldn't worry about this."

"Fourth Master has become a pawnbroker, and he is determined to be promoted step by step in the future."

"Shut up." Wang Buli glanced at him:

“I’ve put a lot of effort into becoming a historian.

If I were to be a county magistrate, I would quit as soon as possible and concentrate on eating the princess's soft rice from now on. "

"Hey hey hey."

Tian Liugen smiled, he also wanted to eat this kind of soft rice.

It's a pity that we don't have the ability to make today's emperor like it.

People follow people.

The gap is indeed larger than the distance between the two mountains.

After Wang Buli made some idle remarks, he began to write his thoughts again:

"In addition to the above two problems, if the prison contains important officials and prisoners, the complicated personnel disputes related to them will also cause a lot of trouble to the prison."


Tian Liugen felt that what Wang Buli said was too right.

"We still need to send more manpower."

"That's right, Fourth Master."

Tian Liugen almost wanted to give Wang Buli a blow.

Although he has dozens of temporary workers, he has to guard two to three hundred prisoners on weekdays.

Sometimes there are more than 500 people. Although if you persist for a period of time, many people can be taken away to be killed in Sanshan Street, or exiled to guard the border.

At that time, there was a serious shortage of manpower.

Coupled with the fact that important prisoners have to be watched alone, the jailers are even more distracted.

"Okay, let's do this first, I'll think about the rest later."

Wang Buli waved his hand. He planned to write a matter first, then go to Qian Tang, the Minister of Punishment, and then ask Prince Zhu Biao for help.

He often comes to me as a consultant, and now I ask him to give me some help. That can be regarded as a good deal, and no one loses.

And before marrying Zhu Mingxiu, Wang Buli believed that it was very necessary for him to pretend to be hard-working.

He has to eat this cake in his mouth first!

By the time Zhu Biao returned to the palace, Zhu Yuanzhang had almost received the records about the relationship between Wang Buli and Wang Buli sent to him by the inspector.

When Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Wang Buli and said, "When will you ascend the throne as emperor, just let me stay in the position of Dianshi."

Such words simply made Zhu Yuanzhang laugh out loud.

Wang Buli is really a low-level official, very slippery.

I treat him so sincerely, but he still thinks about cheating and not making due efforts for us to build the Ming Dynasty. It is simply sorry for the importance we attach to him!

Zhu Biao returned to the palace excitedly, taking the idea he and Wang Buli had about making money through transportation at the post station.

In this way, the Ming Dynasty's treasury will have income again, and the post station will not lose too much money, causing the court to be unable to subsidize.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at what Zhu Biao wrote, listened to his retelling, and said:

"Have you ever thought about what would happen if there was corruption?"

"Throw him into the model prison controlled by Wang Buli in the capital, and make the prisoner spit out all the stolen money."

This answer was indeed unexpected by Zhu Yuanzhang.

Good guy, now you and that boy are wearing the same pants, right?

I didn't even agree to let him build a model prison!

You, the prince, have already agreed to him?

After a while, Zhu Yuanzhang was convinced that Wang Buli did not know that his eldest son Zhu Biao had not ascended the throne as emperor.

This shows that although Wang Buli can enter the fairyland, he may not be able to see the future of the Ming Dynasty.

But Zhu Yuanzhang was still skeptical, thinking that Wang Buli might know a little bit, but pretended not to know.

Otherwise, there would be no intersection with the fourth child.

But the interaction between Wang Buli and Lao Si seemed extremely normal.

Even Zhu Yuanzhang didn't expect that Li Jinglong would let the fourth child on the excursion vent his anger.

As a result, Wang Buli used a trick and attracted the attention of the fourth child.

If such a person shines a little, he will be noticed by others. It is difficult to say whether he does it intentionally or not.

Moreover, it was Lao Si who took the initiative to approach Wang Buli, and Wang Buli's discussions with Lao Si were all about military matters and never involved government affairs.

In particular, Wang Buli also talked about military affairs with us, and found that although he has a strategic vision, he is just a paper talker. Asking him to command a team of 100 people may not be able to do it.

This matter was also a secret in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart. He was also afraid that his elder son would give up on himself if he found out, so he didn't tell anyone.

Although he and Empress Ma talked a lot, Zhu Yuanzhang's pain of losing his son was not passed on to Empress Ma.

He just said that his eldest grandson Zhu Xiongying died young and so on.

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed: "We have not won the battle to allow Wang Buli's model prison to be implemented. It is too early for you to say this."

"Dad, I was inspired by my brother-in-law today and came up with a new way to govern."

Zhu Biao then talked about what Wang Buli said about setting up pilot projects to adjust policies.

The record of the inspection was indeed not complete because their voices were too soft and they spoke behind others' backs.

Hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang also touched his beard and nodded slightly.

I have to admit that Wang Buli has a lot of clever ideas.

But Lao Zhu sounded like it was an excuse Wang Buli came up with to run a model prison for himself.

This kid is most likely to take care of his own affairs under the guise of doing your best!

Damn it, you are so unpredictable.

(End of this chapter)

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