Zhu Yuanzhang can see my dreams

Chapter 127 127 It’s true that Grandma Wang entered the Prime Minister’s Mansion

Chapter 127 127 It’s true that Grandma Wang entered the Prime Minister’s Mansion

If that's the case, that would be easy.

Let’s test him later when the truth comes out!

Hu Weiyong was still resting in the room, preparing to dry Wang's plow.

The guest invited today is not Wang Buli.

There has to be someone to accompany him, and there are some things that he, the prime minister, cannot say.

This is about Hu Weiyong's plan.

When it comes to winning over people and attacking dissident parties, Hu Weiyong is almost self-taught.

There is no imperial examination now, and the emperor has replaced it with the imperial examination system.

Anyone who can become an official in the future must be his, Hu Weiyong's people!

Wang Buli rested in his room, and the courtyard of the Prime Minister's Mansion was luxuriously decorated.

Ordinary people cannot appreciate the beauty that scholar-bureaucrats can appreciate.

Things in the living room have more visual impact.

When Wang Buli heard about military generals who had been condemned by the emperor, as well as officials who wanted to make progress, they often came to give Hu Weiyong gifts of gold, silk, and toys.

Nowadays, there are many objects that can be played with in a guest room, and Wang Buli can't help but step forward to watch.

Good guy.

This glass horse was placed in a conspicuous place by the Prime Minister of the dynasty. It is quite precious at first glance!

Fang Yizhi of the Ming Dynasty mentioned it in his book "Little Knowledge of Physics".

Because "Zheng He, the eunuch of Sanbao, brought Western glass-burners", from then on, the Ming Dynasty began to produce glass on a large scale.

It is recorded in "Tiangong Kaiwu" written by Song Yingxing: "Glazed stone is produced in the Western Regions. Because of its colorful and crystal clear colors, it is loved and imitated by the people in the Central Plains."

Of course, today people in the Ming Dynasty call this colored glaze or medicinal jade, and it is also very precious.

In Journey to the West, Sha Monk broke a glass lamp and was directly punished to the mortal world.

The accessories awarded to the No. 1 Scholar by the Emperor of Ming Dynasty were made of glass, which made the No. 1 Scholar appear extraordinary.

"Burn glass?"

Wang Buli chuckled.

Now it is a way to make a fortune, and you will save yourself from being deceived by foreigners.

It is a pity that the large-scale navigation is not open and there is no way to carry out anti-dumping.

He heard someone talking and laughing outside the door again and walked in!

The old boss Wu Wei walked into the living room with another scribe.

Wang Buli quickly stepped forward to salute and say hello.

Wu Wei was extremely surprised that Wang Buli came so early:

"Buli, how did you come so early?"

Wu Wei was actually quite satisfied.

At least he listened to what he said to Wang Buli, so that he could arrive early, lower his profile and not be arrogant.

People who are proud of their talents usually don't end well, but you are the only one who is aloof, right?

Wait until I squeeze you out.

"The boy came out of the Imperial City and rode along the Hutong, so he arrived earlier."

Hearing this, Wu Wei nodded.

Hu Xiang's sincerity in wooing Wang Buli was too great.

Not everyone can easily take advantage of Cheng Tong.

The censor Zhongcheng Tujie on the side was also looking at the young man in front of him.

At least judging from the Prime Minister's actions, he thinks highly of this person.

"Is this your right-hand man, Wang Buli?" Tu Jie stroked his beard and smiled.

"Not bad." Wu Wei praised him again, and then introduced: "This is Tujie, the chief minister in the imperial censor."

Wang Buli saluted again quickly, this was a fourth-level official, and he was also a hardcore Hu Weiyong.

It's a pity that under the pressure of Zhu Yuanzhang, he took the lead in reporting Hu Weiyong's rebellion, and was sent away by Lao Zhu together.

They are just good brothers who will die together.

That's great.

Another person labeled dead.

Nowadays, Tu solar terms are very good. I must have been living a very comfortable life in cliques and selfish pursuits.

"You are young and you are promising. You are young and you are promising."

Tu Jie sat on Huanghuali's chair, knocking objects in his hands, and looked at Wang Buli, who was sitting next to him and looked extremely reserved.

"By the way, you went to report the counterfeit banknote case to the prince. What did the prince say?"

"Tu Zhongcheng, it's not my turn to report this matter to the prince. Of course I have the money minister here."

Tu Jie nodded. He knew what Hu Xiang meant, but he couldn't figure out how hard he wanted to use it.

Wu Wei didn't know either. It would depend on Prime Minister Hu's intentions if he came to accompany him today.

Tu Jie didn't have to wait too long when he saw someone signaling with his eyes outside the house. He stood up and said he had to go to the toilet.

When only two people were left in the room, Wu Wei warned:

"Buli, please behave well at the banquet later. Hu Xiang is not an unruly person. He cherishes talents and will not only employ people who are not from Huaixi and not be reused.

Prime Minister Hu is helping His Majesty recruit talents from all over the world.

This Tu Zhongcheng just now is from Jiangxi.

But in order to integrate into the circle, the nephew of the family married a Huaixi person, which was a better way out.

Now that you have caught the eye of the prince, your future official position will definitely be above mine.

If there is someone in the court to help you carry the sedan, it will be easy for you to rise to the top. "

"Thank you Master Wu for your teaching."

Wang Buli arrived first to express his thanks.

If you don't know that they are all dead people, this is a good opportunity to integrate yourself into their circle.

In ancient times, marriage was the best way to bring two people closer together.

The same is true between countries, such as Sun Quan and Liu Bei marrying each other to fight against Cao Cao.


Wu Wei believed that Wang Buli was a smart man who could tell the truth at first glance.

The two of them didn't talk for long before a boy came to call and said that the food was ready and invited them to sit down.

Wang Buli was then led into the depths of the Prime Minister's Mansion, which was built with high walls, multiple halls, and three gates, which were the regulations of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

There are white pines and cypresses planted in front of the courtyard, the stairs are all made of bluestone, there is not a leaf or dust on them, and there are as many servants as cattle and horses around.

But Hu Weiyong was very abiding by the rules, and Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the houses of civil and military officials not to occupy too much space, which would hinder the residents' residence, and officials were not allowed to dig ponds and raise fish in the houses to avoid damaging the atmosphere.

At present, Hu Weiyong does not dare to violate Zhu Yuanzhang's explicit rules.

Most of the halls in the residences of scholar-bureaucrats had five rooms.

There is also a room in front of the hall, which is commonly known as "Five Halls and Three Parking Offices", which means that it can be used to block the heat.

More commonly known as a pergola (roller shed).

In the Ming Dynasty palace, a rolling shed was built every summer.

The novel "Jin Ping Mei" also mentions Ximen Qing's building of rolling sheds.

You need to be rich and powerful to qualify.

According to Lu You's records of Cai Jing's residence.

Wang Buli was led here. This is the hall where guests are entertained and the servants are treated. It is appropriate to list them here.

There is also a saying about windows, which is called willow leaf lattice.

According to the research of the Ming Dynasty, this model first appeared in Qin Hui of the Song Dynasty and was called Taishi Chuang.

In the hall, there are hall couplets and spring posters.

Wang Buli looked at the couplets on the hall.

He is as talented and beautiful as Zhou Gongdan, and he must not be arrogant at all;

Only by being close to Zeng Ziyu can we become a good person.

Wang Buli had little talent and little knowledge. He didn't think about it. Could it be that Hu Weiyong was comparing himself to Duke Zhou, and the one below was Zeng Zi?

He was guided to his seat.

Then Wang Buli looked at the gold and silverware on the table and fell into a passive state.

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't know how to use these things when eating, and Wang Buli also had meals in the palace. It was true that the emperor ate whatever he ate.

That's why Wang Buli was a bitch about Lao Zhu, and he was extremely impressed by the kind of person he was.

Nowadays, the Ming Dynasty is full of wastes waiting to be revitalized, and Lao Zhu naturally wants to ban all extravagance.

It was not until the late Hongwu period that Zhu Yuanzhang reiterated his frugal behavior and established a hierarchy in diet.

Although Hu Weiyong, as the prime minister, could use gold utensils, Wang Buli admired him for actually daring to use them.

In Wang Buli's view, the entire Prime Minister's Mansion was full of dead people.

Doesn’t Hu Weiyong know how powerful the school inspection is?

While Wang Buli was wondering, Hu Weiyong came with Tu Jie, and the two quickly stood up and saluted.

"Sit, sit, sit."

Hu Weiyong is sitting on the main seat, with Tu Jie on his left hand, Wu Wei on his right hand, and Wang Buli sitting opposite.

"We are from Huaixi, but we can taste dishes from all over the world."

China has a vast territory, and each region has its own food customs based on local products or eating habits, thus forming its own unique local dishes.

But because of the long distance, there is no cold chain transportation technology.

As a result, there have been regional differences in diet over time.

Generally speaking, people in the southeast eat aquatic products, while people in the northwest eat land products. Those who eat aquatic products all regard turtles, clams, snails, and mussels as delicacies; those who eat land products, on the contrary, regard foxes, rabbits, rats, and birds as delicacies.

Hu Weiyong stroked his short beard and said with a smile:

"People in Hainan eat fish and shrimp, but people in the north hate their fishy taste; people in Saibei eat cheese, but people in the south hate the smell of it; people in Hebei eat onions, garlic, and leeks, but people in the south of the Yangtze River are afraid of their spiciness. We are not picky and can eat anything."

The boss spoke, but no one answered because he hadn't finished speaking yet.

"We heard people in the Song Dynasty say that if you don't go to Chang'an, you will live up to your eyes, and if you don't go to Zhejiang right, you will live up to your mouth. But now, we feel that we can't live up to our mouth in western Zhejiang."

Wu and Yue are known as the gathering areas of delicious food from all over the world.

This is of course due to the real estate in these two places.

Although Wu and Yue both belong to the south of the Yangtze River and have many similarities in their food customs, if you look closely, they are still quite different.

Generally speaking, the land of Wu is luxurious, while the land of Yue is frugal.

The land of Wu is renovated and becomes more and more simple and unpretentious.

When it comes to enjoying life, you have to be in Wudi.

According to the traditional view of the scholar-officials of the Ming Dynasty, people in the Yuan Dynasty lived by eating hair and drinking blood, and almost didn't understand fire food. They often roasted donkeys, roasted geese, cut sheep alive, and ate venison.

Some Mongolians in the south of the Yangtze River killed deer every day for food, and the place they lived in was called "Deer Skin Lane". They also killed animals every day to fill their meals, and the blood flowed out of the ditch.

"Hu Xiang is right!"

Tu Jie, who was the first to criticize, immediately picked up the words and echoed them, not letting the words fall to the ground:

"I am from Shanxi, and I also like to eat mutton, shallots, garlic, and leeks. These dipping sauces together can make the mutton extremely delicious. There is a saying that we Shanxi people eat dates, so their teeth are more yellow. Sheep are eaten, so their bodies are meaty.”

"We'll eat the mutton later. Today's main dish is from western Zhejiang. The rest are some unheralded dishes from different places. Bu Li, have you tried it?"

"The boy has never traveled far, so today he is in great luck."

Hu Weiyong laughed twice: "You are still young. You will have a lot of time to go out and drink this tea."

The housekeeper immediately poured it for several people and said with a smile: "This is brewed by pouring water from Hui Spring into the tea behind the Dongshan Temple."

"Shao Lanxi pig (the raw material of pig used in Jinhua ham)."

"Cook Taicang bamboo shoots (the best ones are from June)."

"Songjiang rice."

“Steamed oyster house (sea oyster).”

"Steamed bear paw."

"The squid of the East China Sea."

"Mare's milk from the Western Regions."

"Roast goose wings."

“Stewed sole fish with sea cucumber (Liao cucumber).”

“Stewed croaker (croaker).”

"Ice duck."

There are all kinds of dishes made with precious ingredients on gold and silver plates.

Although Hu Weiyong mainly specializes in Zhejiang and Western cuisine, ingredients from all over the world are also not uncommon on the table.

Wang Buli was a little confused. Lao Zhu had to eat a dish of tofu with every meal, and it became a routine in the palace.

Only in the extravagant period of the late Ming Dynasty did the tofu in the palace no longer need to be ground with soybeans, but became hundreds of birds' brains, which meant taking out the brains of hundreds of birds and eating them as tofu.

Zhang Juzheng, the first assistant, was ordered to be buried. He ate on the road and had over a hundred dishes of water and land at each meal. Juzheng still felt that he had no place to put down his chopsticks.

Now it seems that although the early Ming Dynasty cannot be compared with the later ones, Hu Weiyong is also extravagant enough.

The fine wine on the table is Bamboo Leaf Green, which is also the imperial wine.

After the butler poured wine into everyone's gold cups, he stepped aside and waited.

Hu Weiyong was very satisfied with Wang Buli's surprise. Sure enough, this boy liked luxury.

Although Wang Buli has done a lot of science and technology and hard work in his diet, these dishes are really not something that a person like him can eat.

"Hearing him tell so many names of dishes, I'm feeling hungry. Please use your chopsticks."

After Hu Weiyong spoke, the three of them began to move their chopsticks slowly. Wang Buli came up and got a piece of bear's paw, and it didn't look like he had imagined, but looked like a mushroom.

After it entered his mouth, Wang Buli felt that it was definitely not the first time Hu Weiyong's cook had made this thing. His craftsmanship was so damn good.

Anyway, Wang Buli is here to eat today. Since Hu Weiyong is so hospitable, Wang Buli eats hard.

These people are all old, how can an eighteen-year-old boy be able to make a living?

The housekeeper has already given Wang Buli three bowls of rice.

Hu Weiyong repeatedly wanted to bring up the topic at the dinner table.

But seeing Wang Buli eating like he had never seen the world before, he could only endure it and his appetite increased.

Who came here specifically to have a meal?

Wu Wei saw Wang Buli eating so hard that he swallowed all the words in his stomach.

To be honest, he has never eaten this kind of food in his life.

What's more, Wu Wei, a sixth-grade imperial official, already lived in poverty and was still in shackles.

Fortunately, the emperor showed mercy in the past two days and took off Wu Wei's handcuffs, but only asked him to wear shackles.

This time at the table in the Prime Minister's Mansion, he wouldn't be particularly embarrassed.

As Wang Buli continued to spin rice, Wu Wei also joined the rice spinning team.

These two people are worthy of being able to spend time together analyzing cases and killing time, and they don't give in when it comes to sex.

The only onlooker is Tu Jie. He doesn't want to eat with the people below. They are really not elegant at all.

Even Wu Wei, a seventh-rank official who had been here for a long time, did not care about his status as a scholar when he ate.

One or two of them are like the reincarnation of starving ghosts who have never had a good meal in their lives.

It is true that wild boar cannot eat fine chaff.

Hu Weiyong asked the housekeeper to order some digestive soup from the kitchen. He figured out that Wu Wei was living in extreme poverty. Bribing one person was also bribing him, and bribing two people at the same time to work for him would save time and effort.

But here, he just casually ordered others to do small things to gain their loyalty. In Hu Weiyong's view, it was a great deal.

After a luxurious dinner, Wang Buli and Wu Wei smiled.

Seriously, the eldest brother, don’t laugh at the second brother.

In Wang Buli's view, the food in the palace was nothing compared to Hu Weiyong?

Sure enough, corrupt officials must be able to enjoy life.

People who dare not spend a penny after being embezzled are always special cases.

When Hu Weiyong went to change clothes again, Tu Jie still had to go to the toilet.

Wang Buli patted his belly: "Mr. Wu, I made you laugh. This is the first time I have eaten such a delicious food in Ming Dynasty for so long!"

"Hahaha, to be honest, I have never had such good food in Dayuan, let alone Daming."

Wu Wei didn't feel anything wrong at all. Who doesn't like delicious food?

He originally thought that after becoming an official, he could satisfy his appetite, but now, reality has really slapped him in the face.

The two of them talked about which dish was the best and tasted each one.

After Hu Weiyong rinsed his mouth, he also wiped his stomach:

"Wang Buli is a young man after all. He has such a good appetite that I ate too much without even realizing it."

Tu Jie just smiled and refused to answer the question, and advised:

"Hu Xiang, if you really let that boy marry the Marquis's concubine, he will probably lose the Marquis's face if he looks so ignorant."

There are not many marquis in the Ming Dynasty, only seventy-nine, but they are all people with outstanding military exploits.

Even if their concubine is married to a county official, she won't lose face if she says it out?

"He is a minor official now, but he may not be a minor official in the future. Everyone will only praise Marquis Pingliang for his unique vision, which is very important for his situation."

Pingliang Hou Feiju was a fellow villager of Zhu Yuanzhang, and he was quite good-looking. He had followed Zhu Yuanzhang very early.

Zhu Yuanzhang subdued thousands of people with 300 people, and Fei Ju played a great role. Later, he conquered Fang Guozhen, and his own son died in the battle, ranking 18th among the 34 heroes ranked by Lao Zhu.

And he is also one of the twenty-four generals of Huaixi, with seniority.

I don't know if it's because Fei Ju has given birth to daughters in recent years, and he has been unable to have a son to inherit the title, which caused him to be absent-minded, indulged in drinking and sex, and was ineffective in doing things. He was repeatedly reprimanded by Zhu Yuanzhang.

Fei Ju was frightened and sought protection from Hu Weiyong, and this was considered a relationship.

Hu Weiyong felt that it would be a pity not to marry Fei Ju with so many daughters.

Tu Jie believed that Hu Weiyong had made a decision, and was ready to facilitate the matter, lest Fei Ju disagree with it later.

Otherwise, his job as a matchmaker would be thankless.

What was originally a happy event, but ended up being a bad thing, would be very troublesome.

"Although Wang Buli is smart, the truth was revealed during the meal just now. He has a very strong desire to pursue food, and it is impossible to do it without money. His father is a country man. What kind of money can I make?”

Hu Weiyong listened to the feedback from the servant who was observing him. Wang Buli had been looking at the expensive glazed horse he visited in the guest room, and he also judged that this son had some knowledge in property.

This glass is not cheaper than gold.

"It's enough that this person is extremely easy to win over."

Hu Weiyong opened his arms again and waited for the servant to change his coat:

"Since I want to win over him, I will use money, women and status to knock him out in one go. It will be used by us, so as not to take action bit by bit. It's stingy, but it only whets his appetite. It’s a thankless effort.”

"Hu Xiang~Gao Ming."

Tu Jie quickly complimented.

Hu Weiyong rolled down his sleeves: "Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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