Zhu Yuanzhang can see my dreams

Chapter 116 116 Aftermath

Chapter 116 116 Aftermath

Counterfeit money cases are investigated almost in secret.

So Greyhound didn't hear anything about it.

Regarding the actions of Yifu in the city, he did not think about himself.

In addition, the counterfeit banknote case involved the death of Liu Yushi, as well as the malfeasance of officials at all levels in Zhongshu Province and the concealment of the emperor's affairs.

Li Jinglong wouldn't even tell anyone.

As for Wang Buli's family, he only told them how close the prince and the queen were to the people, and how Wang Buli showed his power and solved the case.

He will definitely be promoted in the future.

Doctor Wang stroked his beard and was not very happy.

He hoped that his son could work safely as a clerk in the county government.

Nowadays, the Emperor of Ming Dynasty is too murderous towards the officials under his command. As a doctor, he thinks that there is not much benefit in being an official at present, and he is still implicated.

As soon as the Kongyin case came out, his old friend was frightened to break off the engagement, and the marriage of the second child was called off.

For ordinary people, a safe and stable life is the most important thing.

The Ming Dynasty was just established, but the turmoil in the court continued. His son was not from Huaixi. He didn't even have a foundation, and he had no background behind him.

Once he enters the officialdom, he may find it difficult in the future.

Alas, his son's being too good is indeed something that worries him.

Mainly because he felt that his second son was so bold, as if he was planning something big secretly.

But Divine Doctor Wang always felt that he was overthinking it.

What big things can a county official plan?

But once his son gets promoted, that might be the case.

The eldest brother Wang Guanzhong was very excited. If the second brother fell in the prince's eyes, he would be able to become an official as soon as possible.

When he becomes an official in the future, perhaps his second brother will be able to support him.

After enjoying the gratitude from the Wang family, Li Jinglong left happily.

He thought he was Wang Buli's Bole.

What does it mean to be praised by some members of Wang Buli's family?

After sending Li Jinglong away, Doctor Wang asked his daughter to lock the door again.

"Don't say a word you hear in the house today."

Faced with his father's request, the eldest brother Wang Guanzhong was very confused:

"Dad, why is this?"

"The young master just said that this is a secret matter. If it spreads casually, not only will the future of the second child be lost, but my Wang family will also fall into endless trouble."

Doctor Wang’s tone was very tough:

"What's more, what the young master said is unreasonable. If the current emperor really promotes Buli, we will have to wait until Buli receives the appointment before we can celebrate. Otherwise, it will be like putting the emperor on the fire. .

I am too lazy to teach you the truth that disaster comes from the mouth, just remember my words. "

As a feudal patriarch, even though Wang Guanzhong became a father in his twenties, he still had to listen to his father's words.

"Okay, it's time to get busy."

Doctor Wang took his young son to the medicine shop and devoted himself to teaching him medical skills.

With his abilities, the eldest brother wanted to study and gain fame, the second child wanted to solve crimes and become a clerk, but the third child was the only one who was obedient and studied hard. This was a little bit of livelihood skills left to the younger ones.

After Wang Buli took a shower, he kept wiping his hair. It was really not easy to take care of long hair.

Fortunately, the weather was hot now and the water evaporated quickly, so he simply sat on the bed and closed his eyes to think.

It seems that many people in the palace will be panicked today.

According to Lao Zhu's extremely controlling temperament, it would be impossible to end such a bizarre incident of Liu Yushi's death without sending an inspector to investigate.

Wang Buli reviewed his words and deeds in the palace yesterday in his mind, and found that there was probably nothing wrong.

Prince Zhu Biao has always been paying attention to the case and has not paid too much attention to himself, which is a good thing.

As for why Zhu Yuanzhang didn't show up, Wang Buli didn't bother to speculate. He probably wanted to train his son.

Zhu Biao died young. In addition to being physically and mentally exhausted while inspecting the location where the capital was to be moved and contracting the cold, he was also exhausted from killing Hu Weiyong, deposing him as prime minister, and helping his father handle a large amount of government affairs every day.

Zhu Biao had never experienced the good body his father had gained by traveling around the world at a young age and doing a lot of killing.

Wang Buli did not simply think that the ministers of the Hongwu Dynasty were very tired, and even messed around from time to time.

But the father and son went to bed late and got up early, and they had to contend with so many people. No one was there to take turns.

The ministers rest for three days, but they may not be able to rest for three days a year.

How many people can persevere after being overloaded with work for a long time?

After yesterday's contact, Wang Buli felt that Zhu Biao was a good person. Unfortunately, everyone's positions were different, and more importantly, their interests were different.

After Wang Buli left the court after hearing the case, Lao Zhu walked out from behind the scenes.

Hu Weiyong was greatly surprised and saluted quickly.

He knew that if such a big thing happened, how could the emperor not take charge of it himself?

The prince is still young, and many matters must be decided by the emperor.

Generally speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang thought that the counterfeit banknote case was solved beautifully by Wang Buli, but there was an unexpected gain.

And not just one thing.

Zhu Yuanzhang was sitting where Wang Buli had just been sitting to review the case. All the officials from the former Zhongshu Province who were dragged out of bed by the inspector were sent into the main hall.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Moreover, Prime Minister Hu was also beside him, and the emperor looked very unkind.

"Has the original folded book been turned out?"

Many discounts need to be kept.

Upon hearing Zhu Yuanzhang's inquiry, Zhu Biao said:

"Dad, I have sent the inspector to check it out. I will know the result soon."


Yang Man was also kneeling on the ground. He looked at Zhu Yuanzhang's dark face and didn't want to say anything more at this time.

When he asked the prince angrily just now, his emotions were already pouring out.

All that remains at this point is when to die.

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't have to wait too long. The inspector found Yang Man's letter from Jurong County.

Zhu Yuanzhang read it back and forth three times. Yang Man indeed reported his plight truthfully and asked the emperor to show mercy.

As a result, this kind of memorial could not be delivered to him, so the first major case of counterfeit banknotes in the Ming Dynasty occurred!


Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Hu Weiyong on one side and sent someone to hand him the fold:

"Our Prime Minister Hu doesn't think this kind of information can be delivered to our desk?"

Hu Weiyong browsed it quickly and immediately saluted:

"Your Majesty, I have never seen this envelope. I was ill last year, and it was Wang Guangyang who was in charge of all affairs of the Zhongshu Province."

Wang Guangyang has been kicked out and sent to Guangdong as chief envoy, and Hu Weiyong has officially become the independent prime minister.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang hummed and said nothing more.

Hu Weiyong didn't expect that the emperor would expose it so lightly.

Now that the deal is done, the serious crime Yang Man committed cannot be eliminated because of his recommendation.

Zhu Yuanzhang threw Yang Man's zhezi down again and asked the courtiers kneeling on the ground to take a good look.

It was precisely because of their mistakes that a good official of the Ming Dynasty turned bad, which ultimately harmed the Ming Dynasty.

"Everyone will be fined for one year, including Wang Guangyang!"

Zhu Yuanzhang fined his salary from time to time, and the ministers in the court could still accept it, which was basically asking them to work for him for free.

After all, they were all picked up from their sleep and escorted into the palace, so it was inevitable that they would feel nervous.

As a result, the board was lifted up heavily and put down gently, which made these people feel incredible.

I even feel lucky!

Zhu Biao was blinded by anger and wanted to confront him face to face. It was better for Lao Zhu to order someone to find the original information first.

"Go home, get dressed, and come back for duty. If it happens again, it won't be a penalty!"

Zhu Yuanzhang drove away the gang and said to Hu Weiyong: "If you fail to supervise, you will be fined half a year's salary."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Hu Weiyong accepted it honestly.

The pot was thrown out and Lao Zhu didn't grab it, so he thanked God and didn't dare to say anything.

Hu Weiyong is of great use to Lao Zhu, so he must keep it and wait for the right opportunity.

At this time, I wanted to pamper and indulge Hu Weiyong.

"Yang Man, what happened has already happened, but your sin cannot be forgiven. What else can you say?"

Yang Man's hands were already shackled, and he just shook his head slightly. When his heart died, the emperor did not give him any feedback.

Now that he is going to die, what's the use of the emperor's false words?

Besides, Yang Man didn't think he could survive.

Zhu Yuanzhang's reaction when he saw Yang Man was very strange. I have already given him justice, why didn't he know how to beg for mercy?

If he is willing to beg for mercy, I am still willing to give him a way to live.

But Yang Man refused to let Zhu Yuanzhang step down.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. Hu Weiyong was the first to break the silence:

"Yang Man, it is a capital crime for you to make counterfeit money, but there is a reason for your crime.

If you plead guilty, your Majesty may consider sparing your life. "

For now, Zhu Yuanzhang still cares about his reputation and does not intend to wear the brain of a tyrant.

"What if I beg for mercy?"

"Can my mother still be alive?"

"Wouldn't my wife blame me?"

"Wouldn't my son hate me?"

"Will the ending of my family's destruction change?"

Yang Man became excited again:

"Zhu Chongba, you have also experienced family destruction and death, which was forced by natural disasters, but the family destruction and death I experienced was caused by you!"

"Damn things!"

Zhu Yuanzhang slapped the table fiercely:

"I've told you that the people below deceived us and didn't send your coupons to us."

"It's a joke. The emperor can't decide for himself what he wants to see. I think you've reached the end of your career as emperor."

Greyhound Yang Jinshui said sarcastically.

In the eyes of Greyhound and others, Zhu Yuanzhang was just acting.

If such a big thing happened, those officials would just be fined?

He even refused to be demoted, not to mention that he killed hundreds of people in the early days because of the air seal case.

Putting it down so gently, both of them thought that Zhu Yuanzhang was stingy and refused to pay his salary early, and deliberately made his ministers take the blame!

Zhu Yuanzhang clenched his fists tightly under the table, but for the sake of the overall situation and the long-term plan, he had to endure it.

However, Yang Jinshui's words frightened Hu Weiyong so much that he was afraid that Zhu Yuanzhang would be furious and withdraw from Zhongshu Province.

Then he, the Prime Minister, would be meaningless.

Yang Man was also very dissatisfied with Yang Jinshui's speaking out. He finally gave him a chance to live longer. Why did he make Lao Zhu angry?

This is not what he should do.

"You are a desperado, and we don't even bother to talk to you."

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand disdainfully and asked the inspector to take him away.

Lao Zhu had already sent someone to find out how Liu Yushi died. There was no need for a desperado to randomly bite the ministers of the DPRK.

"They are all put in jail, waiting for the punishment department to reunite."


Commander Mao responded and took everyone away.

The counterfeit banknote case ended here. Zhu Yuanzhang hated the existence of Zhongshu Province more than he hated Yang Man, the mastermind.

If all the discounts were sent to him, would this happen?

Zhu Yuanzhang can be sure that such a thing will never happen.

"Hu Xiang, you haven't slept all night, go back and rest first."

"Your Majesty, the issue of treasure banknotes has not been resolved yet, so I dare not sleep!"

Hu Weiyong immediately showed that he was actively working.

He didn't want to be dismissed by Zhu Yuanzhang like Wang Guangyang because of these things. His good days had just begun.

"I haven't slept all night and I'm tired. You can go back and think about it. Even if you waste time here, you won't be able to think of anything."


As soon as Hu Weiyong agreed, the promoted deputy Tiju asked to meet the emperor, saying that he had found a way.

Hu Weiyong was very happy, finally there was some good news.

When it comes to lifting money later, the same method as Wang Buli's method is used to reverse the banknotes.

Zhu Yuanzhang was more thoughtful than his wife: "Can this method effectively prevent our Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes from becoming worthless?"

I dare not give an answer to this question.

Because at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, a lot of precious notes were issued, and counterfeit notes flew everywhere, making them worthless.

"If your Majesty can control the number of treasure banknotes issued, you may have no worries within a hundred years."


Zhu Yuanzhang was very dissatisfied with this answer.

He didn't even think that his son Zhu Biao would live to be a hundred years later. Who would confirm the truth of what he said?

It seems that Wang Buli's method is to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

If he really wants to solve it, he has to explore it in the fairyland.

"Back off, let's go back to bed. It's really uncomfortable after staying up all night."

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hands casually, trying not to let his anger show out and avoid interrupting his long-term plan because of anger!

After all the courtiers had retreated, only the father and son were left in the hall.

"How did you feel when you met Wang Buli last night?"

"I'm very organized, but I'm prone to being emotional."

Zhu Biao had been observing Wang Buli and blurted out at this time.


"After Yang Man revealed the secret, I found that Wang Buli seemed to think that Yang Man could persevere to the point of being at the end of his rope and still stick to his heart and not rebel, which was inappropriate.

In other words, after reviewing it, he actually started to sympathize with Yang Man. "

Zhu Biao sat on the chair and rubbed his forehead: "But he still agreed with those crazy things Yang Man said. Even if he pretended to see through Yang Man's plan in the end, his expression could not deceive others. Wang Buli was very good at controlling his expression. Too immature."

Zhu Biao felt that Wang Buli didn't do enough to change his face.

"If you really want him to become an official, you still have to practice. Lest he suddenly get a high position and become like Yang Xian."

Zhu Yuanzhang warned Wang Buli that he had brains, but he couldn't perform. He could easily get emotional and be taken advantage of by others.

"My child understands." Zhu Biao asked again: "Dad, what will happen to those people who were arrested?"

Zhu Yuanzhang said calmly: "Kill them all. In the Ming Dynasty, no one can make counterfeit money.

No matter what the reason is, we will put heads on the road from Jurong County to the capital.

Let everyone in the world take a good look at what the consequences of counterfeiting will be! "

After hearing this, Zhu Biao stopped admonishing.

In any case, killing people can serve as a strong warning and let the rest of the living see the consequences of counterfeiting.

Especially with the experience and lessons learned at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Zhu Biao also believed that this matter must be stopped forcefully, and killing was the final solution.

"You go to bed first." Zhu Yuanzhang felt very sorry for his elder brother.

He himself didn't care, he was full of energy.

The father and son acted affectionately here. Hu Weiyong walked out of the hall without rest all night, and after going through a high-intensity battle, he felt a chill on his back when he came out.

He feels that his strength is still too small and he has not attracted enough people.

The person Hu Weiyong wanted to bring down the most was Li Shanchang.

Because Li Shanchang had an iron ticket to avoid death, and he was the previous party leader of the Huaixi people.

Everyone still attaches great importance to things like iron coupons.

After all, Lao Zhu currently has credit and did not ignore the useless death-free coupons he issued.

In addition to stabilizing people's hearts, it is also to establish a credit mechanism. It's good to have this thing, but you'd better not use it!

Tu Jie supported Hu Weiyong, who was a little unable to walk, and quickly asked in a low voice what happened to His Majesty who suddenly launched such a big battle and frightened everyone.

After all, the last time the emperor was furious was because of the Kongyin case, hundreds of people were slaughtered and the rest were sent to the frontiers. That was also an extremely dangerous thing.

So much so that they were caught off guard.

Hu Weiyong waved his hand: "This is not the place to talk. We will discuss it in detail when we go to the mansion tonight. In addition, you can send someone to call Wu Wei, the magistrate of Jiangning County, to come to our mansion. We want to have a good chat with him."

"Please rest assured, Mr. Hu, I will definitely take care of this matter."

Tu Jie felt relieved at this time, as long as the emperor didn't investigate them.

Whether others die or not is none of my business!

Since the prince told Wang Buli about this matter, the prince must also know about it.

Wang Buli was also a subordinate of Wu Wei. With such a good opportunity, Hu Weiyong wanted to draw him into the Huaixi Group.

It's easy to deal with him since he's not from Huaixi. If you offer him a marriage, can he still refuse?

After understanding it today, start taking action tomorrow.

Hu Weiyong also had to build his own relationship network and intelligence network, otherwise what would he be doing by recruiting Mao Xiang?

Not just in case.

Last night's experience made Zhu Yuanzhang even more eager to abolish the Zhongshu Province, so that all the documents written by his ministers to him would be sent to him, and he would avoid being unclear about many things.

He was completely deceived by the people who formed the party below. Even if he, the founding emperor, is like this, if future generations are incompetent, will they have to be tricked by their ministers?

The night trial in the palace exposed many problems. Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the newly promoted Baochao Department to be promoted and gave him ten days to come up with more anti-counterfeiting methods.

Treasure banknotes are now extremely easy to be copied. It is because you are not careful and the craftsmen continued the craftsmanship of the Yuan Dynasty that this happened.

Tiju finally understood how his predecessor, Zeng Bing, was dismissed. It turned out to be like this.

Nanjing was still very hot in summer, but at this moment, it suddenly started raining heavily.

Wang Buli woke up, opened the window, and looked at the continuous heavy rain outside, lost in thought.

This morning he met the prince, Queen Ma, and Hu Weiyong, and some of the filters were broken.

Wang Buli was full of curiosity about Zhu Yuanzhang who had never shown up!

(End of this chapter)

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