As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 343 That devil, he is coming

Chapter 343 That devil, he is coming (1)

When Apu said these words, the surroundings suddenly became restless.

Damn it, the next Holy Son?

Isn’t that the next pope?

Sure enough, if you want to live well, you need horses.

Being able to flatter is also an art and a skill. Many people sigh secretly in their hearts. If they had such proficient flattery skills, they wouldn't still be a soldier now.

But now that I’ve seen the benefits of flattery, it’s not too late.

At that moment, there was a flurry of flattery sounds all around.

Apu's face was full of joy. He seemed to have completely emerged from the shadow just now, as if he had suppressed Christian and sat on the throne of the Pope.

He has even begun to think about what he should do next after sitting on the papal throne. He will not become a puppet of the Spang Theocracy all his life and be suppressed by the Church of the Heart of Nature.

Although it is difficult, he will definitely move forward with a heavy load. With his sharp tongue, the gift of being blessed by fate, and the loyal subordinates like Virgil who assist him, he will definitely be able to recruit experts from all over. Then suppress the Spang Theocracy's family, uproot the Heart of Nature Church, and regain control of Granville... No, not just Granville, but even all the rights of the Spang Theocracy.

After saying this sentence, the message magic was quickly interrupted. It was obvious that Virgil did not want people to find out that he was conveying the message.

If the compatibility is high, the soul can recover faster if it resides in Dolores' body.


The old home of the Andre family.

"Oh, where?"

Her Royal Highness has finally accepted the inheritance, and now her strength has reached the peak of the hero level. Moreover, looking at the surging magic power in her body, as long as she can find a magic potion, she can break through to the legendary level in an instant.

In fact, when she first laid eyes on Dolores, Sally already felt that this woman was very compatible with her.

Ron, Agnes, Christian and Deina were all watching quietly. Suddenly, Deina felt a little itchy in her ears.

She knew that this was a characteristic of message magic, and quickly pressed her ear with a finger. Virgil's subtle voice quickly penetrated Deina's ears:

A smile appeared on Deina's lips, and she looked at Christian and Ron: "Great Saint, sir... you know where Apu, Smlet and those people are..."

Sally passed on part of her power to Dolores. In return, her remnant soul could stay in Dolores' body and be nourished by Dolores, speeding up the recovery of her remnant soul.

Dolores heard Sally's voice even more than Ron did.

"Apu, Smlet, Carlo, and Dominic are in the woods one hundred and sixty-four kilometers west of Adams City. They are preparing to defect to the Spang Theocracy. Come quickly."

He ordered his men to have a good rest, and then returned to the masters to see how their discussion went.

This answer came not from Ron and Christian, but from Dolores.

After thinking hard about the future, Apu was satisfied.

Among the paladins who were whispering to each other, no one noticed that Virgil had quietly left. He quietly pressed his ear with a finger and moved his lips slightly. The weak voice was being transmitted through message magic. .

Dolores is digesting Sally Andre's power.

This is actually a transaction.

If the host's consent cannot be obtained, although it can be forcibly lodged in the target's body, it is likely to be strongly rejected, which will not be of any benefit to the recovery of the remnant soul.

Then, even in the entire Twilight Continent, it is not impossible to dominate the world.

There was a twinkle in her eyes.

As the princess and the controller of all military power in Granville, Dolores is regaining her original confidence.

The time spent in the water prison did not wear away her courage and will.

Although she had just met Ron again, Dolores also wanted to have a warm relationship with Ron. However, if Smlet, a representative figure among the great aristocrats, could be eradicated, it would be very helpful for her to suppress the aristocrats in the future.

Needless to say, Apu, once eliminated, the Church of the Goddess of Dawn will completely fall under Christian's control.

As for the Great Saint, she really admires Ron. She is not a fool. You can feel it from the way the Great Saint looks at Ron.

As her ally again, Christian has complete control over the Church of the Goddess of Dawn, which also facilitates her to integrate the power of Granville to face the coming chaos.

As for Dominic, it goes without saying that the Magician Association is also a privileged class in the kingdom. Although it is not as exaggerated as the great nobles and the church, if it is eradicated, it can also eliminate an internal instability factor. "One hundred and sixty-four kilometers west of Adams City."

Dolores smiled slightly, grabbed Ron's palm with one hand, and grabbed Christian with her other small hand, and her eyes signaled everyone to hold hands.

Although they didn't understand what Dolores was going to do, Deina and Agnes gathered together, and the five of them formed a circle.

Immediately, Dolores's lips began to spit out mysterious spells.

A magic circle began to appear at everyone's feet.

"Long-distance space teleportation!"

Following Dolores's voice, everyone's figures quickly disappeared from the place.


On the other side, west of Adams City, in the woods sixty-four kilometers away.

"Everyone, how is the discussion going?" Apu reappeared next to Smlet and the others, urging: "Everyone, we have to make a decision quickly. Time has been delayed for a long time. Once Ron is rescued, If Dolores comes for us again, we won’t even have the last chance to escape.”

"Damn it, that's all. In that case, let's go to Spang Theocracy."

"It's just that our family members and wealth are still in the city..."

"Smlett, please, are you still thinking about these things now? Do you still want to return to Adams and pick up all your family members? Not to mention how much time it will waste, you are not afraid of meeting Ron in the city. …”

"There's no need for a real man to have a wife. As long as we can fight back, how many women do you want? How many sons do you want? Not to mention, your sons are more useless than the last. If they are all dead, you won't have to worry... "


The last hesitation was gone.

After several people greeted their men, they prepared to take action, leaving Granville and heading to Spang Theocracy.

They have even determined the specific escape route.

Although the border is now filled with border troops arranged by Delores, it doesn't matter. Those ordinary soldiers have no ability to stop them.

"ready to go……"

"Everyone, where are you going?"

Following Apu's order, the remaining thousands of people were preparing to take action, but at this moment, a voice suddenly came from above.

That voice was so familiar.

Apu's body trembled violently, his face instantly turned pale, and large beads of sweat appeared on his face almost immediately.

Next to them, Carlo, Dominic, and Smlet all looked stiff for a moment. In less than a breath, intense fear suddenly surged through their bodies, and their bodies were all trembling uncontrollably.

That voice was Ron's voice.

This must be a nightmare, otherwise, how could you hear Ron's voice for no reason?

Yes, a nightmare, it must be a nightmare.

They even want to laugh to ease their fears.

But at this moment, they couldn't laugh at all.

Each of their bodies seemed to have turned into stiff dolls, their necks became extremely dull, and their heads seemed to slowly rise up inch by inch, looking in the direction of the sound.

Just in mid-air, several figures came into view instantly.

Dolores, Deina, Agnes!


And the last man... Ron.

That devil is really here.

(End of this chapter)

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