As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 302: Officials force people to rebel

Chapter 302: Officials force people to rebel (3)

It was obvious that Virgil wouldn't be able to get out for long.

Although Apu currently trusts him very much and almost regards him as his most caring and loyal subordinate, with Apu's cunning and suspicious character, Virgil has to be on guard against the possibility that there may be Apu left in the dark. , used to monitor one's own people.

So even if Virgil really wanted to find a tavern and have a good drink with Ron, he had to put down his thoughts. He couldn't even stay in front of Ron for too long. He just said a word and immediately turned around and left. .

However, Virgil's words brought an important clue to Ron.

That is, Anthony Andre was also involved in Apu and Holt's plan.

There are more and more enemies, and it feels like the whole of Granville and all the people who have a grudge against him are gathered together.

Of course, from some aspects, it would be the best choice if all the enemies could be eliminated at once, but Ron also had to consider one question, and that was...whether he could eat it.

With so many top powerhouses coming together, not to mention him and Agnes, even if Christian was added to the mix, it would be too much.

Speaking of which, why is that guy Anthony here?

Could it be that the repairman intervened again?

As the same saying goes, fight if you can, run away if you can't, and kill as many as you can. No matter what he does in the end, he won't lose.

Recently, the atmosphere in Granville Adams King City has seemed quite strange.

Even if they forcefully bring so many people together through the temptation of various interests, can they really work together?

What's more, there is a troublemaker like Virgil... Well, there is a mastermind behind it. This so-called cooperation is probably full of cracks even from the beginning.

The appointed time is tonight.

Ron thought for a long time and finally smiled.

According to legend, using the bones of these two people to make soup has an aphrodisiac effect.

In the past two days, there have been countless sneaky figures in Adams City, selling the bones of Grand Duke Egbert and Butler. Although the bones look like pork bones, the sales volume seems to be quite high. Yes, according to rough estimates, the number of bones sold would not be enough even if all the members of the Egbert family, including more than a thousand people, were slaughtered.

This made many people lament that it was not easy for someone in the ruling class to treat the common people better, but as expected, he was targeted when he turned around.

What's more, August also has a grudge against Holt.

On the other hand, the noble class was extremely angry about this matter.

Two days is not a long time, it goes by in a blink of an eye.

On the other hand, the deaths of Duke Egbert and his eldest son Butler gradually spread in Adams.

Apart from the intervention of the repairman, Ron really couldn't think of anyone else who could order Anthony, a guardian of fate with eyes above his head.

However, Ron had to doubt it.

On the one hand, there are rumors that Her Royal Highness Dolores, the Queen who makes decisions for the people, was put under house arrest by King Holt 474 using despicable means, and it seems that they want to deprive Her Royal Highness of her military power.

Dominic has a grudge against Augustus.

Recently, many border army generals have begun to appear in the royal city, and there are even reports that large groups of troops are gradually moving closer to the royal city, which also confirms this point.

Although it was Grand Duke Egbert and his eldest son who died, without the protection of Grand Duke Egbert, a legendary six-star master, the original industry and interests of the Egbert family will inevitably be divided up by other great nobles.


Apu, Holt, these are ambitious people who are absolutely unwilling to stay under others for a long time. Can they really work together?

Although the deaths of these two people were quite miserable, one was grabbed by the head and smashed to death, and the other was eaten alive... But rumors and rumors often become more and more outrageous, and in the end, I don’t know where they came from. The news came that the bones of the two men had been dismantled and taken home by the civilians to make soup.

This is even a good thing for other nobles.

However, the fact that civilians dared to resist and even dared to kill nobles aroused the anger and even vigilance of all nobles.

If they dared to kill Grand Duke Egbert this time, they might dare to kill themselves next time.

This wind cannot last long.

The nobles are naturally the ruling class, and the common people are naturally enslaved animals. This is a truth that has not changed for eight thousand years and must not be overturned at this time.

Isn't it just bullying men and women, burning, killing and looting? What's the big deal? How dare common people not let the nobles bully them? This is simply unreasonable and treasonous.

Such signs must be nipped in the bud. The increasingly tense relationship between the aristocracy and the royal family, which was originally due to Dolores' operation, suddenly eased because of this incident. In terms of targeting civilians, the two sides reached a consensus in the shortest possible time.

After all, no matter how the royal family targets the aristocracy, it will only weaken it and it is impossible to uproot the aristocracy.

But civilians are different. When civilians go crazy, they really dare to eat nobles alive.

This is a conflict between classes and classes, and there is no room for weakness or mercy.

What's more, these nobles and royal families no longer regard civilians as human beings, and every government decree they make is tormented to death.

As a result, in just two days, almost every few hours, a government order would be issued, and in the shortest possible time, it would spread throughout every inch of Granville's territory.

The first decree was to collect soldiers from all over the world and prohibit civilians from possessing iron and bronze weapons...

As soon as the government order was issued, a large number of private soldiers from the nobles immediately came to collect kitchen knives, axes, shovels, hoes and other items from door to door.

The second decree prohibits all civilians from studying, and prohibits civilians from learning magic and martial arts...

The third decree prohibits civilians from possessing armor, even wooden ones. Once discovered, they will be punished as treason.

Article 4 of the decree prohibits civilians from holding positions of more than 100 households in the military, and prohibits civilians from holding any management positions in the government.

Article 5 of the Decree...

As the government decrees were conveyed one after another, the people were immediately in an uproar. They had no idea who the idiot was who made such a government decree. Could it be that the common people couldn't even eat? If you don’t have a kitchen knife, how can you chop vegetables? If you don’t have an ax, how can you chop firewood? If you don’t have a shovel or a hoe, how can you plow the land?

Although it is impossible for children from common people's families to study hard and cross social classes to become nobles, they can at least become government servants and receive a decent salary.

Or, just learn some magic and martial arts and become a mercenary or adventurer, and your income will be much more than working hard in a factory or working in the fields.

But now, let alone the upward channel being blocked, this simply means that the root has been pulled out for you.

When Ron learned these orders from Agnes, he was stunned. He really didn't expect that Holt, a cunning guy, could formulate such an outrageous law.

This guy is so talented, is he so smart?

But after thinking about it, Ron already understood in his heart that Holt, the king, had long been accustomed to not treating the people as human beings. In his eyes, he might even think that these laws were not strict enough.

It's just that these commands have no effect.

Apart from arousing greater anger among the people and triggering more civil unrest, it has no use at all.

He thought that he could enslave the entire country's civilians by mastering the weapons of the entire country. However, he did not expect that once the anger of the civilians is completely aroused, even if there is no weapon in their hands, a bamboo pole will still stab you, the king, down.

Things were just as Ron expected. In just two days, there had been more than a dozen large-scale public gatherings and demonstrations in King Adams City.

On ordinary days, these civilians would naturally not dare to resist the nobles and royal family.

Not to mention resisting, as long as they are not beaten to death by those arrogant and domineering nobles, it is considered a blessing in misfortune.

But this time was different. First, Grand Duke Egbert and his eldest son were killed in the street, which made these people suddenly feel that the nobles did not seem to be that powerful.

Coupled with this series of decrees, the people have lost all hope of survival.

If you can't live anymore, why do you care so much?

Every large-scale protest will be suppressed by a large number of noble private soldiers. These noble private soldiers are obviously infected with the habits of the nobles. They are obviously not members of the upper class, but they also look down on these ordinary civilians. .

The bright knife came up and chopped down dozens of people.

They originally thought that these civilians were as cowardly as rats. After killing dozens of leaders, the remaining civilians would disperse immediately.

But he never thought that the blood would make these civilians red-eyed.

A large number of civilians swarmed around like crazy. Even though these private soldiers had pretty good force, they couldn't use it on the streets crowded with people. They didn't even have time to wave the weapons in their hands a few times. They were grabbed tightly by the desperate civilians, and then a large number of figures swarmed up, using fists, grabbing with hands, stoning, and all kinds of messy methods to greet them. It won't take long for these private soldiers to have some force. , immediately turned into a puddle of meat sauce.

This large-scale resistance also made many small nobles tremble.

They are not like those marquis and dukes, who have trained thousands of private soldiers, and only have dozens of guards. Once the mob swarms, how can they withstand it?

In fact, the residences of several lords and barons have been attacked, and the family's property and food have been looted.

It can be said that in just two days, the entire King Adams City was completely in chaos.

There seemed to be a solemn and depressing mist floating in the sky above the aristocratic district.

And this kind of depression is especially serious in the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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