Chapter 290 Christian’s Trial (1)

In an instant, Apu's expression turned gloomy.

He couldn't even control his body and trembled violently. Ron, that damn bastard, entered the headquarters of the Church of Dawn Goddess for the first time on the second day after entering Adams, and he immediately went to find his wife.

I know there is an adulterous affair between you two bitches, but are you really so impatient that you can't bear it even for such a short time? Isn't that enough when there is obviously Princess Agnes accompanying you?

Even breaking into the headquarters of the Church of Dawn to have a fight?

Is this hateful bastard really that interested in other people’s wives?

Because of Virgil's words, Apu felt that his head was all green. Originally, he was still laughing at Holt, the unlucky guy, but now he suddenly realized that he was not much better than Holt.

In a split second, the anger in his chest made Apu want to rush over, reveal the true identity of this couple in public, and then crush Ron's bastard's head.

But soon, Apu had to force himself to suppress this impulse. He knew very well that going like this would be asking for humiliation.

He couldn't beat Christian, what could he do?

At that time, in order to protect his little lover, he might be the one whose head is crushed.

Moreover, I am afraid that the fact that I was cuckolded will be known to all the priests in the entire Dawn Goddess Church. That would be a real loss of face.

However, intruding rashly may also cause unpredictable effects. Under this special situation, Ron did not dare to act rashly.

He was in no hurry.

The fluctuations in magic power directly reflect Christian's current mental state, which means that Christian's consciousness is now in extreme disorder. This is not a good sign no matter what.

In this short period of time, countless thoughts appeared in Apu's mind, and in the end they could only turn into a long breath. The next second, Apu took steps towards the outside of the Papal Palace, and the big Go to the saint's residence.

The magic wave coming from the hut became more and more chaotic.

However, as he waited, Ron frowned.

He wanted to see what shameless things this pair of scoundrels could do at the headquarters of the Holy Goddess of Dawn Church.

Inside the cabin, Christian's condition was obviously very bad. Her body was sitting cross-legged on the ground, her long golden hair flying like tassels behind her back, and dark brown mist surrounding Christian's body, constantly squirming.

On the other side, just outside the cabin, Ron was still waiting quietly.

Even if he is not an opponent, he must let Ron and Christian know his attitude.

The smell of decay, filled with weirdness and evil, was slowly spreading. Centered on Christian's position, a large area around his body and the wooden floor were full of traces of decay.

In fact, although he felt that it was unlikely to completely break free of the shackles, Ron was also curious about how far Christian and Arianna could go in breaking free from the chains.


Her body seemed to be receiving some strong stimulation. It was beating involuntarily, twitching, and trembling. Her head was slightly raised, and there was no other presence on her long, white and jade-like neck. A strange strangulation mark.

The strangulation marks seemed to have completely interrupted Christian's ability to breathe, causing Christian's heartbeat rate to almost drop to the lowest point. Not to mention, there were also all the marks on Christian's chest, two arms, and a pair of thighs. It's a deep depression.

Those strangulation marks were still squirming slowly, as if Christian's body was covered with ferocious poisonous snakes. Hu...he...

Suddenly, a strange sound came from Christian's throat. The sound was not like what a normal human could make, but more like some kind of terrifying beast.

Suddenly she opened her eyes.

The originally golden eyes turned scarlet at some point, and two bright red blood beads rolled down the corners of Christian's eyes.

Just deep in those eyes, there was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The unprecedentedly strong killing intent seemed to turn Christian's surroundings into a scarlet color.

In Christian's spiritual space, her consciousness seemed to be on some kind of terrifying battlefield, with figures swarming from all directions, either twisting their weird limbs or waving sharp knives in their hands. Like countless beasts, they kept attacking Christian one after another.

Christian, on the other hand, stood on a mountain peak made of countless corpses and bones. He raised the magic wand in his hand and swayed powerful magic in front of him.

Every time a spell appears, it can immediately create countless corpses on the ground.

The blood gathered together and turned into an endless ocean.

Broken limbs floated on the sea, and the twisted soul wriggled its soul body wantonly, making sharp and painful screams.

It was a scene as terrifying as hell. Christian didn't even know how long he had been killing. He seemed to have turned into a machine that never knew how to tire. There was also something in her body that no matter how much she squandered, there was nothing she could do. Inexhaustible magic power, secondary forbidden spells, forbidden spells, cast them to your heart's content.

The endless killings brought inexplicable pleasure, mixed with the blood mist floating in the air, constantly stimulating Christian's consciousness and soul, making the great saint become more and more crazy.

She seemed to be completely immersed in this blood and could not extricate herself.

This is a trial unique to Christian.

The moment Christian tried to break free from something that was bound to her, her consciousness was already involved in this chaos.

At the beginning, Christian even tried to break free from this hallucinatory scene, but at some point, Christian had forgotten his original purpose. The pleasure of wanton killing overwhelmed everything, and the blood had already It was about to turn her into a brutal executioner.

Christian has even forgotten what is reality and what is fantasy.

Just behind Christian, a whirlpool had even emerged silently, and a large amount of blood mist floating in the air swarmed towards the whirlpool as if it had been stimulated by some kind of stimulation.

Even the twisted souls floating on the surface of the blood sea let out sharp screams and rushed towards the whirlpool. After swallowing a large amount of blood and souls, the whirlpool quickly began to expand and became bigger and bigger. Like an erected coat of arms, it stood behind Christian.

The next moment, twisted, gray-black shadows suddenly stretched out from the whirlpool.

These weird things are like tentacles covered with mucus, or like translucent twisted palms. They extend silently from behind and wrap around Christian's body, while the great saint who has already been trapped in the massacre cannot extricate herself. , completely unaware of the movement coming from behind.

The weird tentacles and twisted claws dragged Christian's consciousness, trying to drag Christian's soul completely into the abyss from which he could never wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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