As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 231 The Existence of Suppression in the Coffin

Chapter 231 The Existence of Suppression in the Coffin (2)

This old gravekeeper has an unusually ruthless personality. He will kill people if he disagrees with him. However, this guy's strength is ridiculously strong. This shovel was obviously harder than before. If he really wanted to film it, even Ron would be afraid I can't bear it either.

However, Ron is not Bai Yuan.

Since you dare to appear here, you must be fully prepared.

The old man seems to want to repeat his old trick, using the same method he used to deal with Bai Yuan to deal with Ron, trapping Ron and Bai Yuan's bodies with some mysterious power, and then shoveling them down, destroying their flesh and blood. Turn into minced meat.

But this mysterious power can restrict the bodies of the two people, but it cannot restrict Ron's consciousness.

The Asylum of Hercules.

Thoughts together.

Ron's body instantly glowed with golden light, and a huge shadow instantly appeared behind Ron. This giant stood tall and towering. Although it was just a shadow, the muscles all over his body were tangled, and you could feel the hugeness at a glance. The terrifying power contained in the body.

Not to mention, even the aura on Ron's body was rising and expanding, and it had at least tripled in a short period of time.

At this moment, Ron seemed to have really crossed the legendary barrier and reached an unprecedented level.

This is not the first time Ron has used this ability, but as his strength continues to increase and his physical strength continues to increase, the increase brought by Hercules' protection has become more and more exaggerated, and the duration has become longer and longer. .

Originally, the shadow behind was just a shallow shadow, but now, although the shadow is still translucent, its outline is clear and distinct, and even the expression on the face of this strong man is lifelike.

His eyes are glaring with anger, and he is proud of himself without being angry.

With the thoughts in Ron's mind, all the restrictions around his body collapsed at this moment, and Ron punched out, hitting the face of the old man in front of him. The shadow behind him also moved at the same time, and its fist, as big as a mountain, hit the old man's thin and hunched body.

The old man obviously failed to predict that at this time Ron still had the ability to resist, and his expression changed immediately.

The shadow behind this kid contained a vast amount of divine power. It was a power that the old man did not dare to ignore. The shovel that was originally going to hit Ron's head suddenly drew an arc, bucked the trend, and faced the mid-air. Blocked by the falling giant fist.


The next moment, there was another roar that shook the ground.

The entire imperial mausoleum shook violently as if it had been hit by an earthquake.

The raging impact tore huge cracks in the surrounding walls made of huge rocks, and the gravel was crushed into powder. The entire imperial tomb seemed to have expanded out of thin air under this wave of impact.

Even with the strength of the tomb guard, he couldn't resist such a mighty force. He heard a muffled groan and instantly flew backwards, hitting the stone wall behind him heavily.

This is the royal mausoleum of the Twilight Dynasty. I don’t know how much financial and material resources were spent to build this mausoleum. The walls around the mausoleum are completely made of huge rocks, with a thickness of dozens of meters. The old man looks thin and withered. After hitting it, a human-shaped depression immediately appeared in the middle of the boulder, and the old body penetrated more than ten meters before stopping.

Fortunately, this old man has lived for more than 8,000 years, and his strength is immeasurable. Otherwise, just this impact would have been enough to shatter this old man into pieces.

Faintly, it seemed that the old man could be seen spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Ron didn't care that much. Taking advantage of the old man being knocked away, he grabbed Bai Yuan's little hand and ran away without looking back.

He didn't even care about the forbidden curses stored in the imperial mausoleum.

Just kidding, those forbidden spells are hidden inside the coffins. Nowadays, every coffin is bound by huge chains and blessed by runes. Even if Ron is very self-sufficient, he doesn't think he has the strength to destroy these chains.

Ron didn't even consider taking this opportunity to kill the tombkeeper.

I can't do it, no matter how much I think, I can't do it.

Half-dragon transformation, coupled with the protection of Hercules, is the most powerful combat power Ron can currently exert, but even so, it only made the tombkeeper vomit a mouthful of blood.

The half-dragon transformation can last a little longer, but the protection of Hercules, even if Ron's strength has increased now, can last no more than three minutes at most.

Want to kill this gravekeeper in just three minutes? dream!

Ron didn't have the slightest idea of ​​greed for success. Facing such an old monster, there was no shame in running away.

Bai Yuan was in a daze. She was being dragged by Ron and her body was floating in the air. The surprised expression on her face had not yet dissipated. She looked at Ron as if she were looking at a monster.

God knows what kind of impact Bai Yuan suffered in this short moment. I thought that after absorbing the heart of an angel and reaching the legendary eight-star level, I would be considered a rare master in the Twilight Continent. Although I dare not say that I am invincible, I may not be invincible even if I meet a legendary nine-star expert. The cost of a war.

But who would have thought that just after killing a Bridges, before he even had time to fully exert his own strength, he would encounter an old monster who could beat him to death with a shovel.

Just after surviving from this old monster, he found that the man he fell in love with could actually knock that old monster away with one fist?

My man, is this explosive power a little too exaggerated?

Where did so many masters come from in this world?

Could this strength be at the level of destruction?

Originally, Bai Yuan still had a little bit of pride in her heart because of her improved strength, but now all her pride has been wiped out, and not even a bit of dregs is left.

There is only a little bit of pride left, that is, this handsome and powerful man is his own man.


The imperial mausoleum was filled with smoke and dust.

The body of the tomb keeper was twisting in the human-shaped hole that was smashed into the stone wall. A few seconds later, only a bang was heard, and the boulder more than ten meters thick exploded, and the still old and rickety body floated from the rubble. out.

From time to time, a dark and angry light burst out from his cloudy eyes, like a poisonous snake.

The area around the left eye socket is still black and blue.

Just now, he blocked the phantom's attack with a shovel, but unexpectedly the bastard punched him in the eyeball.

This kid's actions were really a bit too dark.

The clenched dragon claw almost blew out his eyeballs.

A strong aura was constantly churning on the surface of his rickety body, and the tombkeeper was obviously irritated.

After living in the imperial mausoleum for eight thousand years, as his life was approaching, his strength was no longer at its peak, but he never expected that he would suffer a big loss at the hands of a gangster. How could he bear this tone?

Inside the imperial mausoleum, there was even more chaos.

The violent impact seemed to shake the coffins in the imperial mausoleum. Each coffin shook violently as if it had been stimulated by some kind of stimulus. It seemed that there were waves of shrill roars coming from the coffins.


The sound was like the roar of a wild beast.

In an instant, there was a roaring sound in the imperial mausoleum.

Each coffin was shaking violently, as if trying to break free from the chains wrapped around the coffin.

The sound of crashing continued one after another, and the dense chains swayed.

But at this moment, the runes engraved on the chains suddenly glowed with golden light, the chains suddenly tightened, and the roaring sound in the coffin gradually weakened, unwilling to settle, and fell silent.

There was only a coffin, and even chains and runes couldn't suppress it. The roar coming from the coffin even got louder and louder.

Not to mention, the coffin suddenly bucked the trend and soared into the air. The coffin soared into the air, and the chains wrapped around it collapsed.

Even the lid on the coffin was supported by an invisible force, and a gap suddenly opened.

crunch, crunch...

The light from the runes on the chains became more and more dazzling, but it still could not suppress the existence in the coffin. On the contrary, these chains seemed to have reached the limit of what they could bear, making a creaking sound, and the trance might be completely broken at any time. break.

I don't know what kind of metal it is made of, but cracks gradually appear on the surface of the chain.

"Hmph, you evildoer, you have been dead for twelve thousand years, do you think you still want to change your fate against the will of heaven?"

 Chapter 2 is presented.



(End of this chapter)

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