Chapter 229 Baiyuan Crisis (5)


Real name unknown.

Even in the game, the only introduction to the tombkeeper is that he has been responsible for guarding the royal tomb since the birth of the Twilight Dynasty.

Ron felt annoyed.

Damn, I should have thought of this earlier.

Responsible for guarding the royal tombs from the moment the Twilight Dynasty was born? This is more than ten thousand years. If he was just an ordinary tombkeeper, how could his life span be so long?

"Bai Yuan, come back."

Ron's voice echoed in the mausoleum. If the tombkeeper is really a puppet of fate, then the danger of this guy is countless times more than Ron expected.

If Bai Yuan alone rushed forward at this moment, it would be almost like sending him to death.

There is no simple character who can be caught by fate, not to mention that this is an old monster that has survived for tens of thousands of years.

Don't look at the fact that the gravekeeper and the gravedigger are now facing each other tit for tat. It seems that the fight is a tit for tat, evenly divided.

However, you can feel it just by the expressions on the faces of the gravekeeper and the gravedigger. Bridges, the gravedigger, has a solemn look on his face, his lips are moving rapidly, and the magic is flowing one after another, and there is already a layer of Qin on his wrinkled forehead. beads of sweat.

Looking at the gravekeeper opposite, although he looks haggard, as if he is about to step into the coffin at any time, and his movements are like a rusty machine, extremely sluggish, but those slow movements have blocked the attacks of the gravedigger time and time again. , the magic shield on the surface of the body showed no trace of damage from beginning to end.

This old guy...he was just playing.

That's right, the powerful Gravedigger Bridges is just a toy in the eyes of the Gravekeeper!

This old thing just hasn't moved his body for thousands of years and is just moving around a little.

Ron felt a chill in his heart. He thought that he had even wanted to bring Ifrit, Agnes and others over to kill the tombkeepers and take away the treasures and forbidden spells buried in these coffins. It was a chill.

Fortunately, he didn't come, otherwise, he would have died without knowing how.

Although Ron tried to call Bai Yuan back, it was too late.

Bai Yuan's figure has quietly appeared behind Bridges.

The Twilight Temple has its own rules. There are no moral and legal constraints here, and bloody fights for treasures abound. It is normal for the orcs brought by Bai Yuan to die in the Twilight Temple, but this does not mean that Bai Yuan will let go of the murderer of his companions.

Bai Yuan is a magician, but she is different from ordinary magicians. She is a melee assassin type of magician.

Magic power surged along his right arm, and the tips of the five fingers of his right hand erupted into a hissing sound. Sharp cold gleams loomed on the nails, like sharp blades. The temperature dropped crazily in an instant. A large area around him was about to be completely frozen.

Pieces of tiny ice flowers were scattered in mid-air.

Bridges, who was fighting the tombkeeper, certainly sensed the movement behind him. He was horrified and tried to avoid it, but small fireballs came right from the front, densely covering a large area in front of him.

The monster opposite seemed to be completely cooperating with the enemy that suddenly appeared behind him. The fireball directly blocked all his escape routes.

Just from the blue flames, Bridges could feel how exaggerated the temperature in the fireball was. He had never thought that ordinary fireball magic could have such terrifying power.

With the fear in his heart, he could only desperately activate the magic power in his body, trying to use the magic shield to resist the fireball coming in front of him.


There were violent roars. Bridges's body trembled violently, the magic power in his body was disordered, his heart and liver were injured, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, causing serious injuries.

The shield supported in front of him had a layer of dense cracks like glass, which could break at any time. Only then did Bridges understand that the old man guarding the tomb opposite had never produced a real shield from the beginning to the end. strength.

It was just a small series of fireballs and low-level magic. At this time, it actually exploded with more exaggerated destructive power than the secondary forbidden curse. How exaggerated would the real advanced magic be in the hands of this old guy?

However, Bridges no longer has time to think about these issues. At this moment, Bai Yuan's right hand from behind also stretched out at the same time. Baiyuan's strength was originally about the same as Bridges, but now after some adventures, Baiyuan's strength has been greatly improved, reaching the legendary eight-star level, which is much stronger than Bridges.

Coupled with the previous tombkeeper's magic, the shield was already shaky, and at this moment it was even more unable to withstand Baiyuan's attack.

Only a sneer was heard, and the sharp edges of his fingers instantly tore the magic shield apart.

The next moment, a pop penetrated the back of Bridges' heart.

Three holes were penetrated directly above the heart.

Not to mention, after the sharp blade condensed with magic power penetrated Bridges's heart, the bone-chilling chill was instantly released. With Bridges' heart as the center, it had already filled Bridges in a short period of time. whole body.

The entire body surface has been covered with a layer of white frost, as if it has turned into an ice sculpture.

Immediately afterwards, a bang was heard, Bai Yuan clenched her left hand and hit Bridges with her fist.


The whole body suddenly shattered, and the ground was covered with a layer of stiff corpses.


After killing the gravedigger, Bai Yuan did not stay too long. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the stooped tombkeeper opposite, frowning.

She didn't seem to understand why the old man helped her just now?

Although it seemed like just a random magic was thrown away as before, the position of each fireball in the series of fireballs was extremely particular. All the movable places in front of Bridges, on the left, and on the right had been completely blocked. Leaving Bridges unable to escape.

Moreover, if the old man hadn't used magic to seriously injure Bridges, even the shield would be in tatters. Even if Baiyuan's strength far exceeded Bridges, it would be difficult to instantly harvest Bridges' life. More difficult.

This old man has always been hiding his strength.

Bai Yuan is so smart. He thought of this almost instantly. His body immediately tensed up and his waist was slightly bent. He was obviously ready to fight.

It’s just that the tombkeeper opposite didn’t seem to have any intention of taking action for a moment. There was just a smile on his wrinkled face... He may have thought that his smile was quite kind, but he didn’t know that in the eyes of others, he only felt that Eerie and terrifying.

Those turbid old eyes were looking up and down at Bai Yuan. Wherever his gaze passed, Bai Yuan's hair stood on end and goosebumps appeared on his skin.

After a long time, the tombkeeper's eyes became a little softer, no longer as sharp as before. He nodded, seemed to be quite satisfied with Bai Yuan, and then opened his mouth: "Little doll, you are very good, are you interested?" Inherit my mantle?"


Bai Yuan's face was filled with astonishment. It seemed she didn't expect that the old man would say such a thing after looking at it for a long time, inheriting his mantle?

Do you want to stay in this imperial mausoleum with hundreds of coffins like him?

Is she crazy?

"Sorry, the little lady really has no such interest."

"Really, that's really a pity." The tombkeeper sighed with regret: "Since you don't want to, then go die..."

His voice was casual, but what he said was terrifying.

The hairs on Bai Yuan's body stood up almost instantly.

The next moment, the tomb guard flicked his fingers, and a wind blade flew towards Bai Yuan with a hiss.

The wind blade was like a crescent moon.

Wind Blade, a low-level magic.

But this wind blade was completely different from what Bai Yuan knew. Even though Bai Yuan's body was tense and he was always ready to fight, he had no chance to react.

I felt a flash of light in front of my eyes, and the next moment, Feng Ren was already in front of Bai Yuan.

 Chapter 5 presented.



(End of this chapter)

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