Entertainment: Celebrity Escape

Chapter 162 I’m waiting for the mission to be completed, what are you waiting for?

Chapter 162 I’m waiting for the mission to be completed, what are you waiting for?

Eye to eye

Huang Lei thought about the scene where the two met again many times, but it was definitely not like this.

The air was filled with the market's unique fishy smell, and there was a long queue behind them. Fans around them were shouting for photos and making noise. The scene was quite complicated.

"You are still so brave!"

A few seconds later, Huang Lei said with a smile.

It's no problem that Ning Zhou is brave, otherwise, how could he dare to attack Zhang Ruoyun.

However, he is definitely not reckless.

While the two members were on task, Ning Zhou was carefully watching the situation on the first floor.

The pursuer is bound to come, and the reason why people are blocking the stairs is to prevent them from attacking and cause more trouble for the other party.

There is a risk, but not much.

Ning Zhou felt that if he stood in Huang Shengli's perspective, he would have to consider two issues.

First, whether the fugitive chose to leave directly because the pursuer arrived in Rongcheng.

Second, in the absence of new clues, Putian and Xianyou will be their focus areas for investigation.

Assuming that the vehicle information of the radio station has been found on the highway and the vehicle has been found in Fengting, we will also face a problem of insufficient manpower.

Putting aside whether or not you will be fooled, if you arrange a large number of manpower in Fengting, there are more than a dozen markets in the surrounding area that can organize more than 3,000 people.

Today, the fifth day of the lunar month, seven towns and villages, including Fengting, are going to the market.

In the absence of clear clues, there is a high probability that they will be scattered around, with only 2-3 people at most, or even no one at all.

Don't forget, you also have to kill the spy Wei Cheng. The other party's whereabouts in the next twenty-four hours are basically under control.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, the first coordinates were given. It was exactly as Ning Zhou guessed. They were scattered in various towns and had no accurate target.

And at around eleven o'clock in the evening, the reason why he entered the two girls' room was because he saw Huang Lei and the two suddenly came to Daitou.

He must have come at night and will not leave tonight.

Our mission starts early in the morning again, and the two sides will definitely encounter each other.


It took about half an hour for the rest of the pursuit team to arrive. After a little delay, forty minutes passed.

Coupled with the egg offensive, Ning Zhou felt that he could solve the task within half an hour.

And, to a certain extent, there are only three people on our side, two guns, and two people on the other side.

After deliberation, we decided to stay.

In Ning Zhou's judgment, all the work has been done, and the probability of success is as high as 80%. It is not cost-effective to give up easily and then expose one's position.

After getting up the next day, I saw the new position, which was the same as last night, which meant that the pursuer had no awareness and naturally had to continue according to the plan.

Although, when he saw Huang Lei and the other two, his heart skipped a beat.

Less than twenty minutes had passed before people arrived.

The crowd at the scene is a double-edged sword, both a shield and an opportunity for exposure.

He didn't say anything, but stared at the two of them closely. After observing for a while, he was basically sure that there were only two of them, and the others were definitely on the way.

The number of people in the watch has reached 397. At this speed, it will be completed in a few minutes.

You know, Zhao Lushi is also a smart child.

At first, the two of them were quite decent, signing one and explaining.

After being urged by Ning Zhou later, he changed the method. He just signed his name, put it in front of the person, and when the staff gave the eggs, they would ask the old men and women to take one.

Regardless of the fact that you may have to give up your seat when taking the bus, this time, the speed is not slow and the efficiency has improved a lot.

Ning Zhou was not happy to give up like this, but he had to delay time.

So, seeing Huang Lei trying to break through the stairs, he took the initiative to show up and say hello.

"I think you are more daring, and two of you dare to come here."

The fans on the side also followed Huang Lei and raised their heads.

It doesn't matter. Oh my God, Ning Zhou, the fugitive and the pursuer are in trouble.

Afterwards, without bothering to sign anything, he immediately took out his mobile phone to film and broadcast live

"Hey, don't pull out your gun, I have a gun too."

Ning Zhou saw Huang Lei touching behind him and immediately reminded him.

"There are many elderly people here. If we are really frightened and any danger occurs, we will all be guilty."

Huang Lei hesitated for a moment, looked at the old people walking down the stairs, and gave up the plan to shoot.

If there was an accident, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Don't worry, our concerns are the same, so I won't shoot."

Ning Zhou stretched his hands outside the guardrail to show his innocence.

"What do you want to do?"

"Can't you tell?" He smiled: "Of course, I will complete the task and then leave.

If you still plan to charge, I will shout "Fire!" "

A naked threat!

"So, what do you want me to do?"

Huang Lei asked not only Ning Zhou, but also Huang Shengli from the headquarters.

"Delay for time!"

The answer given by Huang Shengli is simple.

My teammates are on their way, and if nothing else happens, they will arrive in another twenty minutes.

At this time, it was quite risky for Huang Lei to rush forward.

Even if no accident happened to the old people, don't forget that Ning Zhou also has a gun. The brave will win when they meet on a narrow road. Huang Shengli has no confidence in Huang Lei at all.

If there are snipers, if there is a team of trained personnel, be careful if you just come in.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing.

Knowing that this was a conspiracy, not only Huang Shengli, but also the six members had no perfect solution.

Don’t forget, in the final analysis, it is just a variety show, and it is impossible to ignore the safety of the people around you, especially the elderly, in order to achieve its goals.

The program team had already banned the escapees from taking advantage of the fans. This time, Ning Zhou ignored it.

To be more precise, he took the old people who would receive the eggs as hostages.

I feel aggrieved, but there is nothing I can do about it.

Ning Zhou said it more unpleasantly, because he was barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes.

In the minds of almost all viewers, the pursuer is the police in the show.

Huang Lei finally understood why in some movies, the protagonist would put down his gun obediently when faced with the screams of the gangster holding the hostage.

Really powerless.

We have learned from Huang Shengli that the other party seems to have prepared 3,000 eggs. The task is probably to collect eggs and send signatures, five for each person, that is, 600 people.

At this rate, I believe it will be completed soon.

He could guess what Ning Zhou was thinking.

"I'm waiting for the mission to be completed. What are you waiting for?"

I'm waiting for my teammates, but is it too late?

"Teacher Huang, long time no see, do you miss me?"

Ning Zhou looked relaxed.

Seeing his expression before, I felt safe in my heart, but now I feel a little bit in need of a beating.

"Don't be silent. Why, what instructions did Huang Shengli give in the earphones? Tell me and I can help you refer to them?"

Huang Lei didn't feel embarrassed after being seen through. The other party was Ning Zhou.

"He asked me to play the emotional card, think about your relatives, think about your friends, stop it, A Zhou, it's all Aarons outside!"


Ning Zhou laughed.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. Teacher Huang is good at telling jokes. It's a pity that Teacher He is not here. Why don't you two stand together so that the visual effect is not too strong."

The conversation between them was quickly transmitted to the Internet through fans.

"Damn it, here comes Daitou, my hometown."

"Did you go to Hu Jian again?"

"So what's the situation now? Is Ning Zhou surrounded? Why can he chat upstairs and downstairs?"

"Friends, I am on my way there. If you have anything to say, I will bring it to you."

This is no joke, some of them are so close that they are really just on their way here.

The program team was also extremely nervous, even more nervous than last time on Tonghu Road in Jinling. Without him, there were too many old people.

Fortunately, in order for the task to be carried out smoothly, Ning Zhou invited someone from the subdistrict office to come over and assist.

The other party has nothing else but a lot of volunteers. I also guessed how lethal the eggs would be. In addition to the market's own staff, which numbered more than a dozen people, the overall order was relatively stable at the moment.

But as Ning Zhou said, the old man doesn't know what's going on. If he really wants to make some noise, it doesn't take much. If one of them accidentally falls down, he will fall into a passive state in an instant.

Knowing that Huang Shengli did not choose to attack by force, the director felt relieved.

"It's not an option to remain in a stalemate like this. How about, Mr. Huang, let's play a game?"

Huang Lei's neck felt a little sore.

"Tell me, what game?"

Xiaobai just joined the group chat, and he still has 12 kilometers to reach Daitou Town.

"To tell you the truth, the mission is over soon.

Signed to 500 people, and no one gave five eggs.

I'm smart, right?"

Ning Zhou smiled mischievously.

"You, for sure, don't dare to come up, and I, for sure, want to leave.

Both sides have concerns.

There are four doors here. You two can choose two directions.

As long as the three of us can be seen, it will be considered a win and we will be captured.

If you can't see it, how about seeing the winning and losing outside the market?

Don't worry, I'll give you a minute to think about it. "

Ning Zhou glanced at his watch just now. The remaining number of tasks was twenty, but the number of people collecting eggs was not short.

By the way, the program team has contacted Boss Hu and asked him to get 10,000 more eggs.

The old man came to line up. It would be bad if he didn’t get it in the end!

This is something for later, let’s not mention it for now.

"How do I know if you can do any tricks?"

Ning Zhou smiled: "Do you have a choice now? How about rushing forward and giving it a try?"

Huang Lei did not dare to take risks. If he rushed forward, it would not mean victory. There was even a high possibility that he would be killed by the opponent, leaving him with two points and leaving the field sadly.

"There must be fraud. Ning Zhou definitely has a back-up plan. There is no way he would put his own life and death on such a simple game."

"We all understand the logic, but what should we do if we can't attack now? Even if Xiaobai arrives, will the old people go back for a while? There will still be a deadlock."

"How about letting Xiaobai be blocked at the entrance of the village?"

"It makes no sense. Daitou is not a small village. There is a lot of traffic coming in and out. It's impossible to tell the difference."

"Are we just going to send him away like this?"

In just one minute, it was impossible to get the result. Huang Shengli was helpless, but he still issued the order.

"Promise him."

After receiving the instruction, Huang Lei looked around.

"How to decide the direction?"

Ning Zhou was not surprised that the other party would agree.

"You choose two doorways and don't let me see them. We will be dispatched in five minutes."

Huang Lei made an OK gesture and turned to leave.

On the other side, Miss Zhao and Zeng Li also completed their mission and joined Ning Zhou.

The three of them quietly went to the third floor as planned.

Then he took out the coat and hat from his backpack and changed them directly.

Then he bent down and used his hands and feet to use the guardrail to reach the safety exit.

Behind the market is a large open space, which mainly sells livestock and live chickens and ducks.

At this time, there were many people, and no one cared about the three people coming down the safety stairs.

Ning Zhou and Miss Zhao each held two guns, one in each hand, and stared at the crowd while going downstairs.

This is the most risky step.

In fact, Ning Zhou also gave in. His original plan was to shout with a loudspeaker: There are no more eggs today, no matter what happens when he evacuated, don't wait in line anymore.

The scene will definitely be chaotic for a short time, and then leave in the chaos.

However, since the pursuer was so cooperative, there was no need for him to cause trouble.

After safely descending the stairs, they walked less than 20 meters and got into the car. It wasn't until the car had driven some distance that the two young ladies dared to breathe loudly.

Huang Lei, who had been waiting for five minutes, began to search for traces of Ning Zhou and the others in the crowd, but found that nothing could be done.

Their whereabouts have been exposed. Even if the locals are not usually star-struck, they are around, so they will naturally take a look, and then fall into the crowd.

"There is a safety exit on the third floor that leads directly to the back door of the market. Hurry up and take a look!"

After Huang Shengli connected with the market staff, he immediately found Ning Zhou's back-up man.

But when Huang Lei and the two passed by, there was nowhere to be seen.

Obviously, Ning Zhou had made adequate preparations. There were no cameras at all here, and he had no idea where he was going.

Xiaobai, who arrived at Daitou, tried to intercept him at the entrance of the village, but quickly gave up.

As the headquarters guessed, it is a big town and it is a market day. Not only are there many vehicles, but there are also many with foreign license plates.

There is no way to carry out an investigation operation at all, and we can only declare that this pursuit operation has failed.

Huang Lei blames himself.

He had actually been to the market last night, but there was almost no light inside at that time, and he had no idea that Ning Zhou and the others were in Daitou.

So, it was just a little detour and understanding of where it was, and that was it.

If you can find relevant market personnel and inquire, you will definitely learn that someone will deliver eggs tomorrow, and it is not difficult to guess that Ning Zhou will take action.

Regret, extremely regret.

And the Internet exploded again.

The latest news was posted on The Chaser’s TikTok, which can also be considered a spoiler.

"Our pursuit of Ning Zhou ended in failure!"

Posting this Douyin was requested by Huang Shengli. In addition to reducing the workload of the tool man, it also had another purpose.

Ning Zhou's reward is 50,000 yuan, and the rules are the same as normal reward orders.

Can give direct clues, and the arrest is successful!

Everyone has taken photos, and there is an accurate location. The clues are direct enough.

The reason for the failure of the arrest was on our own side.

Therefore, Huang Shengli found the fan who first shot the video of the Aite Chasing Team, and made it clear that although he was not caught, your 50,000 yuan will still be given.

As soon as this Douyin came out, it instantly became popular.

Fifty thousand yuan is a lot in reality, but on Douyin it can only be described as drizzle.

However, after the transfer of real money was recorded, I was instantly excited.

I made a video and earned 50,000 yuan. I am so envious.

The program team also understood his intention. In ancient times, horse bones were bought for thousands of gold, but today Huang Shengli pays 50,000 for clues.

Even if more manpower is added, it is still not enough for the pursuit team.

Huang Shengli gave this 50,000 yuan just to show his attitude. If there are real clues, we will really pay him.

The Chaoyang masses are a force that cannot be ignored.

If a bounty hunter really joins, Huang Shengli will not refuse.

It's a bit exaggerated to say that all the people will become soldiers once this move is used, but it will definitely get more clues.

Ning Zhou has proven with his actions that he will seek help from passers-by. It used to be a few hundred yuan, but now it is 50,000 yuan.

What do you mean, human nature cannot withstand the test.

Furthermore, it will also put pressure on the escapees, making them timid during their escape and increasing the possibility of making mistakes.

Fifty thousand yuan was naturally given by the program team.

Being on Douyin’s hot searches has been of great help to the program.

Unexpectedly, the popularity in the live broadcast room increased instantly.

As long as you use it reasonably, they won't be stingy.

"What are we going to do next?"

Huang Lei asked the key question.

"Birds leave their voices when they pass by, and people take their photos when they pass by. They must have lived in Daitou last night and conducted a comprehensive investigation."

(End of this chapter)

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