Entertainment: Celebrity Escape

Chapter 141 Hahaha, my mother was robbed

Chapter 141 Hahaha, my mother was robbed

"You figure it out yourself. I'll take a shower first."


Three months ago, Ning Zhou could not have imagined the current scene.

Zhao Lushi, Miss Zhao,

The lonely man and the widow, in the luxurious house she rented in the magical city, said that they were going to take a shower first.

Ouch! !

Ning Zhou opened the refrigerator. There was not much change inside. It still only had water and various cosmetics.

I took a bottle and went to the living room to sit down.

Look on the left, touch on the right.

The house is quite clean. Zhao Lushi was not in Shanghai some time ago, so she probably hired a cleaner to come to the house.

Coming here again, Ning Zhou was still somewhat emotional.

Right in front, he took the first drop of blood in the game, and the owner of the blood, like himself, has become a fugitive.

I was idle, so I thought of it and gave Teacher He a call.

They were driving quite fast, and they still had about 80 kilometers left to get off the highway. It was just past twelve o'clock, and they expected to arrive before two o'clock.

There was nothing else to say, and I was not in a hurry now, so I told him to pay attention to safety.

The camera turns to Teacher He and others.

At this time, the vehicle was running on the highway, but it was extremely quiet inside.

Although he didn't say anything just now, the helplessness in Ning Zhou's tone could be heard.

Many times it is useless to describe a person, and one would say that he fails in success but fails in failure.

Six people, working together for a day, robbed an old lady and got more than 2,000 yuan. They also took the two cars they had just exchanged for a ride in.

Look at the captain again. Two people robbed a yacht and got 60,000 yuan.

Although they have guns in their hands, one of the six people counts. Who dares to pat his chest and guarantee that I can be so efficient?

In the comments of the last season, many people thought that Ning Zhou was the absolute leader, dragging the other members forward.

Under his protection, during the time we were together, except for Wang Jiaxuan who acted without authorization, no one was lost.

After being divided into small teams, there was an immediate change, but it was obvious that the members were making progress.

This kind of remarks is actually quite offensive. To put it simply, you win by lying down.

They are all here to participate in the show, and who doesn’t want to perform better?

Several people also felt that they should prepare in advance for this robbery, and with such a good opportunity, there was no need to regret it.

It's just that I didn't think carefully enough.

"Don't say sorry. It's only the third day. Say less, do less, and ask more!"

In this way, we arrived at the Magic City safely.

Because he knew that Ning Zhou was at Zhao Lushi's house, he was not in a hurry to go there for the time being.

Instead, they randomly found a KTV and called an older driver to drive the two cars away.

It's a basic operation, nothing new.

However, the location where it is parked is a bit special, it is the community of the young lady who invaded last time.

This was also the result of discussions between several people, but they were also discussed with Ning Zhou.

Ning Zhou thought it was feasible.

They originally wanted to leave one person to watch and see if any members of the pursuit team would come to check.

Ning Zhou rejected it.

You don't have a fixed observation position, so you can't stick to it for a long time.

And one person is certainly not enough.

If there are no accidents, the pursuers will not know the information until tomorrow morning at the earliest, then make inquiries, and then go to the Magic City.

We will wait and see, and the other party can follow suit.

When I saw the car, it was obvious that no one was inside. There was no point in going up to check. It was better to hide or find someone to put a locator.

The reason for monitoring last season was mainly because the vehicle was not exposed, two different situations.

As for why not put it in another city and charter a car to come here.

One is that you have long nights and many dreams, and the second is that if you charter a car in the middle of the night, it is easy to be remembered, and there is also the risk of exposure.

On the other hand, perhaps when the pursuer finds the car, he will consider whether it was a smoke bomb set by the fugitive.

Even if you stay, it's not that easy to find a few people without definite clues as the Demon City is so big.

"Welcome back!"

When he opened the door and saw Ning Zhou, Teacher He looked like a child who had done something wrong. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

"You're hungry. We've prepared a midnight snack. Let's eat something first."

Regardless of whether Miss Zhao would be discovered here, Ning Zhou only planned to stay for one night.

Therefore, order late night snacks, take the elevator, and don’t worry about whether you will be exposed. Anyway, you will leave early tomorrow morning.

"Ning Zhou, what should we do next?"

Wei Cheng asked while eating.

Ning Zhou put down the Coke.

“Naturally, the next step is to continue fleeing.

Magic City, I don’t think I need to leave for the time being.

Do you still remember the new item in the rules? If we stay in a certain place for more than seventy-two hours, a reminder will be given to the pursuer.

Think back.

That’s actually what we were supposed to do, which was find a place where we could stay for at least three days.

such as,

Tomorrow we normally have two choices,

One, leaving the magical city, is on a road escape,

The other one is in the Magic City or nearby, looking for a place to hide.

No matter which choice you make, what will happen next is an unknown situation and there is a possibility of being discovered, so there is no difference.

But now we don’t have a car.”

Ning Zhou didn't mean to mention it, but the six people's eating movements were all stunned.

“Relocating over long distances for a long time is actually more difficult.

My idea is very simple, find a hot spring hotel.”

"Hot spring hotel?"

“Isn’t it okay to stay in a B&B?”

"I understand," Wu Jing responded the fastest among the six: "Why hot springs, because hot springs are hot.

When will we think of going to a hot spring? It’s winter.

It's almost three o'clock now, and it's still 27 or 8 degrees outside, so naturally there are fewer people going. "

Everyone was stunned.

Wu Jing looked at Ning Zhou's expression.

"I guess you have an alternative.

But I still want to mention it.

At the beginning of this year, my family went to Shanghai to visit Shanghai. A friend hosted us at a hot spring hotel on the outskirts of the city.

It's quite unique over there.

First of all, because the distance is relatively far, most people will not go there if nothing happens.

Furthermore, its layout is a bit like our high-end community.

After entering, there is the lobby, which is equivalent to a doorman. After registration, there are several paths inside. It takes about ten minutes to walk and you are there.

Guests do not live in a building.

It comes in two styles.

One is a two-story building with four or five rooms, I kind of forgot about it.

The other is Japanese tatami.

They are all separated by themselves, with at least twenty or thirty meters between them.

Privacy is better.

The most important thing is that the hot spring hotel was opened by a friend of my friend. We came over to chat and talked about business issues. I remember what he said at the time was that there was only one hot spring in the peak season, and it was normal for it to be full in winter.

Spring, summer, and autumn are basically the off-season, but you can't close the shop. The equipment must be maintained, otherwise it will break down easily.

However, the number of people in the entire hotel will be reduced a lot."

After saying this, smiles appeared on everyone's faces. Isn't this an excellent location?

"Okay, let's go there together tomorrow morning."

Ning Zhou also thinks this is a good place.

“What should I do with my ID card?”

Zhao Lushi was a little worried.

"Pretending to be a tourist from other places in the Magic City, pretending to pay for it when registering.

You said you forgot it in the hotel? "

"You can do it, but you have to change it a little bit." Ning Zhou shook his head: "It's very simple. I have to take a taxi there tomorrow. When I get there, tell the driver that I forgot to bring my ID card, and give him a tip." , ask him to help open two rooms, I believe he will not refuse."

After discussing the next plan, everyone stopped talking. After traveling all night, everyone was tired and exhausted, so they all lay down to rest.

One night passed and the game came to the fourth day.

After the pursuers arrived in Wuxi, they could not find any more clues.

There was surveillance at the pier, and they did see the movements of Ning Zhou and the two after they disembarked, and found the taxi driver who carried them.

But after they arrived in the city, they lost track of their next step.

If he couldn't find it, he didn't waste time. Huang Shengli decided to let the members rest where they were, while he connected the people on the yacht one by one.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he really thought too much.

Ning Zhou had no other intentions. When he first found Meng Fei, he just wanted to make money. Later, he boarded the yacht at his suggestion.

As for the staff, they didn't deliberately hide anything, and told Ning Zhou everything he did after boarding the ship.

"He didn't do any tricks?"

It's not that Huang Shengli thinks too much, but that Ning Zhou thinks it's pointless.

From his perspective, there are more than a dozen people on board, and you simply cannot guarantee that everyone will implement your ideas.

Again, there are those who support the escapees, and naturally there are those who are on the side of the pursuers.

Trying to come up with a trick for a long time, trying to confuse the pursuers, it will all be in vain as long as one of them rebels.

“However, it’s going to be a little difficult next time.

Sixty thousand yuan is a very generous sum of money for them as long as they want to escape. From now on, they can do whatever they want without any pressure."

Although there were many things on his mind, Huang Shengli still slept well.

However, he didn't expect to receive another clue early in the morning. The aunt who lived in a B&B in Zhoushan was robbed by six people including Teacher He, Wu Jing and others.


"Did they lose contact? They shouldn't!"

After understanding the situation, Huang Shengli said he couldn't understand it at all.

The people who robbed the yacht were Ning Zhou and Zhao Lushi. They boarded the boat in the evening and acted around nine o'clock in the night. The amount they got was 60,000 yuan.

The six remaining fugitives who robbed the B&B aunt checked in the night before, and the operation time was nine o'clock at night, and the amount obtained was more than 2,000 yuan.

"No, why?"

Let alone him, no matter who looks at it, the latter's actions are unnecessary.

But, they did.

Why would such a stupid move happen?

More than two thousand yuan, are you crazy?

No wonder Huang Shengli couldn't understand.

The whereabouts of Teacher He and the six others are absolutely safe. Even if the pursuers know that they have bought new cars, they are unable to track them, which means that the B&B they are looking for is safe for the time being.

Ning Zhou can make a lot of money by staying in a safe place for seventy-two hours.

Why would you directly expose this place? Waiting quietly and waiting for your teammates to come over with money to join you is the most correct choice.

After struggling, Huang Shengli felt that there were two possibilities.

First, the escapees may be on some mission, judging from the current situation.

It may be to obtain a certain amount of money within a certain period of time.

Second, the escapees are temporarily unable to communicate with each other.

But it is known that they have four points. It stands to reason that they can exchange them for communication tools.

Therefore, the first possibility is relatively high.

The program team looked at each other.

Sometimes, people can't be too smart and it's easy to think too much.

Ning Zhou simply wanted to give his teammates a surprise, and his teammates also simply wanted to do their part for the team.

As a result, when Huang Shengli came here to analyze it, it became a task.

No surprise, he shared the inference and analysis of this matter with the chasing team members.

Moreover, Huang Shengli felt that this task would cost about 50,000 yuan, and neither of them would be allowed to help each other.

Because the number Ning Zhou chose last night was 50,000, Hongqi officials said it’s not a big deal if you add a zero after it. It’s useless to explain too much.

As for Yu Qian's ten thousand, he probably used it for personal use.

I believe Teacher He and others did not expect that the extremely wealthy B&B aunt only got more than two thousand yuan.

This means that they will continue to act next.

The duo of Lin Gengxin and Reba, who are closest to Zhoushan, spent more than an hour arriving at the site of the incident after being notified.

The scene can only be described as lively.

Of course, the aunt was not tied up, she was just pretending, but even though she received a call from the program team, she still felt incredible.

So, I called my daughter.

When she heard that her mother had been robbed, her daughter was shocked and immediately wanted to call the police. It turned out that it was Mr. He from Star City TV who came to the house with several celebrities to rob her.

My daughter drove over overnight and received a call from the program team on the way.

My mood changed from worry to excitement.

Wow, my mom got robbed!

After coming back, the mother and daughter chatted until midnight.

Finally, it was 7:20 in the morning. The program team's setting was that a neighbor came to visit and found that the door that usually opened at 6 was still closed. He noticed something was wrong, then discovered the tied up aunt, and then reported the crime.

My daughter immediately posted it on WeChat Moments.

"Hahahaha, my mother was robbed"

There are all question marks underneath from friends.

In the countryside, new things rarely happen.

It only took two old ladies, but almost the whole village came. There was actually a celebrity who came here to film a show, but it was a pity that we didn't see it.

When Ling Gengxin and two others arrived, the crowd still hadn't dispersed, and they immediately became targets.

Old men and women may not necessarily know the so-called celebrities, but they can take pictures and hang them at home to promote when tourists come.

It took the two of them some effort to understand the entire process.

It seemed to confirm Huang Shengli's judgment that the escapees should be on a mission.

Because the aunt didn't recognize Teacher He and the others at all, it was only later that she realized something was wrong while watching the TV.

After taking the money, he ran away.

One of the rules of the new season is that pursuers cannot use police resources.

However, there is a premise.

You just can't use it if you are suspicious. The robbery has become a fact, so the surveillance at the entrance of the village can naturally be called.

At nine o'clock, the license plates and movements of the two cars were locked.

Teacher He and others arrived in Magic City.

Huang Shengli touched his chin and thought: "Should I give a warning to the stars in Shanghai?"

(End of this chapter)

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