Live broadcast of making arms from paper shells, the police asked me to register

Chapter 667: A call from a reporter from the hospital newspaper!

The next morning, inside Chen Wen's villa.

Chen Wen, who came out of the room with Fang Tong in his arms, happened to run into Yu Mingzhe and Wu Minmin, who had also just come out of the room.

After the four people bumped into each other, Fang Tong looked a little shy and embarrassed.

After all, she and Chen Wen had a big fight in the room yesterday!

Fortunately, all the rooms in this villa have first-class sound insulation.

Otherwise it would be really embarrassing!

"Morning! Xiaowen! Xiaotong!"

When I saw the two of them coming out of the room together, Fang Tong's legs in particular were a bit unnatural.

Yu Mingzhe and Wu Minmin first snickered inwardly, and then pretended that nothing happened and greeted them.

But the look in the other person's eyes was clearly like an aunt's smile.

And he still looked at the two of them blankly.

Originally it was just Fang Tong who was shy.

As a result, being stared at by the two of them with smiles like this, even Chen Wen, who boasted that he had developed a thick skin, showed a trace of embarrassment on his face.

After all, the look between the two of them was so confusing that they didn't know what to do.

Just when Chen Wen and Fang Tong were in a stalemate with Yu Mingzhe and Wu Minmin.

Zhou Yuchen and Wu Dongyang also came out of their respective rooms.

"Old Chen! Brother Yu! Two sisters-in-law!"

Zhou Yuchen and Wu Dongyang were seen greeting Chen Wen and others.

The two sisters-in-law were naturally talking about Yu Mingzhe's wife Wu Minmin and Chen Wen's girlfriend Fang Tong!

As for Chen Wen and Fang Tong's age, they are actually younger than Zhou Yuchen and Wu Dongyang.

But the two of them called Fang Tong sister-in-law, not based on age.

It was because they respected Chen Wen as the boss of them all, that's why they called Fang Tong that way.

Although the statement "boss" is a bit too social.

But there is nothing wrong with this title. After all, the scientific research community is also composed of small groups.

In the past, Chen Wen had Zhou Yuchen and Wu Dongyang, but now he is joined by Yu Mingzhe.

Chen Wen's small group is becoming more and more famous now!


Of course, these are a bit far-fetched.

Return to Zhou Yuchen and Wu Dongyang and say hello to Chen Wen and others.

With the two people's intrusion, the atmosphere finally recovered from the embarrassment.

"Morning! Old Zhou! Old Wu!"

"How was it? Did you sleep well last night?"

"If you work harder, maybe you can enjoy it in a few years!"

"We can still be neighbors together then!"

I saw Chen Wen also smiling and greeting the two of them.

The topic naturally shifted to what Zhou Yuchen and Wu Dongyang told Chen Wen yesterday.

"Yeah! It's indeed so comfortable!"

"It's hard to go from luxury to frugality! It seems like I've been having a hard time these past few years!"

"We must work hard quickly and strive to be selected as an academician as soon as possible!"

Wu Dongyang and Zhou Yuchen also smiled and answered after hearing Chen Wen's words.

By adjusting the atmosphere in this way, the awkward atmosphere disappeared instantly.

Chen Wen also invited everyone to go downstairs for dinner. After all, everyone would go back to work in the experimental park later.

Otherwise, Zhou Yuchen and Wu Dongyang would not get up at the same time as Chen Wen and others!

The breakfast for several people was naturally prepared by Chen Wen's parents. Originally, Chen Wen planned to go to the experimental park cafeteria to eat with everyone.

But when the old couple saw that Chen Wen had brought so many friends back, they naturally had to keep a few of them at home for a meal.

Zhou Yuchen, Wu Dongyang and Chen Wen's parents already knew each other.

There were only husband and wife Yu Mingzhe and Wu Minmin, and the old couple had never met.

But it doesn’t matter if they don’t know each other. This does not affect the enthusiasm of Chen Wen’s parents at all.

Under the warm reception of Chen's father and mother, Yu Mingzhe and Wu Minmin became familiar with Chen Wen's parents.

Chen Wen's parents learned that Yu Mingzhe and Wu Minmin were the grandson and granddaughter-in-law of Professor Yu.

The old couple also warmly invited the two of them to come and have sex at home often.

We often come over to our house to have a meal and chat!

"Uncle! Auntie!"

"Don't worry! We will all work in Jinling from now on!"

"I will definitely come to chat with you two elders often!"

After hearing what Chen Wen's parents said, Yu Mingzhe and Wu Minmin quickly spoke back to their elders.

The two of them had no problem calling Chen Wen's parents uncle and aunt.

After all, the terms uncle and aunt are used for elders who are older than one's parents.

Only uncle and aunt are called elders who are younger than their parents!

The parents of Yu Mingzhe and Wu Minmin are at least five or six years older than Chen Wen's parents.

So we call Father Chen and Mother Chen uncle and aunt!

There is no problem with this in terms of etiquette.

"Okay, okay! Then you must come often!"

"You still have to go to work, so we won't waste your time and work!"

Hearing the replies from Yu Mingzhe and Wu Minmin, Father Chen and Mother Chen were also very happy.

However, they also knew that Chen Wen and the others still had work to do.

So we just chatted for a few words and no longer delayed a few people from going to work.

At this time, the cars Chen Wen asked Lu Yunxing to arrange were all ready.

So Chen Wen greeted his parents and signaled them to go out.

After getting the response from his parents, Chen Wen led a few people into the car and headed to the experimental park.

It didn’t take long at all to get from the villa area to the experimental garden.

Soon after arriving at the experimental park, Chen Wen took a rare trip to accompany him in person.

Take Yu Mingzhe and Wu Minmin to the logistics office to go through the corresponding procedures!

You must know that Chen Wen also attaches great importance to Yu Mingzhe and Wu Minmin.

After all, in normal times, it was rare for Chen Wen to accompany him in person.

In most cases, Chen Wen directly asked Lu Yunxing to take people to handle it.

So when Chen Wen, a rare visitor, appeared in the back office.

But the staff here were shocked.

You must know that Chen Wen is now half of their immediate boss.

Because during this period of time, ever since Ye Zhenghui had talked to Chen Wen about some things.

There has been a rumor in the experimental park.

That is, the jurisdiction of the Experimental Park will be changed from the Huaguo Ordnance Industry Group to the Space Exploration Project Plan, and will be jointly managed with the Huaguo Ordnance Industry Group!

In the future, it is possible that the Huaguo Ordnance Industry Group will reduce its jurisdiction and leave it entirely to the Space Exploration Project Planning Engineering to manage the experimental park.

So there is nothing wrong with Chen Wen being half of their immediate boss!

When Chen Wen appeared here, everyone who had been fishing stood up and greeted Chen Wen.

Some people have a bit of embarrassment on their faces, as if they have been caught trying to catch a fish! (End of chapter)

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