"Academician Chen! Let me toast you!"

"To be honest, I heard my grandpa say that he found you as Haohao's future teacher. I'm very excited!"

Professor Yu's grandson, Yu Mingzhe, raised his glass and toasted to Chen Wen.

Although Chen Wen is a few years younger than Yu Mingzhe.

But Chen Wen and Professor Yu have been friends for many years, and this seniority is here.

Yu Mingzhe naturally wanted to use honorifics to Chen Wen.

To show respect for Chen Wen, my old man’s old friend!

of course! There are other reasons why Yu Mingzhe respects Chen Wen so much.

As a scholar, Yu Mingzhe admired Chen Wen very much.

After all, he can achieve many major achievements at this age.

Then he was elected as a double academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

It is definitely impossible to say that this is not awesome!

Although behind the selection of academicians, my old man may have put in a lot of effort.

But if Chen Wen didn't have that strength, how could his old man promote Chen Wen to the position of academician?

There will also be others who will jump out and object.

As for Chen Wen's election as an academician of both houses of Congress, not only was there no objection from anyone, but he was elected as an academician.

On the contrary, everyone who participated in the vote approved and supported Chen Wen's election as an academician!

This is Chen Wen’s strength and personal charm!

This is also what Yu Mingzhe admires most about Chen Wen.

After all, whoever you meet in this way will be recognized by everyone.

To be honest, after the old man came back from the Northwest half a year ago.

I often talk about Chen Wen, and everyone talks about how good Chen Wen is.

At that time, Yu Mingzhe was still a little unconvinced!

I thought to myself that I was definitely no worse than Chen Wen, a guy younger than me!

As time passed, things turned out not to be what Yu Mingzhe thought!

Compared with Chen Wen, there is indeed a big gap!

After all, the kind of charisma that everyone recognizes is an innate skill that even Yu Mingzhe cannot match!

As the saying goes, people are more irritating than others!

Both IQ and EQ are very talented, and this kind of thing is like being chased by God to feed you.

Yu Mingzhe, who was quite confident at first, was instantly made less confident!

I don’t dare to think about competing with Chen Wen anymore.

And until now, it has evolved into respect and admiration for Chen Wen.

Especially today when I saw that Chen Wen was actually able to have a good time with Mr. Han over wine.

Yu Mingzhe was even more shocked.

As a good friend of his own father, Mr. Han naturally visited his home many times in the past.

When Yu Mingzhe was young, he was taught a lesson by Mr. Han.

So I have been afraid of Mr. Han since I was a child.

Later, when he grew up, Mr. Han came to the house less frequently.

Yu Mingzhe has also grown from a young man to a thirty-year-old middle-aged man, with some academic achievements.

But when facing Mr. Han, the old man basically didn't praise him much.

Instead, they all told themselves not to take it lightly and to continue working hard academically.

Later, Yu Mingzhe learned that Mr. Han had very high requirements for everyone.

He is usually very serious with his juniors, but he is rarely as smiling as he is with Chen Wen now.

Yu Mingzhe truly admires how a serious person like Mr. Han can be made so kind!

However, Chen Wen was obviously a little uncomfortable with Yu Mingzhe's respect.

After all, he is the grandson of Professor Yu. Although I have been friends with Professor Yu for many years, it feels like being treated as an elder by someone who is several years older than me.

Chen Wen really couldn't stand it.

"Brother Yu! Don't do this!"

"We are about the same age, so we should be considered brothers!"

"We brothers and Mr. Yu and the others have their own opinions!"

Chen Wen, who was a little uncomfortable, looked at Yu Mingzhe who stood up and respectfully toasted his drink.

To be honest, it was really hard for Chen Wen to accept someone of the same age who was several years older than him.

Treat yourself like a junior.

This made Chen Wen easily feel that he was getting older.

"That's right! You two can talk about your own issues!"

"Mingzhe! Your grandpa is here today, so I'll just chatter a little more!"

"Xiao Chen's abilities are outstanding. You should communicate more with him and learn more!"

"Your own foundation is not bad. If you work hard for a few years, you will achieve great results!"

Mr. Han on the side also smiled and agreed after hearing this.

Mr. Han and Mr. Lou whom Chen Wen met a few days ago had the same idea.

They all felt that Chen Wen was too mature and didn't look like a young man at all.

This is not good for Chen Wen's future development!

After all, this world and era belong to young people.

If Chen Wen is too mature, it will be difficult for him to make friends with equally talented scholars of the same age!

That's why the old man said this after hearing what Chen Wen said.

Then he educated Yu Mingzhe by the way.

Facing the old man's words, Chen Wen and Yu Mingzhe were both a little embarrassed.

Chen Wen was embarrassed that the old man used himself as an example to educate Yu Mingzhe.

This can easily ruin your popularity.

After all, we are all young people, and we definitely don’t like to be compared to our elders.

Chen Wen has been what his parents call other people's children since he was a child.

Now in the eyes of Mr. Han, he has become someone else's child again.

The reason why Yu Mingzhe is embarrassed is because he is so old.

Let the old man teach you like a child, which is a bit strange and embarrassing in itself.

But Yu Mingzhe is quite reasonable.

I know that Mr. Han's words are not malicious and are also for the sake of his future.

Now everyone knows that if you follow Chen Wen, you will definitely achieve success!

Take Zhou Yuchen and Wu Dongyang who were the first to follow Chen Wen!

The two of them were unknown in the academic world before.

What about Zhou Yuchen and Wu Dongyang now?

After working with Chen Wen for more than a year, he has now become quite famous.

In academia, they are no longer unknown soldiers.

Instead, he is a major member of Chen Wen’s team and a well-known scholar!

It is said that there are many overseas colleges and universities that want to recruit the two of them to teach overseas!

Of course, both of them firmly rejected offers from overseas or other domestic universities.

He just made up his mind to follow Chen Wen!

This is enough to prove how many benefits there are to following Chen Wen or having a close relationship with Chen Wen!

Therefore, Yu Mingzhe can understand Mr. Han's good intentions.

So under the deliberate actions of the two old men.

Chen Wen also communicated with Yu Mingzhe.

After communicating with Yu Mingzhe, Chen Wen found that Yu Mingzhe's level was not bad at all!

It even surprised Chen Wen.

Especially when I learned that Yu Mingzhe was not engaged in the family tradition of nuclear physics, but in aerospace science! (End of chapter)

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