Chapter 584 The five-year period of the project!

"Everyone should know that I am asked to take charge of this project!"

"It's trust in me and trust in the big guy!"

"Now that the experimental equipment has begun to arrive, the work that needs to be started can begin!"

"We must hurry up and start the experiments and research that need to be carried out!"

"In a word! The five years in the plan are a general time point!"

"I believe that with our joint efforts, we will be able to achieve the first phase goal before five years!"

Seeing everyone discussing enthusiastically, Chen Wen also glanced at everyone.

Then he spoke to the big guy.

When he said these words, he was not laughing and joking like before.

Instead, he told everyone about this matter in a very serious manner!

Although these scholars and scientists present!

They are all very principled and have a general understanding of the overall situation, and they follow Chen Wen's instructions.

Even if it is very difficult to complete, they will try their best to complete it!

But Chen Wen still couldn't help but feel a little worried, so it was the best choice to warn him again!

"Chief Master Chen! Don't worry about this!"

"Although we don't know whether we can succeed, we will definitely try our best to achieve the goals set in the plan!"

"Yes! Yes! Master Chen, please don't worry about this!"

After hearing what Chen Wen said, all the scientists present responded to Chen Wen's words.

Some scholars and professors who are more impatient almost want to issue a military order!

of course! The purpose of Chen Wen's words was just to warn.

It’s not that these professors are required to issue some kind of military order to tell them when to finish it!

Chen Wen attaches great importance to the stage progress of the project plan.

But while he values ​​progress, Chen Wen also pays great attention to quality!

If it is to catch up with the schedule, the progress of the stages will be full of errors.

Then Chen Wen would rather not have this loose progress that could collapse at any time!

Since he has taken over this important task in the capital, Chen Wen must of course complete it in the best possible manner!

"Yeah! I'm sorry to bother you all!"

"Starting tomorrow, we will officially enter the research state!"

"If you need help with anything, you can come to me!"

"If you can't contact me about my situation, you can also contact my secretary Lu Yunxing!"

"He will summarize the situation and inform me then!"

After receiving the answers from the scholars and professors, Chen Wen also nodded with satisfaction.

Chen Wen has two secretaries, one is Lu Yunxing and the other is Peng Junhua!

Then why did Chen Wen tell these scholars at the meeting that if they need anything, they should go to him or Lu Yunxing?

Instead of asking these scholars and professors to find their other secretary, Peng Junhua?

Of course this was part of Chen Wen's arrangement!

Now Chen Wen's project plan is divided into two areas!

One is the most important space exploration project plan!

The other is the air force and naval equipment that the military wants!

Even Chen Wen would be overwhelmed by controlling two projects together.

After all, Chen Wen is not a person with a clone.

So Chen Wen could only let his two secretaries be responsible for one project each!

Lu Yunxing is in charge of the space exploration project planning and engineering, while Peng Junhua is in charge of two sub-projects in the military project!

Of course, the responsibility here is not to let them steer the direction of the project.

Instead, let them sort out and summarize all the reports submitted by the scientific researchers below.    Report these tasks to Chen Wen on a regular basis.

When Chen Wen was asked to handle the two projects, he was able to do it more easily!

Of course, some people may wonder why Chen Wen is such an important scientist now!

Why not focus on the important scientific research project first, but instead control the two projects together?

Wouldn't this be a distraction, causing both projects to fail in the end?

Chen Wen had also considered this concern before.

But after analyzing the limits of his abilities, Chen Wen decided to focus on two projects at once!

At worst, it’s just a little bit more tiring!

After all, space exploration project planners are important, and the two military sub-projects are also related to national defense security!

This is also a very important thing!

The most important thing is that Chen Wen also attaches great importance to the new equipment research and development projects of the Air Force and Navy.

These two projects were built by himself from scratch. Of course Chen Wen couldn't do something like that and give up halfway!

So it is necessary to grasp it with both hands!

Of course, these are a bit far-fetched!

Back to the meeting itself.

The meeting lasted for two and a half hours.

After Chen Wen finished everything that needed to be said and said, he then accompanied these scholars and professors and chatted about academic matters for a long time!

After starting the scientific research work for everyone.

After giving everyone ideas for research, Chen Wen did not waste anyone's time anymore.

After all, everything that needs to be said and communicated has been said.

If you continue to stay here for the meeting, you will not only waste Chen Wen's own time, but also waste everyone's time!

So Chen Wen informed the meeting to adjourn.

When they came out of the conference room, the faces of all the scholars and professors were glowing!

Obviously, after they just communicated with Chen Wen, everyone's ideas and inspirations were drawn out.

Now is a good time to go back and organize your thoughts and continue to dig deeper along these lines!

After this flash of inspiration, it will be difficult to dig deeper into your ideas!

Thinking of this, everyone said goodbye to Chen Wen and returned to the apartment arranged by Chen Wen.

of course! It is worth mentioning here.

With Chen Wen's tacit support, Ye Zhenghui cooperated with the Jinling Municipal Government and has used many supporting services to retain a large number of scholars!

These scholars and professors were deeply shocked by the conditions offered by the Jinling Municipal Government.

These scholars and professors could all see that Chen Wen didn't like staying in the capital.

Instead, he prefers to stay in Jinling, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties.

What is obvious is that a top scientist, a double academician of both the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is sitting in Jinling.

The academic atmosphere here in Jinling will gradually become stronger.

Maybe over time Jinling will become a future technological metropolis.

There is also better development for these scholars and professors here, so many of them choose to stay!


Just as everyone was leaving, Chen Wen looked at it and saw that it was getting late.

So he quickly went to find Fang Tong, and then took her home for dinner.

My parents have warned me countless times that I must take Fang Tong home for a meal!

The second elder was extremely satisfied with his future daughter-in-law, and of course wanted to see her more often.

(End of this chapter)

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