Chapter 539 Unconditional Trust

Chen Wen saw that Fang Tong had a strong desire to continue studying for a Ph.D., so he simply said nothing more and chose to support Fang Tong's decision!

After all, in Chen Wen's opinion, it's a good thing that Fang Tong has his own opinion!

It is better to do what you choose firmly than to give up based on what others say.

No matter what choice Fang Tong made, Chen Wen decided to support Fang Tong unconditionally.

Two lovers who love each other should always protect, understand, tolerate and support each other!

Fang Tong needs Chen Wen's support and understanding, so why doesn't Chen Wen need Fang Tong's support and understanding?

Chen Wen reached his current status.

The scientific research projects we do will only get bigger and bigger.

In recent years, you may be able to take care of your personal life and family!

By the time this space exploration project was planned, Chen Wen had really advanced it to a certain extent.

Whether you are busy or not is not up to Chen Wen!

If you get married to Fang Tong and have children by then!

Chen Wen needs Fang Tong's support and understanding very much!

After all, one side is the person you love the most, and the other side is your career and ideals!

In family and career, someone must make concessions and sacrifices!

But at Chen Wen's stage, it was not his choice whether to continue or not.

Even if he doesn't take the initiative, there will be a large group of people pushing him forward!

If you give up, you will easily be considered as not having a sense of the overall situation!

So to be honest, Chen Wen really hoped that Fang Tong would understand him by then!

I wonder if two people who love each other are more likely to be connected, right?

When Chen Wen was thinking about these things in his mind.

In his mind, Fang Tong was also thinking about what Chen Wen had just thought about.

Fang Tong has already considered that Chen Wen will become busier and busier in the future and will need the understanding and support of his family.

Looking at all the successful scientists in China, many scientists have made many great achievements in their careers, but have neglected a lot in their families!

This requires family understanding and support!

Fang Tong knew that Chen Wen would be like this in the future, so he had already made relevant mental preparations!

After Chen Wen learned about Fang Tong's thoughts, he stopped mentioning the matter of returning to Jinling to Fang Tong.

Instead of talking about these things, talk about things that make both of you feel good.

For example, kiss and hug her again, or lift her up and spin her in circles, or something like that!

of course! There is no problem with the first two, after all, there is not much movement.

But if the person behind is lifting it high and holding it in circles, the noise will be huge!

At that time, it may also attract the attention and onlookers of other people.

If Chen Wen was recognized, the gossip would be all over the place the next day.

Although Chen Wen doesn't mind letting everyone know about his relationship.

Otherwise, he would not have taken Fang Tong to attend the academician selection meeting.

And he also introduced Fang Tong in front of the media!

But! Fang Tong is a relatively shy person!

Chen Wen didn't want his own factors to affect Fang Tong's studies!

After all, some people can't find him, so it wouldn't be good if he came to disturb Fang Tong!

Chen Wen didn't like this situation where certain things affected the people around him!

So the two decided to just kiss and cuddle a little more.

But we haven’t waited for the two of them to make their next move!

There was a sound from the laboratory door behind him. It turned out to be Fang Tong's fellow students coming out with their personal belongings.

"Senior Brother Chen/Brother Chen!"

After everyone came out, they greeted Chen Wen. “Hmm! Have you got everything?”

"Then let's set off!"

"I've already arranged the car and place!"

I saw Chen Wen looking at everyone and saying.

Then he took Fang Tong's hand and walked in the front.

Fang Tong's fellow disciples behind him all looked extremely excited.

After all, it was their first time to have dinner with an academic master like Chen Wen!

The academician invited me to dinner. I’m afraid I haven’t met my mentor a few times, right?

As night falls, the stars dot the sky, shrouding the entire city in a peaceful and mysterious atmosphere.

Chen Wen led Fang Tong and her fellow students out of the busy laboratory building.

Several cars were parked at the gate of Beijing University of Science and Technology.

These cars were arranged by Chen Wen and Lu Yunxing.

Chen heard that he and Fang Tong were riding in an MPV.

As for Fang Tong's classmates, they sat in the cars at the back.

After everyone got on the bus, they rushed directly to the hotel.

The last time he came to Shizhuoju, Chen Wen didn't pay much attention at all.

After arriving this time, Chen Wen could see through the glass window that the decoration of the restaurant was quite antique.

Because Chen Wen had reserved a private room with Mr. Wang in advance, the environment for this dinner was still very private.

Upon entering the private room, Fang Tong's classmates were attracted by the exquisite decoration.

Because of Mr. Wang's special care, the table was already filled with snacks.

The dazzling menu includes traditional Shandong cuisine and innovative Shandong cuisine!

There is also a waiter explaining it!

Everyone sat down excitedly, ready to enjoy the food here!

Taking advantage of this time, Chen Wenxian smiled and delivered a brief and enthusiastic speech: "Thank you everyone for participating in today's dinner! I would like to thank everyone for taking care of Xiaotong! Everyone has a good meal and a drink tonight!"

After Chen Wen made a brief speech, everyone responded to Chen Wen's words, and then the atmosphere in the box became pleasant and warm.

Although this is a dinner party, everyone is a scientific researcher, and it is inevitable to talk about academic matters and problems when chatting.

Everyone was toasting each other and discussing their respective scientific research problems.

Talking about scientific research in front of Chen Wen, isn't it just a matter of finding the right person?

With everyone's encouragement, Chen Wen shared some academic knowledge with everyone.

For a time, the entire private room was filled with an atmosphere of knowledge exchange.

After a while, dishes began to arrive one after another, each one a carefully cooked work of art.

The delicious aroma fills the private room, making people salivate.

Everyone present liked it very much!

At the end of the dinner, amid bursts of laughter, Chen Wen felt that in such a lively atmosphere, he should suggest that everyone share a precious moment together.

This made everyone present extremely happy, and they all took out their mobile phones and took photos.

So this group photo became the best memory of this night!

As the time approached eight o'clock, the dishes in the private room were almost finished, and everyone's swollen belly announced that they were full.

When Chen Wen saw this, he stood up and suggested that everyone take a walk together.

Of course, proposing a walk was just Chen Wen's excuse for dating Fang Tong!

In this kind of winter, no one would go out for a walk, right?

(End of this chapter)

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