Chapter 445 Guidance Paper

After giving classes to undergraduate students majoring in weapons engineering at Jinling University of Science and Technology, Chen Wen did not stay at Jinling University of Science and Technology any longer!

He didn't even bother to eat lunch, so he went straight back to his laboratory!

Because Chen Wen now just wants to return to the laboratory to instruct his graduate students on their thesis.

After all, the current thesis guidance is a relatively important task for Chen Wen!

You must know that Chen Wen still has a long-term task that can be repeated, publishing fifteen papers!

In addition to the five papers written by Chen Wen himself that have been completed, less than six papers for which he is the corresponding author have been completed!

There are still four to five papers left to complete the task released by the system!

So next, Chen Wen’s main work is the thesis!

However, no matter how important the guidance thesis is, Chen Wen cannot be in such a hurry that he rushes back to the laboratory without even having time to eat lunch!

There was only one reason that allowed Chen Wen to rush back to the laboratory quickly!

That's another good news from the laboratory!

"Yingjie! How is it?"

"Hurry up and tell us the situation!"

After Chen Wen came to the laboratory, he immediately found his most proud disciple, He Yingjie!

The reason why Chen Wen hurried back to the laboratory was because he received a call from He Yingjie!

"Teacher! Currently, we have made some progress in our research on high-energy weapons!"

"But there are still many contents that we really don't understand. We need teacher to give us some guidance!"

"I read some papers you published before, including papers on the direction of high-energy lasers!"

He Yingjie responded immediately after hearing Chen Wen's inquiry.

It turns out that He Yingjie’s scientific research project has made some progress!

He Yingjie's scientific research project is related to high-energy laser weapons!

That's right! It's the kind of deadly laser guns and laser swords often mentioned in science fiction movies and novels, that type of laser weapons!

According to He Yingjie's idea, he wants to apply the results of this project to the tank they are developing!

However, this was rejected by Chen Wen as the design was finalized and it was not suitable for large-scale modifications!

However, Chen Wen was not completely blocked. He Yingjie continued to study the idea of ​​​​high-energy laser weapons!

After all, this high-energy laser weapon cannot be used on tanks because there is still a long way to go before high-energy laser weapons can reach a very powerful level!

Even a student like He Yingjie, whom Chen Wen valued very much, still had to put in a lot of effort and even study for several years before becoming famous!

But! This high-energy laser weapon cannot be used on tanks for the time being.

But this does not mean that high-energy lasers cannot be used as weapons!

It looks like a pistol or a rifle, for use by the army in combat!

So after Chen Wen rejected He Yingjie's idea of ​​developing a high-energy laser turret for tanks.

Instead, he opened a separate project research group and encouraged He Yingjie to study the portability and lightweight of high-energy laser weapons!

Create weapons and equipment that are small, light and easy to carry like pistols and rifles!

Regarding research work in this area, Chen Wen also gave some explanations and teaching to He Yingjie and the postgraduate students in his group!

But it is a pity that He Yingjie's research in this area seems to have hit a wall, and he has been working on it for a long time without any results!

And now He Yingjie suddenly called and told him that there had been some progress in research on high-energy laser weapons.

But in some aspects of basic research, they haven't figured it out yet and need Chen Wen's guidance.

Chen Wen returned to the laboratory immediately!

Because in Chen Wen's view, the proposition of high-energy laser weapons is very broad!

Even if you don’t get results, it’s enough to write several papers in top journals!

Remember? The task requirements released by the system specify fifteen papers. Regardless of whether you are the first author or the corresponding author, the articles must be published in top journals!

And He Yingjie called and said that he had made some progress in the field of high-energy laser weapons that he was researching! Of course Chen Wen will come back to the laboratory immediately to guide them in their research!

After all, in Chen Wen's view, this is a very good opportunity to increase the number of papers in the top journals!

"Yingjie! You don't have to be anxious or excited!"

"Try to explain the situation to me clearly and clearly!"

"Let me know what progress you have made now, so that I can give you some guidance!"

Seeing He Yingjie's hurried look, he asked himself about research issues on high-energy laser technology.

Chen Wen quickly stopped the other party and asked him not to ask questions in a hurry.

Briefly introduce yourself to the progress of the topic!

Of course someone may have asked here.

Doesn't Chen Wen often hold group meetings for students and monitor their scientific research progress?

Why do we have to understand the progress again when we get to He Yingjie?

Is it possible that He Yingjie's research project was set aside separately, so Chen Wen didn't pay much attention to He Yingjie's project during the group meeting?

Of course not!

As a well-established professor, Chen Wen has a strong sense of responsibility as a teacher!

The lack of teacher ethics does not exist in Chen Wen at all!

Chen Wen shows the same care and attention to every student under him!

Even though He Yingjie is Chen Wen's most respected student at present, Chen Wen's care and concern for him is the same as for everyone else!

So there is no reason why Chen Wen ignored He Yingjie and asked him to do his own research!

As for why we need to ask about progress?

Of course, it was because it was almost a week ago since I last learned about the progress of He Yingjie and his research team!

And under this situation, He Yingjie and his research team have made some progress in research!

This made it difficult for Chen Wen to figure out, or predict, how far the current scientific research progress of He Yingjie and the others had reached?

That’s why Chen Wen asked just now!

"Teacher! We are stuck now..."

After hearing what Chen Wen said, He Yingjie was very obedient and didn't ask any more questions.

Instead, he stood in front of Chen Wen and carefully and respectfully introduced the progress of their project.

After Chen Wen finished listening to He Yingjie's report, he nodded first to show his recognition of He Yingjie and his team's efforts in progressing the project during this period!

Then after understanding these situations, it’s time for Chen Wen to give guidance!

When he was reporting the progress to Chen Wen just now, He Yingjie also briefly mentioned the problems encountered by the research team to Chen Wen.

Although he did not explain everything completely, Chen Wen was able to judge from these contents all the problems that He Yingjie and the others encountered!

(End of this chapter)

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