Chapter 261 Enrollment begins!

"Principal Liu! I have arrangements for this matter!"

"When the time comes, please ask the school to arrange a venue, and I will come up with special questions to assess them!"

After hearing Liu Songren's words, Chen Wen pondered for a moment and then replied.

Regarding the special recruitment project plan, Chen Wen had his own ideas!

In Chen Wen's view, examinations cannot be used as the only criterion for admissions!

After all, when facing exams, everyone has times when they perform exceedingly well and when they perform abnormally!

Compared with test scores, Chen Wen pays more attention to the way of thinking of recruiting students!

It doesn’t matter if your grades are just a little bit off, but the most important thing is to have an academic way of thinking!

Of course, since Chen Wen said it, test scores are not important to him!

Then why did Liu Songren need to arrange the examination room and give questions to the students participating in the admissions process?

Naturally, the questions asked by Chen Wen were all open questions with no standard answers!

Through the answers given by the respondents, Chen Wen could easily get the respondent's way of thinking from the answers!

This is the reason for Chen Wen’s assessment!

"Okay! I will arrange this!"

"But there is one more thing I have to ask Professor Chen!"

"As for the special recruitment plan, we are definitely not just recruiting a group of students!"

"So the school needs to know, Professor Chen, how long you plan to recruit a group of students, so that we can arrange enrollment indicators!"

Liu Songren was not surprised to see that Chen Wen planned to write the test himself!

After all, this special enrollment plan is personally proposed by the plan leader!

So this is a very common thing!

Rather than asking Chen Wen what kind of questions he would ask, as the president of Jinling University of Science and Technology, he was more concerned about how often Chen Wen planned to recruit students.


"I have to think about this a little bit!"

Chen Wen had not thought about how often he would recruit new students.

When Liu Songren suddenly asked this question, Chen Wen replied and began to think deeply!

After a while, Chen Wen seemed to have the answer.

"Principal Liu! You can't bite off more than you can chew when it comes to admissions!"

"If we recruit a group of students a year, I won't have that much energy to educate them!"

"Currently, I am only considering recruiting a new batch of students after I have taught one batch of students!"

Facing Liu Songren's inquiry, Chen Wen quickly had the answer.

He looked at Liu Songren and said seriously.

In fact, Chen Wen also had his own considerations in making this decision!

After all, Chen Wen's personal energy is limited. If he takes too many students at once, he may be exhausted to death!

If you finish teaching one class, you can teach new students!

Just like the teachers in primary school, junior high school and high school, they taught students one after another!

Only by bringing one class of students to graduation can we continue to bring a new batch of students from scratch!

This way of teaching students is more suitable for Chen Wen!

As for the friendship between the students under his command, this is not something Chen Wen considers!

But Chen Wen believed that the camaraderie among his students must not be much different!

In Chen Wen's opinion, there is a high probability that the students he brought out will continue to work in his laboratory!

Then even if I bring new students, these new junior brothers and sisters can also get in touch with the previous senior brothers and sisters! Therefore, Chen Wen did not pay too much attention to this!

What he should consider now is how many people can be attracted to sign up for this special enrollment project?

"I understand!"

"This special enrollment project plan was initiated and led by you, Professor Chen!"

"All arrangements will be based on what you said, Professor Chen!"

"As for other matters, just leave it to me and the school!"

After hearing Chen Wen's answer, Liu Songren directly expressed his support for Chen Wen's idea.

Then the two of them drank tea and chatted for a while in the office!

Seeing that the time was almost up, Chen Wen thought it was time to have lunch!

So he said goodbye to Liu Songren and left the principal's office!

When he walked out of the principal's office, he took out his mobile phone and called his brother Chen Cong!

It's almost lunch time now, and Chen Wen plans to invite his younger brother Chen Cong and his roommate to have a meal together!

Although Chen Cong has a residence in Jinling, he can actually apply for day study!

But Chen Wen felt that his younger brother Chen Cong still needed to have a better relationship with his classmates!

Where to start to get along well with classmates?

Naturally, it starts in the university dormitory!

Most of the roommates who live in the same dormitory have very good relationships!

Chen Wen, who is well aware of the need to establish friendly connections with people in society, naturally wants to cultivate his brother's behavior as well!

So a call from Chen Wen came over, and within a short time, Chen Cong led his roommate to the school gate to wait for Chen Wen!

Considering that the car might not be able to fit in, Chen Wen called Zhou Yuchen and Wu Dongyang to ask if these two guys were still in the school!

If you are still in school, you can invite them to have a meal together and let them take a few people in their car!

After all, Chen Wen's Volvo can't carry too many people!

Upon hearing Chen Wen's greeting, Zhou Yuchen and Wu Dongyang directly replied, "We'll be there soon!"

In the next few minutes, they drove up to Chen Wen!

After seeing them, Chen Wen took them to meet his younger brother Chen Cong!

When Chen Cong's roommate met Chen Wen and others, he learned that his roommate's brother was a professor at the school!

And since he was the professor who taught one of the professional courses in their class, they were all shocked!

After meeting a few people, Chen Wen introduced Zhou Yuchen and Wu Dongyang!

When Chen Cong's roommate learned that he was going to have dinner with three professors, two of whom were professors leading their professional classes, he immediately became very reserved!

Of course, Chen Wen is still very approachable in normal times!

Zhou Yuchen and Wu Dongyang are similar, so the three of them can play together!

Under the jokes of the three of them, several of Chen Cong's roommates became less reserved!

While Chen Wen and the others were going to eat, Liu Songren, the president of Jinling University of Science and Technology, also began to arrange Chen Wen's special enrollment project plan!

Soon, various official accounts of Jinling University of Science and Technology released news about the special recruitment plan!

When they heard the news, many people who had not been able to take the postgraduate entrance examination were immediately excited!

They all chose to sign up for this project!

After all, Jinling University of Science and Technology is also quite famous in the field of military industry!

These students who were unable to go ashore all chose to try this special recruitment plan!

Among those who signed up, in addition to students from related majors, there were also many students who skipped the exams!

Regarding this phenomenon, Chen Wen had not made any restrictions before!

(End of this chapter)

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