Live broadcast of making arms from paper shells, the police asked me to register

Chapter 200 The embarrassing situation of visiting relatives!

Chapter 200 The embarrassing situation of visiting relatives!

Chen Wen had no objection to the old principal's proposal!

Anyway, when you come back, you will have nothing to do!

After my younger brother Chen Cong finishes the college entrance examination, it will be the turn of the junior high school students to take the high school entrance examination. I can take this opportunity to encourage the teenagers who will come later!

When he thought of this, Chen Wen asked the old principal to contact his secretary Lu Yunxing!

"Principal Chen! Please contact my secretary Lu Yunxing for the specific situation!"

"But I will definitely not be free for the next two days tomorrow!"

I saw Chen Wen talking to the old principal.

"I know! Your brother Chen Chongming is going to take the college entrance examination the day after tomorrow!"

"Then I'll make an appointment with your secretary!"

"Try to do it before the children in junior high school take their high school entrance exams, right?"

After hearing what Chen Wen said, the old principal also responded directly.

Then I was a little surprised. After Chen Wen took up a professorship at the university, he now even has a secretary!

But the surprise soon disappeared!

Because Chen Wen was a student taught by this old principal back then!

For Chen Wen, a former student, the old principal felt that if it were him, all this would be reasonable!

"Hello, Principal Chen! I am Xiao Lu, Professor Chen's secretary!"

"As for Professor Chen's return to his alma mater to give a speech, just contact me!"

Lu Yunxing on the side saw that Chen Wen had agreed, so he also exchanged contact information with the old principal in front of him so that he could contact him later about the return to school speech!

It is worth mentioning that the old principal lives in Chen’s house, and like Chen Wen and others, his surname is Chen!

The surname ‘Chen’ is very common here in Fujian Province!

Especially the village where Chen Wen’s family is located has ‘Chen Family House’ on its name!

Naturally, most of the people living here have the surname Chen, and only a small number of people have other surnames!

If those people with the surname Chen living in Chen's house were to go back in genealogy, they would all have the same ancestor hundreds of years ago!

Another thing is that Fujian Province also pays great attention to the concept of clan!

Chen Wen also had this aspect in mind when he promised the old principal to return to his alma mater to give a speech!

We all have the surname Chen, so we have to help each other!

Just like that, I chatted with the old principal for a while.

The old principal was also preparing to go home. After Chen Wen said goodbye to him, he also walked in the direction of his uncle's house!

Chen Wen handed the specialties in his hand to Lu Yunxing to carry, and he walked up and knocked on the door of his uncle's house.

Every household in the village is like this, with a small yard!


After Chen Wen came back, he went directly to his home without any relatives knowing about it.

So after hearing the knocking outside, the eldest uncle's family was a little surprised who was knocking outside, and the voice calling the door seemed familiar!

"Uncle! It's me! Xiaowen!"

Hearing the sound coming from the yard, Chen Wen quickly responded.

"Xiao Wen? Here you go!"

After hearing that it was Chen Wen, his uncle, who was watching TV at home, quickly came out and opened the door for Chen Wen.

"Xiao Wen is back! Come in quickly!" "It's extremely hot outside, hurry up and cool down inside!"

After Chen Wen's uncle opened the door, he saw that it was really Chen Wen standing at the door, and there was an unknown person following him.

Although he was a little curious, Chen Wen's uncle was still very considerate!

He quickly called Chen Wen and Lu Yunxing to sit in the room!

Chen Wen spent an entire afternoon sitting at his uncle's house!

Of course it's not that he doesn't want to leave, but that the uncle and the others won't let him go!

I kept trying to keep Chen Wen at home for dinner!

It just so happens that the uncle's youngest son, Chen Wen's cousin, is on the third day of the Lunar New Year this year!

The uncle saw Chen Wen coming back, so he asked Chen Wen to help tutor his youngest son in his homework!

After all, after Chen Wen's parents went to Jinling, basically everyone in the Chen family's house and all the relatives who were related to Chen Wen's family knew about it!

Their old Chen family has a university professor!

In rural areas where the concept of clan is still relatively solid, taking the public examination and becoming a university professor are undoubtedly similar to the imperial examination in ancient times!

But my uncle obviously never went to college and doesn't know what a professor does?

I only know that professors are teachers in universities!

I thought that since Chen Wen could be a university professor, he must be more knowledgeable than a teacher in middle school or high school!

Naturally, Chen Wen was left here to make up lessons for his youngest son!

By the way, let Chen Wen have dinner at home tonight and then let him go home!

Regarding his uncle's idea, Chen Wen was a little bit dumbfounded!

To be honest, his position as a university professor is purely for scientific research!

If you let him teach college students, maybe there will be no problem!

After all, college students can still understand the knowledge content Chen Wen teaches, but let him teach prospective high school students?

This is really a bit embarrassing!

Let's not talk about whether he can teach better than the teachers in middle and high schools. Just talk about the knowledge content he talks about. I'm afraid my cousin is like reading a wordless bible!

But since the uncle said it, Chen Wen really couldn’t refuse it!

So after much thought, I picked the physics I was best at to give my cousin some extra lessons!

When Chen Wen was a child, physics was his best subject!

In addition, I have been in the Northwest for the past six months, and I have been exposed to some physics research!

What? You said nuclear physics?

Doesn’t that still belong to the category of physics?

So throughout the afternoon, Chen Wen stayed in his cousin's room to give him tutoring!

As for the secretary Lu Yunxing, Chen Wen asked Chen Wen to go back and wait for him, while he also called the old principal to talk about the speech!

After all, he was tutoring his cousin in his room, so he couldn't let Lu Yunxing just chat with his uncle in the living room, right?

Chen Wen felt a little embarrassed just thinking about that scene!

After Lu Yunxing heard Chen Wen's words, he felt relieved!

He quickly put down the specialties in his hands and left Chen Wen's uncle's house!

Chen Wen’s uncle was so hospitable!

During the chat just now, Chen Wen's aunt asked about Lu Yunxing's marriage!

If there is no marriage, I plan to find Lu Yunxing as a matchmaker!

This incident scared Lu Yunxing!


After Lu Yunxing left, Chen Wen stayed at his uncle's house all afternoon!

During dinner, the uncle's family planned to keep Chen Wen at home for dinner, but Chen Wen declined!

The excuse was that it had been too long since I had been home! You have to spend some time with your family first!

After coming up with this excuse, the uncle's family stopped trying to persuade Chen Wen to stay at home and went back after dinner!

Chen Wen also hurried home. As for the other relatives, they should wait two days to visit again!

After all, these relatives at home inevitably have several children who are still studying!

If we were to encounter the same situation as today at my uncle's house again, saying that his child was about to take the high school entrance examination or college entrance examination, and asked Chen Wen to give him some guidance, that would be very uncomfortable!

It is really too difficult for him, a university professor who specializes in academic research, to teach a group of middle school students!

(End of this chapter)

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