Chapter 161 Chen Wen wakes up!

Just like this, one after another people came to visit the ward where Chen Wen lived!

At the beginning, Dr. Zhao allowed everyone to visit Chen Wen in the ward!

But when we got to the back, there were so many people coming!

And one trip after another, in Dr. Zhao’s opinion, this is very detrimental to Chen Wen’s physical recovery!

It would be bad if it disturbed Chen Wen then!

So, after asking Professor Yu for instructions, Dr. Zhao directly blocked the visitor outside the clinic!

"Doctor Zhao! How come anyone could get in before!"

"No one is allowed to visit Mr. Chen when they get here!"

Some researchers couldn't understand why Dr. Zhao prevented them from visiting Chen Wen!

"Before is before! Now is now!"

"This is a rule! Mr. Yu approved it!"

"If anyone is dissatisfied, go directly to Mr. Yu to refute!"

"You guys are going in and out like this, why don't you let Mr. Chen take a good rest to recover?"

In response to the incomprehension of these scientific researchers, Dr. Zhao directly moved out Professor Yu to calm everyone down!

Then he persuaded me with kind words.

Everyone heard Dr. Zhao say that not visiting Mr. Chen now would be the greatest help to Mr. Chen’s physical recovery later!

No one continues to stab!

One by one, they all dispersed outside the infirmary!

After sending everyone away, Dr. Zhao turned back!


Today is the third day that Chen Wen has been in coma!

In the past three days, there has been no movement from Chen Wen!

He has been in a coma, lying quietly on the hospital bed!

Chen Wen's body would definitely not be able to handle it if he lay down for three days without eating or drinking!

Therefore, at the end of the daily infusion, Dr. Zhao would also prescribe some glucose for Chen Wen to put into his body!

In this way, Chen Wen's body has been basically consumed in just these three days!


"Secretary Lu! Is there any movement from Mr. Chen today?"

This afternoon, Dr. Zhao came over for ward rounds as usual!

While checking Chen Wen's physical signs, he asked Lu Yunxing, who was guarding the side.

During the few days that Chen Wen stayed in the observation room No. 1, Lu Yunxing also accompanied him here and never left!

At night, just get a recliner in the ward and make do!

Therefore, the person who knows Chen Wen’s situation best is the secretary Lu Yunxing!

"No! Mr. Chen is still the same as usual, showing no signs of waking up!"

"Doctor Zhao! What on earth is going on?"

After hearing Dr. Zhao's question, Lu Yunxing also answered directly.

Then he continued to ask questions!


"I've never seen this happen before!"

"Logically speaking, if you are in a coma caused by overexertion, you will basically wake up in one day!"

"We will do another day of observation today. If there is still no sign of waking up by this time tomorrow, then we have to send him out for consultation with various experts!"

Seeing Lu Yunxing asking questions, Dr. Zhao was also full of doubts.

To be honest, he has been working in medicine for so long that he has never seen anyone in a situation like Chen Wen!

Just because of overexertion, I fell into a coma for nearly half a week!

Moreover, various examinations have been done, and all examination reports showed that Chen Wen's body was normal!

Especially brain activity is the most active during this period!     In a situation like this, you should wake up immediately!

But Chen Wen didn't look any better!

There is nothing Dr. Zhao can do now!

We can only hope that Chen Wen wakes up soon, otherwise he will really have no choice but to be sent to a large hospital outside for expert consultation!

After examining Chen Wen's body, Dr. Zhao left the ward!

He needs to go back and prepare Chen Wen's medical records and various examination reports!

After all, looking at Chen Wen like this, I'm afraid it will be difficult to wake up at this time tomorrow!

When the time came to transfer him for treatment, it would be too late for him to prepare medical records and examination reports!


After Dr. Zhao left the ward, Lu Yunxing continued to take care of Chen Wen.

It's just that there is sadness in his eyes!

It was hard to follow a young leader like Chen Wen, but now Chen Wenren is in a coma!

This made Lu Yunxing very upset!

Just like Professor Yu, Lu Yunxing also blames himself!

When Chen Wen worked hard overtime, why didn't he think of stopping him?

If he had stopped him at that time, Chen Wen would not have stayed in the hospital bed!

But there is nothing wrong with everything!

What happened happened, Lu Yunxing could only hope that Chen Wen would get better as soon as possible!

In the future, when he assists Chen Wen in his work, he must always remember to remind Chen Wen to take care of his body!

Just as Lu Yunxing was thinking wildly, Chen Wen, who was lying on the hospital bed, suddenly started to move his fingers!

Chen Wen's finger movements were very slight, but Lu Yunxing, who was attentive, noticed it immediately!

"Mr. Chen! You finally woke up!"

After seeing Chen Wen move his fingers slightly and open his eyes slightly, Lu Yunxing said happily.

"Mr. Chen! Don't move!"

"I'll notify Dr. Zhao to come over!"

After seeing that Chen Wen had woken up, Lu Yunxing first gave Chen Wen instructions and then ran out to find Dr. Zhao.

Chen Wen, who stayed in the ward, felt uncomfortable with something stuck on his face.

So with a touch of his hand, he took off the oxygen mask on his face!

After a while, Dr. Zhao walked in from outside the ward and began to perform various physical examinations on Chen Wen!

To be honest, Dr. Zhao was a little confused. Just now, he was thinking that Chen Wen might have to be transferred out for treatment!

When Lu Yunxing called him over, he was preparing medical records and examination reports for Chen Wen!

The result is good, all those preparations were in vain!

But that's fine too!

As long as the person is okay and wakes up, it's a good thing!

So Dr. Zhao put aside his messy thoughts and began to perform various examinations on Chen Wen!

"Mr. Chen! Are you feeling uncomfortable in any way now?"

After Dr. Zhao examined Chen Wen, he then asked about Chen Wen.

The doctor's examination and diagnosis also need to be coordinated with the patient's chief complaint!

"I don't feel uncomfortable anywhere! I feel very good now!"

"My stomach is empty and I feel very hungry!"

After the inspection and contact just now, Chen Wen also recognized that this was Dr. Zhao from the base's medical support team.

Whatever Dr. Zhao asked, Chen Wen answered.

"Hahaha! Mr. Chen! This is normal!"

"You've been in a coma for such a long time, basically relying on glucose to support your body's consumption!"

“It’s normal to feel hungry when you’re alone without eating for a few days!”

"But our doctor's advice is to drink some gruel for the time being to let your stomach get used to it again!"

After checking Chen Wen and confirming that there were no problems, Dr. Zhao said happily.

(End of this chapter)

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