Chapter 145 Meeting! New superconductor material!

Another ten minutes have passed!

The staff of the scientific research base secretariat are also under the command of Chen Wen's temporary secretary Lu Yunxing.

The projector and laptop computer needed for the meeting have been installed!

"Secret Lu! Everything is done!"

After finishing the work, the leader of the secretariat staff quickly found Lu Yunxinghui to report.

"Well! Sorry to bother you!"

Lu Yunxing checked it first, and after confirming that there was no problem, he asked the other party to stay aside for a while.

As for Lu Yunxing's purpose of doing this, if there is any problem with the equipment when Chen Wen is having a meeting later, these secretariat staff can deal with it as soon as possible!

After arranging all this, Lu Yunxing first went to Xiao Zheng's office!

"Director Xiao! Everything is almost ready outside!"

"You should have read the research plan, right? Come out quickly and prepare for the meeting!"

"I'm going to notify Mr. Chen to come out for a meeting!"

Lu Yunxing knocked on the door and walked in directly to talk to Xiao Zheng.

As a disciple of Professor Yu, Xiao Zheng is no longer familiar with Lu Yunxing!

So Lu Yunxing pushed the door open directly and Xiao Zheng was used to it!

"Okay, okay! Secretary Lu, please inform Mr. Chen first! I'll be out for a meeting right now!"

After hearing what Lu Yunxing said, Xiao Zheng roughly read the rest of the research plan.

Then he responded to Lu Yunxing, closed the research plan, took it and walked out of the office!

When Lu Yunxing saw this, he didn't say anything more and walked straight to Chen Wen's office.

'Boom boom boom! '

As Chen Wen's temporary secretary, Lu Yunxing naturally didn't treat Chen Wen as casually as he did Xiao Zheng.

He first knocked on Chen Wen's office door, waiting for Chen Wen's response inside.

"Secretary Lu? Come in!"

Hearing the knock on the office door, Chen Wen raised his head and looked towards the transparent office door.

Seeing that it was Lu Yunxing knocking on the door outside, he waved to the other party to come in and talk while talking.

"General Manager Chen! The preparations for the meeting have been made!"

"Excuse me, do you want to hold a meeting for everyone now?"

After walking into Chen Wen's office from outside, Lu Yunxing asked Chen Wen.

"Yeah! Are you all ready?"

"Okay! I'll get something and come out!"

After hearing Lu Yunxing's inquiry, Chen Wen responded directly.

Then operate on the mouse and safely eject the USB flash drive from the computer!

Then he bent down and unplugged the USB flash drive from the host!

After doing this, Chen Wen took Lu Yunxing to the big office area.

The projector and laptop have been turned on!

Everyone in the magnetic confinement research department, including the person in charge, Xiao Zheng, is already in place!

"Everyone is here!"

"Then let's have a group meeting!"

I saw Chen Wen inserting a USB flash drive into his laptop while talking.

After a while, under Chen Wen's control, the PPT was projected on the whiteboard using a projector.

The title content of the PPT homepage: About the research group meeting on new magnetically confined superconducting materials!

"Everyone must have taken a rough look at the research plan that Secretary Lu sent to you before!"    "That's right! Our next work direction is to research new superconductor materials suitable for controllable nuclear fusion reactors!"

"This research direction may be difficult, but our Chinese researchers must face the difficulties!"


Before the group meeting, Chen Wen said a few words of encouragement as usual, and then gave a general introduction to the research content.

Different from the previous group meeting, everyone who participated in the group meeting today had a sad look on their face!

Everyone present did not understand the research on materials science!

Their understanding of superconducting materials can all be attributed to some time ago, when Chen Wen asked them to take a look at the literature on the research on superconducting materials!

"Chief Engineer Chen! None of us understand materials science!"

"If this happens, will it affect your research progress?"

Everyone doesn’t have much confidence in the research of materials science!

After all, everyone present is coming into contact with this research direction for the first time!

"Don't worry!"

"I've already considered this!"

"I just applied for a report with Mr. Yu!"

"Ask him to second some scientific researchers from the Materials Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to help us!"

"It doesn't matter if you guys don't understand materials science!"

"At that time, just follow the researchers from the Institute of Materials who will support us and advance the research progress according to the major research direction I have set!"

After hearing everyone's reaction, Chen Wen comforted everyone.

He is extremely clear about the situation of the big guys!

The reason why Chen Wen just asked Professor Yu to second someone from the Materials Institute was because of this consideration!

Under the leadership of a group of people who understand materials science, everyone in the magnetic confinement research department will not be like headless flies bumping around in the field of materials science!

After informing everyone that he had invited foreign aid, Chen Wen began to enter the state of organizing a meeting!

Relevant work content is arranged for everyone!

By the time all this was done, the group meeting had already been held for several hours!

At this time, Chen Wen's mouth was dry as he spoke!

So he motioned for everyone to adjourn the meeting. If you have any questions, please contact him as soon as possible!

After Chen Wen's order, the entire magnetic confinement research department began to work hard!

"Mr. Chen! Is there really no problem with this?"

I saw Xiao Zheng, the person in charge of the magnetic confinement research department, looking at everyone and asking with some worry.

After all, this is the first time that everyone is exposed to the research of superconducting materials. Xiao Zheng is afraid that he will mess up Chen Wen's arrangement by leaving this work in everyone's hands!

"Director Xiao! Don't worry!"

"As long as I grasp the general direction, the big guy won't mess it up!"

"What's more, we will have reinforcements from the Materials Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences arriving in two days!"

"Let me tell you the truth! My research plan is based on the results of the two research teams who came to help!"

"I combined the research results of their two research teams to come up with such a new research idea!"

"They are already familiar with relevant research. With their participation, we don't have to worry about anything happening!"

Chen Wen also knew what Xiao was worried about.

After all, researching materials consumes a lot of resources. If all the resources are thrown at it, it will not be effective.

Even if Chen Wen is highly regarded by Professor Yu, he will still be attacked by big names in other research fields!

Because the research funds invested in superconducting materials may be deducted from the funds of other research teams!

(End of this chapter)

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