Chapter 118 The reaction of superiors!

The content discussed by Chen Wen, Zhou Yuchen and Wu Dongyang did not need to be kept confidential!

After all, there are basically only a few people who can hear what Chen Wen said!

Zhou Yuchen and Wu Dongyang actually worked together with Chen Wen for a long time, and it took time to understand what Chen Wen said!

Otherwise, when they first came into contact with Chen Wen, they would have been exactly the same as Chen Cong who is now listening in!

He was just sitting there in a daze, listening to Chen Wen's words with a confused look on his face!

However, when Chen Wen asked Chen Cong to come in and listen, he certainly didn't want him to just watch stupidly from the sidelines!

Rather, it is about cultivating their scientific research thinking with a purpose!

Although it is not clear what Chen Cong wants to do in the future, Chen Wen still hopes that his younger brother can contribute to the country in scientific research like himself!

So when Chen Wen spoke, he obviously spoke much slower!

So that Chen Cong could understand what he and Zhou Yuchen were talking about!

Zhou Yuchen and Wu Dongyang also felt the benefits of Chen Wen's slower speaking speed!

Although they don't know why Chen Wen did this, when Chen Wen slowed down his speaking speed, it did make it easier for them to understand and think!

Chen Wen didn't know if his younger brother Chen Cong was really that kind of genius!

Judging from his expression, he seemed to have really listened to what Chen Wen said!

However, Chen Wen was slightly surprised, and then returned his thoughts to the discussion with Zhou Yuchen and Wu Dongyang!

After all, it doesn’t matter whether Chen Cong understands what he said!

But Zhou Yuchen and Wu Dongyang must understand it!

Otherwise, if these two people can't understand, how can they lead other people in the laboratory to continue advancing the project?

This conversation lasted for several hours!

It’s almost time for the reunion dinner!

"Xiao Wen! The dishes are all ready!"

"You guys come out to eat quickly!"

I saw Mother Chen coming to the door of the study, knocking on the door and saying inside.

"Eh! Good!"

Hearing his mother's voice in the study, Chen Wen quickly responded outside!

Immediately afterwards, today’s work discussion ended!

Just kidding, today is New Year’s Eve, okay?

There are limits to how you can work!

They can't let their families wait for them in the restaurant outside, right?

After responding to his mother's words, Chen Wen began to invite everyone to go out for dinner!

Zhou Yuchen and Wu Dongyang also almost understand what Chen Wen just said!

So the two of them didn't stay there, and followed Chen Wen out of the study together!

Chen Cong was the only one, still standing there, seemingly thinking about what his brother had just said!

"Xiao Cong! Let's go!"

"It's time for New Year's Eve dinner!"

Seeing that his younger brother Chen Cong had not come out for a long time, Chen Wen walked into the study and patted him.

Only after the latter was slapped like this did he react!

"Oh! Good!"

After replying, he also walked out of the study!

The food for the New Year's Eve dinner was prepared by Chen Wen and his three fathers in turn!

It has both southern and northern characteristics!

It can be said that this year’s New Year’s Eve dinner combines the best of both the north and the south!

Fortunately, the dining table in Chen Wen's restaurant is big enough, otherwise it really wouldn't be able to accommodate so many people!

At this time, only Chen Wen's seats were vacant at the dinner table. After they took their seats, the New Year's Eve dinner began!

"Come, come! This New Year's Eve is so lively! Let's go together!"

After everyone arrived, Chen Weiguo quickly raised his cup and spoke to everyone.

After hearing his words, everyone raised their glasses and drank together. Except for the parents who drink, Chen Wen and the younger generation never drink at all!

Zhou Yuchen and Wu Dongyang will drive their parents back to where they live later!

But Chen Wen didn't need it, but he still didn't choose to drink!

Everyone present was drinking liquor. Without Zhou Yuchen and Wu Dongyang to stop the drinking, Chen Wen alone could not drink as much as the older generation present!


Just when Chen Wen and everyone were celebrating the Spring Festival and New Year's Eve at home.

Beijing, Mr. Li’s home!

Mr. Li was also a scientific researcher before he became a leader in charge of scientific and technological development!

Therefore, most of his descendants are engaged in scientific research!

It’s just that their respective research directions are different!

Scientific researchers? Sometimes if you get busy, you may not be able to go home for the New Year!

This year is the most festive year in Li’s family, because all the children in the family have returned to the capital to celebrate the New Year!

When he heard the news that the children were coming back, Mr. Li was naturally very happy!

I am working in the kitchen at home with my wife, and the children are helping me!

At this moment, a call came to Mr. Li’s study!

For a leader like Mr. Li, there is a dedicated intercom phone in the study room at home!

"You guys keep working! I'll go to the study to take a call!"

Mr. Li knew that if he was able to call him during the Chinese New Year, there must be something important!

So I asked my children to help my wife with the work, while I washed my hands and went into the study to answer the phone!

"Hello! I'm Li Hongyi!"

After picking up the red phone in the study, Mr. Li spoke directly.

"Mr. Li! I'm sorry to disturb you during the Chinese New Year!"

"It's just that Jinling made an application, so we were a little unable to make a decision!"

The staff member on the other end of the red phone immediately replied after hearing Mr. Li's voice.


"What's going on over there in Jinling? You actually can't make up your mind!"

After hearing what his subordinate said, Mr. Li also became interested and asked.

You must know that as his direct subordinate, the middle-aged man on the other end of the phone can actually decide on the applications for many large-scale research projects!

Even this subordinate who he personally trained couldn't decide. Mr. Li was really curious about what was going on!

"A few years ago, a newly established national laboratory in Jinling sent an application!"

"But at that time, there were many national laboratory projects that required our approval, so we didn't pay much attention!"

“When we processed this application today, that laboratory applied to conduct research cooperation with the controllable nuclear fusion project!

"This matter is somewhat important, so let me ask you how you want to handle this application?"

When Mr. Li asked what was going on, the middle-aged man on the other end of the phone immediately replied.

He reported everything he knew to Mr. Li!

Then wait for Mr. Li to make the final decision on this application!

After all, this middle-aged man came to ask Mr. Li, so he naturally realized the importance of this matter!

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have celebrated the Chinese New Year, so I made this call to Mr. Li specifically!

(End of this chapter)

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