Chapter 204 Prove love

Perseverance can bring motivation to people, and it can also make people become scary.

Even when the beast is on the verge of death, it will not let go of its prey.

Witches are even crazier and more persistent beings than beasts.

After all, you can't use magic without persistence. Only crazy paranoia is the reason for becoming a witch.

The witch who was born from Tamaki Hikari's wish and for Tamaki Hikari will never give up.

"Mana, do you know how you were born?"

Faced with these words, Aitaniti chose to remain silent.

She did vaguely remember something about the hazy forest dream.

He was abandoned by Tamaki Hikaru, forced to leave the hotbed, and was born into this world.

Let’s think about it again, there are already more cards in hand, so there should be a new solution to this situation.

"Indeed, if I had come earlier, everything would have been different."

"If I have to say it, it's probably because the timing is wrong."

Of course, the ring is just a symbolic meaning, and the real meaning is the connection and contract between the two people.

"Mana, I think there are other ways we can go. There is no need to continue in this stalemate."

Aitaniti can accept this result, but Tamaki Hikari cannot.

"This is what I told you at the time, the changes and progress that can only be achieved by moving forward, isn't it?"

Escape and living in isolation are indeed Tamaki Hikaru's consistent style.

Aitaneeti nodded in agreement.

When Tamaki Hikari chose to give up magic, he easily removed it and handed it over to Aitaniti as a souvenir of his birth.

This uneasiness hidden under the indifferent appearance is the biggest problem.

Aitaniti just tilted her head and said nothing.

Magic is something colder than reality, and miracles even more so.

Even now, it is indeed his style.

"After I am born, I will no longer be determined by you as I was before, but will in turn determine everything by you."

In the same situation as that time, the two people's positions were completely reversed.

If she had come earlier, she would have been earlier than everyone else.

A ring that once symbolized the contract between two people and was firmly fixed on the finger.

But after being unilaterally forcibly abandoned by Tamaki Hikari, he carried the uneasiness of being abandoned at any time.

Originally, when Aitaniti was ignorant, she just clung to Tamaki Hikaru and didn't want to be born.

Tamaki Hikaru, who has already paid a lot, fully understands this fact.

"Tamagi-kun, let's continue to confront each other in this world."

"People want to be content, but also have to retreat bravely from the rapids. Isn't this also your idea?"

"Tamagi-kun, did you ever think it would be like this?"

"Yeah, I really didn't expect it to be like this."

Maybe Tamaki Hikaru can be allowed to stay in this world without any grudges.

But this kind of uneasiness cannot be dispelled by a simple guarantee.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it seems that it was Tamaki Hikari's own fault.

Once he leaves this world, it will be difficult for Aitaniti to catch him back.

This feeling and persistence gradually began to change, and evolved into the fact that he must completely bind Tamaki Hikaru to his side.

Tamaki Hikaru didn't care, he just said to himself.

After frowning for a while, Tamaki Hikaru finally thought of a way and smiled on his face.

Aitaneeti suddenly laughed.

"Mana, do you still remember the ring I gave you? You should have kept it, right?"

Aitaniti refuted him with Tamaki Hikaru's consistent behavior style and views.

"Maybe it's a good thing to stay like this until the end of time."

No one can do anything to the other, and no one can leave this world.

Borrowing from the previous conversation, Tamaki Hikaru advised Aitaniti not to trap herself here.

It's just that tough methods obviously won't work, and unscrupulous methods can work, but...
After glancing at Miyadera Jouri and Imadegawa Himetsu, Tamaki Hikari touched his nose.

Tamaki Hikari echoed, not only agreeing with Aitaniti's words, but also many other things.

But Tamaki Hikaru knew that was impossible.

The smile on Aitaniti's face faded slightly, and she seemed a little angry when she looked at Tamaki Hikaru.

"So the other way you mentioned is to pick up the things you once abandoned?"

"Talking to myself, I threw it away willfully. Now I regret it and want to take it back."

He didn't seem just a little angry, but very angry.

Aitaneeti clenched her hand tightly, and then loosened it.

"Forget it, there's no point getting angry with a guy like you, Tamaki-kun."

"Do you want to make a new contract? No problem, but it's impossible to exchange this for my concession."

"No, you misunderstood, that's not what I meant."

Tamaki Hikari corrected her misunderstanding.

"Even if you want to make a new contract, your ring has been broken into countless pieces."

On the ground, there are still fragments of the dice.

The witch reserved this power for him in order to protect him, but it didn't really work.

And the broken one also means that the contract between the two cannot be restored to its former state.

"So as long as I put it on, you don't need your share."

Tamaki Hikari stretched out his hand to Aitaniti.

The contract symbolizes two-way restraint, but the one originally worn on Aitaniti's hand has been broken. In other words.

"I used to take the initiative unilaterally, so there's nothing wrong with making up for it now, right?"

Tamaki Hikaru raised the corners of his mouth and smiled lightly.

Aitaniti's expression was a little stunned, and she quickly said after coming back to her senses.

"Idiot! This is not compensation. The contract is a two-way binding. You just want to restrict yourself and prove to me!"

This is a unilateral overlord clause. It only requires Tamaki Hikari to fulfill the contract, but it has no impact on Aitaniti.

No, it's even more serious, because the witch's contract itself is full of unfair terms.

In fact, if Aitaniti wants to use this contract for something, Tamaki Hikaru will become her puppet and let her play with it.

"Don't you understand?"

Aitaniti was silent for a moment, then spread her hands to reveal the ring.

The countless spikes in the inner ring are intimidating, and it is impossible to imagine anyone wearing this kind of ring.

"As expected, you still keep it."

Tamaki Hikaru took the ring from her hand without hesitation. Aitaniti was still hesitant and reminded again.

"If you put it on, it means you can no longer escape my control."

"I don't need to consider any of your ideas, and I don't need to take any responsibility. You will just be my doll."

"That situation would be even worse than your current situation."

Obviously, as long as Tamaki Hikari wears it, Aitaniti can manipulate Tamaki Hikaru to do whatever she wants.

This is obviously the case, but Aitaniti doesn't know why she is more hesitant and worried than Tamaki Hikaru himself.

"Because I trust you wouldn't do that."

Tamaki Hikaru answered very briefly, and then put the ring on his fingertips when Aitaniti didn't react.

The sharp thorns drew blood marks on the fingertips. After tasting the blood, they began to grow and take root deep into the flesh.

The familiar pain made Tamaki Hikaru frown slightly, but he didn't react too much.

"You guy."

Aitaniti finally understood what Tamaki Hikari was thinking.

This is completely a cruel trick. If it's too hard, give her something soft.

Just like Aitaniti once tried every means to prove her love to Tamaki Hikari, now Tamaki Hikaru is just doing the same thing.

And he did it even more decisively, completely blocking his escape route, and completely handing over his life and freedom to Aitaniti's hands.

When Tamaki Hikaru chose to wear this ring and unilaterally assumed the contract.

Aitaniti's pursuit has been achieved, and she has successfully tied Tamaki Hikari to her side.

After this goal was achieved, and Aitaniti had a sense of security, Tamaki Hikaru had room for her demands.

This is a strategy of retreating in order to advance and attack the heart at the same time.

However, this method is certainly not used casually.

At the very least, Tamaki Hikaru did this only when he was sure that Aitaniti absolutely loved him and would accommodate him most of the time.

He was obviously very angry when he heard Tamaki Hikari mention the ring, but he quickly chose to obey.

As long as it doesn't involve her paranoid bottom line, she doesn't really care about other things.

Maybe it's because she lives for Tamaki Hikari, so she always thinks about Tamaki Hikaru no matter what.

If it were anyone else, Tamaki Hikaru would not dare to do this, like cough cough cough.
"You guy, you guy"

Aitaniti didn't know how to react, so she repeated this sentence with a bit of anger.

He clenched his little hand several times, and then loosened it several times. He gritted his teeth and looked at Tamaki Hikari with a complicated expression.

Like this, what should she do? What to do?
"You don't have to worry now. It's only because of you that you abandon me. There is no possibility of me abandoning you."

Tamaki Hikaru spread his hands.

Doing this can be regarded as an apology.

Words are always powerless to apologize for abandoning Aitaniti at that time, so Tamaki Hikaru likes to directly prove it with actions.

Look, this time, I will never abandon you again.

Therefore, there is no need to trap yourself in such a closed world.

The witch, who had always shown off her sense of mystery, had red eyes this time. She didn't know whether she was angry or suppressing the urge to cry.

"Do you think I will let you out like this? You think that's it."

Aitaniti's voice began to tremble slightly, and in the end she couldn't even speak anymore, leaving only a low sob.

"If you are still unwilling to let me out despite this, then I really have no choice."

Tamaki Hikaru pretended to be helpless.

"Anyway, Jingli and Yue also came in, so it's better than before."


Aitaniti glared at him, then looked back at the two people who broke in, her face turned red.

With a wave of his hand, he disappeared.

Tamaki Hikaru laughed dumbly and didn't care. He turned around and said.

"Okay, there should be no problem. Just let her calm down a little."

Jinguji Jori nodded lightly, while Imadegawa Himetsu was a little confused.

What are they talking about? Why do I seem to be the only one who doesn't know?

A feeling of isolation came to mind. Combined with the crazy provocation and ridicule by Aitaniti just now, Imadegawa Himetsu felt aggrieved in her heart.

"Light! What on earth is going on?"

Looking at Imadegawa Himetsuki who looked aggrieved, Tamaki Hikaru's mood that had just relaxed suddenly became a little complicated.

"Well, this may be difficult to explain to you."

How should I explain to her that I traveled through time in just 0.01 second?

And no, let’s not mention this yet.

"Let me briefly explain to you what happened with Aitaniti. In fact, it is"

Trying to use as simple words as possible, he explained the matter of Aitaniti to Imandegawa Himetsu, and concealed the matter of time travel for the time being.

Jinguji Jori was on the side and saw Tamaki Hikari's concerns, but did not speak.

She sat next to him, watching quietly without taking any time.

After listening to the whole story, Imadegawa Himetsu's expression was a little complicated.

Because of his uneasiness and fear of being abandoned by Tamaki Hikari, he worked hard to create such a world and wanted to trap Tamaki Hikaru here.

Sure enough, witches are all incomprehensible lunatics, but this so-called world of two is a little too unreliable.

"I just opened the door and came in directly, and even she could come in. This is not safe at all."

Imadegawa Himetsu complained that Tamaki Hikari was so helpless that they could just open the door and come in at will.

"Ah, this is it."

Tamaki Hikari wanted to fool him by making a joke, but Jinguji Jōri beside him said calmly.

"It should be because your body is full of Tamaki Hikaru's blood, so you were mistaken for Tamaki and sent directly in."

"Cough cough!"

Tamaki Hikaru coughed violently twice, and looked at Jinguji Jouri to stop talking.

After recovering his memory, Tamaki Hikaru had already noticed the big hole in Imadegawa Himetsu's body.

However, he really didn't make any mistakes, so his attitude was still suspicious and he would discuss it after meeting his aunt.

As a result, Jinguji Jouri directly broke out with him like this, and he wouldn't be able to bear it for a while.

Jinguji Jori received the hint from his eyes and closed her mouth again.

But the words had already been spoken, Imadegawa Himetsu was stunned for a moment.

"Is that so? But have I ever sucked that much blood?"

Thinking about whether he had sucked too much blood recently, Imadegawa Himetsuki didn't think too much about it, and the situation that Tamaki Hikaru was most afraid of appeared.

Yes, who in the right mind would think this way?
However, Imodegawa Himetsuki came back to her senses the next moment and looked at Jinguji Jōri critically.

"No, that's why I am. What about you? You haven't done anything with Guang yet, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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