America: Starting with the acquisition of MGM

Chapter 167 167 Can you guide me in acting alone?

Chapter 167 167. Can you guide me in acting alone?

On the set of "House of Cards", dozens of staff members were busy inspecting machines, debugging equipment, and building sets.

Andrea and Neill Blomkamp went back and forth, the two of them, especially the latter, having followed Eric for two plays.

I am already very familiar with the shooting style of my big boss, and I know exactly what each part should do.

Eric looked at today's shooting plan, which was all indoor scenes, scattered in every episode.

Again, the filming of film and television dramas depends entirely on which scenes are suitable for shooting together. Focus on solving one scene before shooting another, which can save shooting time to the maximum extent.

Saving time is equivalent to saving money, and it has nothing to do with the order of the episodes.

"Eric, how do I look?"

He was looking down at the script when a woman's voice sounded in his ears, and he knew it was Barrefali without even looking up.

After sizing up the other person, Eric nodded: "Yes, this look will make you look like a career rookie who just stepped out of college."

"No, the eyebrows are too light. Let the makeup artist strengthen them. Have you studied the character of Zoe?"

Refaeli nodded and replied confidently: "Of course, I have been analyzing the script carefully after I got it. Although Zoe is a rookie, she is very ambitious and wants to do something big."

"This is a restless woman who wants to fly very high, so she falls into the trap of Frank, an old politician, and becomes a tool used by the other party."

"And she prides herself on being smart and thinks she can outplay Frank. She thinks this is mutual use between the two parties. In fact, she just doesn't realize that she is a pawn."

"Last time at home, I thought what you said was very interesting. Zoe is a person who is in the game without knowing it. She is a political idiot who mistakes the chess piece for the chess player."

Hearing this, Eric couldn't help but look at Refaeli with admiration. It seemed that the other party had really thought about the role seriously, which was a good thing.

If she can maintain this attitude and work hard, with her looks and figure, if Ashley and Mary don't want to film "Mean Girls", Eric won't mind giving her an important role, and the heroine can do it.

Then she gradually moved from the small screen to the big screen, and then she was able to work in MGM's big productions, and finally she was slowly cultivated into a first-class female star.

This is also Eric's vision for Liu Yifei. Barley Farley is still white, and she already outshines her in terms of skin color.

Eric smiled: "It's a good thing to read the script carefully. Keep this attitude. Do you understand what I mean by asking you to draw your eyebrows?"

"Uh, is it because I'm not pretty enough? Or not sexy enough?" Barrefali tried to ask.

At this time, Robin White came over. As the heroine of "Forrest Gump", she has been in the industry for 20 years and has been nominated for many major awards. She has rich experience.

He directly pointed out the problem: "It's not about sexiness, but personality. A more three-dimensional and sharp eyebrow shape is in line with Zoe's ambitious career. Am I right? Director."

Eric gave Robin White a thumbs up, saying that good works prefer to use experienced actors. Their experience can greatly reduce the repeated searching for details and save a lot of time.

"Hello, Bar Refaeli." Refaeli took the initiative to extend his hand.

The two women shook hands: "I know you, Maggie from "The Walking Dead", I watched the show."

"And me, The Walking Dead is one of the best shows I've seen in a while."

Not far away, actor Kevin Spacey appeared in a suit, with his straight body and slightly narrowed eyes giving him an aura.

Barrefali suddenly laughed. She can be considered someone who has her own masterpiece. You see, even the Oscar-winning actor knows me.

Eric stood up from behind the monitor and shook hands with Kevin Spacey.

The two have only had one phone call since they were confirmed to be cast, and today is their first official meeting.

"Hello Kevin, welcome to House of Cards."

Kevin Spacey smiled slightly: "It's my honor. When I only read a few pages of the script, I knew what an excellent script I had encountered."

"Frank is a complex character with an attractive drama. I told my agent at that time that I must play the role."

"I can say with absolute certainty that this is the best script I've come across since 'American Beauty.'"

"For this reason, I also read the original work of "House of Cards". Eric, I have to say, your screenwriting ability really shocked me!"

Being flattered by the actor, Eric couldn't help but laugh heartily, looking at his level.

He made no less money, spoke his words impeccably, and had enough respect.

You ask, why don't you lower the pay if you want to act so much?

Nonsense, the salary is the agent's problem, not mine. I want the role and the agent wants the salary are two different concepts.

After chatting for a while, the two of them gradually became familiar with each other. Neill Blomkamp came over and said: "Director, you are ready, we can start shooting."

After hearing this, Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright left the venue.

Eric looked at the time and announced loudly: "Scene 22 of House of Cards, action!"

The main content of this scene is that Frank was tricked by the president and did not get the position of Secretary of State. He disappeared angrily for a day and then returned home disappointed, and then communicated with his wife Claire.

Due to her husband's defeat, tens of millions of dollars in political donations were withdrawn, and even the water purification project he and his wife Claire were working on was shelved.

The lighting engineer adjusted the light source, and under the camera, Kevin Spacey opened the door and returned home.

He was carrying his briefcase, and after entering the door, his straight body suddenly became slouched, as if he had suddenly aged several years.

Outside he is the party whip and must learn to control his emotions. Even if he is tricked into being the Secretary of State, he must maintain his demeanor and demeanor.

But it was different when he returned home. There was only his wife Claire at home, and he could show his true nature, so exhaustion and unwillingness suddenly showed on his face.

Behind the monitor screen, Eric said softly: "Beautiful expression control, Spacey accurately grasped the dramatic points."

Assistant Director Andrea nodded in agreement.

Kevin Spacey showed a cautious posture, obviously not wanting to disturb his wife, but when he turned around, he saw Claire sitting on the sofa waiting for him.

In the camera, Robin White is seen with his arms folded across his chest and his two slender white legs crossed. His eyes contain scrutiny and indifference.

Then there was a sharp tone of accountability: "Francis, you didn't call. For nine hours, you didn't make a single call."

"Do you know that we are going through something big? And you don't tell me the result. When have we escaped from each other?"

Facing his wife's questioning, Kevin Spacey's soft tone revealed a hint of cowardice: "I'm sorry, I just want to find a solution first."

"Did you think of it?"


Robin White's body suddenly leaned forward: "This also affects me. I am not angry because of money, but we should face it together. If you don't tell me, we will be finished."

Then the two began to communicate, each line was repeated, there was no stumbling, and all the expressions and movements were in place.

Everyone present seemed to really see two politicians communicating, rather than two actors acting.

"Frank, you should be angry!"

"Yeah, I'm just mad as hell."

"Then why can't I see it?"

"What do you want from me Claire? Yell like a twenty-year-old?"

"I want to see you perform, Frank."

"Sorry, then I'm sorry, Claire."

"No, I don't accept it."

"What do you want?" Robin White stood up from the sofa and walked upstairs gracefully: "I don't accept your apology because my husband never apologizes, even to me!"

Then the camera moved forward and directly hit Robin White's face for a close-up.

Her eyes were cold, as if there was no emotion at all. She didn't want to comfort her depressed husband, and the words she said were not meant to cheer Frank up.

"Kah, great! Perfect performance!"

Eric stood up and led the applause, and others joined in the applause.

The two completed the nearly five-minute scene without making a single mistake, showing their excellent professional qualities.

Eric put this scene on the first set to set an example for the other actors. He weighed the weight in his mind, and if it didn't work, he worked hard in private.

Next to him, Barrefali, who felt deeply, could not help but open his eyes.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a lot of pressure. The crew of "The Walking Dead" was nothing compared to this place.

It’s not that Rick, Daryl, and Daniel Wu’s acting skills are not good, they are also excellent actors.

But excellence is also divided into levels. 80 points is also called excellent, 99 points is also called excellent, and the difference of more than ten points in the middle is the difference between Oscars and ordinary actors.

When she thought about having a lot of scenes opposite Kevin Spacey, Barrefali couldn't help but swallow her saliva and felt worried.

Although this scene is not long, it is an important foreshadowing in establishing the relationship between the characters.

Frank and Claire are nothing like an ordinary couple. Their relationship is more like close business partners, solid political allies, and comrades in the trenches.

This situation is more like the original appearance of the marriage system, a community of interests in which both prosper and suffer.

As for emotions, emotions are attached to the collaborative relationship and do not exist alone.

If we make an analogy, it is probably the Clinton and Hillary couple in reality.

After a few compliments, we continued shooting.

"Scene 23 of "House of Cards", action!"

Most of the scenes filmed today focused on Frank and Claire, whose performances shocked everyone time and time again.

Most of the scenes can be passed through in one go, and occasionally there are mistakes or imperfections.

After Eric pointed it out, the two of them were able to quickly correct it. The filming went very smoothly and the progress was unexpectedly fast.

In just one day, 9 pages of the script were shot. If he can continue like this, Eric will be able to finish the film in less than a month.

Unfortunately, this is just a fantasy. The level of actors is so different that you can't expect others to perform as well as these two.

"Have a nice day, see you tomorrow Kevin, see you tomorrow Robin."

After waving goodbye to a few people, the crew began to call it a day and the staff got off work one after another.

Eric discussed the content of tomorrow's shooting with Andrea and Neil, and then left.

After walking out of the studio, other crews were also finishing their work. Eric stopped by the crew of "The Devil Wears Prada". As for what he was thinking in his heart, he could only express it.

"Eric, what are you looking at?"

Spotting Eric who was looking around, Patty Jenkins suddenly appeared and asked.

"It's nothing. Come here and ask about the progress. How is the filming of "The Devil Wears Prada" going?"

"It went very well. I listened to your suggestions and changed some of the plot. Now it's really dark to the end, and a lot of perverted content has been added. I can only rely on you to pass the review."

"Don't worry. I said you can go up if you can. At worst, some conservative countries won't log in. How long will it take to film?"

"It can be finished tomorrow."

"The filming was completed so quickly?" Eric was a little surprised.

Patty shrugged: "I made solid preparations. Of course it will be shot quickly. There is still a little bit of budget left. You should thank me."

"Haha. You do have some of James Wan's style. If you keep it up, you will definitely become a director popular with major companies. So, in order to thank you for helping me save the budget, I'll treat you all to dinner."

"Me or Theron?" Patty asked teasingly.

"Of course I'm asking Theron, you're here by the way."

Patty Jenkins was choked: "You don't hide it, but she is gone."

"Are you leaving? Forget it, I'm leaving too."

Patty hurriedly grabbed Eric and said, "I have said a lot of nice things to you during this period, and I found out that Theron had a fight with her boyfriend and they were having a cold war."

"Why were you quarreling? Did you start a fight? Did you hit someone? Was there domestic violence?"

"It's not a matter of beating people, it's just a matter of life. Now Stuart Townsend lives in Theron's house."

"Some media said he was a little man clinging to Theron. Out of manly dignity, Townsend wanted to buy another house."

"But with his income, he can't even think about Beverly Hills, so he wants to buy a house in Irvine."

"But Theron felt that his idea was too naive and meaningless, not to mention that Irving is dozens of kilometers away from Los Angeles and it is inconvenient to work."

"Theron didn't want to live in Irvine, but Townsend insisted on buying it, and the two got into an argument."

"Women think men don't know what to say, and men think women don't respect him. Anyway, I heard Theron said it was quite a quarrel."

After Patty finished speaking, Eric laughed loudly. Before he could do anything, the other party had problems first. It was a God-given opportunity.

"The news has been told to you. Whether you can seize the opportunity depends on yourself."

After thanking Patty, Eric walked out of the filming base.

As soon as he started the car, he found Barrefali tapping on the glass.

Rolling down the window, Eric looked at the other person: "What's wrong? Refaeli."

Refaeli smiled brightly and said: "Eric, do you have time? How about having dinner together?"

"Are you alright?"

"Well, I watched Kevin Spacey's performance today and I felt a lot of pressure, so I wanted to ask you to give me some personal guidance."

As she spoke, she licked the corners of her mouth, which was obviously a sexual provocation.

Eric decisively refused: "Sorry, I have something else to do."

Saying that, he kicked the accelerator and drove away. I am going to attack Theron. What the hell do you think you are!

Looking at the butt of the speeding car and the black smoke sprayed on her skirt, Barrefali felt that her lungs were about to explode.

After finally waiting for Gadot to leave, he and Eric entered a group.

She thought that the opportunity was finally coming, so she forced herself to forget about the humiliation she had suffered before, and mustered up the courage to seduce him. Unexpectedly, the other party didn't even look at her.

"Asshole! Idiot! Turtle bastard!"

The parking lot echoed with angry curses.

(End of this chapter)

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