America: Starting with the acquisition of MGM

Chapter 146 144 Lao Bi, is that you?

Chapter 146 144. Lao Bi, is that you?

It took more than two hours to finish the meal, but eating was only the second priority. Half of the food still remained on Theron and Eric's plates.

Two more glasses of wine were added.

The two spent most of the time chatting, first about "Inception", and Eric explained the world view setting and plot to Theron in detail.

But Theron said he still didn't fully understand it and needed to see the complete script.

Later, it spread to other fields. The two talked about their views on movies. Who is the commercial film director you admire the most? Who is your favorite artistic film director?

What's your favorite movie?

Who is the actor you admire most?

Then they talked about their views on the film industry. Theron was surprised and incredible about Eric's film shooting techniques and concepts, as well as his enjoyment of the future development trends of the film and television industry.

For example, comic book movies, Eric said, will be very popular in the future.

Theron said he couldn't understand that the success of a "Spider-Man" meant nothing. In the 90s, there was still the glory and decline of "Batman", and the same goes for the Superman series going forward.

There are also other miscellaneous superhero comic-book movies mixed in, most of which end in violent death, and they don't look like they will rise.

Eric also suggested that if she has money, she should buy some stocks in Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon and hold them for a long time. These are blue-chip stocks and can guarantee profits without losing money.

The guests and hosts enjoyed the meal and exchanged their views.

Walking out of Leonard's restaurant, Eric walked Theron to her car, which was a white Land Rover.

The tall model really suits her temperament of a resolute queen.

He helped her open the car door. In more than ten days, the two of them had become familiar with each other a lot. A negotiation tonight deepened their understanding of each other, and the two of them gave each other a light hug.

"Eric, your knowledge surprises me. I'm curious, have you really never learned about movies before?"

"No, I only came into contact with it recently."

"Maybe this is genius, it's such an amazing talent." Theron sighed like all those who couldn't believe it.

"Haha. Just like your beauty, some things are destined by God."

Eric said something that seemed to be a compliment or a tease, and Theron smiled.

"By the way, I need to double check. Are you sure the wine is fine? I don't want to be on the news for drunk driving and then leave a record to become a social worker."

"Don't worry, it's just a little wine. The alcohol concentration is not high. If you are worried, I will send you home."

"Forget it, you drank too. Since there's nothing wrong, I'll leave."

Rejecting Eric's request, Theron drove away alone. Eric had no choice but to get into his car, slam the accelerator and drive away.

Looking at the tall buildings passing by quickly outside, for a moment it looked like a scene from "Inception".

This film will definitely be shot next year. Eric has already planned it. This is what he told Heath Ledger when he was interviewing for the leading actor in "Transformers".

The reason why it will not be launched this year is mainly because the investment in "Inception" is a bit high.

Eric has made an estimate, and on the premise that he directs, he can get away with not even a dime in remuneration. There will be no bonus points for screenwriters and directors. This is true for all the movies he has participated in.

Anyway, the company belongs to you, but after it goes public, you will need to pay yourself a salary, because it will involve accounting, and then the company's money will not only belong to you.

And if Eric had not taken the lead and Nolan had taken the initiative, the dividends and remuneration would have cost more than 2000 million US dollars.

The actor can also save a little, and since he is not a real-shooting fanatic like Nolan, there is no need to actually build an ice tower.

After all the miscellaneous calculations, we should be able to save 8000 to 9000 million US dollars, but even so, we would need at least million US dollars to make "Inception" possible. million is more reasonable.

The actors were decided according to what was said during the meal. Christian Bale was much more cost-effective than Leonardo DiCaprio. Eric felt that Bale was not only cheaper, but also had better acting skills.

Moreover, Leonardo DiCaprio is only 180cm tall. Standing next to the 177cm Cesar and 180cm Nicole, he is obviously not as suitable as Bale.

In the original "Inception", the Phantom Mel was played by Maria Godion, also known as Ma Liang in China.

This could be considered an old acquaintance that Eric didn't recognize.

"La Vie en Rose" was originally her masterpiece, but now it has been given to Nicole.

"Inception" is also her masterpiece and was booked for Theron.

Ma Liang is miserable. I don’t know if he will win an Oscar in the future. After all, good works come only once every ten years. Maybe his luck in this life has been taken away.

There is no way, why are you not my woman, but you have obtained so many high-quality resources.

If you are reborn again in the next life, we will meet you in advance and make it up to you.

The most adapted character is the dream builder Eredne played by Ellen Page or the transgender Elliot Page.

Nolan set this character up as a very talented little girl, but without experience, and it will take a period of learning before she can integrate into the team.

But since Nicole was cast, Eric decided to change this role into a dream builder who is no weaker than the male protagonist Cobb.

She doesn’t need to study and can provide more help to the team.

Nolan's version, Ellen Page's setting is very strong, but in actual action, the effect is not obvious.

In Eric's revised script, the battle in the dream will be more intense, and Nicole's abilities will be more prominent.

Then set up a scene where Nicole and Theron directly compete. These two beauties have never been in the same frame on the screen. This must be a good gimmick and more commercially attractive.

Before time travel, the two collaborated on a film called "Sexy Bomb", but the script was slightly weaker and the final box office was only over 8000 million US dollars, which failed to live up to the acting skills of the two major movie queens.

Back home, Eric sent Theron a text message asking if she got home safe and if she had been approached by the police.

The other party replied that he was already home, with a smiling face behind him.

After taking off his coat, the house seemed a lot more deserted without Joshua's yelling.

This kid returned to the San Francisco team a few days ago. It seems that he went back frustrated because his mysterious girlfriend broke up with him.

Eric still doesn't know who his half-month-old girlfriend is.

But it’s okay to go back and study management to prepare for the future.

"Eric, Billy is here and waiting for you on the second floor." Mom said as she took the coat.

"Well, I know, I asked him to come here. Has it been long since he arrived?"

"It's not too long, ten minutes."

"Okay, I know."

Eric took out two bottles of beer from the refrigerator and walked up to the room on the second floor.

The door was open, and when he saw it, Billy was sitting on a chair, holding a photo album in his hand. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he turned around and said: "Eric, you are back."

Eric handed the beer to Billy, and the two clinked their glasses and took a sip.

"We just got home, what were you looking at?"

Billy raised the photo album in his hand: "Photos from our college, when Warren was still very thin."

"You're so skinny, he weighed 200 pounds in college!" Eric took a look and complained.

"I mean, compared with now, look at him. Since he helped you manage the company, his belly is bigger than that of a pregnant woman who is about to give birth to a baby."

"Haha. This proves that he is living a happy life. I sent Beima Hadi to take charge of the overall situation. I originally wanted him to learn and take the position, but I didn't expect that the two of them got together."

"What!" Billy's eyes widened in surprise.

"I've seen that woman, and she looks great, I mean the size and the looks, and it's kind of incredible that Warren was able to get her?"

"Yes, that's what I think too. This fat man is just lucky."

Billy sighed: "Warren actually has a girlfriend. Now there are five of us, and I am the only one left single."

"What are you talking about? Me too." Eric pointed to himself.

Billy sneered: "Come on, will you be single? Which one is not the best, Nicole Kidman or Gal Gadot? There are several others, only you know it."

"I fly everywhere every day, and I don't even have time to talk to a girlfriend. Alas!"

Eric laughed loudly: "If you don't want to fly anymore, I will change your position for you."

"Farewell, flying actually has its advantages. Although I don't have time to fall in love, the takeout is very comfortable. You should wait until I get tired of eating and you can change my position for me."

After a brief chat, Billy walked over and closed the door. Although the villa was safe, it felt more comfortable to close the door when he was talking about business.

Eric crossed his legs and said, "Tell me, how was this trip to London?"

Billy took out a USB flash drive from his pocket: "Here's what you want."

Eric took the USB flash drive, opened his laptop and inserted it. After clicking on it, there was a video lying quietly inside.

Click click!

After clicking the mouse, the video plays.

The picture is not very clear, and the shooting angle is also problematic. At first glance, it seems to be a candid shot.

The voice is also a bit hoarse, but you can hear what is being said clearly.

In the center of the shot is that bastard reporter from the BBC, Martin Bascher. Beside him, there are two other people’s arms in the shot.

Several people were sitting around the dining table, most likely eating at someone's home.

The previous paragraph was full of useless conversations. A few people were chatting and bragging. Billy dragged the progress bar and an interesting conversation appeared.

"Martin, you are in the limelight right now. Michael Jackson's interview was really great. The whole world's attention was attracted to you. It's no worse than Princess Diana's interview."

At this time, several people had drunk a lot of wine and were in a high mood.

In addition, it was a private gathering, and we were all good friends, so naturally we began to speak freely, what should be said and what should not be said, and our words became much weaker.

In the picture, Martin Bascher laughed: "This is the masterpiece of my career, Princess Diana, that was the first good fight I fought."

"In order to obtain Diana's interview rights, I forged a lot of documents and deceived her and her idiot brother."

"Hahahaha. That stupid woman actually believed it. Can you believe it? She just believed me."

"At that time, I showed her a bank statement and told her that people around her had been bribed by Murdoch's media group and became informants to spy on her, but the statement was actually computer-generated."

"Diana didn't understand the technology at all, and she just let me have my way and gave me whatever answers I wanted, which was a really fun memory."

Next to him, the friend who did not show his face immediately smiled and complimented Martin Bashere, constantly praising him.

"Martin, what about Michael Jackson this time? You must have used a lot of tricks again."

Martin Bascher continued to laugh wildly: "Of course, I spent a lot of time in order to get Jackson."

"For a full year, I even said that I knew UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and could arrange for him to go to Africa for a charity event for children."

"In the end, Jackson agreed to my filming and interviewing. This was a long process. Fortunately, the result was good and my efforts lived up to it."

Several friends also laughed: "Yes, after the documentary was broadcast, Michael Jackson was ruined by you."

"The world's pop king, the greatest artist, we reporters are the uncrowned kings. In your hands, Martin, he is just a pawn to be manipulated and used."

Martin Basheer swallowed a large sip of wine and said even more excitedly: "You're right, I can't stand that guy. He is obviously a black man, but he disguises himself as a white man, thinking that this can change his skin color and class. ?"

"I just want to destroy him. Even if he has never done anything like child molestation, I can make him become such a person through editing and footage."

"No matter how hard he tries to defend himself, it's useless. The moment the documentary is released, many idiots are destined to believe that Michael Jackson is just like Diana, and he is just a stupid person."

"Martin, so you chose Michael Jackson as your target because you hate his skin color?" The friend continued to try to ask deeper questions.

But this time Martin Basher did not continue speaking, but smiled and said nothing, lowered his head and began to eat the vegetables.

Seeing that he didn't speak, the other party simply tried to seduce him: "No, no, no, we are all reporters. There are many people with greater influence than Jackson. It doesn't have to be him."

"Let me guess, I have heard rumors that there is a deep conflict between him and Sony Music, it seems to be due to copyright issues."

"Sony Music wanted to buy out Jackson's copyright, but the latter never agreed. Last year he even had a public quarrel with Sony Music."

"Martin, isn't Sony hiring you to do this?"

In the video, Martin Balsher showed a playful smile and said meaningfully: "Guess, maybe this secret will not be made public until the relevant people are dead."

After the video, there is no relevant content, and everything reverts to chatting and bragging, which is not nutritious.

Although the last question is not clear, this video is enough to prove a lot of things.

Eric patted Billy on the shoulder happily: "Thank you!"

Billy smiled: "Why are you so polite to me?"

 Thanks to Luciferhx for the 100 coin reward, thank you!



(End of this chapter)

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