America: Starting with the acquisition of MGM

Chapter 140 138 Go to Olson’s House

Chapter 140 138. Go to Olson’s house

After telling Peter and Chen Xing to get off work, Eric got into the Olsen sisters' SUV.


As if she was afraid that he would regret it, Mary stepped on the accelerator and hit the road without even having time to fasten her seat belt.


Due to the effect of inertia, Eric's head directly hit something hard.

"What's the rush? At least let me sit tight before setting off."

Next to it was a bottle of red wine and a cosmetics box.

"Is this the gift you prepared?"

"Yes, the red wine is for Ganetti, and the box of cosmetics is for little Elizabeth."

Eric nodded and didn't say anything. He just felt that a 14-year-old girl really didn't need to use cosmetics. Youth is invincible. Isn't the collagen on her face more exquisite than cosmetics?

A few minutes after the car drove out, Ashley suddenly unbuckled her seat belt on the passenger seat, turned around and crawled from between the seats into the back seat.

"What are you doing?" Eric and Mary asked at the same time.

Ashley didn't care at all. She pushed hard and hugged Eric directly with her hands, and a pair of red lips took the initiative to kiss him.

"OMG! Is this why you let me drive? Ashley, you are so cunning! Stop it!" Mary shouted angrily.

However, she had already entered the main road at this time, and there were cars in front, back, and left. Even if she was angry and impatient, she could not stop.

In the event of a traffic accident, the Olsen sisters, two maids, and one husband, the gossip tabloids would open the eyes of the whole country.

"Ashley, stop it. No, you should shut up. This is not good." Eric refused pretending to be reserved.

After all, Mary was still there, so I had to show passivity and reluctance.

You see, it wasn't me who made the first move, I was just a poor man who couldn't withstand the temptation.

Even if I am responsible, I can only account for 10%.

But even as he yelled to stop, Eric's big hands didn't stop, gently roaming around Ashley's body, buckling and tapping from time to time, causing the girl to gasp.

"Well, you are such a delicious little cake, I can't wait to swallow you in one bite!" Ashley said softly in her ear.

Hearing this, Eric couldn't help but frown: "Why does it feel weird to say this from your mouth? It seems that I am the older one."

"You are old, but you are timid! You are a coward!"

After mocking him, Ashley took the initiative to nibble on the man's neck, like a female pussy sucker in heat.

"Well, although this is very comfortable, you'd better take it easy. I don't want to be seen by Garnetti and Elizabeth looking all strawberries."

"And Ashley, have you been suppressing it for too long? I didn't realize you were such a coquettish person before."

"That's right, you are like a dirty silver slut now, it makes me feel sick!" Mary also drove while finishing her shots.

But instead of hurting her, these words made Ashley even more enthusiastic and excited.

Time to pull!

In the driver's seat, Mary observed everything through the rearview mirror, feeling angry and anxious.

"Stop it! If you don't stop, I'm going to be rude, Ashley!"

But the more threatening she was, the harder her sister ate.

Seeing that the threat was ineffective, Mary pressed the window button and the back seat window suddenly slid down.


A motorcycle happened to pass by, and through his helmet, Eric saw the confused and shocked look in his eyes.

Eric quickly pressed the window back and said angrily: "Why are you so crazy? Don't you look at where this place is? Your license plate is registered with the reporter."

"If something goes wrong, passers-by may not be able to recognize who I am, but they will definitely recognize who you two are. You are looking for death!"


Ashley raised her head suddenly, and a strange sound of bubbles suddenly sounded in the car.

Eric's originally serious criticism suddenly turned into nothing.

Not long after, the SUV parked in the garage, the three of them packed up their clothes and got out.

"Eric, you're finally here."

"Hi, Garnetti!"

After hugging the woman in front of him who might become his mother-in-law, Eric complimented: "You look younger and younger."

"Really? Hahahaha."

Garnetti covered her mouth and laughed happily, and then said seriously: "I have been doing Pilates, and they say Pilates is more effective than yoga."

"Hahaha, then continue to exercise. Ashley and Mary still need your guidance and companionship."

Garnetti put on a look of disgust: "The two of them don't know how to do it. Ashley and Mary have been very independent since they were young, and little Elizabeth is more dependent on me."

"Now she is too young to drive, so I drive her to the set every day."

"Then do you need to pick her up?"

"It doesn't matter. Elizabeth knows you are coming to the house and specially asked me to prepare a sumptuous dinner. She can take someone else's car home."

When Cao Cao arrived, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a young and beautiful figure broke in. It was Aomei who was off work.

"Hello, little Elizabeth!" Seeing him, Eric smiled and said hello.


Shouting her name happily, Elizabeth's eyes instantly lit up. She dropped her schoolbag and ran over, swooping down and hanging on Eric like a kitten.

Ever since they visited Neverland, their relationship has grown by leaps and bounds.

Gadot habitually doesn't take such intimate actions seriously. After all, who would take a fourteen-year-old girl to heart?

Look at that childish little face, the figure that has obviously not grown yet, and a small tooth that sticks out.

Every bone in her body is cute, and half of her body is sexy.

Eric hugged her and tossed her around, and finally threw her on the sofa, who couldn't stop giggling.

"Eric, I'm so glad to see you. Mary said you promised to come ten days ago. Why did you only show up today?"

"Work, work makes you unable to control yourself!" Eric spread his hands helplessly.

"Really? You are the big boss. I don't believe anything can make you helpless!" Elizabeth shook her head.

"Haha. Ordinary people have the helplessness of ordinary people, and big bosses also have the helplessness of big bosses. It's just that the difficulty of the things that upset us are different."

Elizabeth stared with a puzzled expression: "What you said is too profound, I can't understand it."

He pinched the collagen on her face and said: "If you don't understand, don't force yourself to think about it. You will understand naturally when you grow up."

Rubbing the back of Eric's hand, Omei nodded obediently: "Okay, what are you busy with recently? A new movie?"

"Yes, MGM is planning to start filming a few TV series, but there are no suitable roles for you."

"Are there any new projects?" Ashley and Mary also looked over like sharks smelling something.

"Don't watch it. It's not suitable for you either. It's a political thriller and horror. You two just finish filming "The Life of Adele". I have plans for the follow-up." "Eric, what about me?" Mei Pu flashed her two big eyes and launched a gaze offensive.

"The filming of "A Quiet Place" hasn't been finished yet. You will have to stay on the set for at least two months. Besides, there is no suitable person."

"Elizabeth, go wash your hands quickly, we are getting ready to eat."

At this time, Garnetti started clearing the table with plates in hand.

"Good mother."

Eric stood up and followed Elizabeth: "I need to clean up too."

The two walked into the bathroom, and Eric suddenly discovered a pair of underwear and a bra on top of the washing machine.

He took one look and was sure that it was definitely not Ashley and Mary's. It was the wrong size, a bit too big.

Although he only worked out with these two beauties once, he saw them every day during filming, and their sizes had long been deeply imprinted in Eric's mind.

"I'll go, it can't be Ganetti, it's so annoying!"

With a murmur in his heart, Eric hurriedly lowered his head.

Seeing this, Aomei hurriedly threw her underwear into the washing machine and explained a little shyly: "Sorry, I usually wash it myself, but I was in a hurry to go to the set today, so I forgot about it."

"It's nothing, I often forget."


"Of course it's fake."


A man and four women were sitting at the dining table, looking at a large table full of dishes. Eric was a little surprised: "Ganetti, did you make all of these?"

"Yes, I like cooking."

"It smells really good, I can't wait to taste them."

"Hahahaha. You can eat them all. Our mother and daughter don't have big appetites anyway."

"No, no, no, wait a minute, I have something to say." Little Elizabeth raised her hand.

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on her.

O'Mei coughed a few times and tried to act like an adult. She raised the juice in her hand and said, "First of all, let's congratulate Eric. Congratulations to "The Purge" for its box office success! The movie won last week's championship. I I read the report, it’s US$4500 million, which is higher than The Matrix 2!”


The three mothers and daughters also raised their glasses, Eric laughed, and everyone clinked together.

O'Mei drank the juice and continued: "Then the second thank you is, I want to thank Eric for giving me the role so that I can appear on the big screen."


Everyone's cups touched together again, and O'Mei sat down contentedly: "Okay, I've said all I have to say. I hope "A Quiet Place" can be as popular as "The Purge"."

"Of course it will. "A Quiet Place" is a relatively new high-concept horror film. The audience will naturally go into the theater if it is fresh. I predict that the box office of the film will not be less than 1 million US dollars." Eric said.

"Really?" Aomei exclaimed.

The little girl's favorite "Spy" has a global box office of about 1.4 million US dollars. If "A Quiet Place" can get 1 million US dollars at the box office, screw "Spy".

"It is highly likely to be accurate. This is the result of many predictions by our analyst team. Just wait, Elizabeth. After the movie is released, you will be approached by many film appointments."

Hearing this, Aomei's big eyes suddenly turned into crescent moons.

"What about us? What's the predicted box office for "Adele's Life"?" Ashley and Mary asked at the same time.

The two sisters are often in sync with each other sometimes, no wonder they both like to sleep with Eric.

Eric shook his head: "Don't expect too much from literary films. Our main goal is to win awards. If we can win a few Oscars, we can probably reach a box office of 60 to 70 million."

"What if you can't get it?"

"If you don't get it, you'll have to give it a big discount. Twenty to thirty million is the upper limit I gave."

"So few!" The two sisters were immediately discouraged.

Eric smiled: "Don't worry about the box office. I didn't intend to make money from this movie. Its real purpose is to help you sisters transform and get rid of the label of child stars."

"Removing this label will be very beneficial to future development, and it will also be very beneficial to Double Star Entertainment's performance."

Having said this, Eric suddenly realized that he had been too busy recently and had not paid attention to the operating conditions of Double Star Entertainment for almost a month.

"How are Double Star Entertainment's sales recently?"

Ashley cut off a small piece of chicken and put it in her mouth: "It's pretty good. It must be more than last month. The data will come out in a few days. I'll get you a report."

"Well, the most popular one is Pink Panther's fusion product?"

Mary said excitedly: "No, last month it was the Pink Panther, this month it's The Walking Dead, Eric, you should go to the factory and see it."

"Half of the production lines are now producing The Walking Dead peripheral products, especially clothes, shoes, toys and cos props, and the sales are really great."

"Sales should be up 20% this month, maybe more."

"Didn't you just say that you would make a few more TV series? We will make a lot of money by creating another "The Walking Dead".

Seeing her excitement, Eric thought for a moment and shook his head slightly: "The Walking Dead is phenomenal and very unique. The zombie theme is destined to be universal and can cater to the tastes of the public."

"Let me tell you, let alone zombie clothes and shoes, MGM has received royalties from big-name manufacturers, and Armani plans to launch a zombie-themed perfume."

"There are also zombie beers, zombie games, and zombie comics. In short, zombies seem to go with everything."

"But the same cannot be said for other film and television dramas. Even if they are more popular than The Walking Dead, political thrillers like this are inherently not suitable for business."

"It would be too difficult to develop another work with such strong commercial potential. MGM is currently producing an animated film "Frozen," but it will take more than a year to be released."

"What about "Transformers"? I saw the styling video, it's very cool!" O Mei asked.

Eric smiled and patted her little head: "That belongs to Hasbro. MGM owns the film and television and digital rights, but the production rights of toys and peripherals are always owned by Hasbro."


Just as he was talking, Eric's expression suddenly changed and he subconsciously crossed his legs.

"Eric, what's wrong with you?" O'Mei next to her asked.

Feeling the movement of his feet at his base, Eric looked at the two sisters sitting across the dining table. He saw that both of them were eating with normal expressions. For a moment, he didn't know who was causing trouble.

"It's nothing, I'm burned."

"Then eat slowly."

"Yes, eat slowly and don't be in a hurry." Mary said with a smile.

Eric glanced at Garnetti and unconsciously ate faster.

 My wife and grandma are dying, so go check it out. There will be one update this week.



(End of this chapter)

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