America: Starting with the acquisition of MGM.

Chapter 136 134 Block him! 1 per day

Chapter 136 134. Block him! One million a day

"Check the background and see whose role it is?"

Without Eric's orders, the technical guy had already started in advance and quickly locked the target.

Adjusting the glasses on the bridge of his nose, the boy shouted excitedly: "Boss, big star!"

"Who? How old is it?"

"Keanu Reeves! His The Matrix is ​​amazing!"

Hearing Keanu Reeves' name, many people around him showed interest. It seems that "The Matrix" has a high status in the hearts of this group of technical people.

Howard Hughes was a little confused: "Is Keanu Reeves more popular than Nicole Kidman? I remember that Nicole Kidman just won the Oscar for Best Actress."

Eric explained: "The popularity of a star cannot only be judged by awards. Awards are just one of the bonus points. Not many people know about many literary and artistic awards."

"After Nicole Kidman won the Oscar, no new films have been released in the past two months, and she has only been in the news a handful of times. As a result, the popularity on the Internet has naturally dropped."

"The Matrix Reloaded is currently in theaters. Keanu Reeves is currently in the limelight, so naturally more people are searching for him on the Internet."

“As long as you enter Keanu Reeves’ name into your browser, the keywords on Facebook’s homepage will inevitably be retrieved by the crawler.”

"Netizens clicked in and saw the idol's homepage. They wanted to follow it and found out that they needed to register an account. Even if only one tenth of the people registered, the traffic accumulated over time would be very scary."

Howard nodded, and his doubts actually had a more intuitive response, that is, the pay gap between male and female actors is huge, and unequal pay for equal work is commonplace.

In Hollywood, or in the entertainment industry around the world, there is no data that can better reflect the popularity and value of actors than salary.

Digging deeper, it turns out that gender discrimination is as deep-rooted as color discrimination, which is the same as workplace discrimination.

Capital is willing to give male actors higher salaries because of market recognition, and it is precisely the female audience that plays a big role in promoting these male actors to high positions.

On the other hand, if an actress asks for a higher salary, she will often be replaced.

This phenomenon did not fundamentally change until the rise of Black Lives Matter and the women’s boxing movement more than ten years later.

Black lives are expensive, but the lives of other non-white people are still cheap.

Female boxing has become more fierce, and the remuneration has also increased, but it has brought a lot of bad movies, and its reputation has been ruined a lot. Just look at "Captain Marvel 2".

After staring at the background data for a while, Eric found that the rising numbers felt really good, just like watching the box office of a movie.

But after staring for a long time, flickers and double images began to appear in front of his eyes. Fatigue came over him, and he yawned.

I flew here early this morning. I haven't recovered from the fatigue from a week of seclusion, and my limbs are a little sore.

"I'm going to take a rest. Wake me up if anything happens."

After saying hello, Eric returned to the small room, lay on the sofa and began to fall asleep.

The false nap quickly turned into deep sleep. When I opened my eyes again, it was already 3 pm and lunch time had passed.

After a good sleep, he felt much better. Eric shook his head and walked out of the small room.

I found that it was still busy outside, and it seemed that everyone was glued to their posts and did not leave.

Thinking that he had just slept, he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. Eric looked at Heisenberg and said, "Fitz, has everyone eaten?"

Fitz pointed to the box behind him: "The burgers and cocos we ordered, boss, left one for you."

Eric picked up the burger and took a bite: "Let everyone take turns to rest. There is no need for everyone to stay here. It's still growing today, and we need someone at night."

Eric spoke, and everyone left their seats one after another.

"How many registered users are there now?"

Eric asked after taking a sip of water.

"Boss, I'm afraid you can't think of it. 50 people have exceeded 50 people!" Fitz said loudly and happily.

"So fast!"

Eric was also surprised when he heard this number. It was 50 people, which was the same as the population of several cities, and could elect several parliamentary seats.

He hurriedly walked to the computer and saw a big number hanging there - 513780.

"Boss, in just a few hours, the Olsen sisters, Edward Norton, Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Julian Moore, Tom Hanks and other stars have opened Facebook accounts."

"The star effect is really scary. Fans will naturally follow. When evening comes and during rest time, it is expected to attract more users."

The good news was so exciting that even Eric couldn't help but laugh.

He opened the homepages of these celebrities to see what they had to say.

Then I discovered that there are still a lot of smart people. Even if they are not reminded, many people still realize that social networking = propaganda.

So those who have works take the opportunity to promote it, and those who don’t have works temporarily post selfies to increase exposure, both are good choices.

Johnny Depp: "I am Johnny Depp. Welcome everyone to follow me. The movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" starring me will be released on July 7. I hope everyone will go to the cinema to support it!"

Orlando Bloom: "Hello my movie fans, it's a pleasure to meet you on Facebook. Thank you very much for your continued support. I have two movies coming out this year, "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" ", I hope you all like it."

Heath Ledger: "Today I discovered an interesting place on the Internet, its name is Facebook, where I can share my daily life with my fans."

After more than ten minutes, I probably went to see how others played it and realized that it could be used for publicity, and then Heath Ledger posted another one.

"Now I am filming the movie "Sin Eater". This movie brings together excellent directors and actors, as well as an excellent script. I will keep you informed of the filming progress."

As a literary and artistic man with great personality, Edward Norton has always been unconventional. He posted a photo of sitting on the balcony reading a book.

The accompanying text is "Books can make people intoxicated and books can cleanse the soul. When I am not filming, I like to immerse myself in the ocean of books."

Eric couldn't help but laugh, and he didn't know whether Edward Norton did it on purpose or accidentally. Isn't this equivalent to portraying himself in a negative way in later generations?

Jin Dong, Nobel Prize in Mathematics, talking about you.

Leonardo DiCaprio posted a message saying that he was on vacation in Hawaii, but he still had to help promote his good brother Tobey Maguire's new movie "The Age of Era".

Some of these people have exceeded 10 followers in a short period of time, such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Depp, and Keanu Reeves.

Lesser ones like Nicole, Edward Norton, Orlando Bloom and others also have 60,000 to 70,000 followers.

Even the smallest ones like Ashley and Mary only have more than 3 fans, and the little bitch Ryan Reynolds only has more than fans. The popularity gap is obvious.

Eric searched for Gadot's name again, and a dozen names with the same name immediately popped up, five of which used photos of Gadot herself.

When he clicked on the homepages of these five people, he found that they were all fakes.

I guess the real Gadot is currently filming and hasn’t bothered to open an account yet.

"Has Michael Jackson opened an account?"

The technical guy checked: "Boss, the real Jackson was not found."

"Check again, is Emiam registered?"

After a while, the boy replied: "Yes, I have locked an account and it is confirmed to be the rapper Emmy." "What is his ID?"


"Damn it, you really dare to come and step into my territory." Eric thought to himself.

But then I thought about it, no, Ruffian Eminem probably didn’t even know that Facebook was his company.

Eric entered the homepage of Ruffian Eminem, which only had one photo and two updates.

The photo was a stage photo of a concert, with Eminem pointing forward and roaring into the microphone.

One of the updates is to promote "Just Lost It", and the other is to show his own Billboard ranking, which is currently No. 5.

Putting aside the inferiority of his methods, if we only talk about his strength, Ruffian Eminem is really good.

His fan count is shown to be 7.1, which is quite impressive and can catch up with many first-class actors.

There have always been obvious barriers between the film and television circles and the music circles, but they are closely related.

The current situation in China is that the music industry is better than the film and television industry, and singers make more money than actors. But in ten years, the Chinese music industry will have completely declined, and the film and television industry will be the only one.

The European and American markets are different. The influence of the film and television circles and the music circle has always been equal and indistinguishable, and this is still the case twenty years later.

In terms of earning power, top singers surpass top actors, but in terms of global influence and popularity, the latter surpasses the former.

After all, songs are too limited by language, while movies and TV shows are relatively small.

There are hundreds of comments under Eminem's posts, almost all of which are fans shouting to keep going and vowing to top the Billboard list this week.

Eric snorted coldly and looked at his subordinates: "Block Emiam's account for me!"

Fitzheisenberg had been paying attention to his boss's situation and knew that Eric had a problem with Eminem, but he still raised his concerns.

"Boss, is it inappropriate to block the account so rashly? After all, Facebook has just launched. If the account is blocked for no reason, will it cause worry and resentment among users?"

"If it's caused, it's caused. Do you think users will give up using Facebook just because their accounts are blocked? I tell you it's impossible. Human beings' desire for novelty is unquenchable."

"Let me ask you, if there is an adult website, and when you log in, the anti-virus software reminds you that access is risky, will you ignore the risk and continue to access it, or will you exit?"

All men understand this problem, and everyone present laughed non-stop.

Fitz also smiled and said: "Boss, it's okay to ban him. I just don't want to leave a bad reputation for Facebook. Maybe we can find a more suitable reason to become famous."

"I'll ban him if I say so. There's no reason!"

Eric waved his hand and said domineeringly.

He still makes excuses to seal himself off. Who doesn’t know that he and the ruffian Eminem have a feud? No matter how suitable the excuse is, it will be regarded as a public revenge.

What the hell, I'm just avenging my personal revenge, I'm just taking revenge, what's wrong? Bite me!

"seal up!"

The technical guy nodded and with just a few clicks, Eminem's account became inaccessible.

After blocking Amy's account, Eric felt refreshed, as if he had taken revenge.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that it was hasty. I should have waited until his account was completed before blocking it.

Now that he has less than 10 followers, it doesn't hurt to ban him, so it doesn't mean much.

It won't take long for a singer like Eminem to have millions of fans, and that's when it would be interesting to ban him.

Forget it, it’s all sealed, there’s no point in thinking about it so much.

Shaking his head, Eric stopped thinking about it and called McQueen.

It took a while for the call to be connected, and Eric heard the noisy screams from the other side through the phone line.

"Sorry Eric, I'm at the launch event and the event isn't over yet."

"I heard it. It seems that you are very hot over there."

"Yes, there are many fans here today, more than I expected, and there are many elderly fans. I am very touched to see them."

"Haha. Maikou, this is where your charm lies."

"I think the early song selection played a role, and the quality of "Rolling in the Deep" is really great. Everyone is praising it. Eric, you have done a lot of credit."

"Really? Did the music critics and audiences praise me?"

Maikou smiled and said, "You can look at this yourself and you will find interesting things."

"No, is it really true?"

"You will know if you buy some music magazines and read them."

"Well, since you brought it up, it seems I have to take a look. By the way, how many CDs did DreamWorks burn in the first batch?"

"50 copies have all been released to the North American market. If the sales are as hot as today, I guess this number is still too conservative."

"Don't worry, David Geffen is not a fool. No one will have trouble with money. He will know what to do when it is profitable."

"Thank you Eric, all thanks to you."

Maikou's sincere voice of thanks came over the phone.

"Haha. It's too early to say thank you now. I just looked at Eminem's Facebook updates. His song has reached No. 5 on the Billboard in a week."

“So we must work harder and do more publicity and promotion, and don’t forget to open a Facebook account.”

"Okay, hang up, everyone is calling my name."

In just one phone call, thousands of new users were added. This data is impressive to see.

At this time, the technical guy suddenly said: "Boss, Emiam's account has been detected again. Do you want to continue to block it?"

"Huh? Are you sure it's me?"


"Don't block it this time, let him manage it well, and then block me when the fan base grows."


Hearing this, everyone looked at Eric with wide eyes. The boss was trying to raise a pig.

In a state of concentrated concentration, time always flies by, and it’s already 10pm before I know it.

More and more stars have responded to the call of the Coopers and started to settle in. Gadot, Bar Refaeli, Jigsaw, Hugo Mortensen, Chris Evans, James Franco, Transformers, etc. have opened accounts one after another. The number of users is also increasing.

91 million!

92 million!

93 million!

99 million!

100 million!

(End of this chapter)

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