America: Starting with the acquisition of MGM

Chapter 115 113 The word "L" is in power

Chapter 115 113. The word “L” is in power

Time flies to Thursday, and everything is going on in an orderly manner.

The only thing that makes Eric a little unhappy is that there are still MJ fans who come to MGM's official website to leave messages and abuse.

Moreover, many classic movies produced by MGM have been maliciously criticized recently, such as "Gone with the Wind", "Ben-Hur", "Tom and Jerry", etc.

Some local TV stations received letters of boycott when they aired these films.

It's a pity that these unlearned guys don't understand the situation, because most of the boycotted movies no longer belong to MGM, but now belong to Warner, which is ridiculous.

Casting for the low-budget thriller "Breathless" has been completed, with the British trio auditioning for the roles of two of the three thieves.

In fact, these two roles have no special characteristics, and most young actors can be competent.

There is absolutely no need to follow the original movie's casting. If you feel it doesn't fit the character, just change the character.

This kind of character is not like Hannibal, a criminal with a high IQ, nor is he a powerful robot like T800. He is a character who does not give the audience any psychological hints and is not irreplaceable.

Finally, Tom Hardy, who has a bit of a gangster and a little ruffian vibe, successfully auditioned for the role of Alex, the dog-licker among the three thieves.

Michael Fassbender successfully auditioned for the somewhat reckless Minor, who was the first to fail.

The female thief Loki was taken over by Evangeline Lilly. Now she is not as famous as later generations. She still has more than ten years to go before she plays the role of the Marvel heroine The Wasp. She is currently just a small role in the industry.

I only started working on the small screen last year, and I only played a small role on the big screen. However, I did participate in a very famous movie "Freddy vs. Jason", playing the role of a little Karami who was killed by Jason with a knife.

Being able to win the leading role in "Breathless" was enough for her to be excited for a long time.

All three have signed four movie contracts with MGM.

Signing a contract is equivalent to being bound to MGM. For the three of them who are still playing small roles, having a movie to film is actually a good thing.

The most important role in "Breathless" and the real male protagonist, the blind veteran, was taken by Dolph Lundgren.

It is a bit inaccurate to say that he won the role. In fact, the crew sent the script and audition invitation to Lundgren, and the veteran tough guy finally accepted the role.

His salary is also the highest in the entire drama at 180 million U.S. dollars, while Fshark and Teacher Tang both earn 7 U.S. dollars, and Evangeline Lilly is even less, only 2 U.S. dollars.

Some people may think that it is too cheap for a veteran action star like Lundgren to accept such a low-budget horror film.

This is due to failure to understand the market situation clearly. The era of tough guy action movies like Lundgren is over. The 1980s and 1990s were the golden period.

Lundgren is currently 46 years old, and the films he accepts cannot even make it to the big screen. They are either TV movies or direct-to-DVD movies.

Of those tough guys back then, only a few people like Bruce Willis and Stallone can still be protagonists and star in blockbusters.

Sir, times have changed!

As for the director of the movie, there were quite a few candidates early on, and there were more than ten people who signed up, all of them new directors.

The producer also sent invitations to several well-known directors who are good at thrillers, but after seeing the amount of investment, they did not respond.

Even the production cost of 1000 million U.S. dollars is not enough. Even if you want to make this little money, you will not be able to get some oily dregs.

As for dividends, someone must believe that this movie will become the next "Blair Witch" and "Saw".

Compared to the time cost, it's not worth it.

The final director is Tim Miller, who just launched his first short film last year.

Although he has not grown up yet, in the future he will become the director and producer of excellent works such as "Deadpool" and "Deadpool".

MGM studio, the crew of "Adele's Life", today will shoot the scene where Emma and Adele first meet on the street.

The stunning glimpse of the two is known as one of the classic scenes in the lesbian world, enough to make them famous in film history.

This shot is very important, but not very long. It would be too wasteful to actually shoot it with the road closed, so I simply rented a set at Universal Studios.

Although MGM has a sound studio, it does not have a filming base the size of the studio.

Andrea clapped her hands and looked around, asking about the preparations of each group. After a few days of practice, she had adapted to Eric's rhythm.

For a half-day scene, Eric directly left it to her to direct. The other party answered the phone and explained a few words before leaving.

This was Andrea's first time meeting such a general director, and it was an eye-opener.

It was also her first time directing a feature-length film, which made her feel nervous and excited.

After carefully reviewing the script and shooting, Eric thankfully gave her a positive attitude and praised her for adding some details through her subjective initiative.

Andrea Arnold, who was already in her early forties, breathed a sigh of relief. She was obviously twice as old as Eric, but the gap in status and experience in the entertainment industry still made this woman with no background cautious.

After that successful shooting, she finally relaxed and became more comfortable working on the crew.

"James, what have you been doing recently? I haven't heard from you." Eric asked.

James McAvoy pointed to the east: "Director, I returned to the UK after finishing my role in "Transformers". At that time, Director Patty was in charge of filming. You were not here, so I didn't bother you."

"After I returned home, I rehearsed a play, but unfortunately, we performed it three times in a small theater, but no one watched it."

Zhan Yimei lowered her head in shame as she spoke.

"It doesn't matter. Drama is the best way to hone your acting skills. The result may not be good, but at least this step is the right one." Eric comforted him.

"Yes, I think so too. Director, are there any new movies at MGM recently? Are there any roles suitable for me?"

"Actually, I don't have to star in movies, TV series can also be used. "The Walking Dead" is very popular. I watched it without missing an episode."

McAvoy looked at Eric with some hope. He had heard from Tom Hardy that the other party and Fassbender had signed contracts with MGM. At least for the time being, they would not have to worry about filming and would be able to gain exposure.

It's a pity that I didn't succeed in the audition. After my guest appearance in "Adele's Life" is over, I can only go back to the UK.

Maybe after "Transformers" is released at the end of the year, a crew will ask him to film, but what about the six months in between? Do we really want to stay in school and makeshift theater groups all the time?

Zhan Yimei understood that she might only have two or three days, and whether she could have more opportunities all depended on the handsome young man in front of her.

Eric thought about it, but no suitable role for McAvoy came to mind.

The male lead in "Happy Death Day" was okay, but he had already been won by Benjamin McKenzie and the contract was signed.

"Sorry James, I can't think of a suitable role for you at the moment."

McAvoy was a little disappointed: "There are no directors. This is Hollywood. There are so many crews working every day. I can always find a suitable one. Even if I don't have one, I can still go back to the UK to act in plays."

Eric patted him on the shoulder: "If there is a suitable role, I will keep it for you."

"Thank you, Director."

Neill Blomkamp came over: "Director, you can start."

James McAvoy left consciously and returned to his little stool.

""The Life of Adele" Scene 9, action!"

The originally static square suddenly started to move, cars began to drive by one after another, and the extras really talked and walked like passers-by.

At this time, Adele was in the stage of just awakening her sexual orientation, but she was tricked by a female friend who played with her feelings.

She felt extremely empty inside, and her expression was in a trance as she walked on the road.

The cameraman followed Ashley as she walked out of the revolving door carrying a common shoulder bag and walked quickly into the distance.

In the close-up, the footsteps are shown first, and the rapid pace shows Adele's impatience and hurry at this time.

Then the camera moved up to her face, and she began to look left and right, looking impatient. "Kah! Ashley, your eyes are wrong and break the focus. What I need is confused and helpless eyes. Yours are too sharp."

Ashley made an OK gesture and the camera reshot.

On the monitor screen, Ashley's eyes became much more distracted this time, as if she had just woken up, feeling confused.

"Stuck! It's too much. You are just confused. You didn't wake up in the middle of sleep. You look too stupid in your current state. In addition, you frown slightly. I need your eyebrow area to show a trace of sadness."

After reshooting again, Ashley's expression changed again, but the force was too strong and she looked too sad.

"Stuck! This one is okay, but try to tone down your expression a little bit, and how do you do the makeup! The hair is too smooth, please make it a little more messy."

"Mary, your hair needs some work too. I need it to be neater."

"Scattered and neat, this is the contrast between your living conditions, do you understand?"

Four people from the makeup team hurried over and tinkered with their hairstyles. After a few minutes, this detail was perfected.

Art films are so laborious, and they are completely different from commercial films. If it were "Transformers", Eric wouldn't care about such small problems.

In the end, amid constant jamming and repetition, Ashley shot a walking scene 19 times before Eric finally let her pass.

"Okay, take a five-minute break."

In an instant, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Ashley rubbed her face: "This guy seems to be very serious today. My facial muscles are almost cramping."

"Is your acting too bad? We just asked a professional teacher for tutoring on these things not long ago." Mary complained with a smile.

Ashley glared at her sister: "Really? Then I want to see how you behave next."

At this time, Judy came out of nowhere: "Ashley, are your facial muscles a little sore? Let me help you relax. I have learned professional nursing massage."

Ashley hurriedly took a step back: "No, I can do it myself."

She had learned about Judy's hobbies from the staff, and finally understood why he always looked at her strangely.

"It's okay, let me help you."

Judy said, already pressing the other person's cheek, rubbing it gently with both hands.

"I'm right, I'm a professional. I used to work in a gym. This is my main business."

Ashley squinted her eyes, it was really comfortable, and it seemed good to let the other person help her relax.


The five minutes were quickly over and filming resumed.

""The Life of Adele" Scene 10, action!"

As Ashley walked to the edge of the road, a girl with blue hair on the opposite side attracted her attention, because the other girl hugged the other girl without any scruples. The position of her hands and their demeanor were obviously lovers.

The camera zoomed in. Mary lowered her head and muttered a few words to the extras, then raised her head and showed a bright smile.

"Yes, this is the smile I want. Here's another one, this time the smile will be more enthusiastic."

The second time, Mary smiled more freely and relaxedly. Her short blue hair and blue jacket made her smile full of sunshine and confidence.

The camera showed Ashley, and she showed a slightly surprised look, as if she was thinking about why the other party dared to be so bold and show off her sexual orientation in public.

"Good performance, passed this one, next shot!"

It was completed in two attempts, and Mary couldn't help but feel proud.

"It's nothing. Ashley actually filmed it 19 times. It's so tiring to watch."

What follows is a classic look back at the two people passing each other, with multiple cameras directly surrounding the two.

The prop team controlled the green light and the two walked towards each other. However, they only took a few steps and were stopped by Eric before they could even look back.

"Mary, your expressions and movements are the key point in this scene. Don't just walk away. Give me a move to lift your hair."

The second time, Mary followed the instructions and moved her hair behind her ears as she walked, revealing her smooth and pointed chin.

"Stuck! No, no, there's something wrong with your face."

Once again, I was told to stop before even looking back.

Mary looked at Eric with some confusion: "Director, what's the problem?"

Eric stared at the monitor screen for a while and then said: "Change the earrings. You play the active role in love. This earring is too gentle. Change her to a sharper one."

The props team hurried forward and replaced the earrings with a new one under the joint selection of Eric, Andrea and others.

Is such a shot important? In fact, there is no need to be so harsh in a literary film.

For example, in eating scenes and school scenes, Eric's requirements were not as high as they are today.

The main reason is that this picture is so representative that even if he doesn't criticize it, he can't pass the test in his mind. The details are appropriate.

Of course, he won't be so crazy as Wes Anderson. "The Grand Budapest Hotel" is really torture.

Mary put on new earrings and filming resumed.

This time I finally captured the moment of looking back, and then continued to be called out without any surprise.

"Mary, your eyes lack temptation. You have discovered that Adele is the same type of person as you."

"Mary, put your hands in your pockets and be cool."

"Mary, take your hands out of your pockets and be cool."

"Mary, look back a little longer, you are moving too fast!"

"Mary, what about your expression? Give me an arc at the corner of your mouth, but not too big. I want a smile."

"Mary, do you want to eat me with your eyes? Be weaker."




When this shot was shot for the 25th time, Andrea reminded: "Director, take a break and let everyone find their state again."

Eric looked at the monitor screen, and Mary's cheeks began to twitch unconsciously. He understood that the other party had almost reached her limit.

"Ten minutes of rest!"

 Thank you to classmate Lao Ma for the 500-coin reward, Luciferhx for the 100-coin reward, and the handsome guy for the 300-coin reward. The boss is generous and thank you all readers!

  Tomorrow comes another storyline that everyone loves to see.



(End of this chapter)

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