Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 127 Tens of Thousands of New Trainers

Chapter 127 Tens of Thousands of New Trainers

Duck, who rarely had a good night's rest, arrived at the City of Seven Waters early the next morning.

Almost eleven thousand Pokémon babies have hatched.

Although the City of Seven Waters is still the City of Seven Waters, the painting style of the entire city is obviously different from before.

"Darkrai, let's go and see what interesting things are happening in this city."


Darkrai emerged from Dak's shadow, then carried Dak and flew over the City of Seven Waters.

The City of Seven Waters is very lively at the moment.

Next to the river, a young man was already soaked to the skin, and in his arms was a Bobo that was choking on the water.

As soon as the little bird hatched from the egg, it flapped its wings and tried to fly. As a result, it jumped twice and fell into the lake.

The young man who was a trainer was originally very happy looking at the lively little bird. Suddenly, he almost lost his soul. Without saying anything, he jumped into the lake to rescue him on the spot.

Fortunately, the rivers of the City of Seven Waters are full of blues. These bullfish are a group of kind-hearted guys. They are almost the same as Pokémon, but they do not have the same racial abilities as Pokémon.

Blues are busy today, busier than any other day.

The business is not to carry passengers, but to rescue these little guys who have fallen into the river.

Bobo was picked up by a blue.

Darkrai in the sky took Dak and flew forward a short distance, and Dak saw another interesting picture.

In front of a shop selling raw meat, an aunt was squatting in distress. She held her chin and frowned at the little guy who was crying loudly in front of her, completely confused.

She had tried many ways to coax the child, but none of them worked. This made the aunt very sad and she didn't know what to do for a while.

"Hey, a very rare Pokémon was hatched."

Duck in the sky squinted his eyes and looked a little surprised.


This is a very topical Pokémon, both in terms of its origin and appearance.

He is also a kind of child who is fragile at heart and loves to cry, but is stubborn and likes to show off his strength.

As for the reason why this little caracara is crying now, it is somewhat similar to the little lucky egg.

Dark felt that if he didn't say anything, the aunt might not notice Caracalla's problem for a long time, so he let Darkrai take him down.

"Ah? Lord Alliance Leader."

The aunt looked a little surprised when she saw Duck suddenly flying down from the sky.

Lord Alliance Leader.

This seems to have become the way many people in the pirate world call Dak, and I don’t know when it spread.

"Master Alliance Leader, please help me find out what's wrong with this child. He keeps crying."

The aunt picked up Caracara, then walked to Dak's side to let him take a closer look, "And the skull on his head, he refused to take it off no matter what. He cried as soon as I touched him. He cried so much. Loud."

"Caracalla is a special race. This skull, you can think of it as part of his body. It is absolutely impossible to take it off. In addition, he needs a bone."

Dak looked at the crying little guy and couldn't help but rub Caracalla's belly.


Rumor has it that Caracalla is the Charmander whose mother died and then had her tail extinguished.

Duck took it for fun and didn't take it seriously.

"Bones? There are a lot of bones in the store."

The aunt was stunned for a moment, then carried Caracara back to her raw meat shop.

After a while, Caracalla's cry became louder.


Duck stretched his head to take a look, and a question mark appeared on his head.

Little Caracara was now standing on the ground, with a large bone twice his size stuffed in his arms.

None of them stood firm.


Little Caracara was pinned to the ground by a big bone.

"Ara ala. Why is this child so stupid?"

The aunt squatted down with a headache, helped little Caracara up, and then looked back at Dak innocently, "Mr. Leader, he doesn't seem to eat."


Dark realized.

It should not only be the new trainers who will have headaches, but also the Pokémon babies who encounter reckless trainers.

When the two meet, one of them will go crazy.

Duck re-explained that Caracalla needed a small bone to use as a weapon, not to eat.

Only then did the aunt understand. She picked a small bone and handed it to Caracalla. The little guy held it in his hand and waved it, and then slowly stopped crying.

But it seems that because of the experience just now, the little guy is still a little aggrieved, and his eyes are full of tears.     “What a crybaby.”

The aunt took out a piece of paper, wiped little Caracara's face, then held her in her arms and coaxed her.

"When Caracalla becomes less crybaby, it means that he has become stronger and is about to evolve."

Dark reminded him, turned around and left the store, letting Darkrai take him to the sky again.

"Evolution? Hmm. I don't understand. It doesn't matter. Little Kara can always be a crybaby."

The aunt tilted her head, then showed an indifferent look.

She just hopes to have a companion in her life, and has no intention of letting Caracalla fight.

Flying from the outer city to the inner city, Duck could see the obvious gap between the inner and outer cities.

The inner city has a smaller population, and most of them are wealthy families, so the style of painting here is obviously different from that outside.

The biggest difference is that the inner city is not as chaotic as the outer city.

The outer city is now in chaos like a vegetable market, while the inner city is just a little noisy.

The key reason lies in the small number of Pokémon in the inner city and the preparations made by these people for the hatching of Pokémon.

For example, in the small courtyard of a mansion.

There was a gentle-looking woman holding a small natural bird in her arms.

The woman held a milk bottle produced by the breeding house in her hand, and fed the moo milk in it little by little to the little green bird.

Because the little guy's mouth is a beak, milk will inevitably flow out and land on the woman's clothes.

However, the woman patiently wiped the little natural bird's mouth with her sleeve and didn't care at all about the milk flowing out.

In another house not far away, the scene was similar.

The owner of this family is a middle-aged boatbuilder in his forties, who is considered a relatively famous boatbuilder in the City of Seven Waters. Many people come to him to order boats.

He hatched out of the egg a cow over one meter tall.

Afro buffalo.

The shipwright never thought that such a big thing could hatch from such a small Pokémon egg.

As soon as the afro buffalo hatched, they ran wild in the yard. Fortunately, the yards of these luxury houses in the inner city were big enough for the afro buffalo to run around as they pleased.

The ground was trampled with the sound of 'bang bang bang' as the afro buffalo ran.

Not only did the boatman not feel noisy, but he opened his teeth and claws happily because the afro buffalo was so energetic, and even ran with the afro buffalo.

When they were tired from running, the two of them lay down together and leaned on each other. They seemed to have the same chemistry, and they developed a good rapport with each other on the first day.

Of course, not every Pokémon is so noisy after birth.

There are still many Pokémon who are born well-behaved, and most of them are female Pokémon.

There are very few people who are very calm and act like a 'mature adult' right after they are born. Although most of them are just pretending, it is not easy.

Dark followed Darkrai and wandered outside all morning, but didn't see anything bad happening.

I also haven't seen or received any news from my subordinates about trainers mistreating Pokémon or being dissatisfied with Pokémon.

It is absolutely impossible to say that a trainer does not dislike a Pokémon at all.

A Pokémon like Smelly will definitely be disliked by a lot of people, just like the gas bombs in the Navy. Although everyone doesn't hate it, they are reluctant to get close because the other party releases gas randomly.

But why does Smoker not dislike gas bombs at all?

Because this is a Pokémon he hatched with his own hands, Gas Bomb is like half of his child.

During that month, he worked cautiously and guarded her 24 hours a day. How could he easily hate the baby he worked so hard to hatch?

What's more, these babies don't know anything. They don't understand what they did wrong. They are just releasing their own nature.

Teaching them how to control their own gas, control their own stink, and control their own power is what a trainer should do.

Now, Gas Bomb has made his own friends in Marinefando. He gets along well with an Arbor Snake and Meow Meow, and they often play and move together.

And the reason why there are no trainers in the City of Seven Waters who dislike their Pokémon is because of this. This is a Pokémon that they have worked hard to hatch, and no matter how ugly it is, it will become much more pleasing to the eye.

However, this may not be the case in the eyes of others.

Good-looking is good-looking, ugly is ugly. I don’t put any extra thought into it, so my eyes don’t naturally have filters.

But this situation is inevitable, even among humans, let alone Pokémon. Maybe it will be better for Pokémon, after all, most Pokémon are very cute.

Some Pokémon that don't look so pretty will also be made cute by some special trainers.

Overall, the City of Seven Waters has an extra 11,000 new trainers.

There may be many flaws and shortcomings among these trainers, but as far as the situation is concerned, they are at least qualified.

In this way, Dak felt relieved and told the inspection team and the 1500 reserve members to pay more attention to recent events in the city and stop any bad incidents on the spot.

Afterwards, he returned to the cultivation house.

Next, it’s time to prepare to take the preliminary members and their families to live in Pokémon Island. There are still many things to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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