I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 172 Minokami Village

Chapter 172 Minokami Village (Thank you to the leader who loves quills the most for the reward)
Kotoko took Aso Kunihiko to the car and drove towards Minakami Village.

The journey is far away, and Jishen Village is located in a remote mountain.

And it is divided into two areas: outer village and inner village.
In the past, people from the two areas had exchanges with each other. Most of the outer villages were the children of the inner village. The inner village and the outer village had always been controlled by the Kurosawa family. There were also some small families among them, such as the four major families. But they are all limited to the Kurosawa family.

The main reason why the Kurosawa family has such terrifying influence is that the "Twin" ritual they sacrificed has suppressed the existence of "hollows" many times.

Of course, what they call "virtual" is actually the gate to hell.

The so-called Twin Ritual is to use the power of resentment to suppress the Gate of Hell.

According to what Yoshizakigawa said before, and Kotoko's speculation, Kurosawa Saege and Kurosawa Yae should be the last victims of the "Twin Ceremony" of the Kurosawa family.

But this time, because of the bond between his sisters, the entire ritual failed. The gate to hell was out of control, and the curse overflowed, turning the inner village into a real hell.

Later, for unknown reasons, a sudden earthquake caused Uchimura to disappear in the mountains. The curse that originally escaped was blocked by earth and rocks and could only seep out slowly from some gaps.

It is precisely because of this reason that there has been no accident in the outer village.

Higa Kotoko was thinking about these things while driving.

Because evil spirits also have their own inherent arrogance, it is impossible for an unclean woman to conceive and give birth to itself. Otherwise, the woman may give birth to someone else’s blood, and then it will become someone else’s child. In terms of cause and effect, this falls into the trap of Entered the lower class.

Minagami Village, which was once a large village, has now been taken over by countless police. A cordon has been set up at the entrance of the village, and police with guns patrol, giving the appearance of a military-style jurisdiction.

Anyway, Yoshizakigawa rarely misses his precognitive dreams, so he still has to be wary of that evil ghost.

At this time, even Qinzi couldn't help but admire the leader's courage.

The collision between the two prevented the evil ghost from coming. Every time he tried to come, he was blocked by the leader.

Being able to mobilize so many police officers, he is not an idiot, so he naturally knows that this person is not a simple person.

However, there is actually a very critical issue here——

That evil ghost was also taken away by the video tape? still--

Aso Kunihiko was wearing glasses, his hands were helpless, and he stood aside with some restraint.

Evil ghosts have the instinct to seek evil, and people have endless desires.

At this moment, Qinzi also belatedly remembered that she had had a very coincidental encounter with the evil ghost before.

After a while, a traffic policeman wearing reflective clothing and holding a baton came forward, saluted, then took over the car and drove in the designated direction.

But now it seems that maybe that flaw was left deliberately by the leader. The root cause may be that he can no longer stop the evil ghost from coming, so he wants to use his own power to beat it back to hell.

From the statues found in the leader's room, Higa Kotoko did not feel the aura of the evil spirit.

At this moment, the yellow blue sky ahead came into view, and Higa Kotoko braked and stopped.

——When the leader tried to summon the evil ghost, he happened to be discovered by himself, and then he beat the evil ghost back to hell.

Although he died on the video tape, it was worth it to live a happy life for hundreds of years.

The leader was beaten so badly that he ran away in embarrassment.

However, the previous leader was probably a villager at the foot of the mountain. For some reason, he was affected by the overflowing curse and entered the inner village. He took away an evil ghost that escaped from the Gate of Hell and established the so-called "sect." .

Qinzi led Aso Kunihiko from the checkpoints to the innermost level. At this moment, there were temporary flat-panel houses built outside the village. There were octagonal bells hanging in the corners of each flat-panel house, and a spell was carved in front of the door.

"An official exorcism organization. I didn't expect such an organization to exist in this world."

Facing all the information revealed above, Aso Kunihiko was a little shocked. To be honest, during his previous research, he always thought that he was a pioneer. He was the only one in the world who discovered the existence of "ghosts" using scientific means. . But now that he saw this scene, he realized that everything he had done before was just that he had not stepped into that mysterious world.

In fact, the government has already had such an organization.

As Qinzi moved forward, from time to time there would be exploratory teams returning from the front, including some who were injured.

One of the wizards saw Kotoko arriving and immediately walked forward: "Miss Kotoko, the curse ahead is getting stronger and stronger. We are heading in the right direction, but the undead souls that were taken away from Minagami Village are still lingering on this land. , many exorcists are currently injured, and the progress of exploration is getting slower and slower..."

At this moment, he noticed Aso Kunihiko next to him and couldn't help but ask;

"Who is this?"

"A folklorist, he knows where the specific location is. Let all the exploring exorcists come back. I can just go with him."

"But, if he is an ordinary person, unless you keep blessing him at any time, he is likely to be killed by the aura leaking from the door. But you have been seriously injured recently. If this is the case..."

The exorcist seemed to want to stop him, but was stopped by Higa Kotoko with a look.

"Now you set up a barrier at the door and seal the whole place until I come back."


Helpless, he could only retreat.

At this moment, Kotoko took out a white talisman paper from her sleeve, handed it to Aso Kunihiko, and ordered in a tone that could not be refused: "Take it, if you put it down, your life will be dead. Take me in now!"

Aso Kunihiko was so frightened that he quickly grabbed the talisman tightly and walked forward slowly with a bitter look on his face. Under Kotoko's urging, he quickened his pace a little.

Qinzi clasped her hands together, forming a seal, and slowly began to recite the incantation.

As the faint white light flashed away in the refraction of Aso Kunihiko's spectacles, the original cold feeling around him began to dissipate.

At this moment, if someone sees Qinzi's wrist, they can see that the two criss-crossing wounds on her wrist are red and shiny, forming a door in parallel.


Yoshizakigawa first accompanied Mako back to the dormitory, took out the camera, and then took a taxi to the police station.

Because Qinzi had greeted the police station before,
The police were very cooperative and quickly used various excuses to push Yamamura Mako over, forcing the latter to obediently hand over his camera.

A moment later, a relaxed Yoshizakigawa walked out of the police station with a dejected Mako.

When Yoshizakigawa walked out of the police station, he didn't see the smiling policeman behind him suddenly darken his face.

The policeman played with the camera,

After a moment, he deftly disassembled the camera, and then took out a very thin white stone piece that was polished from the back of the camera. He played with the stone piece with a very amused expression on his face.

"I didn't expect that in this era, things like stone still exist and are made into such things. It's really interesting."

There was a charm attached to the man's neck.

In fact, although Kotoko's derivation process was wrong, the result was correct.

There are indeed many forces paying attention to the affairs of this sect and Minokami Village.

And Yoshizakigawa and the three protected beings naturally came into their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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