I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 142 Sushi

Chapter 142 Sushi

Kayako was confused for a moment, and classmate Tomie snatched the bowl away with slightly panicked eyes.

"No, it can't be done."

She couldn't imagine what would happen if this kind of medicine was drunk by Tomie. You know, it's a chun medicine!

That nightmare-like future seemed to have opened up a corner of the picture in front of her, and was about to come to life.

This is something that Kayako would never want to see even if he died!

"Oh, Gaoyoko-san, what do you mean by this? Can't you serve it to me first?"

In Tomie Kawakami's eyes, Kayako was protecting Yoshizaki River, but it was precisely this that made her very unhappy.

Perhaps it was Kayako's looming intimacy with Yoshizaki River that made her feel awkward.

Before, when she saw Yoshizakigawa holding Kayako's hand, she didn't think much about it.

A poor orphan, under that guy's kindness, it was normal for him to be as close as father and daughter.

But now Tomie is vaguely aware that something is wrong. He always feels that the relationship between Kayako and Yoshizakigawa is not so normal, but he doesn't know what is wrong.

After all, strictly speaking, it was natural for Kayako to be angry when she served rice to Yoshizakigawa and took it away from her.

She secretly shook off the powder in her hand. She heard that if you take this medicine when you have a cold, you will die suddenly.


After all, in Kayako's eyes, Yoshizakigawa is her "father".

"Miss Tomie, can I serve you a meal myself?"

Yoshizakigawa waved his hand: "I'll be fine if I take a nap. After all, your teacher and I have a very strong body!"

Then he made another bowl of rice for Kayako, and after comforting the two of them, he looked at the bowl of rice in front of him and said: "To be honest, I have a slight cold today, so I can't eat such greasy food. I’ll just eat some rice balls.”

Kayako was stunned for a moment, with concern in his eyes: "Teacher, do you want me to accompany you to the hospital?"

Even if you chop yourself into pieces, you can't make up for the sin.

Yoshizakigawa threw the bowl of rice aside, then served a bowl of rice to Tomie with his own hands, and then let Tomie sit down;

No matter how sanctimonious this guy is, he still can't help himself in front of him - the strange feeling he had before must be his delusion!

At that moment, the guy actually reacted to himself;

"no need."

Hearing that Yoshizakigawa had a cold, Tomie couldn't help but dodge her eyes. She thought of what happened in the bathroom before;

At the same time, Yoshizakikawa observed Kayako's movements and expressions from time to time.

If it weren't for himself, Yoshizakigawa wouldn't be like this.

The most important thing is——

But why is something so wrong?

At this moment, Yoshizakigawa saw a hint of a problem from Kayako's panicked expression;

Damn it, there shouldn't be anything wrong with this meal, right?

If something happens to the teacher due to one's own fault——

He thought of what Qinzi said before, and his heart skipped a beat. He immediately stood up and grabbed the bowl held high by Fu Jiang: "Stop arguing."

Hearing this, the worry in Gaoyao's eyes flashed away.

The fear before had subsided now, and I felt a little proud in my heart.

After realizing that there was something wrong with this bowl of rice, he did not dare to bet whether it contained aphrodisiacs or other drugs.

Even if the aphrodisiac was taken by Fu Jiang, the shadow of that aspect in her mind would definitely make her worse than death, and she might open an unlimited copy immediately.

And if it's poison, the problem is even bigger.

But at that time, through observation, he felt that Tomie had begun to suspect something.

Therefore, Yoshizakigawa's brain turned quickly at that moment, and he immediately came up with an excuse to use a cold to stimulate Tomie's sympathy. He also served them rice with his own hands, so that their mutual suspicion and hostility disappeared.

And he made it reasonable for himself not to eat this bowl of rice, and narrowly escaped this disaster.

At some point, Yoshizakigawa couldn't help but praise his own wit.

A meal that is exhausting to eat;

In the middle of the journey, Yoshizakigawa felt a little urgent to urinate. I heard that when the psychological pressure is too great, people will instinctively have various reactions.

He felt that Kayako would no longer drug him. After all, Yoshizaki Chuan had also seen Kayako shaking his fingertips under the table before, so he said with confidence: "I'm going to the toilet."

"You don't want to skip the bill, do you?"

However, Tomie, who quickly ate the sushi in his mouth, asked without mercy.

"I can't even stop your mouth with rice!"

Yoshizakigawa grabbed the other side of sushi and stuffed it into the latter's plate: "Eat quickly. Is it okay if I go to check out?"

This guy Fu Jiang will harm himself even if he seizes the slightest chance. Sooner or later, he will give her a little show!

Haha, there is an English test the day after tomorrow, so be careful!

Yoshizaki sneered in his heart and walked quickly to the toilet.

After Yoshizakigawa left, Tomie was extremely dissatisfied and ate the sushi with disgust. At the same time, she looked at Kayako.

At this moment, Kayako sat upright, holding a rice ball bigger than his fist, and took a bite lightly;

Seeing Kayako's cautious look, Fujiang's eyes moved slightly, and she lightly bumped Kayako next to her with her shoulder;

Under Kayako's puzzled gaze, she whispered: "Gayyoko, should we give that guy a try?"

"Ah? How can you have such an idea? We must not punish the teacher."

"It's not about treating him, but actually I'm trying to help him. Doesn't he have a cold? I happen to have a very bitter cold medicine here. Let's crush it and put it into the sushi, and then he will definitely cry bitterly!"

Tomie's face was full of evil smile, and when he thought of Yoshizakigawa's appearance that was about to wrinkle into a ball, Tomie was very much looking forward to it.

Hearing this suggestion, Kayako grimaced: "Then Tomie, why don't you give it to the teacher directly? Such a prank is not good..."

Hearing this, Fujiang snorted softly: "Gayako, I am the president of the Tongling Society, you must listen to me!"

"Besides, there's no harm in it!"

Yielding to Fu Jiang's power, Kayako could only be forced to agree.

At this moment, Kawakami Tomie took out a capsule from his pocket and carefully poured the powder onto the paper;

Then she gently sucked it in with a straw. The next moment, the medicine was sucked into her mouth. She sneezed, briefly, and fell behind her before she could sit still.

With his quick hands and quick eyes, Kayako immediately held Fu Jiang in his arms;

But she didn't notice that the medicine bag containing "chun medicine" slipped from her pocket and fell to the ground;

Fujiang glanced at Kayako gratefully, feeling the bitter taste in her mouth. She stuck out her tongue, then drank a large glass of water, then picked up the piece of paper on the ground, and then opened another pill.

In order not to make the same mistake as before, she was careful this time and only sucked a small part of it, and then spit it on the sushi in Yoshizaki River.

There was an extra layer of white powder on the sushi. As if it wasn't strong enough, Tomie added a lot of wasabi to the sushi.

Then, she put the thing on the plate, hid her bad thoughts, and sat back down.

Kayako looked up with some worry. She felt that the teacher might be angry and cried, so she decided to remind the teacher later.

Yoshizakigawa finished using the toilet, paid the bill, then walked over and sat down on the edge.

He didn't notice that the sushi on top had been touched.

He was just about to pick it up, but at this moment, he noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with the way Kayako was looking at him.

Then he saw the hidden evil smile of Tomie on the side. Yoshizakigawa was stunned at first. He originally thought it was Kayako poisoning again, but now it seems that it is not the case.

I felt a little relieved, Tomie's prank?

It's nothing more than adding some wasabi soy sauce or something like that.

Under Tomie's expectant gaze, Yoshizaki decided to satisfy their momentary pleasure and took a gentle bite of half a mouthful of sushi;

The next moment, a bitter taste hit;

"Bah, bah, bah -"

He pretended not to know and kept saying, "Why is it so painful?"

(End of this chapter)

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