I'm a teacher in Tokyo!

Chapter 105 The moonlight is so beautiful

Chapter 105 The moonlight is so beautiful

Silence, always silence.

Silence is the Cambridge tonight;

Yoshizakigawa and Qinzi looked at each other, and the latter immediately endured the severe pain in his body and stood up from the ground;

Although she had been knocked out by the curse before, had several broken ribs, and her right hand was dislocated, but after just setting the bones secretly, she could barely move;

But the moment she stood up, an invisible force surged towards her;

Qinzi raised the mirror, but then she realized that because she had been holding the mirror in her arms, the blood that had been scratched by the glass on her chest had contaminated the bronze mirror;

She decisively threw the mirror down, tore off her miko uniform, held it in her hands and recited a spell;

But because she was too hasty, not prepared, and had been seriously injured three times, she stopped abruptly in the middle of reciting the spell. As she spat out a mouthful of blood, several caterpillars appeared in front of her;

Seeing something was wrong, Yoshizakigawa stood up suddenly, stepped on the broken glass and rushed over, pushing Kotoko away;

The invisible attack that fell on him was blocked by the garland of coconut palm;

But even so, he was still thrown aside by the huge force and hit the stairs. Just as he was about to spit out a mouthful of old blood, he saw a flash of light,

Two firefly-like lights flickered faintly, until the latter stood out in outline in the darkness;

It looked weak, its eyelids were drooped, and it was crumbling;

"Fuck, Xiao Hei??!"

In the latter's doubtful eyes, he grabbed the latter's hind legs, and then threw him towards the utility room;

"This is not the place you should come."

After throwing Xiao Hei over, he rushed towards Qinzi. Now Qinzi was the most important, and only she knew how to drive out this demon!

Kotoko, who had been saved by Yoshizaki River before, almost did not hesitate and immediately started to draw the talisman;

She drew the talisman very quickly, and a blood talisman took only a moment to form. Then she held it in front of her chest and recited the incantation;

The speed of his speech was like that of a rap player who had eaten popping candy, and the sparse voice kept ringing out. The Soul Demon seemed to be suppressed, unable to make a sound, and stagnated in place, and the countless dirty blood on the ground also dispersed in all directions;

She glanced at Yoshizakigawa who was struggling to get up. The latter immediately understood what she meant and pointed at the girl. Seeing Qinzi nodded, Yoshizakigawa felt cruel in his heart;

In the sticky blood, he walked forward step by step with difficulty. Every step he took, there seemed to be countless small hands holding his feet under his feet;

Yoshizakigawa walked up to the girl. The corner of the girl's mouth was torn off. She was sitting in the blood and looked at Yoshizakigawa pitifully.

Tears flowed from his eyes: "Uncle——"

The next moment, Yoshizakigawa grabbed the latter's tie, turned around, and pulled him from the spot in front of Kotoko while the latter was struggling;

Qinzi suddenly pressed the curse written in blood on the latter's forehead, and recited the curse faster;

The girl's face immediately became ferocious, veins popped out, and blood began to ooze from the corners of her eyes, ears, and nostrils.

But at this moment——


The door was flung open behind him;

"Fengzi! You bastard, let me go!!"

A tall, thick man walked out of the door arrogantly. His eyes were bloodshot. He abandoned his daughter a long time ago.

But after the divorce, he regretted it. During this period, he had been looking for traces of his daughter;

Previously, he received guidance from a "god" in a cult that believed in "gods". It was said to be near Saitama Prefecture. Tonight, for some unknown reason, he seemed to have a voice in his heart calling him over, so he Came over in a daze;

As soon as he came in, he saw the girl covered in blood and with a hideous face. For some reason, he immediately knew that she was his daughter.

At this moment, she was being abused by this damn guy, and her anger level suddenly reached its highest level;

At the same time, the Pole Demon in the darkness showed a strange smile;

He was just getting ready to move forward;

next moment--


For real, Yoshizakigawa punched the latter in the head;

"Idiot, do you really not know how to read a scene? Even if your daughter becomes such a fool, why don't you ask me one, two, three?"

Yoshizakigawa's attack was extremely ruthless. With one punch, the latter was already in a daze. However, due to his large size, he shook his head like a madman, not caring about his physical injuries in an attempt to destroy the ceremony;

But how could Yoshizakigawa tolerate such idiots to destroy the ceremony?

Yes, your daughter's life matters.

The hundreds of exorcists who died, the countless families and children who died after releasing the demons, their lives are not counted;


"Asshole, your daughter has died a long time ago. This is just a spare body of the Pomo Demon!"

Although he was seriously injured before, because Yoshizakigawa struck fiercely and took the lead, he was able to suppress the latter for a while;

But at this moment, the man's body suddenly fell backwards. Just before he fell to the ground, he grabbed Yoshizakigawa's leg and pulled hard. In order to stabilize his body and avoid falling on the pile of broken glass, Yoshizakigawa exerted force tear apart the latter;

But this happened to play the latter's way, and the latter took advantage of this opportunity without any hesitation, grabbed a piece of glass shard with his right hand, and smashed it towards Qinzi;

next moment;

The sound of chanting the mantra stopped abruptly, and the radiant charm quickly burned like a raging fire;

Qinzi sighed, stood up unsteadily, and then sprayed a mouthful of blood on the girl;

The next moment, his whole body seemed to be held down by something, and he slammed against the window;

At this moment, Yoshizakigawa pulled her back dangerously;

At the same time, the dark sky and cold snow drifted into the house from the window;



Villa; The girls were packing their things, but at this moment, sleet started to fall from the sky;

"Isn't it weird?"

"It's raining and snowing, but there's still a moon."

Tomie was very surprised by this scene, because snow is like rain and requires enough water vapor above to condense into ice crystals and fall;

The conditions for sleet and snow require dark clouds and low enough temperatures so that the rain will condense into ice crystals and fall down;

But how can dark clouds and the moon coexist?

She could only think of it as a miracle of nature, but the scene was indeed beautiful;

It's a pity that guy is not here——

Kayako stretched out his hand, felt the coldness, and thought of the teacher;

Originally, today’s beauty should be shared with the teacher;

She regrets a little, maybe she can stay a little longer——

No, how could I ruin the teacher's future?

Mako was afraid that the equipment would be damaged, so he asked Kayako and Tomie to carry all the equipment back together;

When I got back, it was already very late;

And now the cold wave is coming, the whole house is freezing, after the housekeeper adds charcoal and firewood to the fireplace in each room;

They then went back to their rooms, and the little game they originally planned to play together came to nothing with the onset of the cold wave;

Standing in front of the glass, looking at the pond in front of you, the moon hanging high in the sky, the light rain mixed with snowflakes, and the thin mist spread by the heat of the hot spring below, like a layer of ripples floating on the lake surface;

As we all know, the colder the weather, the greater the fog on the lake.

Because the lake can store heat underwater, and there are underground hot springs in this place, the temperature of the lake water is higher and the fog is larger.

As the mist rises to the top, the moon becomes hazy;

The firewood inside the house was burning brightly, making it warm and comfortable. The rain and snow outside slapped against the windows, making a soft sound;

Everything is fine, if the teacher is here——

She had never missed her teacher so much. In a strange place, she had everything she wanted.

Jia Ye opened his phone and hesitated for a long time;

Finally, she couldn't help it and dialed the number;


Relying on Kayako's bracelet, Kotoko was seriously injured again and again in the battle with the Soul Demon, probably because of the latter's strong physique, she was even able to assist herself!

During the brief confrontation,

At this time,

The ringtone of Yoshizakigawa's mobile phone suddenly rang. In this cold night, he was facing a confrontation with the ferocious Pole Demon.

The lovely and fresh ringtone rang, and for a moment, he was silent;

He hung up the phone immediately without hesitation;

But at this moment, a voice came from the other end of the hung up phone;

"Teacher, look out the window quickly -"

Kayako's voice sounded, but he didn't answer the phone;

Two thoughts appeared in Yoshikawa's mind. What's outside the window?

He didn't dare to turn his head because there was still the Pomo Demon in front of him;

Qinzi didn't dare to speak at the moment because everything was too weird, but she clearly watched Yoshizakigawa hang up the phone.

At this moment, Yoshizakigawa seemed to have thought of something, and looked out the window through the broken lenses;

It was dark outside and there was nothing;

"Gaya Coconut, outside..."

Before the words finished, the voice over there couldn't wait to say: "I want to share this beauty with the teacher. We - bathe under the same moon together!"

The next moment, Yoshizakigawa's pupils shrank slightly;

I saw in that broken mirror,

A full moon, I don’t know when, has quietly hung in the sky, and the long snowflakes are flying. It’s all so weird;

Kayako thought to himself;

"The wind will take away my love."

In ancient legends, the moon is actually a symbol of love;

Another meaning of the beautiful moonlight is - I love you.

(End of this chapter)

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